Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 921 Development

Chapter 921 Development (4k)

Within the Li family, it is true that because of Li Zhirui's breakthrough in refining the void, there was a wave of external expansion and territory expansion.

And instead of expanding to the east and south where there are no human forces, he wants to bring the forces near the mountains under his control.

Although they are just a force that transforms into gods, they are a force that was born and raised in the Yuanling Realm and has been passed down for many years. If you collect offerings from them, they will quickly make up for the Li family's shortcomings in all aspects!

You must know that despite decades of closure and full development, the Li family has only reproduced the spiritual objects of the Xuanyuan world and has not developed anything new at all.

Under such circumstances, Li Zhirui's breakthrough in refining the void made the Li family one of the most powerful forces in the southeastern mountains. It is no wonder that many tribesmen and elders want to take shortcuts.

Fortunately, Li Xiansong is a calm and calm clan leader. He is not swayed by the will of the clan members, but tries his best to cool down the family.

The Li family is new here, and if they really act so arrogantly, they will probably be attacked by a group of people! Being squeezed out and isolated by all the forces in Qianzhong Mountain.

And who knows if these families have trump cards that can fight against the Void Refining monks?

Besides, the current overall strength of the Li family is actually not comparable to the surrounding forces. They have at least twenty or thirty gods, but the Li family only has more than ten people, and even lower-level monks such as Yuanying and Jindan. Needless to say.

If they launch expansion, they have to take the initiative and attack their home court, which is very detrimental to the Li family.

Li Zhirui, a Void Refining cultivator alone, cannot turn the tide.

"But will Ruizu agree to hold the ceremony?" Some elders were worried that Li Zhirui would not agree. After all, he did not agree to the original God Transformation Ceremony.

"So, elders, please start making preparations now."

What is the greatest advantage of the Li family? It's them who come from the lower world!

Exclusive means monopoly!

After Li Xiansong discussed his ideas with a group of elders, he finally decided to take out the third-level Jinya Dan and the fourth-level Chiyuan Dan as his signature elixirs, plus some common spiritual objects, and then invited a few people around him. After all the powerful forces settled in, they could barely open a small market.

The time, place, and people are favorable, and the Li family has not taken advantage of any of them, so rashly launching a war will cause great harm to the Li family! Not only does it break the current good development trend, but it will also cause huge casualties!

Fortunately, Li Xiansong's prestige was strong enough, and coupled with the support of Jiang Fengwu, Daqing and others, they quickly suppressed the growing voice.

And it can just fill the vacancy in the southeastern mountains where there are no medium or large-scale markets.

"It's a good time to hold a Void Refining Ceremony for Ruizu and invite all the surrounding forces to come and discuss the market." Li Xiansong said.

Li Zhirui's breakthrough gave the Li family some strength to protect their own interests.

It's not that those forces don't want to open medium and large-scale markets. First, they don't have enough strength to protect them. Second, they can't produce too many spiritual objects.

If other forces are invited to co-build, and because of conflicts of interest, there will be no decisive force to suppress the conflicts between the various families, and in the end it will always end.

And monopoly often means huge profits!

After decades of integration, the various spiritual objects brought from Ten Thousand Immortals Island have completely adapted to the Yuanling world, and some spiritual objects have even shown surprises of promotion.

As long as a small amount of unique spiritual objects are taken out and the interests are controlled, Li Xiansong feels that the Li family can still protect these interests.

After thinking hard and brainstorming, Li Xiansong decided to build a market in a valley a hundred miles northwest of Wanxian Mountain to sell the family's various spiritual products.

"I'll convince Ruizu."

Many of the spiritual beings in the Xuanyuan Realm may not be found in the Yuanling Realm, at least not in the remote Qianzhong Mountains!

Li Xiansong not only planned for Fangshi, but also wanted to use the grand ceremony to integrate the Li family into the Qianzhong Mountains cultivation world, instead of looking very out of place like now.

As soon as the news of the Void Refining Ceremony spread, it attracted the attention of all the tribesmen, and they all wanted to participate very enthusiastically.

Li Xiansong also understood that blocking is worse than opening up, so he agreed to half-open the mountain and allow the tribesmen to go out to experience in the east and south to let them vent their emotions. At the same time, he also laid a solid foundation for the future development of the two places, and he was also thinking of ways. Find ways to make money for your family.

Therefore, the Li family can still hold a relatively sumptuous ceremony.

A few months later, Li Zhirui opened his eyes after summarizing his cultivation experience and breakthrough insights.

"I didn't expect that after breaking through the void refining, the space would change so much!" Li Zhirui's tone was full of emotion and surprise.

The area of ​​space has directly doubled. It is now more than 5,000 miles in radius, and the terrain is undulating, with rivers and lakes. Apart from the fact that there is no life, the area is much smaller, and there are no laws, it is no different from the real world!

But the real surprise is that the spiritual energy in the space has become as high-grade as the Yuanling Realm!

Moreover, the spiritual energy was extremely rich, even more intense than the Xiaoyuan Fairy City that Li Zhirui had visited before, which was the place with the richest spiritual energy that he knew!

You know, there is a huge sixth-order spiritual vein underground in Xiaoyuan Immortal City, as well as several fifth-order and fourth-order spiritual veins, but the space is still higher!

And the fatal spiritual seed that Li Zhirui accidentally obtained at the beginning also successfully took root and sprouted in such a rich spiritual energy.

It’s just that the growth rate is extremely slow. In the past few months, I haven’t seen the green buds grow at all!

But Li Zhirui is not in a hurry, because the slower it grows, the higher its grade is, which is beneficial to him.

Anyway, the Void Refining cultivator has a lifespan of five thousand years, and Li Zhirui is only over a thousand years old now, having just lived through 20% of his long life, so he has plenty of time to wait for this spiritual thing to grow.

After tidying up a little, I got up and left the spiritual realm.

But Li Zhirui didn't expect that Li Xiansong would come to visit just after he came out, before Daqing and others had arrived.

"Clan leader, what do you want from me?"

Li Xiansong bowed in greeting and said: "Ruizu's breakthrough in refining the void is a great joy for the family. After discussing it with the elders, I want to hold a grand ceremony for you."

"Why would you want to do such a thing?" Li Zhirui looked at him thoughtfully.

Ever since Li Xiansong took action decisively and directly killed dozens of tribesmen by substituting others with others, he had left a deep impression on Li Zhirui.

And Li Xiansong came so quickly, obviously not just to hold the ceremony.

"Rui Zu has a sharp eye."

Li Xiansong lowered his head slightly and explained respectfully: "Because of Ruizu's breakthrough, the family has become very hot. It wants to expand externally and quickly expand the family by grabbing surrounding forces. I use the power of Qingxuan Lingzu and others to make this sound Suppressed for the time being.”

"But it is better to block things than to block them. If this kind of thing is suppressed blindly, it will become uncontrollable over time. Therefore, we must find a way to let the tribesmen vent their emotions, and at the same time find another path to peaceful development."

"Then a group of elders and I thought about building a market, taking out some of the family's spiritual objects, and earning profits through trade to strengthen the family."

With that said, Li Xiansong bowed again and said: "We want to use Ruizu's Void Refining Ceremony to invite surrounding forces to settle in Fang City, and at the same time, we also want to integrate into the local immortal world."

"Since it is beneficial to the family, then go ahead and do it." Li Zhirui nodded in agreement without any hesitation.

"Thank you, ancestor!"

After saluting the Daqing people who had just arrived, Li Xiansong turned around and left.

"Brother Ninth, is the family planning to open up completely?" Daqing asked. Although Li Zhirui had just come out of seclusion and didn't know much about the family's situation, it could be heard from Li Xiansong's words that the clan members could no longer hold back.

You know, the Li family has been closed for nearly a hundred years!

Back in Ten Thousand Immortals Island, the island was sealed off for decades in order to take away more tribesmen. After arriving in the Yuanling Realm, the mountain was sealed off for decades more because of fear of exposing one's identity.

For Li Zhirui, a hundred years is not a long time. It may be just one or two retreats, but not everyone has his patience.

Especially those tribesmen with lower cultivation levels. Due to their lack of experience and some problems with their Taoist minds, their cultivation bases cannot be improved. How can they still sit still when their longevity is approaching?

"Yes, it's time to untie the current situation that isolates the family from the world."

Li Zhirui shook his head. There was nothing much to say about this matter, and turned to ask: "How has your cultivation speed been since you came to Yuanling Realm? Have you encountered any other problems?"

Due to their insufficient cultivation and lack of strength, and Li Zhirui's breakthrough in seclusion and practice, they still do not have their own spiritual realm and can only open a cave in the Ten Thousand Immortals Mountain.

"It's okay. It's not much slower than when I was on Ten Thousand Immortals Island."

Even in terms of mana, the improvement speed is faster than before.

"In this case, it is better to wait for a while to collect suitable spiritual roots or higher-level spiritual objects before opening up a spiritual realm." Li Zhirui suggested.

The biggest advantage of the Yunling Cave Formation created by Jiang Fengwu is that spiritual objects can be used to replace spiritual plants, but spiritual plants are not without their advantages.

That is to use spiritual plants to open up the spiritual realm. After experiencing the chaos opening, the spiritual plants are likely to be promoted to spiritual roots!

Moreover, spiritual plants are living creatures and can be upgraded to a higher level. Once the level of a spiritual plant is improved, it will also bring the spiritual realm to a further level.

But the spiritual realm opened up using formations is fixed from the moment the opening is successful.

Unless Jiang Fengwu can improve it in the future, after the spiritual realm is opened, spiritual objects can also be replaced.

"You have all heard what Li Xiansong said just now. The family plans to build a market, which will make it easier to obtain suitable spiritual plants."

If they don't want to wait so long, Li Zhirui will also help them open up the spiritual realm.

As the cultivation speed has not slowed down much, everyone is willing to wait.

Then Li Zhirui guided everyone in their cultivation and explained to them their insights and experiences in the realm of transformation.

On the other side, with Li Zhirui's consent, Li Xiansong immediately sent people from the Yuanying tribe to deliver invitations to various nearby forces.

At the same time, the preparations for the grand ceremony were further accelerated to ensure that the strength and heritage of the Li family could be displayed in one month.


The force closest to Wanxian Mountain is a small sect called Sanxingmen.

After they received the invitation and sent away the monk who delivered the letter from the Li family, they held a meeting.

"Is the Li family planning to take this opportunity to show off their strength and make us surrender?"

An elder said with an ugly face: "What they think is too beautiful! Do you really think that our Samsung Sect has no power to resist?"

"Perhaps they just want to hold a grand ceremony?" the less extreme elder said.

The elder snorted coldly and said: "Hmph! Do you believe this? Which sect only has one Void Refining monk and holds the Laoshizi Ceremony with such great fanfare?"

Indeed, in the world of immortal cultivation in the Qianzhong Mountains, there are not many monks who refine the void, but there are quite a few. It's just that the southeastern realm is the most desolate, and there are no monks who refine the void now.

"Okay, it's just like what you said, but people have sent invitations to their door now. Are you planning not to go? Then isn't this handing out information to people in vain?"


The leader, who had been silent all this time, sighed and said, "Think about what kind of spiritual creatures you can bring to participate."

Similar conversations occurred among the various forces that were invited.

The reason for this is that the Li family does not know much about the Yuanling world and does not know that it is not popular to hold grand ceremonies in the Yuanling world.

To be more precise, the threshold for holding a grand ceremony is relatively high. At least only Mahayana and Tribulation Monk monks can make such a big show of things. Most of them celebrate in private with their own families.

So it's no wonder that they thought the Li family wanted to force them to surrender.

One month passed quickly.

On this day, Wanxian Mountain, which had been hidden by thick fog for decades, finally revealed its true face.

The mountain is no longer as steep as before, but has become very gentle, with carved beams and painted buildings, pavilions and pavilions distributed in an orderly manner on the mountain.

A white jade staircase rises from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, like a white jade belt wrapped around the green mountain.

The roars of various dragon chanting beasts sounded one after another in the mountains, and the occasional mist added a touch of fairy air to Ten Thousand Immortals Island.

On the day of the ceremony, one by one the god-transforming monks came to Li's house either driving a spirit boat, riding a spirit beast, or flying with a sword.

When they saw the brand-new Wanxian Mountain, a trace of surprise flashed in their eyes, especially when they walked into the mountain, they were even more surprised.

Why didn’t any family occupy this spiritual mountain before this?

It’s because they don’t like it!

There are countless better spiritual mountains in the Qianzhong Mountains. Why should we pay a small price to open up a spiritual mountain that is poor in all aspects?

But I didn't expect that in just a few decades, the Li family would transform it so well.

Although it is not as good as the Shanmen Clan that they have been operating for hundreds of thousands of years, it is already very good.

Moreover, the deities responsible for receiving them were very kind and friendly. They did not look like they were trying to overpower others. Could it be that they had gone astray? Did the Li family really just invite them to participate in the Void Refining Ceremony?

Thinking of this, the monks couldn't help but look at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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