Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 940 Going out

The reasons why they did this were firstly because they were afraid of forced oppression by the Li family, so they might as well take the initiative and maybe reduce some offerings. Secondly, they also wanted to seek shelter.

After all, no Void Refining monks have been born in the southeastern mountains for a long time, and there have always been a lot of monsters in the mountains. Once a large beast wave breaks out, their situation will be very dangerous!

"Clan Chief Li, this is a little thought on our part, please don't dislike it." Several Void Refining monks whispered in front of Li Xiansong, the Nascent Soul.

Li Xiansong frowned slightly. He must be asking for something when he was so polite to others. The next moment he immediately smiled and said: "You don't have to be like this, but I don't know why you paid a sudden visit?"

"The Li family is powerful, and I hope they can respect the nobles as their sect masters and protect us!" Several gods bowed and said in unison.

Li Xiansong's eyes flashed with contemplation, he stood up quickly, asked the elders around him to help them up, and said: "You don't need to salute."

But he did not answer their questions because the matter was so important that Li Xiansong could not give answers in a short time.

With the help of the elders, they all sat on their seats and waited quietly for Li Xiansong's answer.

After a while, Li Xiansong said with a smile: "Thank you for your attention, but the Li family is not strong enough and I am afraid that I cannot withstand your love."

"Clan Leader Li is too humble! The Li family now has six Xu Lian seniors, and their strength is the strongest in the mountains in the southeast..."

A certain Lianxu spoke hurriedly, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Li Xiansong, saying: "Your Excellency has over exaggerated the strength of the Li family."

"I still have a lot of trivial matters to resolve, so I can't entertain you all. I'm sorry."

After saying that, he stood up and implicitly forced them to leave.


After they walked out of Wanxian Mountain, someone on the spot snorted and said, "Does he really take himself seriously?"

"You don't know what is good or bad! We all took the initiative to come and pay homage to the sect master, but we were rejected?"

"That's right! They're just a few Void Refining monks, what's so arrogant about them?"

Several Avatars were venting their dissatisfaction crazily on the road.

At this time, in Wanxian Mountain.

"Clan leader, why do you refuse? Isn't this a good thing? In the future, not only will there be vassals to recruit, but also offerings will be collected every year." An elder asked in confusion.

Li Xiansong said solemnly: "No one can mention this matter again in the future!"

"Thousands of mountains belong to Shanyuan State, and the master of Shanyuan State, the sect leader of all the forces, is only one, and that is the Zhang family!"

"But the Zhang family doesn't care about the affairs of the mountains and the world at all! It's not like the other Void Refining Forces don't have vassals. I've never seen any reaction from the Zhang family." An elder immediately retorted with dissatisfaction.

Several elders felt that Li Xiansong thought too much and was too cautious.

"Some rules don't seem to exist, but you can't ignore them!" After Li Xiansong said this, he didn't want to explain any more and let the elders go about their own business.

That is to say, during the period when he served as the clan leader, he had gained enough prestige to make a final decision. If it were anyone else, he would not have such great power at all.

But the deadline for resigning is coming soon.

Li Xiansong was able to sit in the position of patriarch for so long, thanks to the fact that the entire Li family ascended to the Yuanling Realm. After all, if he had to change the patriarch not long after he arrived in a new world, problems might arise.

But now that the Li family has established a firm foothold in the southeastern mountains, it is naturally impossible for him to be the leader of the clan to prevent him from becoming a faction!


After Li Zhirui broke through to the middle stage of Void Refining, he brought up a very important thing, which was to find the follow-up techniques of the "All Spirits Sutra"!

He had only passed the six-level trial in the Black Stone Secret Realm, so the skills he obtained naturally did not exist in the Fusion Realm and beyond.

I had not searched for him before because I felt that I was not strong enough, but the most important thing was that no one was guarding the family. I was worried that if I went out, the family would be destroyed for no reason.

Although the current strength is still not strong, with the four Lianxu, Daqing, Xiaoqing, Xiaocang and Li Chengshuo, the family's security has been greatly improved.

Without worries, Li Zhirui naturally put this important matter concerning himself and the entire family's future at the forefront, and seize the time to complete it.

As for if he fails to find the follow-up exercises of the "All Spirits Sutra", then Li Zhirui still has two options. One is to find a new one that can be practiced to a perfect body, and there must be follow-up exercises, otherwise it will be difficult to find another one when the time comes. Change?

The second is to gather the strength of the family to deduce the three realms of integration, Mahayana, and transcending tribulations!

The former requires changing the foundation, and it is the foundation of the entire family. Starting from scratch, the price paid during the process is huge, and there is a very big problem!

That is to sign a contract with a spiritual beast, which requires the fusion of a part of the soul. Usually it is in one's body, which is no different from other souls. But once the technique is changed, how to solve this problem?

Also, it costs a lot of money!

Cultivation techniques are inherently not cheap. The higher the grade, the more characteristics they carry, and the more expensive they are. If you want to buy a copy of the Fusion Realm technique, you will need at least 100 million spiritual stones!

And at this price, you can still buy a technique that has very few characteristics and can only reach the seventh level.

Mahayana realm exercises? You may not be able to get it even if it is doubled ten times, but the Tribulation Realm technique needs to be doubled dozens of times based on this!

As for the fairyland skills? No matter how many spiritual stones and spiritual objects you take, you will never be able to get it!

Because this is the true foundation of rise!

There is a fairyland force in the rumors. It was just a small god-transforming force at first, but by chance, it obtained a technique that directly pointed to the fairyland. After tens of thousands of years of unremitting efforts, an immortal was finally born!

If you choose the second path, it is not easy to deduce the follow-up exercises of "All Spirits Sutra" by yourself.

First of all, it requires many other high-level skills to understand, so it is impossible to deduce it out of thin air, right?

You must know that the practice is very serious and meticulous. If there is a slight mistake, it will be impossible to practice, or it will go crazy, or even explode directly!

Secondly, it would take a large number of Void Refining cultivators and it would take countless years to deduce the technique.

But this does not guarantee that the exercise is safe, it still requires experimentation!

Of course, it is impossible to directly let the monks start experiments, let alone the Li family, even those powerful forces in the fairyland will not be so willing.

If there are only a few problems, it's fine, and at most it means sacrificing a few cultivations, but if there are dozens or even hundreds of mistakes, this can represent the same number of monks!

Therefore, the seniors in the Yuanling world created a method of using human-like jade figurines to replace monks' experimental exercises.

Therefore, a kind of cultivation skill that is not available in the Xuanyuan world was born in the Yuanling world, the figurine maker!

However, as the grade of the skill increases, the grade of the jade figurines will also rise, and the price will naturally rise accordingly.

Of course, in general, in terms of the cost of spiritual stones, it is definitely cheaper to deduce the skills on your own than to purchase the skills.

It just costs a lot of time.

However, Li Zhirui had a premonition that there was a follow-up technique to the "All Spirits Sutra" in the Yuanling Realm!

The reason is that those upper realm monks he met in the Black Stone Secret Realm should be people from the Yuanling Realm!

Because in terms of belonging, Xuanyuan Realm is a small thousand world under the jurisdiction of Yuanling Realm.

And since they can enter the Black Stone Secret Realm through a special method, it means that the secret realm has a lot to do with them!

After all, many of the high-level spiritual objects, techniques, etc. obtained through numerous trials cannot be born in the Yuanling world!

Not to mention anything else, the "All Spirits Sutra" obtained by Li Zhirui can directly reach the early stage of integration, but in the Small Thousand World, as long as the heaven senses that your realm has broken through the refining void, it will immediately send down the thunder calamity of ascension. Is it possible to rely on a group of god-transformation monks to cross a large realm and deduce it?

Li Zhirui was fully prepared in Wanxian Mountain and told Li Chengshuo about the matter, asking her to guard the family and tell Daqing and the others.

The reason why he told her was because on the day he left, she was the only one not practicing.

"Dad, how about I go with you? Or call Uncle Daqing and the others so we can take care of each other." Li Chengshuo said with a worried look on his face.

She and Li Chengsheng had been practicing outside for so many years, and they had encountered several major dangers even in Shanyuan Prefecture, which was relatively peaceful and had a relatively low level of cultivation.

And this time, Li Zhirui didn't know how far he had to go, and the danger level was many times higher than theirs. How could Li Chengshuo feel relieved?

"Don't worry, it'll be fine."

Li Zhirui smiled and comforted him, and said, "When you are free, you can lead your clan members to continue to perfect the mountain-protecting formation."

"By the way, there are two more things I want to remind you of!"

Li Zhirui said with a serious face: "First, Feng Wu is training outside, and I don't know if she will be injured, so I specially refined a batch of fifth-level top-grade treasure pills and gave them to you for safekeeping."

"Second, the family has recently appointed a new patriarch. If he cannot suppress the elders, and if his decision is right, you must step forward to help suppress them! You must ensure the authority of the patriarch!"

Li Chengshuo naturally agreed to the first thing without hesitation, but she was a little confused about the second thing.

"Dad, didn't you always tell us not to interfere in family affairs and let the clan leader and elders decide? Why has it suddenly changed now?"

"Because the clan leaders are selected from secular clan members, they have no factions, at least not during their term of office!"

Li Zhirui said earnestly: "Therefore, in a sense, the patriarch is the one who is selfless and dedicated to the development of the family."

Because he has no descendants of his own, and even because he was brought back to Wanxian Mountain after his spiritual roots were tested at the age of five, his feelings for his biological parents are also very weak.

Of course, people have seven emotions and six desires, and the patriarch cannot always serve the public good.

Thinking of this, Li Zhirui couldn't help but sigh in his heart, faction!

He knew that this was a problem that no force could avoid and would definitely face, but Li Zhirui would never allow the Li family's faction to become too powerful.

Before, either he suppressed the family, or the clan leader took control, and those factions couldn't make any waves, but now the two things came together.

Those daring guys don’t know what they will do!

This is the reason why Li Zhirui specially asked Li Chengshuo.

"If you see that the situation cannot be controlled, you can ask Daqing and the others to come forward, or..."

Li Zhirui hesitated for a moment, but still took out a jade slip and said: "Select the highest jumpers from the jade slips and capture them directly!"

In addition to taking orders from the current patriarch, there is another person in the Anbu family who has never changed, and that is Li Zhirui!

Moreover, his authority and status in the ANBU are higher than those of the current clan leader.

"Don't take action unless absolutely necessary, let alone use the information in this jade slip easily!" Li Zhirui warned.

Li Chengshuo nodded seriously and said, "I understand, don't worry."

"If so, then I'll leave!"

After explaining everything, Li Zhirui did not avoid his clan members and left Wanxian Mountain openly.

His purpose in doing this was to tell everyone that he was no longer in the family, especially those factions, and that the new patriarch no longer had his biggest backer.

Little did they know that before Li Zhirui left, he left a piece of advice to the new patriarch Li Hongshi.

It was different from the jade slip in Li Chengshuo's hand.

There was a person's name written on that piece of paper, and it was a sharp blade that slashed at the major factions!


"That ancestor is gone!"

"Are you sure? Will the old man fake a shot and then come back quietly?"

"Probably not. I heard that he went out to look for opportunities."

Just a few days after Li Zhirui left, talkers from several factions met secretly.

"Where did this news come from? Could it be a smoke bomb thrown by the ancestor to deliberately confuse us?"

Everyone present was in awe of Li Zhirui. They knew that there was no way they could defeat this family ancestor who had been in the family for thousands of years!

Just like today's gathering, if Li Zhirui was still in Wanxian Mountain, even if he was practicing in seclusion, they would not dare to meet so many people.

"How can you accomplish anything if you are so timid?!" The youngest among them shouted uncontrollably.

The methods of the previous clan leader, Li Xiansong, were so powerful that the number of spiritual objects that their various factions seized from the family was greatly reduced. They had long had the idea of ​​​​confronting him.

It's just that Li Zhirui is still there, and Li Xiansong has almost all the power of the family during his hundreds of years of tenure as patriarch, they don't dare to act rashly, otherwise it will be another purge hundreds of years ago!

That is to say, it happened that Li Zhirui was out and Li Xiansong stepped down as the clan leader, so they dared to have other ideas.

"Then tell me, what should we do?"

"While that little brat Li Hongshi hasn't sorted out the various family affairs, we can take back the rights that belong to our positions. Is that okay?"

The man seemed to have something in mind, and said confidently: "Next, as long as the elders join forces and slowly take away the rights of the clan leader, won't the family's resources be able to be taken as much as they want?"

"Idiot!" An elder immediately shouted coldly. (End of chapter)

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