Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 923 Lead the way

Chapter 923 Lead the way

The so-called wonderful form and spirit are in harmony with the Tao; the Yang spirit leaves the body and leaves the world, which describes the state of refining the void.

Nowadays, the Immortal Path is divided into nine levels, starting with Qi training, ending with overcoming tribulations, and refining the void is at the sixth level.

It is the key link between the past and the next. It is the accumulated achievements of the first five realms, and it is also the solid foundation for the next three realms to lay a tall building.

Therefore, for those who want to attain Taoism and become immortals, cultivating the void is a very important step, and it is the most important foundation!

Anyone who has not perfected their cultivation will either have to work dozens of times harder to make up for their previous oversights or omissions if they want to ascend in the future, or even the road to becoming an immortal will be cut off and they will have no hope of ascending.

Since the Li family has no relevant inheritance, Li Zhirui naturally does not know how important the realm of refining the void is, but the spiritual awareness in the dark reminds him that he attaches great importance to the realm of refining the void.

This is the reason why Li Zhirui is still unwilling to go out to practice after breaking through the void training. He must clarify the direction of his future training to avoid making the wrong step.

But if he can't accomplish this by himself, then Li Zhirui will naturally go out to practice and look for opportunities.

It is naturally not advisable to work behind closed doors, but if you encounter any problems, you will only ask for help from the outside world and think about asking for help as soon as possible, and the consequences may be more serious.


However, Jiang Fengwu and Daqing, who left Wanxian Mountain, did not always travel together. They all wanted to go to different places. Some just wanted to practice in the Qianzhong Mountains and improve their Taoist mind and realm through fighting monsters; Some plan to travel thousands of miles to gain insights from the heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, or the world of mortals.

After these years of hard training, especially the past few decades in the Yuanling world, Jiang Fengwu's cultivation and realm have been improved to the perfection of divine transformation.

It turned out that the first place Jiang Fengwu went to was the inaccessible East China Sea!

Since the Century War tens of thousands of years ago, the East China Sea has completely become the territory of the Sea Clan, and the monks can only barely occupy islands that are only a few hundred miles away from the land.

She had also studied the experiences and insights summarized by Li Zhirui, but unfortunately she didn't gain much. At most, she knew what was going on, but she didn't know how to achieve it.

The East China Sea is also extremely dangerous to Jiang Fengwu, because it is not the territory of the human race, or even a forbidden area for monks.

So as soon as they left the tribe, they divided into several teams and acted independently.

Jiang Fengwu frowned slightly and whispered to himself: "Is it because there is some kind of specialness in the East China Sea, or is it because that opportunity has been taken away?"

But after Jiang Fengwu entered the East China Sea, the sensor was suddenly disconnected! It seemed that everything before was all her illusion.


Less than a few hundred miles away, a fifth-level water demon suddenly flew out of the dark blue sea water and rushed towards Jiang Fengwu to bite her, hoping to take advantage of her and swallow her whole body. .

If it was the former, it would be fine, as she could still remember the general direction of the opportunity, but if it was the latter, she would be in big trouble.

"what happened?"

So even though she knew the danger, she still broke into the East China Sea without hesitation.

Jiang Fengwu planned to take advantage of this opportunity to go out to practice and break through the void refining in one fell swoop.

In a better situation, he just has no chance to meet her. In a serious situation, his life will be left in the vast East China Sea.

Among them, Jiang Fengwu was the most maverick. She only brought three fifth-level spirit beasts with her and did not go with other tribesmen because she planned to attack Lianxu. It would be quite inconvenient if there were tribesmen around her.

Because she practices the laws of Feng Shui, the wind is high and the waves are strong, and the boundless blue waves of the East China Sea are the place where the laws gather.

But I have to say that the East China Sea is very suitable for Jiang Fengwu.

But somewhere in the sea, Jiang Fengwu sensed that there was an opportunity that would be of great help to her cultivation.

So she has no fixed destination and direction, just like a floating cloud that moves with the wind, staying at will.

But for the sake of his own path, Jiang Fengwu did not back down and return to the mainland. Instead, he flew in the direction he had noted before.

It's a pity that Jiang Fengwu has also experienced several life-and-death battles, and his fighting awareness is not bad. Moreover, after entering the East China Sea, he was very cautious. In addition, the void formation was extremely fast. Before the water demon could fly in front of her, There is already a series of attacks ready, waiting for it to come to the door.

This is what is called knowing what is happening but not knowing why.

The water demon is not stupid, so it is naturally impossible for him to run into the attack and immediately control his speed and change direction.

But how could Jiang Fengwu let it go?

She saw a thought in her mind, and several large formations connected end to end, like a giant dragon taking off, chasing the water demon.

Soon, the water demon was trapped.

"My grandfather is a powerful man who can overcome tribulations. If you dare to kill me, you will be attacked day and night in the future." Seeing that there was no way to escape, the water demon wanted to use his power to overwhelm others and escape from Jiang Fengwu's hands. Go down.

Unfortunately, Jiang Fengwu didn't care at all.

Because everyone knows that dragon nature is inherently obscene!

This monster's grandfather did not know how many uncles he had given birth to, and the same was true for those uncles. Even its father also had hundreds of children!

It is conceivable that there are many juniors of the great tribulation-transferring power it talks about, and the number is still increasing!

With so many descendants, the tribulation-riding grandfather it calls may have no memory of it at all. How could he come all the way to avenge a junior who has no memory of him?

Besides, if this monster was really taken seriously, it would not appear in the sea near the mainland.

Although the East China Sea is still the territory of the Sea Clan, after so many years, the strength of the monks has recovered a lot. Naturally, they will not lick their wounds like before, but will gradually show signs of expansion.

Therefore, monks have frequently appeared in the thousands of miles of sea area close to the mainland, which has become very dangerous. If this monster is really favored, the elders will not let them come. Even if they come, they will definitely arrange guards or something, but it Nothing at all.

Therefore, Jiang Fengwu was very straightforward and was not afraid of any trouble that would result from killing it. He immediately used his magic power to form a big knife and planned to cut off its head directly.

"Wait a minute! Wait! I know an opportunity! As long as you let me go, I will take you there." Realizing that Jiang Fengwu was not joking, the water demon immediately panicked and shouted hurriedly, for fear that if he were to slow down, he would The big knife is about to fall on its neck.

A strange color flashed in Jiang Fengwu's eyes. Just when it said those words, the opportunity that had originally lost its ability to sense it suddenly reappeared.

But instead of pointing out the direction, he told her that the sea monster in front of her was the key!

"Tell me everything you know and I will spare your life!" Jiang Fengwu snorted coldly.

You have already been reduced to a piece of meat for others to slaughter, and you are still trying to negotiate terms with her? How can it be!

Even if it refuses to tell, Jiang Fengwu still has the means to get the answer, but the process is a little slower and a little cruel.

Feeling the bone-chilling killing intent coming from around him, the water demon did not dare to hesitate any longer and hurriedly said: "A few days ago, a stream of light fell from the sky and fell five hundred miles to the northeast. I thought it was some kind of treasure at the time, so I Fly forward to check.”

"When I arrived, a melee had already broken out. A dozen sixth-level monsters were snatching the spiritual objects. I could only hide and watch, but I didn't expect that the spiritual objects had spirits and actually took the opportunity to escape."

Jiang Fengwu's heart moved. No wonder she suddenly couldn't sense the opportunity at that time, but her expression didn't change at all, and said: "Do you know the direction in which the spiritual creature escaped, or its whereabouts?"

"I don't know..." Jiang Fengwu's face darkened and he said coldly: "Is this the opportunity you are talking about?"

"Actually, the escaped spiritual object was just an illusory incarnation, not its true body! Those sixth-order monsters were deceived by the spiritual object." The water demon explained quickly.

"Even the sixth-level demon can be deceived. How do you know?"

"My gift is to see through illusions."

Jiang Fengwu narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "So that treasure is in your hands now?"

"No, it's still on that small island." The water demon was a little embarrassed, "I can only see through the illusion, but the treasure is hidden and it is not an illusion."

It's not that it doesn't want to get the baby into its hands, it's just that it can't get it!

"Let's go, take me there and take a look. If what you said is true, I will spare your lives."

When Jiang Fengwu said this, he deliberately left a question, but the water demon didn't respond at all, naively thinking that he had saved his life.

After a journey of five hundred miles, in just a few moments, the two landed on an unremarkable island.

"Are you sure this is where the spiritual object fell?" Jiang Fengwu confirmed again.

After getting the affirmative answer, he attacked the stupid and naive water monster in front of him without hesitation.


There was a sound of a heavy object falling and hitting the ground.

"Why?" There was blood on the corner of the water demon's mouth, and he looked at Jiang Fengwu with unwillingness in his eyes, filled with resentment. "You clearly promised to let me go, but now you are not afraid that you will be haunted by inner demons after breaking your oath. ?”

"Yes, I will spare your life. The attack just now did not kill you directly, so it can be regarded as fulfilling what I said before." Jiang Fengwu explained confidently.

If it didn't know that the treasure was hidden and hidden on this unknown island, it might still have a chance of survival, but it happened to know this secret.

"So, rest in peace."

Before he finished speaking, another sharp attack hit the water demon who collapsed on the ground. With a wail and curse, he completely lost his breath.

"How should I find the spiritual object?" Jiang Fengwu stood on the beach, frowning in thought.

She doesn’t even know what a spiritual creature is, what it looks like, etc.! How to find it?

But sometimes, there is no need to look for the spiritual object, it will fall into your arms on its own!

When Jiang Fengwu was walking on the island, a spiritual light suddenly flew up and finally fell into her arms.

Only then did Jiang Fengwu clearly see what kind of spiritual object it was. It was a three-inch disc in which Feng Shui was filled and the laws gathered, just like the yin and yang of Tai Chi. There is me in you and you in me.

The final thing is that its grade is as high as grade seven!

Although Jiang Fengwu had seen a seventh-grade spiritual creature, she was still extremely surprised this time because it was a spiritual creature that perfectly suited her and was beneficial to her path.

After getting the treasure, Jiang Fengwu did not rush back to Wanxian Mountain, but planned to continue training outside. Because he was trapped in the mountain for these years and his cultivation level had not improved much, he was really tired.

After getting the spiritual object, she became cautious about where she went, fearing that if a big demon suddenly appeared in front of her, it would be troublesome.

Fortunately, the journey back was smooth sailing without any trouble.


"This place is very prosperous!"

After the brothers Li Chengsheng and Li Chengshuo separated from everyone, they went all the way south to the nearest Xiaoyuan Fairy City.

If they weren't afraid of exposing their identities, both of them planned to take a closer look at the fairy city.

They can be regarded as people who have seen the big world, but after entering Xiaoyuan Fairy City for the first time, they realized that they were just frogs in the well before.

And this is just a small or medium-sized fairy city!

It is said that in the center of Dongzhou, the area where the civilization of immortality is most prosperous, there is a huge immortal city that covers an area of ​​thousands of miles and can accommodate hundreds of millions of people!

At the same time, the brother and sister also understood that perhaps in the Xuanyuan world, the monks who transformed gods were the supreme existence, but in the Yuanling world, the monks who transformed gods were just mediocre and quite ordinary.

This shattered the two people's previous pride and returned their mentality to normal, which was more helpful for their cultivation.

"Brother, what are we going to do next?" Li Chengshuo is used to relying on others when she is around her relatives, but it would be wrong to say that she does not have the ability to be independent. Lazy is the perfect word to describe her.

Li Chengsheng pondered for a moment and said, "I see there is a special place in the fairy city where various tasks are released. Let's go get the tasks and use this to train ourselves."

They are still in the early stage of becoming gods, and there is still some distance to go before they can break through to the middle stage. Perhaps this round of experience can help them break through as soon as possible.

Not only can you learn a lot of news and intelligence with the help of various tasks, but you can also train yourself, earn spiritual stones and other results. It can be said that you can achieve multiple things with one stone.

The tribesmen such as Li Xianxun and Li Mingyao also went to different places and began their own experience journeys.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Li Zhirui, who was sorting out and deducing the path to refining the void in the spiritual realm, suddenly opened his eyes and sighed heavily. This matter was far more difficult than he imagined.

Because the improvement of the Void Refining Realm is the mastery of the laws, coupled with the internal calamity of wind and fire that polishes the divine soul in the Divine Transformation Realm, it is not difficult to guess that transforming the divine soul into a Yang God is the top priority.

You must know that the so-called internal calamity originates from oneself, unlike thunder calamity, which is the test and polishing of monks by heaven.

If it wasn't important, why did those seniors cause two internal catastrophes in the God Transformation Realm? Could it be that he is deliberately trying to embarrass the juniors?

Therefore, Li Zhirui was thinking about how to transform the soul into a Yang Shen. Although the "All Souls Sutra" has a cultivation method for the Void Refining Realm, it is just the operation of the exercise route and does not have the content he wants.

After thinking about it, Li Zhirui only came up with two ways.

One and imitating the inner calamity of wind and fire, using this method to polish the soul and increase the strength of the soul, but Li Zhirui didn't know how to proceed, and it was too dangerous. If he was not careful, his soul would be injured and his own cultivation would be delayed.

Another way is to absorb the essence of the sun and moon, which Li Zhirui suddenly remembered from the legendary cultivation method in his previous life!

(End of this chapter)

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