Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 922 Practice

Chapter 922 Practice

After everyone arrived, Li Zhirui suddenly appeared on the high platform prepared for him.

"Greetings to Ruizu/Senior!" Members of the Li family and monks from various families all stood up immediately and saluted respectfully.

According to the tradition of the Xuanyuan world, he should talk about some less important insights, such as the practice of magic and magical powers, or the methods of alchemy.

But this time, Li Zhirui came up with something real.

What he was talking about was the cultivation methods of Yuanying monks, how to strengthen Yuanying, consolidate mana, and lay the foundation for breakthrough in divine transformation.

With Li Zhirui's current state, looking back at the Nascent Soul state, it is natural that he can see the fire clearly and clearly, and the explanation is very simple and easy to understand, even a golden elixir monk can gain something.

It didn't last long, only half an hour.

When Li Zhirui's voice dispersed, everyone was obsessed with it and refused to wake up for a long time.

"Thank you, senior, for preaching and teaching!"

"Congratulations to senior for breaking through the Void Refining! I wish senior to have great success, attain enlightenment as soon as possible, and ascend to immortality!"

"These two elixirs will be the future signatures of Wanlingfang City. If you need them in the future, you can go to Wanlingfang City to buy them." Li Xiansong explained with a smile.

There were not many gifts, only a bottle of Golden Bud Pill and a bottle of Chi Yuan Pill, and they were only of medium quality.

And they were not stupid. They knew that the Li family would not give up on opening a market because of their rejection. However, it was a serious matter and they could not give an answer immediately, so they all said they would consider it for a while.

Li Xiansong didn't speak anymore, but waited for them quietly. After all, whether they wanted it or not, the Li family market would be opened. At most, the market would slowly develop without their participation.

"We rejoice together and encourage each other!" Li Zhirui replied, then walked away.

The monks from each family expressed their gratitude sincerely, because they knew that after recording and sorting out the sermon, they would have an additional inheritance, and the difficulty of the Yuanying monks' practice would also be slightly reduced in the future. a little.

The reason why we do not come up with a better quality elixir is naturally because most of the elixirs sold in the market in the future will be of this kind, and this can better show the advantages of the two elixirs.

Everyone was silent.

"In this way, the monks in my southeastern mountains no longer have to travel thousands or even thousands of miles to buy spiritual objects in the fairy cities in the south, north, and west."

Moreover, Li Zhirui has not announced this secret so far, and few people within the Li family know about it.

The moment he stood up, the leaders of various forces put down their wine glasses and even used magic to dispel their drunkenness. They tried to stay calm as much as possible and listened carefully to what Li Xiansong said.

What's more, things are rare and valuable, and high-quality elixirs can earn more profits.

Naturally, Li Xiansong would not press forward step by step. After what happened, and the ceremony was coming to an end, it ended quickly.

This is not only to show the Li family's heritage to various forces, but also to use them to advertise.

After all, if he were here, no one would dare to let go. Wouldn't that be a waste of all the spiritual food and wine prepared by the Li family?

The next ceremony will be presided over by the patriarch Li Xiansong.

Although the scale of each of their businesses is small, they can still earn a lot of profits for them every year.

"So, we plan to build a market a hundred miles northwest, but the Li family alone cannot supply all the spiritual items, so we invite everyone to settle in the market and open shops."

But before that, the Li family also gave them a return gift.

After three rounds of wine, five dishes and five flavors, and the ceremony was about to come to an end, Li Xiansong suddenly stood up and said: "My Li family comes from other places. I will settle here in the future and become neighbors with you. I hope we can get along well with you." , work together for win-win cooperation.”

Because the establishment of Lijiafang City will inevitably affect their Xiaofang City.

After all, not everyone can refine high-quality elixirs. The output is small and it is impossible to sell them on a large scale. Li Zhirui can't waste time purifying the elixirs, right?

"In this case, it would be disrespectful for us to refuse."

Everyone who originally wanted to refuse immediately changed their minds and accepted the gift as soon as they heard Li Xiansong's words.

The next day, the Li family sent people to clear out the monsters in and around the valley. At the same time, a group of tribesmen began to build a city.

Even though this valley is located on the outskirts of the mountains, there are still a large number of monsters nearby, including a group of fifth-level monsters!

At first, Li Zhirui planned to take action personally.

It's not that they are worried about a large number of casualties among the clan members. After all, there are not many fifth-level monsters in that clan, and the Li family's current strength can completely crush them.

The reason why he took action was to capture those fifth-level monsters alive and turn them into the Li family's breeding beasts. In this way, the family would have fifth-level spiritual beasts for the clan members to contract with.

It's a pity that those monster beasts were not stupid fools. As soon as they knew that Li Zhirui had broken through the Void Refining, they abandoned their territory and retreated deep into the mountains.

In fact, so far, the Qianzhong Mountains are still in a state where humans and demons live together, and the demon clan has the upper hand, because the best spiritual mountains and spiritual veins are deep in the mountains, and those of the demon clan are there. territory.

This is just a microcosm of the Yuanling world!

Zooming in on the entire Yuanling world, the Immortal Path is not the most powerful force. The Demon Clan, Demonic Clan, and Sea Clan are not inferior in strength at all!

It's completely different from Xuanyuan Realm, where Immortal Dao directly suppresses the world.

For example, tens of thousands of years ago, the Yuanling Realm experienced a century-old war. The Immortal Realm powers of all forces fought fiercely, and the Immortal Realm was no match for the Sea Clan.

So much so that there was a huge earthquake inside Immortal Dao!

The monks who were originally on the islands in the East China Sea either died at the hands of the Sea Clan, or they had no choice but to return to Dongzhou!

The previously prosperous Wandao Yingzhou cultivation world no longer exists!

Of course, no one benefited from that century-old war. The Sea Clan was unable to invade the mainland; the strength of the Demonic Dao was greatly reduced, and the nine sects of the Demonic Dao were able to fight only seven major sects.

The Monster Clan has lost the Demon King, and there is no such peerless hero who can unite the countless Monster Clan into a whole, and once again work on their own. You must know that the current Sea Clan was split from the Monster Clan at that time.


After the group of fifth-level monsters disappeared, the land reclamation and construction of the valley went very smoothly. It only took less than a month, and a market was built in the open space.

The Li family was built entirely on the scale of a fairy city. The streets are extremely spacious and can accommodate tens of thousands of monks without feeling crowded. Both sides are built to look like four-story store buildings as much as possible, and they are also designed to accommodate the future expansion of the market. Leaves enough space.

From this point, we can see the Li family's ambition. They are not satisfied with this small market, covering an area of ​​less than ten miles.

——But he said that after each faction returned with two kinds of elixirs, they immediately arranged various tests.

In the end, it was determined that the effect of the two elixirs was better than the elixir they inherited with the same effect.

"Did the Li family tell me the prices of the two elixirs?" A certain leader did not feel happy about this, but asked solemnly.

"I didn't say, but since they want to use these two elixirs to create their own brand, the price will definitely not be higher than the elixirs we sell."

Not to mention that the price is slightly lower, even if the price is the same, those casual cultivators who love money as much as their lives will definitely abandon their elixir immediately.

"Alas! Who is this Li family?"

The leader sighed and said helplessly: "Let's talk to the Li family. If they are willing to increase the price of the two elixirs, we will settle in Wanlingfang City."

Obviously, the Li family was warning them!

If they don't agree, with just these two elixirs, the Li family can easily steal the market share from each of them.

By then, there is no telling how much the benefits of each of their families will be reduced.

In fact, the Li family really didn't have such thoughts, it was entirely because they were overthinking it.

Because the Li family doesn’t know much about them!

How long has it been since the Li family came to Qianzhong Mountains? They had been in a closed state before, and then they were busy dealing with conflicts within the family, and they had no time to investigate and collect much information about them.

All I can say is that this is a beautiful misunderstanding.

It wasn't until each family sent people to Wanxianshan to ask about settling in Fangshi that Li Xiansong gradually came to his senses. Faced with their insinuations, he just smiled and said nothing.

Let them continue to misunderstand, this will be more conducive to the improvement of the market.

However, in response to their concerns and requirements, Li Xiansong agreed after thinking about it.

As long as the Li family keeps the price at a certain position, the casual cultivators will still buy it. Besides, aren't there monks from various sects?

It took half a month to finally bring most of the forces into Fang City. The Li family also prepared enough spiritual objects, so they gave it five days to promote the business and planned to officially open the business.

The first step is to naturally spread the word so that more monks know the location of Wanlingfang City and the various spiritual items for sale.

The second step was naturally to find a way to attract people to come, so Li Xiansong directly came up with a plan that looked very favorable, but in fact the Li family did not lose money.

Five days passed by in a flash, and on the day when the market officially opened, tens of thousands of monks came!

According to the information collected by the Li family, there are approximately one million monks in the entire southeastern mountains. Although only one percent come, it is already very good for a newly opened market.

And because of the strong discount, the Li family sold a lot of spiritual items on the first day, and the situation seemed to be great.

After the activities of the previous three days passed, the number of monks became much smaller and began to return to calm, but it also stabilized and was able to earn a lot of benefits for the Li family every day.


"Are you all planning to go out and practice for a while?" Li Zhirui looked at Jiang Fengwu and Li Chengsheng in front of him with some surprise.

As long as he nods in agreement, the Li family's spirit transformation will be reduced by more than half.

Of course, with Li Zhirui in charge of Wanxian Mountain, there would be no forces nearby that could threaten the Li family.

This is also the reason why they plan to get together, otherwise, they would not dare to all run out.

"Yes, I have always been stuck in one place these years. I have had some problems with my Taoist mind, and my realm has not improved. Experience is the best solution." Jiang Fengwu said.

"In that case, then go ahead." Li Zhirui could not stop them from seeking the truth.

After spending some time preparing, everyone did not alert other tribesmen one morning. Only Li Zhirui, Li Chenghao and other Huashen tribe members knew about it.

"Aren't you going to go out and have some experience? It just so happens that you will feel more secure if you stay with them." Li Zhirui looked at Li Chenghao and the others, somewhat curious as to why they wanted to stay in the family.

After coming to the Yuanling Realm, the difficulty of cultivating the spirit is much lower than that in the Xuanling Realm, so they no longer have to hide in the spiritual realm all the time, refining the energy of heaven and earth, and can spare more time to practice. Go travelling.

"Uncle Ninth, I want to summarize my experience and experience in weapon refining over the years and leave a legacy for the family. This way, even if I unfortunately die, it will be easier for the family to train weapon refiners in the future."

Perhaps it was because he was approaching the end of his lifespan that Li Chenghao felt more relaxed when facing death compared to others. He smiled and said: "And I have just broken through to become a god, and I plan to attack the fifth-level weapon refiner."

Several other people also had their own reasons. Some people wanted to consolidate their realm and improve their magic weapon because they had just broken through; some people had contracted spirit beasts who were breaking through and needed protectors; some people were simply afraid and did not dare to go out.

Li Zhirui didn't say much about everyone's choice. This was their own path. It was up to them to decide how they wanted to go.

"Then why does Uncle Jiu stay in the family?" Li Chenghao asked curiously.

In today's Li family, apart from Jiang Fengwu, Li Chengsheng, and Li Chengshuo, the only ones who have the courage to ask Li Zhirui about matters other than cultivation are probably Li Chenghao, Li Xianxun, and Li Mingyao.

Because those tribesmen with outstanding qualifications were born later, and because Li Zhirui was busy practicing and making breakthroughs, he didn't have much contact with them.

Without contact, there is no understanding, so in their hearts, Li Zhirui is the most senior and most powerful elder, and they do not dare to disturb him with personal matters.


Li Zhirui sighed with emotion and said: "I want to find a way to cultivate the void, but I don't have time for the time being."

"Thank you for your hard work, Uncle Jiu." Li Chenghao bowed.

The fact that he left a legacy of weapon refining to his family was nothing to Li Zhirui.

"Isn't this a kind of practice? Just like your method of refining weapons."

After saying that, Li Zhirui disappeared.

Li Chenghao and others standing in front of him could not see how Li Zhirui left.

"Refining the void..."

Li Zhirui sat cross-legged on the futon in the spiritual realm, smelling the lotus fragrance in the air, and murmured: "Refining the void requires further mastering the rules, so the soul is required to completely transform into the Yang Shen and continue to nourish it to a certain level. Strength of……"

(End of this chapter)

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