Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 925 Enlightenment

Chapter 925 Enlightenment

After hearing Li Zhirui's words, the faces of the monks instantly softened a lot. Facing the unknown threat to the Li family, they were unwilling to push too hard.

What if the Li family wants to die together and both sides suffer? They don't want to die like this.

"Then we won't disturb fellow Taoists."

After everyone got the two kinds of elixirs, they said goodbye and left with satisfaction.

There was silence in the family hall. Except for Li Zhirui, the other elders' faces were extremely ugly.

Li Zhirui was silent for a moment and said: "Practice hard."

After saying that, he disappeared.

"In the final analysis, we are still not strong enough, so we let them bully us. If the family could have more Void Refining monks, would they still dare to do this?!" an elder said angrily.

"Yes, strength is the foundation." Li Xiansong said with emotion: "So after you go back, you must cultivate those juniors with outstanding qualifications. Only when they grow up, this kind of thing will not happen again!"

Li Xiansong and others can understand the reason why Li Zhirui did this. The Li family is now targeted by multiple forces. Taking out one of them alone is enough to threaten the life and death of the Li family.

"You can't even withstand the pressure of me, a Nascent Soul cultivator, and you actually want to challenge Lianxu, who is two realms higher than me? It's simply a daydream!"

Li Xiansong's cold voice was like a sharp arrow, piercing everyone's heart. It was unclear whether the red cheeks were due to anger or other reasons.

If the young people who symbolize the family's future are indifferent to this humiliation, then the Li family might as well be overthrown and destroyed. What's the point of lingering on?

Li Xiansong said solemnly: "The weak eat the strong, strength is king! Remember this sentence!"


The coercion of the late Nascent Soul completely exploded, and everyone who was originally excited felt as if they were carrying a mountain, making them unable to breathe.

This seemingly overwhelming cultivation speed is the result of Li Yunran's steady efforts. The reason why he is so exaggerated is due to the aura of the Yuanling world and the family's focused training.

Li Xiansong walked out with a cold expression. Looking at the group of youthful and high-spirited young people in front of him, a trace of relief flashed in his eyes.

It’s good to be bloody! It is better to be angry and reckless than to be cowardly and timid.

Now is not the time for reckoning. The Li family must lie on the ground and wait for the opportunity.

"Let the elders responsible for teaching them pay more attention." After saying this, I didn't know what Li Xiansong was thinking, and his eyes were out of focus.

However, those impulsive and young tribesmen could not accept this result. They gathered in front of the family hall and shouted against the auction and the betrayal of family interests, even if it meant bloodshed and sacrifice!

Having said that, it is impossible for Li Xiansong to agree to their request.

Li Xiansong didn't want to talk to these young people anymore. They just needed to practice hard now and shouldn't waste precious time on trivial matters.

Li Xiansong glanced at him and recognized that this person was Li Yunran, the second Tianlinggen in the family besides Li Mingyao. He had only cultivated for more than twenty years before he formed the golden elixir!

"We will never agree to you betraying family interests!" someone shouted under pressure.

"Clan leader, are you pushing too hard? What if they go crazy?" An elder asked worriedly.

In the face of family inheritance and continuation, just give out the two elixir recipes.

Li Yunran and others were like ducks that had their necks strangled, and they were speechless for a moment.

"If you don't want others to look down on you, go back and practice hard and defeat them with your strength instead of wasting time here!"

"Then do you want to see the family perish, tens of thousands of clan members, hundreds of thousands of secular clan members die, and the Li family cease to exist?" Li Xiansong asked rhetorically.

This incident shocked the tribesmen greatly. Under the huge pressure, a group of young tribesmen practiced hard, became more serious and focused.

When the elder saw this, he did not dare to speak again and quietly exited the room.

I don't know how long it took, Li Xiansong sighed and murmured in a low voice: "I gave you a chance back then. I thought you would change, but unexpectedly, I was still delusional."

Since the end of the mountain closure, Li Xiansong has restarted the Anbu and asked them to secretly keep an eye on all clan members, especially those clan members who have betrayed their families in Xuanyuan Realm!

Originally, he thought that a traitor would not appear in the family so soon, but the reality gave Li Xiansong a severe slap in the face.

After various forces joined forces to visit, many of them took action and wanted to continue to betray the family and seek benefits for themselves.

If Li Xiansong hadn't been prepared in advance, I'm afraid they would have succeeded!

He took out the clan leader's special seal and jade book, and then created a mysterious magic formula. A secret door suddenly appeared on the wall behind the hall.

After walking down the steps for a while, an extremely spacious underground space appeared in front of Li Xiansong. This was the ANBU and a place where clan members who betrayed the family and harmed family interests were detained.

In the huge space, there were more than a dozen tribesmen wearing black robes and masks, and their identities were completely unclear.

All ANBU personnel are strictly selected and trained, and are directly led by the clan leader. There are no intermediate managers, and all members can directly contact the clan leader.

There is only one deacon to help integrate and deliver messages.

And only Li Zhirui and the clan leader know their true identities. Apart from this, no other ANBU members, nor relatives and friends, can know.

Once he steps down as the clan leader, he will be asked to swear an oath not to reveal the identity of ANBU members, and to ensure to the greatest extent that the identities of ANBU members will not be leaked.

"I have known about what you have done for a long time, but because I am connected by blood, I have come to a new world, and I want to give you another chance to change your ways."

Li Xiansong walked to the prison next to him, looked at the dozen clan members imprisoned with an indifferent expression, and said, "But why do you still betray the family? Has the family treated you badly over the years?"

"We know that you have a handle on us, but weren't you destroyed along with those tribesmen decades ago?"

One of them smiled and said: "It is precisely because of your tolerance that we feel that betraying family interests is not a big deal."

"Hahahaha!" Li Xiansong laughed out loud at these words, but immediately became cold. "I won't kill you. After all, I am a tolerant and generous person."

As soon as these words came out, a look of joy suddenly appeared on the faces of the dozen or so people in the prison.

"Since you betrayed your family's interests, then spend the rest of your life repaying it."

Li Xiansong pronounced the verdict in a cold voice: "Seal everyone's souls and Dantian, destroy their hand tendons and hamstrings, imprison them in Xiaolong Village, Ping'an Town, and work hard day and night. Be careful not to let them die too early."

Ping'an Town is the mortal town in the Li family's territory.

As the last word fell, everyone's faces turned pale and they shouted crazily: "Clan Chief! Chief! Spare us! We know we were wrong! We will never dare to do it again!" They knew that Li Xiansong was They treat them as beasts.

As monks of the Li family, how could they not know how miserable the beast's fate was?

As Li Xiansong said, people must pay special attention to their bodies, otherwise, in just a few years, they will be drained of their essence and die!

"too late!"

After that, Li Xiansong left without looking back.


However, Li Zhirui said that although he was furious in his heart after leaving, his mind was very calm.

When he was in the main hall, he always felt that something was not right about their attitude, but he had no time to think about it at that time. Now that he has returned, Li Zhirui constantly replays the expressions and reactions of those people in his mind.

"Why didn't they continue to intimidate the family and give up more benefits? They left with just two third-level and fourth-level elixir prescriptions, and they could only get them through auctions." Li Zhirui murmured to himself .

"What do they seem to be afraid of?"

A flash of light suddenly flashed in Li Zhirui's mind. If he remembered correctly, in the eyes of the outside world, the Li family migrated from a refugee camp!

Especially after they arrived at Qianzhong Mountains, a Void Refining monk appeared within twenty or thirty years, which confirmed this speculation.

So they thought that the Li family was originally quite powerful and had some trump cards in their hands, so they didn't dare to force the Li family too much?

If we think deeply about this idea, their actions will make sense.

Li Zhirui, who guessed the answer, had a wry smile on his face, "I didn't expect that because of their own guess, they saved the Li family."

However, he knew in his heart that this kind of falsehood would be exposed as soon as it was exposed, and once it was exposed, they might become angry and really take action to deal with the Li family.

Therefore, before the tiger skin is peeled off, the Li family must strengthen itself as much as possible!

Only in this way can the anger of those forces be blocked.

"a hundred years!"

Li Zhirui whispered, "Give the Li family another hundred years to develop. Even if there is a void-refining force that really wants to take action, they must carefully consider whether it is worth it."

Because if Jiang Fengwu breaks through Lianxu, she can deploy a sixth-level formation. The powerful defense can better resist attacks from the outside. It is no longer the case now. The fifth-level formation does not take much effort in front of Lianxu monks. Can break.

There are also Daqing, Xiaoqing and Xiaocang. Thanks to the "All Spirits Sutra", they have no cultivation bottleneck and can break through the sixth level very easily.

Especially Xiao Cang, unlike Da Qing and Xiao Qing, he still has the constraints of bloodline and grade. As long as his cultivation is perfect, he can lead the thunder disaster.


If Li Zhirui had reached the late stage of cultivating the void, or if the Li family had a few more cultivators of the void cultivator, would they still dare to intimidate the Li family?

"Refining the void is just the beginning, we can't be complacent!" Li Zhirui said to himself.

Even though he has been practicing hard over the years and even created a method to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, there seems to be no problem.

But in fact, after Li Zhirui broke through the Void Refining, he became a little arrogant and complacent, because he was not only the first ascended monk of the Li family, but also brought all his clan members to the Yuanling Realm.

Just like in the legend, a man attained enlightenment, chickens and dogs ascended to heaven, and all kinds of achievements, how could they not affect his state of mind?

Fortunately, this crisis was like pouring a bucket of cold water on him, extinguishing his pride and complacency.

This crisis is also a good thing for the Li family. It has awakened their dream that they were still the masters of the past.

The current Li family, just like when they first moved to Darong Island, is a weak and weak bottom class.

"It took hundreds of years for the Li family to grow from a small foundation-building family to a god-forming force that dominates the world. It can still be done in the Yuanling world!" Li Zhirui said with great determination.


A month goes by in a blink of an eye.

The news of the auction has long been spread through various forces. Most of the monks in the Qianzhong Mountains are aware of the auction in Wanlingfang City, especially the use of Jinya Dan and Chiyuan Dan as a gimmick. It attracted enough attention.

So when the auction started, countless monks poured into Wanlingfang City. The broad avenue built by the Li family was now crowded.

"It would be great if so many monks came to Fangshi every day." Li Xiansong couldn't help but sigh while looking at the situation on the street from the tallest and largest store building in the center of Fangshi.

It is a pity that from now on, not only will there not be so many monks in Wanlingfang City, there may even be fewer than before, because the prescriptions for the two spiritual pills are about to be auctioned off, and the Li family can no longer monopolize the two spiritual pills. They have more choices.

And after this lesson, the Li family has decided that they will not come up with some unique spiritual objects before their strength improves, so as to avoid the aggrieved situation of being coerced by others.

Dang Dang Dang——

The bronze bell on the auction building rang, reminding everyone that the auction was about to begin.

As the auctioneer came on stage and warmed up, it didn't take long before the first auction item made its grand debut. It was the Jinya Dan recipe brought out by the Li family!

There are five jade slips placed on the red satin, which contain the elixir prescriptions they want.

"Golden Bud Pill, a third-level spiritual elixir, assists Golden Elixir monks in their practice. It can effectively speed up the accumulation of mana and has a slight nourishing effect on Golden Elixir. The starting price is 500,000 spiritual stones!"

Before the auctioneer's voice completely dissipated, there was someone eager to start bidding.

"Six hundred thousand!"

"Eight hundred thousand!"

In the blink of an eye, it skyrocketed to 1.3 million!

After reaching this price, everyone calmed down. It's not just one prescription, but several more?

Not to mention there are five more precious fourth-level elixir recipes, which are not worth using too many spiritual stones in this place.

In the end, the first pill recipe was acquired by a Lianxu family for a sky-high price of 1.45 million spirit stones.

The prices of the remaining pill recipes are all about the same, except for the last pill recipe, which is slightly more expensive, reaching 1.5 million.

Danfang aroused everyone's emotions, and the next few auction items on stage were all valuable spiritual objects.

These were not brought out by the Li family, but treasures sent by other forces for auction. They were all sixth-level, and some were even seventh-level, but the effects were weird, so the atmosphere was not very warm.

(End of this chapter)

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