Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 932 Black Scale

Chapter 932 Black Scale

You must know that the formation is arranged on the spiritual veins and can absorb a large amount of spiritual energy for repair. Although the speed is not fast, it also increases the difficulty for everyone to break the formation.

But now everyone is blocked by the formation and cannot contact other monks at all, let alone discuss how to break the formation.

The five combined powerful men were silent for a moment, knowing in their hearts that they could not continue like this, because some monks must have died in the formation now!

The longer time passes, the more monks will die, and the difficulty of breaking the formation will become higher and higher!

But they had no way to contact other monks, so they could only lead the disciples behind them and attack the formation with all their strength. Coupled with the attacks of other monks, if they were lucky enough, they could escape as soon as possible.


In the Fusion Realm, the Yang God has begun to 'fuse' with the physical body. The Yang God is no longer weak, and his mastery of the laws has reached an extremely high level. As soon as the five people took action, they showed the power of the laws and fiercely Brush on the formation.

I saw a slight shaking in the formation. Although it was extremely inconspicuous, it also gave everyone hope of breaking the formation.


Seeing the hope, everyone naturally worked harder. Various powerful magical powers turned into a colorful rainbow, which actually shook the formation, and it seemed that the sound of breaking could still be vaguely heard.

This can no longer be achieved just by relying on the strength of the Zhang family and the Li family, monks from other forces have also joined the battle.

Continuing to stay in Wanzhu Prefecture will not only be of no benefit, but may also cost you your life.

"The dawn of breaking the formation is right before our eyes, we must persevere!"

It's not like the demonic cultivators couldn't see the situation clearly. The poison of the soul-destroying poison was about to dissipate, the local cultivators were recovering, and a group of outside reinforcements were coming, so they naturally had to stay away.

Of course, it is not necessarily the case that those demonic cultivators are capable of presiding over the transfer of all spirits, the complexity of which is no less than that of an ordinary seventh-level formation.

Besides, the demon cultivators took advantage of the period when the poisonous poison was strong to break through countless powerful mountain gates and tribes, which can be said to be a fruitful harvest.

Fortunately, hard work pays off!

With the concerted efforts of thousands of monks, they attacked for more than an hour before they broke through the unattended formation.

A sudden remark from the crowd made everyone realize belatedly that the demonic cultivators did not interfere in causing trouble when the formation was broken, and even took the opportunity to attack the cultivators.

After returning to the world again, Li Zhirui looked at the ashes of the formation flag not far away, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes. If it had not been so completely destroyed and the remains were left behind, he would definitely have picked it up.

Even though the formation looked shaky, they still persisted for a long time until everyone was discouraged again.

Because if he can get the formation method, then the Li family will have enough confidence to fight against the forces in the mountains, and there is no need to compromise by selling methods.

But the departure of the demonic cultivators greatly disappointed some of the cultivators. Just like the Li family members, their purpose in joining the war was to temper themselves, but now that even the demonic cultivators were gone, how could any war break out?

Everyone could only search around for the demonic cultivator's station in Wanzhu State. Everyone's focus was on the underground, because there was no place to hide a large number of demonic cultivators on the ground covered with spiritual bamboos.

Unfortunately, this can only be done for now.

Li Zhirui saw that the morale of the people was low, their spiritual consciousness was scattered, and even the spells were not solidified. They were like a group of colorful but inert fireworks. He immediately shouted loudly, like spring thunder, awakening the world. All kinds of sleep.

But Li Zhirui, who was not knowing how far away, suddenly heard a crisp and subtle cracking sound in his ears. He suddenly looked up at the formation and was surprised to find that the aura was dimmed. He immediately shouted loudly: "Everyone! Come with me and take action, Attack the formation with all your strength!"

"It seems that the demon cultivators have already left Wanzhu Prefecture, and we are a step too late."

Half an hour later, the movement of the formation became louder and more obvious.

I don't expect to be able to learn all the great formations from just a few fragments, but with Jiang Fengwu's talent, I might be able to gain something from them.

At this time, no one paid attention to the local forces anymore. Anyway, the external threats had dissipated, and outsiders like them did not need to intervene in what happened internally.

"Huh? Why don't you see the existence of the demon cultivator?"

The spirit is awake, but the mana in the body cannot be restored instantly. The speed and frequency of everyone's attacks have slowed down, and they can only grit their teeth and persist, and take turns to rest.

"found it!"

After thousands of monks searched on a large scale, they soon discovered several passages leading to underground caves.

When the monks saw the scene in the cave, in addition to shock, they were even more angry and fearful!

The demon cultivators have opened up hundreds of miles of space underground, built various palaces, and even created artificial mountains, rivers, lakes, etc. This is definitely not something that can be completed overnight!

But after so many years, the monks on the ground didn't notice anything was wrong!

Moreover, the fact that the demon cultivators can open up such an underground space in Wanzhu Prefecture also means that they can replicate it in other places.

Li Zhirui, who was standing aside, had a thoughtful look in his eyes. Perhaps such a space could be opened under Wanxian Mountain, which could be used to plant various spiritual objects and cultivate spiritual beasts. If there was a major crisis, it could also be used to arrange for the tribesmen to escape. !

When everyone walked to the middle area, they saw the corpses of hundreds of demon cultivators. There were no traces of fighting around them. Only they were in pain and struggling, with abnormal purple-black faces, describing what they had suffered before their death. torture, and the cause of death.

"Collect these corpses and investigate the cause after we get out." One of the fusion experts ordered.

Immediately, monks from the Zhang family came forward and put the corpses into storage bags without changing their expressions.

"Ancestor! This man has a jade slip in his hand." A Yuanying monk strode over and handed the jade slip respectfully.

Under the strict rules of the Zhang family, even if he is the first person to discover the jade slip, he cannot use his spiritual sense to explore the contents inside.

Li Zhirui on the side, or most of the monks, focused their attention on the jade slip, and they wanted to know what was recorded in it.

"Damn it! How dare the demonic cultivators do such a treasonous thing that endangers the world! How dare they!" The fusion power was furious and roared a little uncontrollably.

Li Zhirui frowned. This reaction made him a little uneasy, but he was also more curious about the contents of the jade slip.

The other four people poured into it with their spiritual consciousness, and although their reactions were not that obvious, anyone could see their suppressed anger.

Because the coercion inadvertently leaked from their bodies is the best proof.

Although it only flashed by, no one would think that that powerful sense of oppression was an illusion.

Perhaps when you were in Jindan and Nascent Soul, because you had just broken through, you were not able to control your own coercion very well, but as your cultivation level gets higher and higher, the coercion will be under control the moment the breakthrough is successful. The combined power will never be unable to control the pressure, unless some kind of violent emotion causes huge fluctuations in their state of mind!

'What could happen that could make these five great masters so angry that they even lose their peace of mind? 'This is what all the monks present are curious about.

Several powerful officials looked at each other and finally decided to publish the contents of the jade slip. Because the matter was so important that the Zhang family could not bear it, it had to be announced to the public. There was no harm in telling everyone in advance now.

"For nearly a thousand years, demonic cultivators have been sneaking across the East Continent and secretly developing their power. Their ultimate goal is to pollute the spiritual veins throughout the East Continent and let the spiritual energy of the East Continent decay, thus weakening the power of the Immortal Dao! Occupy the East Continent !" One of the fused statues said with a solemn expression.

As soon as they finished speaking, there was an uproar at the scene. Shock and anger were beyond words. The seriousness of the matter was far beyond their imagination.

And it seems that after the spiritual veins are contaminated, it will not be of any benefit to the demon cultivators occupying Dongzhou, because they cannot absorb the dirty spiritual energy to practice.

But this is only temporary!

As long as the time is sufficient and long enough, they can slowly manage the spiritual veins and return them to normal.

This time started with tens of thousands of years.

And if the monks are in the dirty spiritual energy, within a thousand years, the Dongzhou Immortal Way will be weakened because the new generation of monks cannot grow normally.

Coupled with the fierce attacks from external forces such as demon cultivators, demon clans, and sea clans, Dongzhou Immortalism may be forced to a dead end in two thousand years.

In this little time, there is no time to manage the spiritual veins.

That is to say, Shanyuan Prefecture is located at the northeastern end of Dongzhou. For the sake of safety, the demon cultivator acted very carefully. As soon as it developed, Li Zhirui killed a demon cultivator because of greed.

This caused so many things, and even exposed the conspiracy that the demon cultivator had planned for thousands of years in advance.

It can be said that Li Zhirui is a great hero, but he is unwilling to become famous.

Because this will not bring any substantial help to him and the Li family, but will also bring huge trouble and danger.

Maybe those demon cultivators can't deal with the Zhang family, but against a family that has just been promoted to Lianxu, they can be destroyed without much effort at all!

Fortunately, Li Zhirui hid his identity at the beginning. Otherwise, he might have been able to escape such a big incident. However, among the hundreds of thousands of people in the Li family, I don't know if even one percent of them could survive.


Just when everyone was shocked, a powerful man's face suddenly changed, "This jade slip has not been finished. The last sentence is telling us that Wanzhuzhou may have been poisoned!"

They had just been aroused by the content in the front of the jade slip and had not paid attention to the content in the back. Now they are a little calmer, and when they think about it, their expressions instantly become solemn.

As if to verify their statement, just at this time, the monks who were sent out to explore the caves came back one after another. Many people reported seeing tunnels leading to other places in various places.

Just because there were too few of them, they were worried that there would be danger inside and did not dare to explore deeply.

"Go and see!"

Everyone followed behind.

A small team was dispatched and entered a certain tunnel, while the other monks waited quietly.

A few hours later, the team returned safely.

"Ancestor! The last section of this tunnel collapsed. After we dug it again, we soon saw a spiritual vein. It looks no different from a normal spiritual vein."

For this reason, they also deliberately used the image stone to completely record the entire spiritual vein.

Through the projection, the spiritual veins were indeed as they said, and there was no problem. However, the powerful experts were not very reassured and decided to go there in person.

When they came back, although they didn't speak, their extremely ugly expressions were the best answer.

There seemed to be nothing wrong with that spiritual vein. If it weren't for the powerful spirit of the combined power, which entered the spiritual vein and saw a subtle black line that exuded a strong stench, they wouldn't have felt anything was wrong.

At the same time, they also tried to remove the black thread from the spiritual veins, but no matter what methods they used, they could not succeed.

But this is not the worst!

Those demonic cultivators knew that the underground caves and tunnels would be discovered, but they still took action to pollute the spiritual veins. If they were not stupid, it was because the demonic cultivators were ready to take full action to pollute the spiritual veins of the various states in Eastern Continent where they were located. So naturally, there won’t be any worries!

Thinking of this, in addition to anger, there was also a trace of fear on the faces of the five powerful men!

How can the eggs be completed under the whole nest!

If the entire Immortal Dao is in danger, how can the Zhang family end well? It’s already amazing to be able to preserve the legacy.

After all, the combined force is the overlord in the remote Shanyuan State, and it can be said that it is true, but if you broaden your horizons a little, don't go too far. Flying a few thousand miles south of Xiaoyuan Immortal City, there is an immortal sect called Dongyuan Sect!

The only good thing is that the spiritual veins exist alone and cannot be connected unless they are very close or controlled by humans.

Otherwise, if the spiritual veins transmit dirty things through connections, then as long as one spiritual vein is polluted, it can spread to other spiritual veins.

If this is the case, the only way for immortality is to find a way out!

Therefore, three of the five powerful men left immediately, probably passing the news to the Dongyuan Sect, through which they informed the immortal forces in various parts of East Continent.

"You guys can give it a try. If you can solve the black dirt in the spiritual veins, I think all the sects in Wanzhu Prefecture will not be stingy with rewards." One of the fused statues said.

Li Zhirui and Li Chenghao in the distance felt something in their hearts.

"Uncle Jiu, can you purify the special filth in your spiritual veins?" Li Chenghao tried his best to control the fluctuations of his consciousness, hoping not to be heard by the two powerful men.

The confidentiality of spiritual consciousness transmission is not very strong. If someone's spiritual consciousness is strong, he can hear it.

But under normal circumstances, no one will do this because it is too offending! And it is very easy to cause disaster.

Li Zhirui hesitated for a moment, but finally shook his head slightly.

He was not sure whether he could solve the black dirt mentioned by the great master, so he could not give an accurate answer.

"Uncle Jiu, why don't we give it a try?" Li Chenghao whispered.

Other monks around are also eager to try. They are not stupid. From what they saw and heard just now, it can be easily judged that in the next long period of time, monks who can remove the black stain will definitely be regarded as guests by all major forces. !

(End of this chapter)

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