"Do you think that the ancestor will not come back? Or do you think that those mud-legged people will not resist? Are you trying to completely control the entire family?!"

In the eyes of these faction leaders, the secular tribesmen no longer have any blood relationship with them, they are just members of the same clan with the same surname.

With this understanding, they naturally do not have any closeness or identification with monks from secular backgrounds.

The old man said calmly: "We just need to get back our own rights, ensure that the tribesmen in each house have sufficient training resources, and ensure that we can overwhelm those mud-legged people for generations to come."

"If you have too many, it's easy to violate taboos!"

When everyone heard this, they thought it made sense, and they all echoed and agreed.

"But there is still a question. Do we need to tell the past clan leaders about this matter?" an old man's voice sounded suddenly.

The position of patriarch of the Li family, from Li Shiqing, Li Zhizhun, to the current Li Hongshi, including Li Zhirui, who once served as the acting patriarch, most of the previous patriarchs have left behind descendants, and they continue to this day.

Although the patriarchal line is very low-key and rarely remembers that there is such a force within the Li family, their existence must not be ignored!

Apart from other things, let’s just say that the direct grandson of the previous clan leader Li Xuefeng is Li Mingyao, the first Tianlinggen of the Li family. And now he is not only in the late stage of divine transformation, and is expected to break through the refining, but also a fifth-level talisman master. !

Among all their major factions, no one can compare to this one in terms of cultivation or skills.

Of course, Li Zhirui's lineage has a transcendent status in the Li family and cannot be counted among them.

"Why should we tell them? Not to mention sharing a piece of the pie for no reason. If they tell Li Hongshi our plan, it will cause more twists and turns."

Someone immediately objected and said: "You must know that their line has always followed the ancestors! The relationship with us is not good."

The number of clan leaders is not that large, because they do not take concubines as crazy as other clans, and work hard to produce offspring, thereby increasing the number and strength of the monks in each clan.

These people, like breeding animals, look no different from ordinary people, and even enjoy better benefits, but they have no time to practice every night and must work hard to reproduce.

Of course, these are the consequences of people with poor qualifications or no background, and those benefits are just small favors to appease them.

Li Zhirui and the clan leader saw all kinds of filth inside each room.

Why didn't we expose it and take action to solve this problem?

Because in a sense, this has a huge contribution to the strengthening of the family!

But among them, there is one thing that Li Zhirui hates the most, and that is intermarriage within each of their houses, or with several other factions they have good relationships with!

When Li Zhirui learned about this, he ordered a ban on intermarriage within the fifth generation.

Immediately after the ban was announced, various houses expressed their dissatisfaction and hoped that he would lift the ban. The reasons were also very good, because monks and monks were more likely to give birth to offspring with spiritual roots.

There is another reason why they dare not speak out, that is, they look down on the dirty blood of mortals!

But Li Zhirui ignored it. Maybe there was no such thing as genes in the world of immortals and demons, but there were still many problems with the union between close relatives.

In the beginning, driven by Li Zhirui's strong will, the ban was implemented very well without any problems, but as time went by, they began to secretly tamper with the pedigree!

Because they found that if they followed the ban, they would no longer be able to take in as many concubines as they did before, and then reproduce like crazy, which would not be conducive to the growth of their own faction.

Li Zhirui noticed all their little tricks, but he was too lazy to care about them, so they could just go and die on their own.

Why in the past one or two hundred years after coming to the Yuanling Realm, several Heavenly Spiritual Roots appeared in the family one after another, but they were either from the lineage of the clan leader, or they were born among the secular clansmen, but they did not appear among the cultivators. Although the number of monks was the largest, children Which faction has the most spiritual roots?

It's because they think their bloodline is noble and want to keep their bloodline pure.

As everyone knows, it is exactly this that prevents them from having a chance with Tianlinggen.

Anyway, the family also needs a lot of people with middle-level cultivation, and it doesn't matter if these factions provide them, so Li Zhirui just let them go and let them die on their own, as long as there are no big problems overall.


After they discussed the plan while arguing, the patriarch Li Hongshi soon found out.


Li Hongshi sneered and said, "Then let me experience their methods."

The biggest mistake of each room is that they think that Li Hongshi is younger and may not understand many things, but they ignore one thing. He has studied with Li Xiansong for hundreds of years, and he is also a Nascent Soul monk!

So when each room started to take action and wanted to take back their rights, they were surprised to find that they couldn't do it! He was easily blocked by Li Hongshi.

Only then did they realize what a big mistake they had made!

But now it's too late to stop, and Li Hongshi is more decisive and cruel than his predecessor!

When dealing with those elders and deacons who have made mistakes, no matter who you are or what your background is, you must deal with them according to the rules, and you can ensure that no one can find anything wrong with his punishment.

Moreover, Li Hongshi also took this opportunity to further seize the few remaining rights in the hands of the elders, and removed several elders who had made serious mistakes, choosing those with secular origins to take over.

Naturally, the various factions were unwilling to suffer such a big loss, so they joined forces to force Li Hongshi and restore those who had been dismissed as elders and deacons.

"Are you teaming up to force the palace?" Li Hongshi asked with a gloomy face.

"Don't dare! I just hope that the clan leader can treat us fairly! After all, what you do is not conducive to family unity, and may even cause family division." An old man said neither humble nor arrogant, not afraid of this clan leader at all.

"Okay, okay!" When Li Hongshi heard these words, he laughed angrily, looked around everyone with sharp eyes, and asked coldly: "Do you have the same idea as him?"


"You can't betray the family if you want to!"

Li Hongshi's magic power boiled, and these words spread throughout the entire Ten Thousand Immortals Mountain.


The mountain protection formation was fully activated in an instant, several terrifying pressures shot straight into the sky, and countless auras flew towards the family hall, but in an instant, they felt the anger from the entire family.

The faces of the people who were originally planning to join forces to force him into the palace changed drastically, and they stared at Li Hongshi with evil eyes, wishing to eat him alive. However, under the will of the entire family, they could only bow their heads and admit their mistakes sincerely and humbly, saying: "The patriarch misunderstood, we have never had the idea of ​​betraying the family!"

Betray the family?

They can only enjoy many benefits in the Li family. Once they leave, they don't know how many monks can survive with just a few of their god-transformation monks and go to the mountains.

And even if they want to betray, how can they do it easily?

But they will never forget the humiliation Li Hongshi brought to them today! Once there is an opportunity in the future, I will definitely return it tenfold or a hundredfold!

"This is naturally the best."

But Li Hongshi did not intend to let them go so easily, saying: "But in order to prevent the tribesmen from having such terrible thoughts, we must educate all the tribesmen, especially you!"

"First, starting from tomorrow, the Sutra Pavilion will open up the history of family development. All clan members must go there to study and submit at least two pieces of experience or insights every year!"

"Second, in order for the family to have better development in the future, we should focus on cultivating young people! Therefore, a hill will be moved to the south of Wanxian Mountain and all the family members aged between five and twenty will be placed there. The family will arrange for people who are proficient in various fields to be placed there. Clan members who cultivate skills and dharma go to teach and preach."

The first one left most of the clansmen scratching their heads and wondering what the meaning of Li Hongshi's actions was.

But the second article seems to be for the consideration of the family and the younger generation of the family, but in fact, it is cutting off the two most deep-rooted things of the faction!

The first is love, but love takes a long time to develop and maintain, and the younger you are, the better the effect will be.

According to what Li Hongshi said, he would stay in that Xiaoling Mountain until he was twenty years old, but when he returned to Wanxian Mountain at the age of twenty, his thoughts were already very mature!

At this time, using emotions to influence him will obviously get twice the result with half the effort.

The second is the inheritance of experience. Although the Li family has always set up courses in various aspects for clansmen with secular backgrounds to learn, generally speaking, they are not as good as clansmen trained within each house.

Because the people who preach and teach in the family have selfish motives, or they are not dedicated at all, and when the number of people is large, the effect is greatly reduced.

But now, Li Hongshi wants to change this situation.

The people talking about the various factions are not fools. They figured it all out in a flash. They opened their mouths to object, but when the words came to their lips, they swallowed them back.

Because at this moment, the eyes of everyone in the family are focused here. If they dare to refuse, they will bear everyone's anger!

Different from the excitement of cheers outside the hall, they only felt cold all over. When they looked at Li Hongshi, in addition to deep resentment, there was also a hint of fear. They were like puppets, being manipulated to follow other people's wishes. Mind acts.

Li Hongshi, who carries the family's will, has unparalleled prestige at this moment, and after issuing two orders, he has completely secured his position as patriarch!

In fact, Li Hongshi did not come up with these things after he became the clan leader, but he had thought of various methods a long time ago and told Li Xiansong all of them, just to promote them early so that the family could become stronger.

But Li Xiansong did not take over this achievement, but left it to Li Hongshi to complete it himself.

He also told him that before he became the clan leader, not a word of these things could be revealed to the outside world.

The reason why Li Xiansong refused was that the timing was wrong. The family was new and needed a very stable internal and external environment.

The second is that his achievements have been very great. After a hundred generations, if the Li family still has inheritance, then he will definitely be commemorated and enshrined by future generations.

If this thing is done well, it will only become one of his achievements, and it will not make him more dazzling.

But if he fails, it will become a stain on him! This is unacceptable to Li Xiansong.

However, he admired Li Hongshi very much and specially introduced him to Li Zhirui.

Li Hongshi was able to stand out among many outstanding candidates and become the new patriarch, secretly thanks to the help of Li Zhirui and Li Xiansong.

Otherwise, how could he get nearly 50% of the votes and crush all the other candidates?

Li Zhirui made so many arrangements before going out for training because he was worried that Li Hongshi would make too much noise. If the situation could not be suppressed, someone would be able to take action in time to clean up the mess.

However, even Li Zhirui did not expect that Li Hongshi was so capable that he would not need to use the methods he arranged. He just seized an opportunity and took advantage of the situation to promulgate the two patriarchal decrees.

The price is the various factions that have become stepping stones, and Li Hongshi himself, who is hated by the factions.

"This is my communication talisman. If there is anything urgent in the future, you can send a message to me." Li Chengshuo's voice floated from a distance, carrying ten talismans.

"Thank you, Ancestor Shuo!" Li Hongshi was very happy to accept the communication talisman, because it meant that he had been recognized and protected by the ancestor of the family!

"Let's go and do it." Da Qing's steady voice followed closely. In addition to a few communication talismans, there was also a turtle shell, a feather, and a scale.

Turtle shells for defense, feathers to control the wind, and scales to protect the water are all spiritual objects used to protect one's life.

At this moment, Li Zhirui has arrived at the southernmost edge of Shanyuan Prefecture. Less than a hundred miles further south is the territory of the Dongyuan Sect, a force in the fairyland.

When looking for high-level skills, you naturally have to go to places with higher cultivation levels, and in the entire northeastern part of Dongzhou, there is no place like Dongyuanzhou!

"I hope this trip can fulfill my wish!" Li Zhirui muttered silently in his heart, and then disappeared into thin air, leaving no trace of his escape method at all.

Within a moment, they entered the territory of Dongyuan Prefecture.

Li Zhirui felt as if he was in a warm spring, and the pores all over his body opened involuntarily, greedily absorbing the extremely pure spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

Fortunately, he did not lose his mind, but returned to normal in an instant, but he still couldn't help but sigh, "It is indeed a fairyland on earth!"

He is still at the border. If he continues to go deeper, especially the core spiritual land of the Dongyuan Sect, the spiritual energy may really condense into substance.

Li Zhirui didn't know where to look for clues about the technique. After thinking about it, he decided to follow the route from Fangshi to Xiancheng and finally reach Xingdong Xiancheng. He didn't know if he would gain anything.

Dongyuan State is huge, and it took him more than two hours to reach the first fairy city. Except for a little delay due to encountering monsters on the road, he was still on his way. (End of chapter)

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