Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 928 Exposed

Chapter 928 Exposed

"So I think this is all the work of demon cultivators! They want to divert attention and continue to do things in secret." Li Zhirui, who looked drunk, said this loudly and fell asleep.

And those monks who were also in the restaurant, the more they thought about it, the more they realized that these words were correct. The demon cultivators who had been forgotten were once again pushed to the forefront.

Even compared to the previous time, the monks now were more angry than ever after being teased, and began to look for traces of the demonic cultivators everywhere.

Although they are still afraid of the strength of the demon cultivators, they think that there are only a few demon cultivators. Under the siege of hundreds of thousands of monks, those demon cultivators will definitely not be able to make waves.

Coupled with that anger, a large number of monks devoted themselves to the search for the demon cultivator.

When the Qianzhong Mountains were in turmoil due to demon cultivators, Xiao Yuanxian City also received relevant news.

Li Zhirui spread the news about the demon cultivators because he wanted to use the power of the Zhang family, because the monks from Qianzhong Mountain alone might not be able to eradicate the demon cultivators!

And once the demonic cultivators learn their lesson and become better at concealing themselves, an even more terrifying demonic disaster may occur in an unknown number of years.

In the city lord's mansion, several monks who refined the void and transformed into gods came to the backyard together and knocked on the door.

As one of the most important sources of income for the Zhang family, there is a fusion monk in Xiaoyuan Immortal City, but he does not do anything. He only serves as a high-end combat power to intimidate Xiaoxiao. Those mundane matters are handled by these refining and transforming gods.

Of course, as a supreme elder, he must report some important matters.

Only a low buzzing sound was heard, and the formation that enveloped the entire fairy city emitted a bright white spiritual light, ignoring the terrain and buildings, spreading like water waves in the city.

After a few people left, they turned around and went to a hall not far away. This place is the center for controlling all formations in the entire fairy city!

You know, the Zhang family is not only the owner of Immortal City, but also has opened a large number of shops, and their task is to ensure that the family can earn enough spiritual stones every year.

The purpose of this is to prevent someone from stealing the seal and destroying the center, causing all formations in the fairy city to become ineffective and thus put it in danger.


After all, there are many forces in the mountains, and fighting between them is very common.

The city lord told in brief words what had happened in the Qianzhong Mountains recently.

Zhang Xuanqi thought for a moment and said: "The beast tide is indeed too coincidental, but the source of the news is just a rogue cultivator? And this person disappeared very quickly, as if he did it on purpose."

Zhang Xuanqi even made plans to take action personally and capture the demon cultivators alive!

Although the area where the Zhang family is located is thousands of miles away from Xizhou, the base camp of the Demonic Dao, under normal circumstances, if you want to get here, you have to either cross the entire Dongzhou, detour through the chaotic Beizhou, or sail through the North Sea.

After entering the center, an elder who has mastered the formation will personally preside over the formation.

The process to get in is very cumbersome, requiring not only the city lord's seal, but also the identity jade tokens of the other two elders, and the three of them working together to perform secret techniques.

"Demon cultivator?" Zhang Xuanqi opened his eyes, a dark light appeared in his eyes, and said, "Is the news accurate?"

"What's the matter?"

If someone attacks the fairy city, the city defense formation will automatically extract spiritual energy and fully activate it. Even the tribulation monks will not be able to break the formation for a while. This period is enough for the Zhang family to react and launch countermeasures.

"Come in." A voice full of Taoist charm came from the yard.

Therefore, if a demonic cultivator really appears, what they want is definitely not a trivial matter!

"Yes!" The city lord and others did not expect that this ancestor would take this rumor so seriously. They all thought it was a method created by a certain force in the Qianzhong Mountains and wanted to take the opportunity to wipe out their opponents.

"But when dealing with demonic cultivators, you would rather make a mistake than let it go! Open the demon-seeking array in the city, and be prepared to close the city gate at the same time."

The city lord standing at the front bowed slightly and said: "Fifth Supreme Elder, traces of demonic cultivators have been discovered in Qianzhong Mountain. Many cultivators in the immortal city are panicking. Should we launch an investigation in the city?"

If it weren't for the fact that too many monks in the city were talking about this matter, and it even affected the business of the fairy city - the monks were afraid that the demonic cultivators would attack them outside, and they didn't dare to go out, causing the sales of many spiritual items to drop significantly - they wouldn't even come to see Tai. The elder reported this matter.

But no matter which one of these three roads it is, it is not easy to pass.

"Greetings to the Fifth Elder!" Everyone bowed in greeting.

"What are the Zhang family doing?"

A large number of monks were talking, hoping that the Zhang family could give an explanation.

"not good!"

"Damn it! Why did the Zhang family suddenly take action!"

But the demon cultivator hiding in the fairy city changed his face after seeing the spiritual light. He didn't care whether his identity was exposed or not, and just wanted to escape outside the city.

Because they know that once they are detected, death will be waiting for them! Even death is just an easy punishment!

So everyone flew with all their strength, hoping to escape from the fairy city as soon as possible.

Boom boom!

The extremely heavy door immediately closed at an incredible speed. The huge sound announced that their plan to escape was shattered. Each of them had a pale face and froze on the spot.

But in just a moment, they came back to their senses, with a destructive light in their eyes, and laughed ferociously: "Since I can't survive, then I will find more companions on the road to hell!"

With that said, he used his most powerful magical power to attack the nearby monks.

"How dare you, Shuzi!"

Zhang Xuanqi, who used the formation to cover the entire fairy city with his spiritual consciousness, saw this scene and his eyes were about to split, and he roared angrily.

If there are casualties in the fairy city, it will greatly damage the prestige of the Zhang family. The most serious thing is that the monks will no longer believe in the safety of the fairy city!

Safety is the most important thing for any place doing business!

If the safety of customers cannot be guaranteed, how can they dare to come and consume?

Zhang Xuanqi immediately controlled the formation to attack the demon cultivators. In the face of the powerful formation, the demon cultivators' spells were vulnerable and protected the safety of those monks.


The cultivation of the demonic cultivators completely angered the fused cultivator. Zhang Xuanqi just grunted, but in their ears it was like a roaring thunder sound, causing the demonic cultivators to bleed from their seven orifices and collapse to the ground.

Then a stream of spiritual light fell down, half of which submerged into their bodies, sealing their Dantian and soul; the other half turned into a rope, controlled their bodies, and carried them to the city lord's palace.

"Everyone is shocked. Today, in all Zhang family shops, all spiritual items are 10% off!" The city lord stood up to comfort people.

Then he hurriedly returned to the city lord's palace, feeling very happy in his heart. Fortunately, he reported to investigate the fairy city and search for demonic cultivators. Otherwise, if demonic cultivators broke out in the city in the future, he, the city lord, would be severely punished!

"How did you get here! What's the conspiracy? Are there any other demon cultivators? Where are they hiding?" Zhang Xuanqi asked coldly.

I saw Zhang Xuanqi using his magical power to separate several demon cultivators. They could hear his voice but not each other's words, ensuring that the demon cultivators would not collude and deliberately tell him false news to deceive him.

All the demon cultivators gritted their teeth and did not say a word. "snort!"

A murderous aura flashed in Zhang Xuanqi's eyes, and streaks of cold light flew out from behind him, piercing into the body of the demon cultivator.

Instantly, a severe pain swept through the whole body. Everyone fell to the ground, convulsing and convulsing, and wailing in their mouths. But after a while, they no longer had the strength to make a sound, and they lay motionless on the ground like corpses.

"Now, is anyone willing to talk?" Zhang Xuanqi stopped torturing them and asked coldly.

"I said!"

A few of the demon cultivators who really couldn't bear the horrific torture spoke out everything they could in hoarse voices.

In fact, they are not from the Western Continent, and are even natives of the Eastern Continent. The reason why they became demon cultivators is because they were abducted by a demonic sect in Wanzhu Prefecture in the west when they were young and have since become demon cultivators.

And the purpose of their coming to Shanyuan Prefecture is to establish a branch of the sect!

They didn't know exactly how many people there were. After all, their cultivation was not high and they were just Nascent Souls. They were nothing more than cannon fodder in the eyes of the devil.

Given Zhang Xuanqi's state of mind, when he heard these words, his expression changed drastically. He was stunned for a moment and then asked: "Where are you hiding in Shanyuan Prefecture?"

The so-called Shanyuanzhou refers to the thousands of miles of plains and the thousands of mountains in the north.

As the only combined force in Shanyuan Prefecture, logically speaking, the Zhang family is the master of the state, and all places belong to the Zhang family. However, because the mountains are far away from the Zhang family's land, resources are not rich.

Therefore, the Zhang family didn't take it seriously at all, and then created a large number of void-refining and god-transforming forces to establish a foothold in it.


One of the demon cultivators was about to speak, but in the next moment, his whole body began to twitch in pain, and not long after, he lost his breath.

"Silence is forbidden!"

A kind of high-level restriction specially designed to keep secrets. Let alone saying it with your mouth, just the thought of leaking the secret in your heart will make people miserable.

The reason for the death of those demon cultivators was that they had just endured the torture of Zhang Xuanqi. Their bodies and souls were already in a state of serious injury. The restriction was triggered again, and their whole bodies collapsed and died in an instant.

Zhang Xuanqi frowned, but he already had a guess in his mind about where the demon cultivators were hiding.

After all, in the plains, the Zhang family controls most of the spiritual veins. Even if there are some low-level spiritual veins that have not been developed, it is impossible that no clues about the demon cultivators have been discovered so far.

Therefore, the demon cultivators can only hide in the mountains!

"Report this matter to the family immediately! Let them remind the small forces in the mountains, and at the same time be prepared to take action personally." Zhang Xuanqi ordered the city lord in a solemn voice with a solemn expression.

There is already an established demonic sect in Wanzhu Prefecture, so what about going west? Is there also a demonic sect?

Does the Demonic Way want to invade Dongzhou in a step-by-step manner?

Do those big forces, even the powerful ones in the fairyland, know about this?

For a moment, various thoughts appeared in Zhang Xuanqi's mind.

After receiving the news, the Zhang family immediately took action, like a precision instrument, operating methodically but very quickly.

At the same time, dozens of god-transformation monks were sent to the mountains to tell the small forces to prepare for battle.

When those Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivators died, the elders of the Demonic Cultivators hiding somewhere in the mountains immediately understood what was going on.

"Damn it! The Zhang family discovered it!"

If it weren't for this reason, it would be impossible to explain why many of the disciples hiding in Xiaoyuan Immortal City suddenly appeared and died suddenly.

"What should we do now? If the Zhang family takes action personally, I'm afraid we won't be able to hide it!" an elder said worriedly.

Even though they are all elders, their strengths vary greatly. For example, Elder Wen and others are in the Void Refining Realm, but most of them are cultivators of transforming gods and demons.

Because the latter lacks strength, of course he is more afraid of a war with the monks, especially the Zhang family, which has several fused monks.

"If you ask me, just start a war directly to preserve the fire of the Holy Sect!" A certain Void Refining Demon Cultivator laughed, "As for whether you can survive, it all depends on your ability."

Elder Wen, who was sitting at the top and had not said a word until now, suddenly opened his eyes, looked to the side, and said: "Elder Zhao, you originally proposed to trigger a tide of beasts, but do you want to anger the monks and lead them to discover us?"

As soon as these words came out, the scene instantly became quiet.

This is suspicion that Elder Zhao is an undercover agent sent by the monks! ?

It is a common thing for the devil and the immortal to send undercover agents to each other, but they don't quite understand why they suddenly suspect Elder Zhao.

"Elder Wen! I am loyal to the Holy Sect, how could I collude with the monks and betray the Holy Sect!" Elder Zhao shouted loudly.

A cold light flashed in Elder Wen's eyes, and he said coldly: "Really? Then why was the plan you proposed before instantly exposed by the monks? Not only did it not divert their attention, but it also triggered the Zhang family to take action."

"Please also listen to the elders' warning. I have absolutely no intention of betraying the Holy Sect!"

Elder Zhao defended: "After I made the suggestion, Elder Wen, you agreed, and Elders Sun and Zhou also agreed. Is it possible that we are all traitors?"

During the confrontation between the two, the other elders gradually understood that Elder Wen wanted to make Elder Zhao bear all the responsibility for the failure of the mission to open the Holy Sect branch!

After all, after the Zhang family is dismissed, they will not be able to resist with their current strength, and may even be uprooted.

Even if they were lucky enough to survive and escape back to their sect in Wanzhu Prefecture, they would be severely punished for failing their mission.

But if someone takes the main responsibility at this time, the punishment of others will be lighter.

Thinking of this, other elders began to deny it. They did not agree at all at first, but it was Elder Zhao who pushed it with all his strength.

This is the bad nature of demon cultivators!

When something happens, they don't want to solve it immediately, but instead shirk responsibility from each other.


Elder Zhao's eyes widened suddenly, thinking of the sect's punishments that made life worse than death. It would be better to risk his life now, and maybe there would still be a chance to survive.

For a moment, he was so evil that he flew out of the cave as fast as possible before anyone could react.

(End of this chapter)

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