Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 939 Powerful

Perhaps because of the higher level of the world, the thunder tribulation in Yuanling Realm was much less difficult, so Li Chengshuo passed the thunder tribulation without any danger.

And Li Chengshuo's pictures inspired the confidence of the clan members. The most important thing is that the stronger the family is, the more benefits each clan member can enjoy.

In addition, it also greatly stimulated Jiang Fengwu, Li Chengsheng, Daqing and others!

No matter what they thought, they never expected that Li Chengshuo would come from behind, directly surpass them, and break through the Void Refining Realm first.

So much so that they can't come out of seclusion now, and they must break through the Void Refining Realm before they can come out.

Li Zhirui was naturally happy, after all, from now on, someone could help him share the family pressure.

What's more, Li Chengshuo is still a formation mage. Once she consolidates her realm, she can upgrade the mountain-protecting formation to strengthen the family's defense.

The various forces in the mountains reacted differently to the birth of the second Void Refining cultivator in the Li family. Some did not care, some were envious, and some were wary.

What I don't care about are the forces far away from Ten Thousand Immortals Island. Even if the Li family has more Void Refining monks, as long as they don't have the power of integration, they won't have any impact on them.

The ones who were envious were the forces near the Li family. They wanted to give birth to a Lianxu in their own family, but they never thought that their own family did not appear, and instead, another one was born in the Li family.

The last forces were mainly those who had bullied the Li family and forced the Li family to come up with two pill recipes. They were worried that after the Li family became stronger, they would take action against them! To repay the humiliation of that day.

Therefore, as the Li family's strength increases, they are the most concerned.

The Li family didn't pay too much attention to the various reactions from the outside world, because they knew that strength was everything!

The current strength of the Li family cannot even unify the southeastern part of the mountains, let alone other areas.

Therefore, the Li family did not pay attention to the disturbances from the outside world. Instead, they patrolled the territory within a hundred miles of Wanxian Mountain more strictly, guarding the family tightly to ensure that the news would not be easily leaked.

About half a year later, Li Chengshuo perfectly consolidated his realm, and from then on, he became a Void Refining monk!

Perhaps in the entire Yuanling world, Lianxu can only be regarded as a medium combat power, but in Qianzhong Mountains, it is the highest level!

According to the information collected by the Li family, no fusion creature has been born in the mountains for thousands of years! Not only the monks, but also the demon tribe that occupies the best place has no seventh-level demon.

It can be said that as long as Li Chengshuo is not ambushed or surrounded by many Lianxu, she is very safe in the mountains.

"Congratulations, you have finally fulfilled your long-cherished wish for many years." Li Zhirui said with a smile to Li Chengshuo who came to see him.

Li Chengshuo was stunned when he heard this, and finally with a bright smile on his face, he said: "A thousand-year wish has finally come true!"

Li Zhirui saw that her state of mind became broader and he nodded secretly. Then he took out a jade slip and said, "This is my understanding and understanding of Xu Lian over the past hundred years. You can take it back and have a look."

In fact, this inheritance is very simple and does not record much content. After all, there are only two Lianxu in the Li family so far, and before that, there was only one Li Zhirui.

So he only asked Li Chengshuo for a little reference, and there was no need to rely too much on his insights.

"You can record the problems and insights you encountered in practice. We can learn from each other and make progress together." Li Zhirui said sincerely.

Cultivation pays attention to wealth and law, and the couple is not just a Taoist couple, but also a fellow traveler!

It is not advisable for one person to work behind closed doors.


The two chatted for a while, and then Li Chengshuo said goodbye and left.

After she left the spiritual realm, she went straight to the cave where Li Chengsheng retreated.

So far, Jiang Fengwu, Li Chengsheng and others have not created a spiritual realm that conforms to their own laws. First, the spiritual realm does not significantly improve cultivation, and second, they cannot find suitable spiritual plants.

Although spiritual objects can be used to arrange formations to consolidate the spiritual realm, from then on, the level of the spiritual realm has been fixed. As the cultivation level increases, the spiritual realm cannot keep up with the pace of progress, and it becomes a useless thing. exist.

When Li Zhirui opened up the spiritual realm, he was mainly because he was eager to break through the realm of refining, so that his family could gain a firm foothold in the mountains, and his existence in the spiritual realm could be improved a little bit.

Because of these reasons, although many spiritual realms have been opened up on Wanxian Mountain, there are very few that are dedicated to one person.

Li Chengshuo rang the knocking bell. She was not here to show off herself, but it was a very important thing.

"Big brother!"

After waiting for a while, I saw Li Chengsheng's figure. He immediately handed over a jade slip and said, "This is the reason why I can break through. You and I, who are the same mother, may be able to inspire you."

"Thank you Shuo'er."

Li Chengsheng was not dissatisfied because Li Chengshuo's cultivation surpassed him. He still maintained a peaceful mind. When he saw the contents of the jade slip, he sincerely expressed his gratitude.

This jade slip indeed inspired him a lot, and the most important thing was that it pointed out a clear path!

"Why are you and I so unfamiliar?" Li Chengshuo smiled and said, "Brother, please practice hard and I won't bother you."

"I will express my gratitude to you after I break through." Li Chengsheng looked at her seriously, as if she would refuse to accept the jade slips if she didn't agree.

"Okay, then I'm waiting for your good news, brother."

Li Chengshuo quickly said goodbye and left without staying too long, wasting Li Chengsheng's time.

After returning to the cave, she took out the 'culprit' that caused her serious injury and almost death, but it was a blessing in disguise that she was able to break through the void refining - a few sixth-grade Taiyin cold toad eggs!

Naturally, Li Chengshuo couldn't sign a contract with them all. He could only pick out the most powerful eggs and cultivate them patiently.

The rest is kept in the family, which can be regarded as a contribution to the increase in the family's spiritual beast population.

"The next step is to improve their cultivation as much as possible, and at the same time let Ah Yue and Xiao Yue break through to the sixth level."

Li Chengshuo set a grand goal for himself.

You must know that Li Zhirui broke through for a hundred or two hundred years, but none of the spiritual beasts he contracted broke through the sixth level. It can be seen that even with the help of the "All Spirits Sutra", the sixth level is still a big hurdle.

There are no Jiazi in the mountains, and it is so cold that I don’t know the year.

In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

And Wanxian Mountain, which had been peaceful for more than ten years, became lively again because of a thunder disaster!

The one who made the breakthrough this time was Jiang Fengwu!

Logically speaking, she should have been able to break through long ago. After all, she had already broken through the bottleneck when she returned to Wanxian Mountain. I don't know why Jiang Fengwu took so long.

Under the gaze of the tribesmen, Jiang Fengwu used the ultimate void formation method to easily survive the thunder tribulation, which made everyone excited.

I thought that if I could master the void formation, would I be able to overcome tribulations as easily as Jiang Fengwu in the future?

In this regard, we can only say that they are daydreaming!

I don’t know how many formation masters who have reached the Void Refining and Fusion realms can master the Void Formation skillfully. Li Chengshuo is still learning now. They are not professional formation masters, and their cultivation is not high enough, so how can they learn it?

If, by chance, a clan member really does it, then he will be trained with all the family's efforts, because such a person's array talent is probably even more terrifying than Jiang Fengwu's.

As for the outside forces, because two Lianxu were born in the Li family within one or two decades, they paid more attention to the Li family and sent more undercover agents to find out the news.

After all, the Li family's strength growth rate is really scary.

As usual, when Jiang Fengwu came to see Li Zhirui, he gave her two jade slips, one containing his cultivation insights and the other from Li Chengshuo, and asked her to take them back for reference.

But unexpectedly, Jiang Fengwu said something that surprised Li Zhirui.

"I plan to continue to go out and practice."

Li Zhirui asked with some confusion: "You have just consolidated your realm, and Fengpeng and Longli have not yet broken through. Why do you want to go out to practice?"

"I feel like there is something waiting for me."

Hearing this, Li Zhirui raised his brows slightly. Even though he was talking about this, it was impossible for him to stop him, because this was very likely to be a great opportunity for Jiang Fengwu!

Therefore, what he can do is help prepare various spiritual objects to improve Jiang Fengwu's safety as much as possible.

Half a month later, Jiang Fengwu left Wanxian Mountain alone. The three spirit beasts she had contracted with her stayed with the family and entrusted Li Zhirui to help take care of them.

And Li Zhirui didn't have time to reflect on the Spring and Autumn Period, because he had comprehended the sixth-level nourishing elixir for so many years and was finally ready to start refining it.

If it succeeds, the Li family will have an additional sixth-level treasure elixir, and the Lianxu tribe will also have suitable cultivation resources!

For this reason, Li Zhirui even burned incense and took a bath, which shows how much he attaches importance to this.

"Sunflower, hidden yin root..."

One after another, the precious spiritual objects were tempered and the impurities were removed. Under the control of Li Zhirui, they entered the alchemy furnace one after another and merged with the previous medicinal solution.

The effect of the medicine will be produced during this process, so this is a crucial step!

Even though Li Zhirui is an alchemy master who has refined pills hundreds of thousands of times, and even though he still has a dozen materials, he is still nervous now.


Although he was careful enough, he still couldn't prevent the conflict between the medicinal liquids. Before Li Zhirui could put all the elixirs in, the alchemy furnace made a muffled sound, and then billowing black smoke floated out.

Li Zhirui cleaned the alchemy furnace with a calm expression, sat cross-legged and adjusted his breath to recover.

Two quarters of an hour later, he stood up again.

But the final result was still a failure, and not just once, but in just five days, the spiritual objects cultivated with countless spiritual stones were almost consumed.

"Only the last two complete materials are left."

Li Zhirui lowered his head and looked at the two soul-sealing boxes on the side. After resting for a day and recharging his energy, he started refining the elixir.

Tempering, fusion, control, solidification, elixir separation, and release, at every step, he tried his best to achieve perfection. Fortunately, he did not let down Li Zhirui's efforts.

Finally, two Yunyang Pills were refined!

Although the quantity is rare and the quality of the elixir is very poor, the refining success means the refining is successful!

Rare in quantity? If you refine more treasure pills in the future, you can increase the pill formation rate.

Bad quality? Li Zhirui can use the law of purification to remove impurities, thereby achieving the effect of improving the quality.

The last material was also refined by him while the iron was hot. The elixir yield rate was slightly higher and there were three elixirs, but the quality was still very poor.

"Sixth-level alchemy masters cannot be cultivated by ordinary forces!" Li Zhirui suddenly sighed with emotion.

If he didn't have a mysterious space, it would take hundreds of years from the time he got the spiritual seeds and planted them to when the spiritual things matured and harvested!

Even if it is planted on a high-level spiritual vein and carefully taken care of by a high-level spiritual planter, the maturity of the spiritual object is calculated in hundreds of years.

Moreover, there was only one spiritual seed at the beginning. If you wanted to expand the scale and have enough alchemy materials, you would have to wait hundreds of years.

Even though the Void Refining cultivator has a long lifespan, it is impossible to wait in vain. If you want to refine the sixth-level treasure pill as soon as possible, there is another way, and that is to buy spiritual objects at a high price.

As a result, the cost is immeasurable! Ordinary sixth level forces simply cannot afford so much capital.


Li Zhirui put the five Yunyang Pills into the jade bottle, and after taking a short rest, he purified the impurities in the pills.

After a moment, he was seen making secrets with both hands, and the purification laws around him swarmed in. Under Li Zhirui's control, they all entered the five treasure pills in the jade bottle.

The law of purification and those impurities are like two forces fighting on the battlefield, and a fierce battle broke out inside the treasure pill!

Under Li Zhirui's continuous blessing, the law of purification has won a great victory, successfully purifying all impurities and upgrading the originally low-grade elixir to the highest grade!

"Let me see how this top-quality elixir works."

Li Zhirui couldn't wait to experience the effect of Yunyang Pill, so he immediately took out a treasure pill and took it. The treasure pill melted in his mouth and turned into a warm current entering the sea of ​​consciousness, and finally acted on the soul.

After a few days, the Yunyang Pill was completely refined.

After comparison, after taking the treasure pill, the transformation of the soul is twice as fast as during normal practice!

How could Li Zhirui throw away such a huge improvement? So he exchanged a large amount of spiritual stones from his family to promote the growth of spiritual creatures.

Unfortunately, the family cannot allow him to exchange spiritual stones without limit. After all, there are many places where the family needs to use spiritual stones, such as improving the level of spiritual veins, paying clan members' monthly money, purchasing various spiritual objects, etc.

Therefore, Li Zhirui could only find a way to earn spiritual stones from others.

Of course, he doesn't need to come forward personally, he can just ask his family to help.

In today's southeastern mountains, no force dares to offend the Li family!

And this is the benefit of strength.

If they were not powerful enough, how could the Li family be able to intimidate the surrounding forces with just a family emblem?

Over the next thirty years, the Li family's outstanding performance attracted the attention of all forces in the mountains.

Because in these thirty years, Xiao Cang, Xiao Qing and Da Qing have made breakthroughs one after another.

And because of their breakthrough, the large amount of mana fed back also pushed Li Zhirui into the middle stage of Void Refining.

Although the Li family now only has six Lianxu members, they have truly become the overlord of the southeastern mountains. Therefore, knowledgeable forces soon came to visit and wanted to make the Li family the sect masters. (End of chapter)

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