Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 931 Resistance

Chapter 931 Resistance

Although everyone was thinking secretly, they did not dare to say such words in front of the Zhang family monks.

They could only agree, and some monks even praised loudly, saying that the Zhang family was worthy of being a combined family, and that they understood the principles of heaven, which made Li Zhirui and others on the side feel embarrassed.

But the Zhang family Xu Lian monk nodded with a smile and accepted everyone's praises with peace of mind.

Fortunately, this shameless behavior did not last long, and he returned to the topic and continued to discuss how to deal with the demon cultivator and resolve the disaster in Wanzhuzhou.

It was also at this time that Li Zhirui knew why the powerful Wanzhuzhou asked for help from the outside world.

"I think you are all very curious. There are several combined forces in Wanzhu Prefecture. Why are they suppressed by demon cultivators and need to seek help from the outside?"

The Zhang family monk said: "Because they did not take our warning to heart, but the demon cultivators were different. After the few escaped demon cultivators learned about the situation in Shanyuan Prefecture, they immediately took action and used a restrictive method. There are many poisons, but they are extremely powerful and extremely capable of spreading, so nearly 80% of the monks are infected with the poison!"

"As a result, the strength of the monks has plummeted. Although the combined powerful ones are not affected, in order to save the lives of the younger disciples, they cannot spare any effort to deal with the demonic cultivators. They can only trap the mountain gate and clan territory, and then ask for help."

Li Zhirui was shocked. What a terrible poison it must be to infect so many monks and make the combined master so aggrieved.

It was also at this time that Li Zhirui realized that the Zhang family was not as dirty as he thought. The reason why he had not taken action was because the poison had not dissipated. If he rushed to help, not only would he not be able to save others, but he would also risk his own life. Get in.

"In the past month or two, the poison has lost its effectiveness."

The monks from various schools present gathered in small groups, discussing how to deal with tomorrow's war, how to help each other, etc.

Li Zhirui knew a lot of people, but they were not close to each other. Naturally, he had nothing to say, so he immediately stood up and walked out of the hall.

As for why there was no requirement for the number of low-level monks when recruiting, Li Zhirui still couldn't figure it out.

"Fellow Taoist, please wait a moment!" A middle-aged male cultivator suddenly called out to Li Zhirui.

"I'm going to disappoint fellow Taoist. I came to participate in the war this time and brought many juniors with me. I just happened to have some experience with magic cultivation. It is not convenient for me to join forces with fellow Taoist." Li Zhirui politely refused.

"It couldn't be better."

"If there are no other questions, then gather everyone and enter Wanzhu Prefecture at noon tomorrow to kill the demon cultivators as soon as possible and relieve the plight of the local cultivators."

"Li Zhirui!" After reporting his home, Li Zhirui asked directly: "If you have something to do, fellow Taoist, just tell me."

Although everyone may not completely believe what he said, it at least makes people feel at ease.

Teammates, even if they are familiar with each other, will betray and betray in the face of sufficient interests and dangers. After all, a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist, let alone a temporary teammate?

"Then I look forward to the next cooperation with fellow Taoist." Qin Tao did not force it. Although he was talking about the two companies joining forces, Li Zhirui deliberately confused the concept.

If the demon cultivator hadn't come up with the seventh-level soul-destroying poison, the Zhang family would have thought it had been lost. After all, they haven't heard of this famous poison in the past one or two thousand years.

Qin Tao said: "I don't think fellow Taoists have any close comrades, but in Wanzhu Prefecture where there are many demon cultivators, you are weak on your own. It's better for you and I to join forces to support each other and help each other."

"I, Qin Tao, suddenly called me Taoist friend, but I have something to discuss. Please forgive me, Taoist friend."

He turned around and saw that the other party was also in the Void Refining Realm, so he asked in a polite but distant tone: "I wonder why you asked me to stay here?"

There are several monks who are as unsociable as him.

"Isn't there a second poison in the hands of the demon cultivator?" The monk continued to ask reluctantly.

The Zhang family Lianxu sneered and said, "Do you think this kind of poison is easy to refine?"

At the same time, he felt worried.

The fusion power is not affected, but Li Zhirui is just a Void Refining monk, and he also brought many transformation gods and Yuanying tribe members. If they are poisoned, there is no fusion power to save their lives!

Li Zhirui was not the only one who was worried about this issue. Someone immediately asked, "I wonder if the poison is still spreading in Wanzhu Prefecture at this time?"

He waited for a moment, but when no one spoke, he gave a final warning, then turned and left.

And his words actually gave the answer.

"There must be a chance. I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave first." Li Zhirui bowed his head slightly in greeting, then strode away.

After returning to the Li family's residence, the first thing he did was to summon all the clan members and tell the Zhang family what Lianxu had said. The most important thing was to announce to them that they would go into battle tomorrow so that everyone could adjust their status.

"It's finally about to begin!" A tribesman sighed.

They took the initiative to sign up to participate, with the idea of ​​polishing themselves in the battle and thereby improving their cultivation. However, they never expected that the war would not start for a long time.

Seeing that a hundred tribesmen were so active, Li Zhirui didn't want to say anything to dampen morale, but continued to boost morale.

After all the clan members left, only Li Chenghao remained in the hall.

"You are the backbone of the family. Even if a hundred people like me die, you are not as important to the family as Uncle Jiu, so I ask Uncle Jiu to put your own safety first!" Li Chenghao said very seriously.

Li Zhirui was stunned when he heard this, and then burst into laughter. He stopped for a long time and said, "Don't worry, even if the combined power takes action personally, it is impossible to take away my life."

With space around him, Li Zhirui is naturally confident and does not need to worry about his life safety at all.

And these are his humble words. It is no exaggeration to say that even if Mahayana and Tribulation wanted to kill him, they could not do it!

Because Li Zhirui only needs to have a thought to escape into space.

As for why he didn't talk about the fairyland, it was because he had no idea about it and didn't know how powerful the immortals were.

"My worries are unfounded." Li Chenghao smiled sheepishly.

Li Zhirui waved his hand, and apart from anything else, he was deeply moved by Li Chenghao's concern.

"You don't have to think about this. If you really encounter fatal danger, as long as you are within my rescue range, you will be able to save your life!"

Because of Li Chenghao's concern, Li Zhirui planned to use space to protect him from death.

Of course, Li Chenghao must have been unconscious at that time. No matter what guesses he had in his mind, just don't let him see it with his own eyes.

Time flew by and it was noon on the second day in a blink of an eye.

There are huge warships suspended on Linzhu Mountain, arranged in an orderly manner among the clouds. The magical weapons placed on the ship are shining with dazzling spiritual light. The sense of oppression instantly hits the face, making it difficult to breathe. .

"Let's go!" The monks leading the team this time were the five combined powerful men of the Zhang family. Together with dozens of forces from Shanyuan Prefecture, there were tens of thousands of monks. Following this order, they all set out. .

The spirit ship was so majestic that it covered the sky and the sun. All the monsters around them, whether they were wise or not, had escaped a few days ago. They were afraid that the monks would wipe them out easily, so they were all cautious along the way. Monsters blocked the way.

"Seventh Elder, Brother Lin Zhushan has taken action!"

It didn't take long for the demon cultivators in Wanzhu Prefecture to receive the news.

"How is the layout of Wangpeng Mountain?" the seventh elder asked with a gloomy face.

The demon cultivator spent hundreds of years to open up an extremely vast cave deep underground in Wanzhuzhou, in which stood various houses, palaces, and even several hills, lakes, and rivers.

The cave where people should have been seen everywhere is now empty. Except for the hundreds of demon cultivators who stayed to give a big gift to the Shanyuanzhou monks, the other demon cultivators took advantage of the time when the poison of the soul-destroying poison filled the air. The antidote has brought down one immortal cultivating force after another.

The combined forces cannot be broken by the demonic cultivators, but the downward forces such as refining the void and transforming into gods are no problem at all!

Moreover, due to the poison, the strength of the monks dropped sharply. During the attack, the number of casualties among the demon cultivators was not high, and it went very smoothly. It can be said that it was unstoppable.

Fortunately, the demon cultivators knew how to restrain their greed and left Wanzhu Prefecture with all their disciples before the poison of the soul-destroying poison was about to dissipate.

These demon cultivators who were left behind are all abandoned children!

As for why not escape? Naturally, it is because they have the secret method left by the demon cultivator in their bodies, and they cannot leave Wanzhu Prefecture before the gift is opened.

How can the seventh elder be happy in such a situation?

"Everything has been arranged. As long as the monks step into it, the formation will be activated immediately." There is another sentence that this disciple did not say, that is, they can leave.

"Elder! The monks are only a hundred miles away from Wangpeng Mountain." A disciple hurried in and said with excitement.

I saw the seventh elder making secrets with his hands, and a large water mirror instantly appeared in front of him. In the mirror, there was only a hundred-foot hill standing silently.

Within a moment, the first spiritual light appeared in the water mirror.

Within the next three breaths, I saw a large number of spiritual ships, with a large number of monks standing on them, and their momentum was so menacing that they, the hundreds of abandoned demon cultivators, could not resist it.

But when the monks flew over the vast Wangpeng Mountain, a special formation was formed instantly as streaks of spiritual light rose into the sky.

The aura just now separated the spirit ships, and each spirit ship was in an independent formation space.

At the moment when the formation was successfully arranged, the demon cultivators hiding deep underground felt the shackles in their bodies being released, and they felt relieved. They had completed their mission, and it was time to leave Wanzhu Prefecture.

They are not worried about encountering danger within the territory, because there are almost no monks operating outside! The local monks are recovering from their injuries, and the monks coming to support are also trapped by the formation.

But obviously, they were happy too early!

The shackles that had just been released turned into deadly poison in an instant, and the low-level demon cultivators collapsed to the ground, and then quickly lost their breath.

"Those bastards!"

As the loser in the power struggle, the Seventh Elder actually knew in his heart that those people would not let them go, but he still had a glimmer of expectation deep in his heart, but the scene in front of him completely shattered it.

"Since you are unwilling to leave me a way to survive, then don't blame me for ruining your plan!"

Feeling the increasingly intense pain in his body, the seventh elder looked ferocious and roared through gritted teeth.

I saw him taking out a jade slip from the stored magic weapon, and his soul exploded with all his strength, throwing himself into it, quickly recording something, but the blue veins popping up on his forehead showed that he was suffering from unspeakable pain.

After just a few breaths, he lost his breath, and the unfinished jade slip was tightly held in his hand, with unwillingness, anger and deep hatred on his face!

the other side.

"Be on guard!"

The moment he noticed the fluctuations in spiritual energy, Li Zhirui decisively activated the spiritual ship's defensive aura and cast a layer of defensive spells at the same time.


Large fireballs fell from the sky, exuding a scorching aura, and continuously hit the spiritual ship. The outer layer of magical powers was covered with scars from the hits.

"Li Yunjun, you control the spirit ship!"

When Li Zhirui saw this, he immediately shouted loudly: "Other clan members will resist the attack with me and attack the formation!"

I saw the magic formula in his hand change, and the originally sparse water vapor in the formation suddenly increased, and even a layer of mist could be seen.

The temperature and power of the endless fireballs have dropped a bit.

This is not because Li Zhirui is so powerful that he can mobilize water vapor from the outside world through the formation, but because he is able to transport water vapor from space.

Although he is better at wood-based spells, by analogy, he can cast all kinds of water-based spells.

Under Li Zhirui's spell, the formation began to rain heavily. In just a moment, a lake formed in the lower space. The tribesmen used the rich water vapor to cast various water spells to easily neutralize the formation's attack. Free your hands to break the formation.

"Why is this formation so strong?"

After leading his clansmen to attack continuously for half an hour, but the formation was only shaking slightly and was still far away from being shattered, Li Zhirui immediately called a halt and let the clansmen take turns to rest and recover.

"Is it possible that this is a seventh-level formation?"

Li Zhirui guessed, if this was not the case, how could he explain that after attacking for so long, the formation still had no response?

Unlike his shallow knowledge, the Zhang family's combined experts knew the answer after a little exploration.

"Sixth level Tai Chi moving Jun Ling formation!"

"I'm afraid we won't be able to break out of the formation in a short time." One of them said with a frown.

The other few people were silent with ugly expressions on their faces.

The sixth-level formation that allows five combined powerful men to say these words is naturally extraordinary!

Its special feature lies in the fact that the formation is divided into hundreds or thousands of independent spaces, and that the powerful energy of a certain space can be transferred to other spaces for sharing.

And if you want to break out of the formation, you must break the entire space!

This obviously requires the cooperation of everyone. If they work independently, I don't know how long it will take to attack the limit of the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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