Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 929 Asking for help

Chapter 929 Asking for help

It's a pity that Elder Zhao can only transform into a god, but there are several demon cultivators here who are cultivating voids, not to mention several people who are blocking his escape.

It seems that there are only a few steps away from the cave entrance, and it only takes one breath to escape from this place. In fact, Elder Zhao has no possibility of leaving alive!

The other demonic cultivators looked happy at his escape, because this undoubtedly confirmed that he was an undercover agent sent by the cultivators!

They were all deceived by him, which led to the failure of the mission.

In this way, they do not need to bear too much responsibility and the punishment they receive will be reduced a lot.

As for justification?

When Elder Zhao was trying to escape, he accidentally struck too hard and killed him directly.

And how could he not know that his chances of escaping were extremely slim? However, the other demon cultivators are colluding and putting all the blame on themselves. There is no chance of survival at all. It is better to fight desperately and maybe save their lives.

Unfortunately, Elder Zhao’s plan failed.

"Hahahahahaha, since you all want me to die, then come and accompany me!" Elder Zhao suddenly laughed wildly, and dozens of spiritual lights flew out of his body. The next moment, like colorful fireworks, in the hidden place The hole exploded.

The speed of self-destruction was too slow, so he chose to detonate all the talismans and magic weapons on his body, including his own magic weapon.


Elder Wen knew that there could not be any hesitation now, otherwise once the monks caught up with them, they didn't know how many of them would be able to survive.

In other words, when a powerful energy shock swept across all directions, their first reaction was to protect their own safety. Therefore, their thoughts were delayed, and by the time they wanted to stop it, it was already too late.

Li Xiansong saw that Li Zhirui was not very concerned about this matter. Although he was confused, he wisely said goodbye and left, not to disturb the ancestor's practice.

This strange loud noise immediately attracted many monks, and they all flew towards the source.

"Ruizu! Some monks have discovered demon cultivators in the northwest, but we don't know where they are fleeing now."

And with the strength of these, who are just the advance team sent by the Holy Sect, they are not even a match for the large-scale virtual refining companies in the mountains, let alone the combined family of the Zhang family, which has already ended in person.

Although the forces in the Qianzhong Mountains are no more than Lianxu, they are nothing in the eyes of the Holy Sect and can be easily destroyed.

Then they saw dozens of demon cultivators, some cultivating spirits, some transforming into gods, and even more Yuanying and others.

Because Li Zhirui knew that after the Zhang family took action, unless the demonic cultivator had the power to combine, the only option was to escape!

Li Xiansong suddenly realized, "I think the Zhang family learned the news from the mouth of the demon cultivator captured in the fairy city before."

But there are always some unlucky monks whose methods are not as good as others and are left behind. Naturally, the demonic cultivators will not let go of these cultivation resources that come to their doorstep.

Seeing the ferocious faces of those fellow disciples who wanted to be skinned and cramped, Elder Zhao laughed heartily and said: "All of you will die with me!"

"Leave Shanwonzhou immediately!"

A huge explosion sounded and could be heard clearly within a radius of twenty to thirty miles.

However, they also brought back new news. It was said that the Zhang family had already set up dragnets in several important places bordering Wanzhu Prefecture, and even the fusion ancestor was personally on duty.

Since there is no danger, Li Zhirui will naturally not stand in the way.

The demon cultivators did not chase down the escaped cultivators, but asked what to do next.

And the fact was just as Li Zhirui thought, the excited members of the Li family eventually came back unhappy.

But the monks were only happy for a moment, and their hearts were occupied by fear, because not only were they small in number, but the people with the highest level were only transformed gods, and they were no match for the demonic cultivators.

"If any clan members want to participate, let them go." Li Zhirui said casually.

Those monks who escaped safely would either report the matter back to their families or sects, or spread the word to let more monks know about it.

As soon as Li Xiansong received the news, he reported it to Li Zhirui and asked, "Does the family want to send some clan members to participate in hunting down the demon cultivators?"

Although Li Zhirui was behind these things at the beginning, when the Zhang family came to an end, he withdrew his attention and continued to concentrate on practicing, absorbing the essence of the sun and moon, and promoting the transformation of the soul.

No matter which one it is, there is only one purpose, and that is to eradicate the demonic cultivators! Leave no trouble behind!

They raised the spirit boat openly and led everyone to escape to the west as fast as possible.

"We found the demon cultivator!"

The mountain cultivators who had received the exact information from the Zhang family almost came out in full force, hoping to find the whereabouts of the demon cultivator as soon as possible.

"Elder Wen, what should we do now?"

"Come on!"

Elder Wen and other demon cultivators did not expect that Elder Zhao would make such a move, and the speed was so fast that they had no time to react.

From what Li Xiansong said, it is not difficult to infer that the demon cultivator hidden in the mountains does not have a powerful combination.


The other monks also used their own methods to escape from this place as quickly as possible.

But not long after they sneaked into Shanyuan Prefecture, they had just sent their disciples to several fairy cities and small cities, and then planned to kidnap some children to train them and slowly develop and grow them. However, the monks discovered their traces before the latter took action.

Elder Wen's face looked very ugly, and he immediately took action to kill Elder Zhao.

Therefore, if some tribesmen want to participate in the Encirclement and Suppression of Demon Cultivation, they may be disappointed, and they may have to come back after a hard trip.

The demon cultivator was discovered in the northwest, while the Li family is located in the southeast. The two places are thousands of miles apart. In addition, the time it takes to transmit the message, there is no need to wait for the Li family monks to rush over. I am afraid that the demon cultivator will disappear now. without a trace.

"Run away! Spread the news about the discovery of the demon cultivator and let those sects and families deal with it." A certain monk shouted, and with a flash of inspiration, he disappeared into a wisp of breeze.

Most of the demon cultivators who escaped were eventually left behind by the Zhang family. If they had not separated several ways to escape, I am afraid that none of the demon cultivators would have been able to escape from the palms of the Zhang family!

"The Zhang family knew early on that the demon cultivators would flee to Wanzhu Prefecture?"

His shouting before leaving was naturally not a kind reminder, but a way to let the other monks disperse and escape to increase his chance of survival.

If you continue to stay in Shanyuanzhou, there is only a dead end!

Although they would be severely punished by the Holy Sect if they returned to Wanzhu Prefecture, Elder Zhao, who was already dead, bore most of the responsibility, so they could still save their lives.

However, things are far from as simple as Li Xiansong and others think!



In the thousands of miles of bamboo sea, there are all kinds of strange spiritual bamboos growing, some are as thick as buckets, and some are as thin as silver needles; some have lush branches and leaves, and some have only solitary bamboo poles.

And in this sea of ​​bamboo, there are dozens of monk forces. The strongest one is like the combined Zhang family, and the weakest one has only one incarnation to support the family. Because of unique natural factors, there are not many monster beasts in the Bamboo Sea, so the number is naturally small, and their strength is not worth mentioning. It is not like the Qianzhong Mountains, where the monsters are more powerful.

But in this place, a state where monks are obviously dominant, there is a terrifying demonic sect hidden!

"Master, a traitor has appeared in the Shanyuan Prefecture branch, which has caused heavy losses to us. I am afraid that except for a few of us, all the other sect members have died among the monks." Elder Wen reported with a weak breath.

He was able to escape from the siege of the Zhang family, not only because there were not many Zhang family monks there, but also because he also paid a lot of price, so he looked so embarrassed.

"Traitor?" A hint of sarcasm flashed in the eyes of the leader who was sitting at the top. In his opinion, this was just a shirk from this person, shirking all responsibilities onto the dead man.

But the question still needs to be asked, "Elder Wen, why don't you tell the cause and effect in detail."

Elder Wen did not dare to object at all, so he could only lower his head and repeat what happened.

"Huh!" The leader snorted coldly, as if the power of heaven had descended upon them, shocking the few people with great fear, fearing that in the next moment, this terrifying coercion would pour down on their heads.

"Have those disciples arranged a silence ban?"

Elder Wen was stunned and said quickly: "Yes! It hides the location of the Holy Sect's mountain gate and our purpose."

"But that means those disciples can tell the monks that the gate we are waiting for is in Wanzhu Prefecture?"

The faces of Elder Wen and others changed greatly. They indeed did not place any restrictions in this regard, because no one expected that the monks in Shanyuan Prefecture could discover their existence so quickly.

In other words, what the leader said is really possible!

"In the near future, the disaster of demonic cultivators may break out. Seeing that you still have some strength, when the war breaks out, you can go to the front line to contribute some strength to the sect and make up for the sins." The leader said solemnly.

"Yes!" Elder Wen and the others were rejecting everything in their hearts, but they couldn't say it out loud. Otherwise, the end would probably be even more miserable.


In the Zhang family's clan, a group of Void Refiners and God Transformers looked at the demon cultivators who had been captured alive with scrutinizing eyes.

Compared with those demon cultivators captured in the fairy city, this time the demon cultivators are at a higher level. The higher their status will be, the more they will naturally know.

"What is the purpose of your coming to Shanyuan Prefecture? Where is your mountain gate in Wanzhu Prefecture? Are there also demonic forces in Baishi Prefecture to the west of Wanzhu Prefecture?"

After some inhuman torture, the bones of these demon cultivators were no longer so hard, so they said everything they could.

"The purpose of establishing a branch in Shanyuan Prefecture is to wait for the Holy Sect to give the order and then come out in full force to kill all the creatures they see and cause turmoil."

The second question was obviously restricted, so the demon cultivators could only avoid answering it.

At the last question, several demonic cultivators shook their heads. They didn't know if such a demonic force existed. Only the Void Refining Demonic Cultivator nodded and said hurriedly: "I know, I know!"

"Almost all of Shanyuan Prefecture, Wanzhu Prefecture, Baishi Prefecture and the prefectures heading west have forces secretly established by demon cultivators."

As soon as these words came out, it was like an earth-shattering shock. All the monks were stunned and could not recover for a long time.

"How can this be?!"

Some monks did not believe what the demonic cultivator said.

Because all the way from Shanyuanzhou to the west to Demon Road Xizhou, there are at least thirty states in between!

If it is like what he said, it means that there are magic cultivators in all these thirty states!

But among them, there are many Mahayana and Tribulation forces, and even in the area bordering Xizhou, there are even fairyland forces guarding them. Isn't there any one who has discovered the demon cultivator?

The Zhang family couldn't ask the demon cultivators why they did this, because the Void Refining Demon Cultivator didn't know either.

However, the scope of this matter is beyond what the Zhang family can bear. It must be reported to larger forces for them to come forward and resolve it.

The only thing to be thankful for is that there are no demon cultivators in Shanyuan Prefecture. No matter what they plan to do, they can't take action now.

The Zhang family will soon report the information they learned from the demon cultivator to the Dongyuan Sect in the south.

This is the immortal sect closest to the Zhang family, and it is perfect to leave such important matters to them.

Moreover, the Zhang family had no intention of hiding this news, so it didn’t take long before it spread to the mountains.

"The demon cultivator had a big plan, but fortunately it was exposed!" Li Zhirui murmured to himself.

The subsequent series of developments surprised even him, the 'initiator'.

Li Zhirui initially spread the news about the demon cultivators simply because the Li family was currently weak and to protect themselves. But now, it has become a major event affecting all the forces in the northern part of Dongzhou!

"I don't know if this disaster will endanger the family."

Li Zhirui was even more worried about Jiang Fengwu, Daqing and others who were training outside. If they were training in the northern states, they might have to fight fiercely with the demon cultivators.

At this time, this major event sweeping all over the country has nothing to do with the weak and isolated Li family.

Unexpectedly, only a few months later, the monks in Wanzhu Prefecture were beaten and retreated. There were a large number of casualties, and they asked for help from all over the surrounding areas.

"The monks in Wanzhuzhou are no match for the demonic cultivators?! How is this possible!"

When Li Xiansong told Li Zhirui the news, this was his first reaction.

The strength of the Immortal Cultivation World in Wanzhu Prefecture is more powerful than that of Shanyuan Prefecture, but it turns out that it is not a demon cultivator that is hiding in the dark and secretly developing?

This thing sounds like a fantasy, but it really happened!

As for the neighboring Shanyuan Prefecture, whether it was out of the righteousness of the confrontation between immortals and demons, or in order to stop the demon cultivators from coming in and destroying them, they had to send monks to support them.

As the head of the state, the Zhang family naturally issued the recruitment order.

Even though the Li family and other mountain forces are not considered vassals of the Zhang family, in the face of this small token, no one dares to resist or refuse to accept it!

"Why is this happening?" Li Zhirui asked in a deep voice.

When he first chose a place for his family to establish a foothold, he had also learned about the general situation of Wanzhu Prefecture. It was precisely because there were too many powerful forces here that the Li family had to choose to become a vassal if they wanted to integrate into it, otherwise they would not be able to establish a foothold at all. .

But such a powerful state was actually beaten by a secretly developing demonic sect and asked for help!

There must be something unknown going on.

(End of this chapter)

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