Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 930 Happy New Year’s Eve!

Chapter 930 Happy New Year’s Eve!

Unfortunately, the Li family is too weak now. Even if Li Zhirui guessed that this matter was not simple, he would not be able to get much information.

Facing the Zhang family's recruitment, the Li family had no power to resist at all, and could not even say a word of refusal or refusal.

Li Zhirui was silent for a moment and asked: "In the Zhang family's recruitment, does the family require how many monks to send? Is there a requirement for strength?"

"I only ask Ruizu for your participation in the war, there are no other conditions." Li Xiansong replied with a wry smile.


Li Zhirui sneered and said, "It seems that the situation in Wanzhu Prefecture has not yet reached its most dangerous moment, or in other words, the Zhang family has other ideas."

Otherwise, how could we not want low-level monks?

Even if their strength is not strong, they can be used as cannon fodder to consume magic power, but they are the best candidates. Moreover, they are not children trained by the Zhang family. No matter how many people die, they will not feel bad.

Of these two possibilities, both Li Zhirui and Li Xiansong are more inclined to the latter.

Li Zhirui did not rush to Linzhu Mountain at the junction of the two states immediately. Many of his spiritual objects were not ready. Anyway, the Zhang family gave them half a month, so there was no need to be too anxious.

When it comes to refining treasure pills, Li Zhirui has never given up on deducing the sixth-order treasure pills over the years. However, unfortunately, he has too few sixth-order spiritual objects in his hands, so he still has no clear direction.

Li Xiansong said: "So this recruitment is all based on personal wishes. If you don't want to, just don't sign up. The family will never force you, but your cultivation level must be at least Nascent Soul realm!"

After Li Xiansong left, he disclosed to all the clansmen the news that Wanzhuzhou was asking for help and that the Zhang family had recruited clansmen to resist the demonic cultivators.

At this time, Li Zhirui was even more certain

The Li family is relatively unfamiliar with the call-up. Those clan members from the Xuanyuan Realm, because the Li family has been the overlord of Ten Thousand Immortals State for many years, do not have to respond to the call-up, and rarely recruit vassals.

Although they have not grown up yet, the Li family no longer needs to keep all the clan members under their protection. Instead, they should encourage them to go out and promote their cultivation and strength through experience and travel.

"I will go and answer the call. You can ask within the family if there is anyone willing to join me in the war. The rest of the clan will stay in Wanxian Mountain and not be invaded by outsiders." Li Zhirui thought for a while and ordered.

The requirements for cultivation are also to ensure the safety of the clan members. If the strength is too low, what is the difference between this and death?

Upon hearing this, the tribesmen who were originally worried that they would be drawn into the war breathed a sigh of relief.

"I see."

I can only continue to use the fifth-level treasure pill.

It can not only train the clan members, but also have Li Zhirui protecting them, improving their chance of survival.

Li Xiansong bowed and saluted, then raised his feet and left.

"The Zhang family only stipulates that Ruizu participates in the war and makes no other requirements."

Although the current number of members of the Li family is not large, there are already enough secular members, and there are not a few children who have their spiritual roots tested every year.

There are also some tribesmen who are hesitant. They want to join the war, but they are worried about dying at the hands of demon cultivators.

"Clan leader, how many people are the Zhang family recruiting this time?" A clan member asked loudly in the crowd.

And this time the demonic cultivator disaster in Wanzhuzhou is a good opportunity.

Although the effects of the magic pills on restoring mana and increasing mana are greatly reduced, Li Zhirui still has some uses.

But Li Zhirui did not force his tribe to sign up. Firstly, he did not want to cause resentment. After all, even with his protection, there would be casualties. Secondly, if he did not have the determination to become stronger, how long would the help of others last? Woolen cloth?

"Ruizu, the Zhang family requires that you report to Linzhushan within half a month, otherwise you will be treated as a crime of collaborating with the enemy." The topic was changed, and before leaving, Li Xiansong remembered that there was something important that he had not said.

As for the clansmen born in the Yuanling Realm, they have never encountered conscription before.

There are also some tribesmen who raised their hands to sign up without hesitation, as if they would not be in danger at all.

Li Xiansong saw the changes in the expressions of all the tribesmen, and after a little integration, he found that most of the tribesmen in the first category were elderly people. They had lost their enterprising spirit and only wanted to live in peace.

The second category is middle-aged people. They still have some thoughts of progress in their hearts, but for various reasons, they are hesitant to move forward and backward.

The last category is almost all young people. They are not experienced in the world, but they are brave and dare to take risks. Therefore, they know that it is dangerous, but they still do not hesitate.

"We don't need so many people."

When Li Xiansong saw thousands of people raising their hands, he quickly said: "Only one hundred people will be selected this time. For the sake of fairness, the decision will be made by drawing lots."

As a monk, he naturally doesn't need to bother like ordinary people. Li Xiansong waved his hand, and thousands of dazzling spiritual lights were suspended in the air.

"Only one hundred of the auras contain one pine needle. Everyone picks out the auras together and is allowed to snatch them from each other before the auras dissipate. However, once the auras are acquired, they cannot be replaced, and cannot be detected by any means such as secret techniques, pupil techniques, and spiritual consciousness. Emmanuel!"

As Li Xiansong announced the start, thousands of tribesmen took action without hesitation, hoping to capture the aura that they believed contained pine needles.

Naturally, there were many cases where many tribesmen fell in love with the same spiritual light. Although they did not fight, they used various means to fight in the air.

There are also some tribesmen who do not compete with others, but choose one at random. Anyway, it all depends on luck, and there is no need to expend thought and means.

But they didn't know that the reason why Li Xiansong used the method of competing for spiritual light to choose the tribesmen to participate in the war was because he could decide the location of the pine needles!

Using this method, powerful tribesmen can be selected and the probability of casualties among tribesmen participating in the war can be reduced.

Of course, since it was stated that fairness was required, all the pine needles could not be given to those powerful tribesmen. That would be too obvious, so Li Xiansong still let some lucky tribesmen get the pine needles.

After all, sometimes luck is also part of strength.

Especially in this world where Taoism manifests itself, luck is very important.

After an hour or two, all the one hundred tribesmen who participated in the battle were selected.

Many tribesmen saw that the fairness Li Xiansong said was not very fair, but they wisely did not say it because there were too many people offended and there was no need.

"Be prepared. We will go to Linzhu Mountain to participate in the battle in half a month. The family will give you priority in exchanging spiritual items." Li Xiansong said to the one hundred people.

This is very good news for them.

Because there are many fourth- and fifth-level spiritual objects in the Li family, there is not that much supply. After all, Jiang Fengwu and other gods are still practicing outside. Without this large number of high-level technicians, the supply of spiritual objects is naturally insufficient.

Moreover, many high-level spiritual objects grow slowly, and there are no raw materials. How to refine high-level spiritual objects?

Therefore, Li Xiansong's promise made the one hundred tribesmen very happy.

... Time passed by in a hurry, and half a month later in the blink of an eye.

"Set off."

Li Zhirui stood on the cloud whale spirit boat, with a hundred impressive tribesmen behind him. Following his order, the spirit boat cut through the sky, leaving only a long cloud path.

"Cheng Hao, you will be in charge on the road."

Finally, Li Zhirui warned: "Although we have bypassed the center of the mountains, we are still flying through the depths where there are many monsters. If you encounter any danger that is difficult to resist, please inform me as soon as possible!"

He wanted to take advantage of the time he was on the road to refine a few more furnaces of elixirs, because Li Zhirui didn't know if the upcoming battle would give him the chance to refine elixirs. It would be nice to be able to refine more now.

Maybe it was this that saved his life?

Li Chenghao nodded in agreement with a serious expression, saying that he would never forget it and would be careful to avoid the monsters in the mountains.

Li Zhirui didn't agree with the second half of his sentence. How could those monsters not take action when they saw a large group of monks flying over their heads? But he didn't say much, he just asked Li Chenghao to do his job seriously.

And the facts did not go beyond Li Zhirui's expectation. Not long after the spirit ship flew deep into the mountains, it encountered a group of hundreds of red eagles led by six fifth-order bronze-crowned red eagles. Surrounded everyone in the Li family.

"Do it!"

There was a murderous look on Li Chenghao's face. In addition to the clan members taking action, there were also various large-scale magic weapons equipped on the spirit ship!

The Cloud Whale Spirit Ship they are currently riding on is a warship carefully modified by Li Chenghao and equipped with a large number of extremely lethal magical weapons.

For example, if the psychic cannons placed on both sides hit, the Nascent Soul cultivator will be seriously injured even if he is not dead!

However, it is very powerful, but it consumes too many spiritual stones. It takes tens of thousands of spiritual stones to fire one cannon.

Li Chenghao has always wanted to reduce the consumption of spirit stones while ensuring the power, but unfortunately it has not been completed yet.

I saw the blast of several cannons, emitting brilliant and dazzling auras, which were extremely fast and contained explosive energy.


Those fifth-level bronze-crowned red eagles clearly saw the power of the bombardment, so they wanted to break them up halfway to prevent their fellow eagles from being injured.

But they didn't know that the attack fired by the psychic cannon was like a fireball that had been compressed many times, exploding and unstable.

As soon as their attack hit, it was like detonating a volcano. With a bang, extremely hot energy spread in all directions.

For a time, a large number of low-level copper-crowned red eagles suffered heavy casualties. Their bright red bodies were very eye-catching. There were at least more than a hundred of them.

"You are seeking death!"

Those fifth-level red eagles looked at the corpses of their heirs on the ground, and their anger burned brightly. They launched their most powerful attacks at all costs, just wanting to kill Li Zhirui and others in order to avenge themselves.

This group of bronze crowned red eagles is very powerful, but unfortunately, they met the stronger Li family!

Without Li Zhirui taking action, Li Chenghao united all the tribesmen and successfully scared away the red eagles.

You must know that the warship they are on has several defensive formations arranged. Coupled with the concerted efforts of a hundred monks, in a short period of time, the Bronze Crowned Red Eagle may not even be able to break through the defense, and will only be beaten. share.

When the casualties reach a certain number, they will plan to retreat!

Because the strife within the demon clan is very serious, if the clan's strength is greatly damaged, it is easy to be targeted, or even annexed or exterminated.

"Stop chasing, it's important to hurry up." If not, Li Chenghao would not let go of this group of monsters whose strength was greatly damaged.

In the evening of that day, the somewhat embarrassed Li family successfully arrived at Linzhu Mountain.

Because in addition to the copper-crowned red eagle, the Li family also encountered several waves of monster attacks along the way. The most dangerous one was when a sixth-level monster attacked.

If Li Zhirui hadn't been there and tried his best to force it back, otherwise, all the people on this boat would have been killed by the beasts.

Finding the steward of the Zhang family here showed that the Li family responded to the call and were waiting for him to assign the camp and their tasks.

Because there are more people coming from the Li family, the camp area is relatively large and can fully accommodate a hundred people.

As for the mission, it is also very simple. It is to sneak into Wanzhu Prefecture and find out what the demon cultivators are doing and the current situation of the monks.

It's easy because the task doesn't require much, but it's not easy to complete!

When investigating the matter of demon cultivators, it is impossible to know without going deep into it, and once you go deep into Wanzhu Prefecture, you will be in danger.

The latter can be done conveniently.

Li Zhirui thought at first that the Zhang family was targeting them. Otherwise, how could they have assigned such a difficult task right from the start.

But he thought hard and couldn't think of when or where the Li family had offended the Zhang family. The two families had never had formal contact, so how could they possibly offend?

It was not until later that Li Zhirui realized that all monks had this mission and it was not aimed at the Li family.

"The war is about to break out again!" Seeing that Li Zhirui's strength was not bad, the steward made a good deal.

When Li Zhirui heard this, his heart moved slightly, and he wanted to ask for some news and situation, but when he lowered his head, he knew that the other party didn't want to talk anymore, so he could only leave with regret.

After entering the camp, Li Zhirui asked everyone to have a good rest and restore their energy to prepare for the war that might break out at any time.

It was very peaceful for several days, as if Wanzhu Prefecture, several miles away, had not encountered a war at all, and they did not come to support them.

"Uncle Jiu, why do I think the Zhang family is deliberately stalling for time?" Li Chenghao asked with doubts in his heart.

Li Zhirui could see from the fact that he was given half a month to recruit people before, that the Zhang family was not very willing to support Wanzhu Prefecture.

The Zhang family had not taken any action these days, which further verified his guess.

"Just understand in your heart, no need to say it out loud."

Li Zhirui shook his head. After all, this was a camp built by the Zhang family. Although they checked it thoroughly and rearranged the formation after moving in, there was no guarantee that there would be no problem.

"Just wait patiently, just treat it as if you are practicing in a different place."

Until one evening, a Zhang family monk came to the camp and asked Li Zhirui to discuss important matters.

Under the guidance of the visitor, Li Zhirui walked into a hall where all forces from Shanyuan Prefecture gathered.

"The demonic cultivators are ignorant of the way, destroying the heaven and earth, and massacring their comrades. I hope you can do your best and follow my Zhang family to completely kill the demonic cultivators! Save the comrades in Wanzhu Prefecture!"

The person who spoke was a Void Refining cultivator, with a righteous and awe-inspiring look, as if they were not the ones who had been holding back for so many days.

(End of this chapter)

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