Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 926 Procurement

Chapter 926 Procurement

There were even times when no one bid!

This is not surprising, because most of the spiritual objects brought out by various forces are of high quality but useless.

Under such circumstances, naturally no one would be willing to take advantage of him.

And the reason why they did this was also very simple, to damage the reputation of the Li Family Auction!

If an auction frequently fails to sell, outsiders will inevitably lose confidence in it and will no longer think about sending out spiritual objects for auction.

When they believed that the Li family had some kind of trump card, the various forces did not dare to push too hard, lest they overturn the table in anger, so they could only use this small means to attack the Li family.

But what they didn't expect was that the Li family had already arranged manpower to receive these spiritual objects.

Although these spiritual objects, whether they are used for elixir refining, weapon refining, or other skills, can be replaced by spiritual objects with better effects or lower grade spiritual objects, in the Li family, there are two very important ones. use!

First, open up a spiritual realm!

The Yunling Cave Heaven Formation created by Jiang Fengwu now lacks these high-level spiritual objects as the formation eyes.

In the Yuanling world, the method of opening up the spiritual realm is not common! In other words, there is no need for the spiritual realm.

First, because the space in the Yuanling Realm is quite solid, even the Void Refining monks can barely break through the space with all their strength. This has stopped many monks.

But this huge amount of spiritual stones did not stay in the Li family's warehouse for too long. Within a few days, it was taken to Xiaoyuan Fairy City in the south by a team of dozens of people.

The Cloud Whale Spirit Ship quickly rose into the sky and headed south.

With the last pill recipe being taken, the first auction held by the Li family came to a successful conclusion.

It happened that through this auction, the Li family earned a large amount of spiritual stones, so they planned to buy all the spiritual seeds, magic methods, etc. that could be purchased in Xiaoyuan Fairy City at once.

The clan members who are responsible for purchasing spiritual objects and magical methods within the Immortal City have gone through various screenings and tests to confirm that they are completely loyal to the family, and only then do they dare to let them take on such an important responsibility.

But little did he know that the Li family was the biggest winner.

So Li Zhirui got off the spirit ship a hundred miles outside the city, seemingly looking for a place to hide, but in fact he was hiding in space to ensure that no one could discover his existence.

Three seemingly unrelated spiritual ships, under human control, arrived at Xiaoyuan Fairy City within half an hour of each other.

The reason why it can be sold at such a high price is because it contains the spiritual seeds of the elixir needed in the elixir.

There were only five pill prescriptions, but they were sold for tens of millions of spiritual stones!

"Let's go."

Second, the Yuanling Realm is rich in resources, vast in territory, rich in spiritual energy, and has simple laws. Unlike the Xuanyuan Realm, you must find another way and speed up your cultivation. Otherwise, it will be too difficult to ascend.

You must know that these spiritual seeds were all brought by the Li family from the Xuanyuan Realm. There may be similar effects in this realm, but there are definitely no identical spiritual things.

Moreover, the rich spiritual energy and the laws of manifestation make it easy for new spiritual objects to be born or mutate.

After carefully counting the money and goods, several people left with the spiritual objects.

In fact, in the past few years, the Li family has been arranging for members of the clan to hide their identities and buy various spiritual seeds and methods in the surrounding Xiaofang City.

The names of low-level spiritual objects were spoken from the mouth of a certain tribe.

The reason for choosing this location is that a hundred miles outside the fairy city is also protected by the combined Zhang family, and no monks can do anything here.

Therefore, in order to make up for this huge and fatal shortcoming, the Li family must spend a large amount of spiritual stones to purchase various low-level spiritual objects and techniques that can be purchased.

The Li family bought almost all the spiritual objects they took out at a price close to the starting price.

The Li family lacks various basic techniques and low-level spiritual seeds!

It seems that when Li Zhirui ascended, Daqing and others had almost emptied the Ten Thousand Immortals Island, so that these things would not be lacking, but those things were not from the Yuanling Realm.

"Yilingcao, green mango..."

It would be better to send a group of Jindan and Nascent Soul clan members to buy them separately in the fairy city like now. They will only think that they are some casual cultivators who are preparing to establish a sect or a family.

Finally, the auction room was given up, allowing everyone to freely exchange and sell spiritual objects. After the sun went down, the door was closed.

It doesn't make people feel strange. At most, they have too many spiritual stones in their hands, which will arouse the greed of some thoughtful people.

"It's another small force that has just been established. I don't know how long they can exist." The man who watched these tribesmen leave curled his lips.

Within half an hour, all the purchased spiritual objects were put into a storage bag.

Of course, it is limited to those who are not as powerful as the Zhang family. If there is a Mahayana, a tribulation, or even a fight between immortals, the Zhang family will not dare to say a word.

Occasionally taking out some spiritual objects that are not found in the surrounding world, others will only think that the Li family has traveled thousands of miles to avoid disasters, and will not think much about it. After all, the Yuanling world is so big that even immortals have to fly several times. Years can go around the world.

Halfway through the flight, two teams were separated to drive another spiritual ship.

In the midst of the crowd's auction, one after another spiritual objects appeared on the auction stage, and soon the final spiritual object was reached - the Chi Yuan Dan recipe that can increase the mana of Yuanying monks.

A force with Void Refining cultivators actually came here to buy various basic techniques and low-level spiritual objects? It's hard not to wonder about this strange situation.

Li Zhirui didn't go in with the others. There were so many powerful people in the fairy city, and there were so many capable people. He couldn't hide his true cultivation with this method.

As far as the Li family knows, among the hundreds of forces in Qianzhong Mountain, few seem to have mastered the spiritual realm.

This situation is very common in the Yuanling world. On the vast land, there are many ownerless spiritual veins and spiritual mountains. As long as they can withstand the danger of monsters or demon cultivators, it will be fine.

In the eyes of those forces, this scene was just an attempt by the Li family to maintain the reputation of the auction. They did not expect that they had given the Li family a big gift, and they also thought that they would take back part of the spiritual stones.

Don't worry about alerting the enemy. What's worrying is that after they find out there is a Void Refining monk, they will send stronger monks to rob the Li family team, and it will also arouse suspicion.

Secondly, the Li family can use these high-level spiritual objects to cultivate spiritual beasts, promote their bloodline promotion, and then improve the grade of the family's spiritual beasts.

Because the amount was huge, it was very likely that someone would be interested in it, so Li Zhirui was among them, and he planned to wait and see, maybe he could get some good things from those robbing cultivators and bandit cultivators.

But it would be so strange if all the spiritual objects in the Li family were spiritual objects that had never been seen before!

It's just because the market is too small, and there are only the forces behind them, so many things are unavailable.

"Ha, maybe after they left the fairy city, they died in the wasteland within a thousand miles." Another guy sneered.

A middle-aged man who had just walked downstairs had a glint in his eyes. In his opinion, those young monks were very lucky and were definitely not destined to die young.

"Interesting, maybe in a thousand or two thousand years, another combined force will be born, and it can even go further."

The young man next to him was shocked when he heard these words. His master was proficient in fate and luck, and he rarely made mistakes.

A small force that has just been established to transform gods can have integrated monks in only one or two thousand years. This growth rate is already very fast, but the master said it is more than that? Is that the Mahayana, transcending tribulations, or even the fairyland?

The young man was filled with curiosity, but he did not dare to ask, and he also knew that his master would not answer him.

——Although the tribesmen in charge of purchasing were careful enough, their large-scale purchases could not be concealed from the sharp eyes of those who specialized in selecting the suitable people among countless monks.

When they passed by each other inadvertently, the tribesmen were unaware of the tracking methods left behind by those monks who were proficient in the way of the green forest.

When they left the fairy city at dusk as agreed, the tribesmen were very careful for fear of being followed, but they didn't know that they had been marked long ago!

Those monks did not need to follow them all the time to avoid alerting the enemy. With the speed of their specially designed spirit ships, they could easily catch up with their targeted prey.

Li Zhirui also came out of the space on time. The first time he saw the tribesmen, he knew that they had met Jie Cultivators, and they were Jie Cultivators from different gangs.

After thinking about it, a pure light appeared in the palm of his hand, covering some of the clan members.

In just an instant, those marks were purified cleanly.

The purification law that Li Zhirui masters can be said to be the natural enemy of this method, not to mention that he is also stronger.

at the same time.

"Huh? The mark we left has been erased!"

Several gangs in the fairy city who were preparing to take action suddenly found that they had lost the means to determine the location of their prey. Not only were they not angry, but they felt happy in their hearts.

Because they know that monks who have such methods either have some special ability or are far stronger than them, but no matter which they are, they are the ones they dare not provoke or offend.

"Ruizu, this is..." an elder asked worriedly.

"It's okay. As long as I'm here, nothing will happen."

Li Zhirui comforted him and said, "Let's go."

Li Zhirui's words gave the tribesmen strong confidence and confidence, and they immediately boarded the Cloud Whale Spirit Ship and flew straight to the Wanxian Mountain in the north.

But before they were even a thousand miles away, some tribesmen noticed a group of monks rushing toward them.

"Don't panic, speed up the spirit ship and get rid of them!" The elder who calmed down shouted loudly.

Under the organization of the elders, the spirit ship not only regained its calm, but also launched a battle. Once a war breaks out, it can launch a counterattack instantly.

Li Zhirui, who was observing in secret, nodded slightly. The quality of these tribesmen was really good.

The speed of the Cloud Whale Spirit Ship was not slow, but it was still not as fast as those of the special spirit ships of Jie Xiu. After chasing for more than an hour, they were caught up.

"Do it!"

Various spells and supernatural powers flew out, like a colorful torrent, roaring and rushing towards a certain group of robbery cultivators.

"Little tricks!"

A group of Nascent Souls, Golden Pills, and only two god-transformation cultivators did not pay attention to those calamity cultivators at all.

Although they belong to different families, in the face of wealth, they can temporarily put aside their old grudges and hatreds.

So when they took action together, this powerful torrent of spells instantly shattered!

"Be good and surrender, and I'll spare your life."

They looked at the clan members with eyes full of disdain and greed, and a cruel smile appeared on their lips. It was obvious that they had no intention of letting the clan members go.

But the next moment, they couldn't laugh anymore.

"Refining the void!"

The moment Li Zhirui appeared, all the robbery cultivators were shocked, and despair took over their hearts.

And what appeared with him was a cage composed of thousands of vines!

"If you don't want to die, just fight him!"

I don't know who shouted, and the panic cultivators instantly calmed down and launched their most powerful attacks, trying to break this fragile-looking vine cage.

Although the level of the spirit vines has not improved, it has better quality. The cage it forms cannot be broken by this group of gods and Yuanying monks.

Their attacks are nothing more than scratching, and can't even break the skin.

This huge gap makes people feel desperate, with no chance of escape in sight.

"I was bewitched by inner demons and I bumped into my senior. I asked my senior to forgive me. I am willing to be a bull and a horse. I just want my senior to spare my life."

When the first monk begged for mercy, the others seemed to see the hope of living and knelt down to beg for mercy. All kinds of flattery and flattery continued like a torrent of river water.

“It’s really remarkable that you can bend and stretch!”

Li Zhirui chuckled lightly and said, "But in this case, I won't be able to keep you anymore."

With a thought, all the spirit vines were like ghosts wielding death, harvesting the lives of all the calamity cultivators.

Within half a quarter of an hour, except for the Li family monks, there were no living monks on the battlefield.

Controlling the vines, they retrieved the various magical weapons on their bodies into the spirit ship, and then used a large fire to burn the battlefield cleanly.

Then it took a few days to return to Wanxian Mountain safely.

"You go and report the situation to the clan leader."

After saying that, Li Zhirui disappeared and left.

"If Ruizu hadn't followed them, it might have been dangerous this time!" Li Xiansong couldn't help but sigh after knowing what happened to them.

But the most important thing now is that after getting the spiritual seeds and methods, the former must be planted as soon as possible, and the latter must be arranged for the tribesmen to master as soon as possible.

The entire Li family became busy. A large number of clan members went to open up spiritual fields. The formation masters set up protective formations to avoid being destroyed by monsters. The spiritual planters learned how to cultivate spiritual plants to avoid large-scale deaths.

Alchemists, talisman makers and other skilled monks are also working hard to learn various basic techniques.

At the same time, Li Zhirui, who was in the spiritual realm, was also counting the gains of the dozens of monks.

Since their cultivation level was not high, they did not have any precious spiritual objects in their hands, and there were very few that could catch Li Zhirui's eyes, only two in total.

One is a sixth-level wood-attribute spiritual object, which looks like bamboo but not bamboo. It is very strong. Li Zhirui plans to integrate it into the natal magic weapon to increase the hardness of the magic weapon.

The other item is a fourth-level spiritual spring eye, which is also a type of spiritual vein. In addition to producing spiritual energy, it can also produce a fourth-level spiritual water. Although the grade is not high, it is better than the sixth-level spiritual water. Things are still precious.

(End of this chapter)

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