Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 924 Misunderstanding

Chapter 924 Misunderstanding

In this world where Fang Dao Dharma manifests the sage, the status and role of the sun and lunar yin are very high. The so-called essence of the sun and the brilliance of lunar yin, the two qi blend and transform all things, as can be seen from these sixteen words.

Li Zhirui didn't know how other forces tempered the soul and transformed it into a Yang God, but he decided to try the method of using the essence of the sun and the moon.

As long as you are careful not to harm the soul, the essence of the sun and moon is also good for the monks themselves. After all, strictly speaking, this is a high-level spiritual energy.

"The sun is extremely strong and intense. According to the legends about absorbing the essence of the sun in previous lives, they all absorbed the purple energy of the early sun...Although the taiyin is relatively soft, its soul is weak, and it cannot absorb the brilliance of the taiyin when the bright moon is in the sky..."

Li Zhirui kept deducing in his mind, and it took him more than half a year to get a simple, but relatively complete and safe way to breathe out the essence of the sun and the moon.

One night, Li Zhirui left the spiritual realm, flew to the top of the mountain, and sat cross-legged on a large blue stone. He raised his right hand and lowered his left hand. He concentrated his energy and faced the east where the moon rose.

When a round of Taiyin emerges on the earth, raise your neck to the light, take a full breath of moonlight, close your breath and calm down, swallow it slowly, use magic power to remove impurities, and then lift it up with your spiritual consciousness and send it into the sea of ​​consciousness.

Above the calm, mirror-like sea of ​​consciousness, a faint, very illusory bright moon appeared, casting down wisps of moonlight.

Li Zhirui felt a chill all over his body, and his soul seemed to be a little stronger. He suddenly felt happy in his heart, thinking that he was practicing, he quickly suppressed his emotions and continued to breathe in the brilliance of the lunar calendar to strengthen the bright moon in the sea of ​​consciousness.

But a quarter of an hour later, Li Zhirui suddenly felt dizzy and breathless, and his body felt like falling into an icy abyss. Without hesitation, he pushed down the tempered Yuehua and sent it into his Dantian.

The method of absorbing the essence of the sun and moon was originally created by him. It only took half a year, so it was naturally very superficial.

There was no words for a night, and time flew by as Li Zhirui breathed in and out of spiritual energy.

Fortunately, he was lucky and the result after many deductions was correct.

The absorption of the Taiyin Flower ended here tonight, but Li Zhirui did not get up and return to the spiritual realm, but waited for the birth of the first ray of Chuyang Purple Energy.

As the so-called Yin cannot grow alone, Yang cannot grow alone, and the moonlight is cold in nature, it needs the synthesis of the sun essence. On the contrary, the explosion of the sun essence requires the soft combination of the moonlight.

But there is no way, he is the only Void Refining cultivator in the entire Li family!

Li Zhirui could not find anyone else to verify his conjecture, and even if there were, the feedback from all aspects would not be as good as his own personal experience.

"Since it has been proven that the essence of the sun and moon is effective on the Yang God, the next step is to improve the method while practicing..."

Of course, Li Zhirui knew that his actions were very reckless and impulsive. The soul, like the Dantian, was the foundation of a monk. If he was injured, he didn't know how much it would cost to heal.

Therefore, the essence of the sun and moon is not the essence of the sun and the essence of the moon, but a mixture of the two substances.

Li Zhirui murmured: "Perhaps you can also try adjusting the ratio of Sun Essence and Yue Hua to see what the effect is."

The first ray of Chuyang purple energy filled the world, and Li Zhirui took a deep breath.

After refining, it merged with the bright moon in the sea of ​​consciousness and finally formed a light red substance.

After the direction and road are verified to be correct, he can widen and level the road and walk along this road.

With the first step in hand, the rest will be simpler. The method of absorbing the essence of the sun and moon has been improved to make the absorption more efficient. The ratio of sun essence and moon essence that is most suitable for the current strength of Li Zhirui's soul has also been found.

When it got slightly brighter, Li Zhirui stopped practicing and waited for the sun to rise.

For a moment, Li Zhirui felt as if he was soaked in warm spring water, very comfortable, and the essence of the sun and moon was also transforming his soul.

Li Zhirui's soul suddenly felt a strong desire to devour it, like a big man who had been hungry for many days. When he saw a table full of people, he wanted to pounce on it and eat it with a big mouthful.

Because Li Zhirui's current soul is still relatively weak, the weight of Yuehua will be slightly more. When the strength increases in the future, he can slowly adjust it.

After a while, Li Zhirui opened his eyes, his face was a little pale, and he said with a wry smile: "I couldn't control myself for a while, and I actually became greedy."

Fortunately, he was able to maintain his rationality, carefully separate a little bit from it, and slowly integrate into the soul.

Although it was very subtle, the perception of the soul was extremely clear. How could it be hidden from him?

"It works!" Li Zhirui was pleasantly surprised. Although he had performed the simulation many times, it was still not as good as this personal experience.

But there is a more troublesome thing, that is, the essence of the sun and moon cannot be absorbed in the spiritual realm!

After all, there is a boundary membrane in the spiritual realm, which can block even the exploration of the outside world, let alone the sun and the moon?

As a result, Li Zhirui had to leave the spiritual realm every night and not come back until daytime the next day. Even though the distance was not very far, the amount of time wasted was a very exaggerated amount.

Li Zhirui can't think of a solution yet. He can only leave the spiritual realm while absorbing the essence of the sun and moon.

After several years of training, his current soul is much stronger than before, and the bit of Yang Shen essence that was born inside the soul after surviving the internal catastrophe of wind and fire has expanded several times in size!

At the current rate, it only takes a few hundred years to transform into a Yang God!

This is just the transformation of the soul, not a breakthrough in realm or cultivation.

It seems very slow, but Li Zhirui is not in a hurry, because the current method is still very superficial and crude. As the efficiency of the method increases, the speed of cultivation will definitely increase further.

"I don't know how Feng Wu and Da Qing are doing now?" One day after practicing, he suddenly remembered the people of the tribe who were practicing outside.

Judging from the fortune cards, they are all safe now, and Li Zhirui is relieved.

Otherwise, what else could he do? I don't know how far apart they are. Even if he knew they were in danger, could Li Zhirui still fly over to save them?

"I hope they can get what they want and come back safely."

This is the best blessing to them.


On Wanxian Mountain, in a magnificent and magnificent family hall, Li Xiansong and a group of elders gathered together. It was obvious that something big had happened.

Speaking of which, in the years since the Li family came to the Yuanling world, the number of Yuanying monks has increased. Therefore, now not only the clan leader is a Yuanying monk, but most of the elders are held by Yuanying monks.

Because the level of spiritual energy in the Yuanling Realm is too high, and the power of the tribulation thunder below the realm of transformation is relatively weak, making it easier to survive the thunder tribulation, so the number of Yuanying monks naturally increased.

As for the elders of the older generation, some of them are old and are supported by their families and have grandchildren; some are still young and are practicing hard, striving to break through the Nascent Soul and become elders again. "The reputation of Jinya Dan and Chi Yuan Dan has spread. Not only the mountains in the southeast have become famous, but also monks from other regions have flocked here."

Speaking of these, Li Xiansong puffed up his chest, because these are his achievements and are destined to leave a mark in the family history.

"But at the same time, it also brings danger to the family!"

An elder said solemnly: "Several virtual refining forces have come to our door now, threatening us openly or covertly. They want to wholesale two kinds of spiritual pills and take them back to sell."

But the problem is that the Li family has a lot of refining of these two kinds of elixirs, and they simply cannot satisfy so many forces.

In this way, some forces are bound to be offended.

Maybe there will be a few arrogant or hot-tempered forces who look down on the Li family and directly threaten Li Xiansong.

This is indeed the case. When Li Xiansong said that the Li family could not produce many spiritual pills and distributed them to various families, one of the Lianxu Liu family and the other of the Lianxu Huaquan sect had to come up with enough elixirs in front of all the monks. Panacea, otherwise there will be consequences at your own risk!

"If your Excellency wants to cause trouble, just take action! Although my Li family's strength is not that good, it cannot be threatened by any monk or any force!" Li Xiansong said without giving in.

He is the leader of the clan! He represents the image of the Li family!

If Li Xiansong surrenders, it means that the Li family has bowed its head to a certain extent! This is absolutely not possible!

So he could only go back and give the Li family's answer.

"Okay, okay! A down-and-out family who has fled here can have such a loud tone. I really don't know what to say!" The Liu family monk sneered repeatedly, looking as if he was completely angered. He flicked his sleeves and left with the people.

On the other hand, the monk from the Huaquan Sect, as if the threat just now had never happened, the old god sat where he was.

These forces came all the way to the Li family not just for this one thing, they also wanted to invest in Wanlingfang City!

Yes! Become a shareholder, not a resident!

The reason for this is mainly because Wanlingfang City is developing extremely well now, and many casual cultivators will come. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the largest city in the southeastern mountains. It may even become a fairy city in the future.

The development potential has begun to materialize. How could the major forces in the mountains let go of this sweet potato?

"I'm afraid I have to disappoint you all. The Li family has never thought of giving up Wanlingfang City." Li Xiansong refused very bluntly, and then said: "But the Li family welcomes you to settle in. Let's earn spiritual stones together." ."

You know, Wanlingfang City is the biggest source of income for the Li family. How can it be possible for outsiders to take shares and share the profits?

Moreover, with the convenience of the market, the Li family has collected many common methods and spiritual objects in the Yuanling world, making the Li family more and more like a local family. Perhaps in a few decades, a new generation will fully grow up, and the history of the Xuanyuan world will be completely forgotten.

Speaking of which, in the past few decades, the Li family has almost treated secular people as reproductive tools. In addition to eating, drinking and having fun, they have been working hard to create little humans every day.

This is reflected in the fact that every male tribesman has at least five wives and concubines! There are even more than a dozen!

Most of them are local mortals in the Yuanling Realm, and there will be no bloodline chaos. Moreover, they don't care at all that their men have wives and concubines, but they are happy with it!

Because in the Yuanling world, the living environment for mortals is very dangerous! He might have died in his sleep.

The rich spiritual energy greatly reduces the difficulty for beasts to transform into monsters, and human flesh and blood can speed up cultivation. This is an inheritance engraved deep in the blood of all monsters, so they will attack mortal villages and devour mortals.

After marrying into the Li family, not only their own safety is guaranteed, but their relatives can also live within the protection of the Li family.

It is precisely because of this strategy that the Li family's population has increased several times in just a few decades! Now it's enough for hundreds of thousands or as many as two hundred thousand.

I don’t know why, but the probability that children who are conceived and born in the Yuanling Realm have spiritual roots is very high!

In the Xuanyuan world, the probability of a child possessing spiritual roots was less than one in a thousand, but now it was several hundred, and the qualifications were also better.

As the population grows, the consumption of resources will naturally increase. Wanlingfang City, as the Li family's largest source of income, is absolutely impossible to part with!

The faces of the major Void Refining Forces that were rejected by Li Xiansong twice in succession all looked a little ugly.

The strength of the Li family is no more than this. With only Li Zhirui, a Void Refining cultivator, any one of them can wipe out the Li family.

The reason why we didn't snatch it directly was mainly because we were worried that this 'escape and migration' family, which would 're' own the Void Refining Monk again at an extremely fast speed, had some kind of powerful and terrifying trump card.

Li Xiansong smiled bitterly in his heart. He originally thought that taking out the golden elixir and the spiritual elixir used by Yuanying would not attract the attention of the big forces, but he did not expect that they would come so quickly.

In fact, there was nothing wrong with his plan. These void refining forces were ranked high in the Qianzhong Mountains. If they went to other realms, if they were not at the bottom, then they would be at the bottom.

But it is precisely because these forces are not strong and they value various interests more, so when they learned that the Li family earned a large amount of spiritual stones through the market, they teamed up to visit them.

Just when Li Xiansong was thinking about how to send everyone away, Li Zhirui suddenly appeared in the hall.

He had just absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon, received Li Xiansong's communication talisman, and immediately flew here.

The brows wrinkled slightly. They seriously misjudged these forces at the beginning, thinking that they did not value this benefit. In the end, they were as greedy as hyenas!

But unfortunately, the Li family is now too weak to be enemies with so many forces.

But what Li Zhirui didn't know was that all the god-transformation monks present were shocked in their hearts.

According to the information they knew, it had only been about ten years since Li Zhirui broke through the Xu training, but the aura exuding from his body seemed to be that of a hundred years of hard training!

Although they are just transformed gods, they come from a veteran Void Refining force and know the Void Refining Realm very well. They are sure that their perception will not be wrong!

And this discovery also made them more certain that the Li family had an extraordinary origin, and they might actually have some kind of terrifying trump card!

"One month later, the Li family will hold an auction in Wanlingfang City. During this period, the Jinya Dan and Chiyuan Dan prescriptions will be put up for auction, and five copies will be sold. If you are interested, you can go back and prepare the spirit stones. ”

Li Zhirui said: "Of course, if you have any precious spiritual objects, you can put them at the auction."

We can't be enemies with them, we can only give up some of our benefits.

Li Zhirui was unwilling to give in, but he was bound to be stronger. What could he do?

(End of this chapter)

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