Jumu Fairy City!

A city completely constructed and composed of huge trees, it is hundreds of feet high and is still growing upwards.

The first time Li Zhirui saw Fairy City, he was really amazed by its appearance.

And when he entered the city, he realized that the appearance was just the most basic. Both the roads and the store buildings were made of vines that grew symbiotically with the giant trees. It was like entering a forest world.

And Jumuxian City is divided into two parts: above ground and underground!

This is the only fairy city in Dongyuan Province that has an underground city.

The layout and pattern on the ground are no different from other fairy cities, while the underground is full of chaotic places. It doesn't look like fairy forces at all, but more like unscrupulous demon cultivators.

In order to get to know Dongyuan Prefecture faster, Li Zhirui asked a local child to lead him to the entrance of the underground city.

Because the dungeon is too dangerous, under normal circumstances, these children will not enter it.

"Thank you, senior!" After the child received Li Zhirui's spiritual stone, he bowed and fled away into the distance, as if there was some abyssal beast inside.

Li Zhirui withdrew his gaze and walked straight into it.

The passage is not dark, but rather spacious and bright. It doesn't feel like going underground at all.

After advancing for about half a quarter of an hour, Li Zhirui finally entered the dungeon.

Looking around, there are buildings all around, the roads are in a mess, there is no planning at all, and every building is dark, as if there is no one inside, but various sounds are coming from it.

As Li Zhirui walked among them, he could easily be recognized as this was his first time in the underground city, so there were some malicious eyes on him secretly.

Even if he didn't hide his cultivation, he wouldn't be able to scare those people.

Because in this chaotic dungeon, no one cares about the death of a Void Refining cultivator, even if it is a combination or a Mahayana.

As long as he is not a disciple of the Dongyuan Sect, it will be fine. After all, the biggest master of the underground city is the Dongyuan Sect!

Li Zhirui casually walked into a shop marked with the word "Dan". There was only a skinny old woman lying on a rocking chair. When someone came in, she didn't get up, she didn't mean to entertain, and she didn't care about the guests' feelings at all.

But in his eyes, this dying old woman contained extremely terrifying energy in her body, and she could crush him to death at will.

Therefore, Li Zhirui did not dare to speak and kept quiet as he looked at the messy jade bottles and elixir and jade slips in the shop.

When he saw an eighth-level elixir prescription, his eyes suddenly lit up. When he wanted to see what kind of elixir it was, the senior suddenly spoke and said: "Young man, don't be too ambitious, that's not something you can see."

Li Zhirui paused and said respectfully: "Senior taught me a lesson."

With this sentence, he did not dare to look at those high-level elixir prescriptions anymore. He could only select the sixth-level elixir prescriptions and below from the messy jade slips.

Although I could only see a very brief introduction, by the time Li Zhirui finished reading, it was already more than an hour later, which shows how many prescriptions there are in this store.

After closing his eyes and reviewing all the elixir prescriptions, Li Zhirui said: "I dare to ask senior, how many spiritual stones are there in the three elixir prescriptions of Purple Qi Baodan, Baihua Jade Muscle Pill, and Zhuyan Dan."

He only chose the Purple Qi Treasure Pill, a sixth-level cultivation elixir recipe, because the Li family had all the spiritual objects, and as long as he had the elixir recipe, he could start refining it.

As for Baihua Jade Muscle Pill and Zhuyan Pill, two spiritual pills that were not helpful in cultivation, Li Zhirui planned to use them to earn spiritual stones.

Who has the best chance of earning spiritual stones? woman! child! elder!

What do women care about most? My own appearance!

Although cultivators are nourished by spiritual energy, there are few ugly people, and their appearance will last forever, but they will still grow old slowly.

Baihua Yuji Pills can not only whiten and nourish the skin, but also produce body odor if taken too much; Zhuyan Pills don’t need to be explained, just look at the name and you will know.

Once these two killer weapons are used, the spiritual stones of the female monks in the mountains will flow into the Li family like crazy!

"I don't want spiritual stones, but I want you to exchange three kinds of elixirs that I don't have. As long as the idea is well-conceived, even a first-level elixir will be fine." The old woman pointed her finger, and Li Zhirui sat next to her hand, and there was still a gap between them. A wooden table is placed.

When Li Zhirui was forcibly pulled over, he did not dare to struggle at all, for fear of hurting himself, and only for a moment.

After calming down a little, I realized that this old woman's cultivation level was probably not that of Mahayana, or even that of a tribulation-transcending power.

"Senior, what do you think of this recipe?"

What Li Zhirui took out was, of course, the Baicao Dan formula, ranging from the first to the fourth level.

After only a few breaths, the old woman spoke: "It can barely catch the eye, especially the first-level elixir recipe, which uses ninety-nine kinds of mortal medicine, plus a first-level elixir to make an elixir. It seems very cumbersome, but it can make a mortal Refining the first-level elixir."

"But boy, you must have ascended from some small world, right?"

Li Zhirui's heart skipped a beat, and he was about to lie, but when his words came to his lips, he changed into something else, "How did the senior figure it out?"

"I have been obsessed with alchemy all my life. I dare not say that I know all the spiritual beings in the Yuanling world. After all, this world is rich in spiritual energy, and new spiritual beings may be born at any time, but I know at least 80% of them."

The old woman seemed to have gotten a new recipe for elixirs, and she was in a better mood. Then she was willing to explain it to him and said: "But the set of elixirs you took out contains a total of four hundred kinds of spiritual things. The old woman has never heard of them, so she must not Maybe he’s a monk from this world.”

"Senior has a sharp eye!" What else could Li Zhirui say?

The old woman snorted disdainfully and said: "As an alchemist, you must have relevant spiritual seeds in your hands, right? Take out these four hundred spiritual seeds, and I will exchange them with you for the spiritual seeds of these three pill recipes."

Li Zhirui's eyes were filled with surprise for a moment, because the number of spiritual objects needed for the Baicao Pill was large, but the highest-grade one was only a fourth-level spiritual object.

But the three elixir recipes he just selected were all fifth- and sixth-level elixir recipes. Of course, the spiritual level could not be low.

"Stop talking nonsense." The old woman said impatiently.

"Yes, yes, please wait a moment, senior." Li Zhirui immediately put his consciousness into the space and searched for the four hundred kinds of spirit seeds from the spirit seed warehouse he had specially built. He took at least a thousand of each kind.

Then he pretended to transfer it from the storage magic weapon to a small storage bag, and then handed it to the old woman.

"You are quite generous, boy."

Seeing that there were a lot of spiritual seeds, the old woman nodded with satisfaction and said: "You have taken out four kinds of elixirs, so please choose another one."

"This junior chooses the psychic elixir."

This is not a treasure pill specially given to spirit beasts, but a fifth-level treasure pill that speeds up the cultivation speed of the cultivator.

After arriving in the Yuanling Realm, Li Zhirui could no longer refine the universal Chaos Yuanqi Pill!

Because of the lack of chaotic aura!

The world membrane in this world is very strong and cannot be compared with the Xuanyuan world. The Shengxu Formation cannot send people into the void, and naturally it cannot collect chaotic spiritual energy.

Fortunately, the spiritual energy in this world is rich and the laws are manifested. Even without the blessing of Yuan Qi Baodan, the speed of the cultivation of the gods can be maintained at a relatively fast level.

This was also the reason why Li Zhirui didn't choose the Spiritual Pill at the beginning. He was worried that he wouldn't be able to get so many spirit stones. He planned to buy another pill recipe after earning the spirit stones with Baihua Jade Muscle Pill and Zhuyan Pill.

You must know that Li Zhirui has been to the Mu Ling Sect, the leader of alchemy refining in Wanzhu Prefecture, and has a certain understanding of the elixirs they have. He knows that they do not have Baihua Jade Muscle Pills and Zhuyan Dan, two treasures for beautifying and rejuvenating the appearance. Dan. It can be imagined that the preciousness of these two kinds of elixirs is not too low.

But now that there is an opportunity to get the psychic pill for free, I can't miss it.

"If you want any elixirs in the future, you can come to me. Even for Mahayana and Tribulation realm elixirs, I have a lot of them on hand."

Li Zhirui immediately stood up and bowed, saying, "Junior has taken note of it, so I won't disturb senior."

"After going out, go to the third store on the left. It's rare to meet a boy who flew up from the world. I don't want you to die so early."

The moment he walked out of the store, the entire store disappeared into thin air.

But looking at the calm expressions of the monks around him, Li Zhirui vaguely understood that this should be a unique closing of the underground city.

At this time, he also understood the meaning of the old woman's last words.

Almost all the monks on the street looked over, their eyes full of greed on Li Zhirui.

Li Zhirui didn't dare to delay, and quickly followed the old woman's instructions and quickly walked into the shop she mentioned.

"Which old woman asked you to come?"

An old man who looked slovenly and nervous said, "She smells like medicine! Who else could she be besides that old woman?"

"What is there about your boy that is worthy of that old woman's attention? He even showed you a way to survive."

Li Zhirui said hesitantly: "This junior comes from a certain small world and is also an alchemist."

"No wonder that old woman is interested in your elixir recipe and spiritual seeds."

The old man then raised his head and looked at Li Zhirui seriously. His brows furrowed tighter and his expression became more solemn.

Half a quarter of an hour later, he suddenly smiled and said: "It's interesting, old man, I can't see through your luck and destiny."

When Li Zhirui heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up, he bowed and asked, "Junior, I have something to ask of you."

"Tell me about it, but old man, I am not as easy to dismiss as that old woman." Perhaps it was because of his special nature, or perhaps because of the old man's own personality, but he did not refuse anyway.

"I would like to ask senior to calculate for me the whereabouts of a technique and how to obtain it."

The old man motioned to Li Zhirui to continue, "That skill is called "The Book of All Spirits"."

"Do you have any good wine in your hand?"


Li Zhirui doesn't drink much, but in order to prevent spiritual things from being wasted, he brews a lot of spiritual wine. Not to mention, after years of accumulation, there are some types of spiritual wine that have a very good taste.

He took out a jar of spiritual wine at will and let the old man taste it.

"Not bad, but not enough." Since quality is not good, quantity should be used to make up for it.

"Senior, don't worry, I still have hundreds of jars of spirit wine of similar quality, but the flavors are different." Li Zhirui said confidently.

"Then you wait here."

After that, he ignored Li Zhirui and walked directly towards the backyard.

About half an hour later, the old man came out with some energy and said: "The Sutra of All Spirits only has a way to reach the Mahayana realm, but it does not cover tribulations or the fairyland that follows."

"There are many forces that have the "All Spirits Sutra" skills in their hands, such as the Monster Clan and the Sea Clan. The Dongyuan Sect has the forces bordering them. As for you, if you want to get it, there is no way."

But what exactly happened, the old man did not say.

Li Zhirui could only fill him up with spiritual wine and respectfully presented him with a storage bag filled with various spiritual wines.

"Quite sensible."

The old man nodded with satisfaction, and after taking a sip of the spirit wine, he said: "The Dongyuan Sect will set up a task list for the outside world. As long as you complete a certain number and have enough points, you can redeem the "All Spirits Sutra" .”

"If you feel it's too late and you're prone to accidents, you can go to Liubo Fairy City, which is a fairy city created specifically for auctions and sales."

After Li Zhirui got the answer, he was very happy and bowed again and said, "Thank you, senior!"

"You can leave through the side door."

Naturally, he followed the instructions and walked out of the store through the side door. This was a very narrow and quiet alley, and no one would notice him at all.

"Interesting, how much surprise will a little monk who makes me unable to detect luck and destiny bring to this world?" The old man looked at Li Zhirui's back with a smile in his eyes, as if he was expecting something. .

And Li Zhirui couldn't wait to leave the dungeon, planning to go to Liubo Immortal City to see if he could get it with spirit stones or other spiritual objects.

Because he had hope in his heart, his speed became much faster, and he left the fairy city not long after.

But the road is no longer smooth!

Not far from Li Zhirui's departure from the Immortal City, several monks surrounded him.

He thought about fighting them at first, but after seeing clearly their cultivation level, he immediately escaped into the space.

There are two fusion cultivators in the late stages of digital refining!

This is something Li Zhirui can't fight against at all.

At the same time, he also couldn't figure out what to do if he had such great strength. He just wanted to be a calamity cultivator who was precarious and would suddenly fall into disrepair at some point.

"What about people?"

Li Zhirui's sudden disappearance shocked those cultivators, and their consciousness quickly expanded to find his existence.

But no matter how hard they tried, they could not find any trace of Li Zhirui, as if what they had seen before was just an illusion and did not exist at all.

"Damn it! Damn it! How could a living monk disappear into thin air?"

It's understandable that one of them was wrong, but everyone was wrong? How can this be!

But such a thing happened right in front of their eyes.

They were unwilling to look around again, hoping to see some magical powers, secret techniques, or traces of spiritual objects, but there was nothing, so they had no choice but to leave.

"As expected of Dongyuan State!" Li Zhirui, who was hiding in the space, sighed with emotion.

It is rare to encounter monks who refine the void and combine bodies in Shanyuan Prefecture, but here, a group of monks who make a living by robbing have such cultivation!

This shows how high the level of cultivation in Dongyuan Prefecture is. (End of chapter)

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