Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 927 Demonic Cultivator

Chapter 927 Demonic Cultivator

But when Li Zhirui opened the last storage bag, his expression suddenly changed. There were various human remains inside, including dozens of complete baby corpses!

"Demon cultivator!"

Li Zhirui's expression was solemn. According to various intelligence collected by the family over the years, the boundary of Xiaoyuan Fairy City is located to the north of the eastern part of Dongzhou, and there is no demonic cultivator force. The main thing to guard against is the sea monster in the East China Sea.

"Did a demonic cultivator infiltrate Xiaoyuan Fairy City and establish an organization secretly? Or is it just that this person accidentally obtained the demonic inheritance?"

If it's the latter, there's nothing to worry about. The person has already died in Li Zhirui's hands.

But if it's the former, once the demonic cultivators try to do something, it's likely to threaten the safety of the Li family!

Li Zhirui even suspected that the hiding place of the demon cultivator was somewhere in the Qianzhong Mountains!

Because compared to the fairy city with strict management and powerful combined forces, the thousands of mountains covered with peaks and internal chaos are more difficult to discover.

Li Zhirui had a sullen face and used his consciousness to search around in the storage bag to see if he could find any useful information.

It is a pity that apart from the human bodies and ghosts used to refine magic weapons, there are only various elixirs and no spiritual objects such as jade slips and talismans can be seen at all.

Faced with this situation, Li Zhirui couldn't help but frowned. He only knew that such a threat existed, but other than that, he had no information! So much so that he didn't know how to defend himself.

After pondering for a while, Li Zhirui thought of a way.

The sharp-eyed monks immediately spoke.

In fact, Li Zhirui asked Ashen to make that black light, and its position was fixed to ensure that monks would see it. The purpose was to use it as evidence and let some monks stand up to help testify.

"But after so many days, has anyone seen the demon cultivator? Maybe it was just a self-written farce."

In fact, many monks have never seen a demonic cultivator with their own eyes, but the records they can see about demonic cultivators describe the various bloody methods of the demonic path. All demonic cultivators live in danger every day.

"So many monks have seen it with their own eyes, how can it be false?"

'Damn it! Who exposed the traces, if it ruined what the Holy Sect planned..." The middle-aged man cursed in his heart, and when he thought of those punishments, his body trembled involuntarily.

"I saw it too!"

Therefore, Li Zhirui did not tell anyone, but one day, he quietly left Wanxian Mountain and went to Xiaofang City, a nearby village of a god-transforming family. He pretended to be a casual cultivator who was being chased by a demon cultivator and fled into Fang City in a hurry. .

The Immortals did this to publicize that the demonic path was not the right way, and to warn the monks not to fall into the demonic path, but it also brought a huge side effect, that is, in the minds of many monks, the demonic cultivators were powerful and their methods were cruel and terrifying.

And just as he entered Fangshi, a few sharp-eyed monks noticed a black light flying away quickly dozens of miles outside Fangshi.

Both sides insisted on their own opinions and almost started fighting in the restaurant.

As a result, many monks have never seen a demon cultivator and don't know what the opponent's cultivation level is. When they hear about the existence of the demon cultivator, they feel that the opponent's strength is very powerful and they are no match at all.

"What should we do? What should we do?" Some timid and weak monks kept repeating.

'no! We must report it as soon as possible and let the elders find a way to solve the matter. Otherwise, we will all wait to be punished! '

Taking advantage of the chaos in the crowd, Li Zhirui quietly left the crowd. When he appeared again, he had changed his appearance and left Fangshi.

"Demon cultivator! I accidentally bumped into several demon cultivators and ambushed a team of demon hunters. If I hadn't reacted quickly enough and turned around and ran away, I would have followed in the footsteps of those cultivators!" Li Zhirui said with a look on his face. He shouted in horror.

It was as if the news about the demon cultivators had grown wings. It took only a few days for it to spread throughout the Qianzhong Mountains. You could see casual cultivators discussing the matter everywhere, and even spreading it to the outside world. the trend of.

Everyone who originally thought Li Zhirui was lying saw so many people speaking out to prove it, and the atmosphere instantly became solemn.

In a certain city, an ordinary-looking middle-aged man was sitting in a restaurant, listening to the monks in the hall, discussing whether the demonic cultivator really existed, or guessing where the demonic cultivator was hiding.

Spread the news about the existence of demon cultivators in Xiaoyuan Fairy City as rumors through the mouths of casual cultivators!

Moreover, it is best not to involve the Li family in this matter, lest the demon cultivator will be liquidated in the future and find out the Li family.

"I just saw a demon cultivator leaving Fangshi!"

The middle-aged man was convinced, and he immediately stood up and strode away from Fangshi, flying as fast as possible to a hidden corner in the mountains.

"Elder Wen, disciple Nangong Qi has something important to report!"

As he finished speaking this sentence with a peculiar pronunciation, the seemingly identical mountain wall in front of him suddenly opened a hole, and a dark passage appeared.

"What's going on?"

Nangong Qi didn't dare to raise his head at all, and said respectfully: "In a certain market, I found that all the monks were talking about the disciples of the Holy Sect in the mountains."

"You mean, we have been exposed? The monks are searching everywhere for our whereabouts?" Elder Wen asked.

"Disciple doesn't know." At this time, it's best not to be cautious.

"Go out, collect more information, and investigate how the news spread." As he said that, Elder Wen waved his hand and sent Nangong Qi out.

Then he summoned all the elders urgently, told them about the matter, and then asked: "Do you have any ideas to solve this problem?"

Things have happened, and there is no need to waste a lot of energy and time investigating the culprit. It will not be too late to settle the matter after the current crisis is resolved.

Moreover, if we investigate now, the frequent entry and exit of personnel will expose their location faster.

"After hearing what my senior brother said, the news has completely spread. Almost no one in the entire mountain is aware of it. What we can do now is to hide and wait for a while before the limelight passes before we take action again. .”

An elder said: "The second way is to create a bigger thing to attract the monks' attention. Naturally, no one will talk about it or look for me."

"Junior Brother Zhao wants to stir up a tide of beasts?" A glint flashed in Elder Wen's eyes.

In the Qianzhong Mountains, the beast tide is a difficulty that all forces must face!

If you are not careful, your family will be destroyed and your inheritance will be cut off.

If there is a beast tide, naturally no one will pay close attention to the possible demon cultivators.

"Yes, once the beast wave breaks out, no one will pay attention to us anymore!"

A cruel sneer appeared on the corner of Elder Zhao's mouth, and he said: "And we can also use secret methods to enhance the strength of the monsters so that they can cause greater trouble to the monks."

Elder Zhao's words immediately gained the approval of all the elders. As for how to trigger a tide of monsters, it’s very simple, just use monster luring incense!

Of course, the monsters that can be attracted by the monster-baiting incense will not be too strong, at most only level three, but the number will definitely not be small, enough for the monks to deal with for a period of time.

And once the beast tide is formed, there may be fourth- and fifth-level monsters taking the initiative to join in, taking this opportunity to obtain more flesh and blood from the monks and speed up their own cultivation.

Coupled with the fact that they plan to use secret techniques, even low-level monsters will become more difficult to deal with.

"In that case, let's take action! At the same time, order all the disciples to hide their identities and speed up the completion of the tasks assigned by the Holy Sect." Elder Wen immediately issued the order.

The difficulty of refining the demon-baiting incense is very low, not to mention that this is a group of god-transforming demon cultivators. If it had not taken some time to collect spiritual objects, it would not take a day to refine thousands of demon-lubing incense.

Each person brought a large amount of demon-baiting incense, and moved separately to light it in various places in the Qianzhong Mountains, attracting wisps of breeze to spread the smoke to farther places, hoping to lure more demonic beasts.

The demon-baiting incense simulates flesh and blood filled with aura, which is a great tonic for demonic beasts. Especially low-level demonic beasts are not smart enough to distinguish the real from the fake, so they all take action to move towards the flesh and blood. Run in the direction where the energy comes from.


Tens of thousands of monsters ran together, a puff of smoke rose between the sky and the earth, and the earth shook slightly.

Lured by the monster-baiting incense, the monsters came to the gathering place of the monks.

At this point, there was no need for the demon-baiting incense. The aroma of flesh and blood exuded from the monks made the demonic beasts that came all the way bloody.

"Hehe, enjoy this great gift."

The demon cultivator hiding behind laughed, and used his hands to form complex spells. A strange fluctuation appeared between the heaven and the earth, spreading among the monsters.


As if they had been stimulated by something, the monsters roared crazily and became more aggressive.

This secret method cannot last for too long, only half an hour, but the advantage is that it will not leave any traces. Even if the monks investigate afterwards, they will not be able to find any clues.

Dang Dang Dang——

The cultivating forces that were attacked by the monsters immediately sounded the warning bell to prepare all the disciples and tribesmen for battle.

The Li family in Wanxian Mountain on the southeast side of the mountains was not immune to this man-made beast tide.

"It's strange, this tide of beasts came too suddenly!" After Li Zhirui received the news, he smelled a strange smell as soon as possible.

The news of the demon cultivator had just spread, and the beast tide broke out. This was too much of a coincidence!

Especially when Li Zhirui appeared in front of the battlefield and looked at the group of monster beasts not far away that were only at the third level of strength, he became more and more sure that there was something strange behind it.

"Maybe this tide of beasts is the work of demon cultivators!"

Li Zhirui murmured to himself, standing in mid-air with no intention of taking action.

They were just a group of low-level monsters, weak in strength. If he needed to do this, what would the family do to cultivate so many monks?

And with the strength of these monsters, they will not cause any casualties to the Li family, but they will definitely have an impact.

For example, the spiritual fields planted with various low-level spiritual objects were destroyed by monsters.

Fortunately, the Li family had considered the problem of the beast tide from the beginning and arranged the mortals to the east and south of Wanxian Mountain, in the plain areas that were not part of the mountains.

Otherwise, I don’t know how many mortals would die in the beast’s mouth.

"Do it!"

Following Li Xiansong's order, all the tribesmen activated the spells they were good at, and the colorful auras fell from the sky like a rainbow, hitting the tide of beasts.

In an instant, I don’t know how many monsters were killed.

The scene of flesh and mud everywhere not only did not frighten the monsters, but the rich smell of blood further aroused their ferocity, and they roared and launched an attack.

"Everyone, take action to neutralize the attack of the monster beasts, and then act individually to leave all these monster beasts behind!"

Even if the hasty response did not neutralize all the attacks, the remaining spells only caused ripples when they hit the mountain-protecting formation.

In order to get more spiritual objects, the tribesmen who were working on their own launched attacks with all their strength, harvesting the lives of the monsters.

"Ruizu, I think this beast wave is a bit strange." Li Xiansong saw that his family had always had the advantage and did not need his too much attention, so he flew behind Li Zhirui, frowned and said what he felt was inconsistent.

"Hahaha, stealing the chicken is losing the rice!" Li Zhirui suddenly laughed and said. Li Xiansong could sense that something was wrong. Are there other monks who feel the same way?

Li Xiansong's face was full of confusion. He couldn't understand the meaning of the ancestor's words, let alone why he laughed suddenly.

Li Zhirui did not explain, but was thinking in his mind that after the beast tide passed, he would disguise himself as a casual cultivator and spread the news that the demon cultivator deliberately caused the beast tide in order to divert everyone's attention.

In this way, the Demonic Cultivator will receive more attention!

Although the strength of the monster beasts in this beast tide will not cause many casualties to all forces, the losses are not small. Every household in many mortal towns is wailing.

And mortals are the foundation of all forces!

Without a large number of mortals, there would not be a large number of children with spiritual roots every year, and the power would not be able to develop rapidly.

This debt is now settled on the monster beasts, but once it is revealed that the beast tide is a trick of the demon cultivators, the anger will shift and even worsen!

Because some of the monks were tricked by the demon cultivators, this anger was also added.

Seeing that the war was about to end, Li Zhirui asked Li Xiansong to count the battle merits and distribute the spiritual objects, and then disappeared.

On the third day after the beast tide, Li Zhirui went out again. He held a cup of spiritual wine in a certain restaurant in a certain city and said loudly: "Don't you think this beast tide is too strange? Which time has it happened before? There are no fifth-level or sixth-level monsters in the beast tide?”

"But what about this time? They are all low-level monsters, not even the fourth-order monsters can be seen! If I remember correctly, the demon-baiting incense can only lure monsters below the third-order."

"And before that, what were everyone doing? Looking for demon cultivators!"

(End of this chapter)

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