Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 943 Registration

"Hand over the storage magic weapon! I will spare your life!"

After finally avoiding the first wave of calamity cultivators, Li Zhirui didn't expect that he would encounter several cultivators who were intercepting him halfway just after he flew out.

Fortunately, their cultivation is also about cultivating the void, and there are no combined monks.

However, Li Zhirui, who was alone, obviously could not be their opponent. At most, he did not need to hide in space for refuge and could leave calmly by relying on his escape skills.

"Damn it! Why is that man's escape speed so fast? No matter how hard he chases, he can't catch up!" The robbery cultivators said angrily.

But Li Zhirui, who had already flown dozens of miles away, had no chance of hearing their complaints and was still running wildly.

There is a reason why so many calamity cultivators were born in Dongyuan Prefecture. The biggest reason is that all the local Lingshan Blessed Lands, which are rich in products, are controlled by the Dongyuan Sect. Casual cultivators who want to go into the mountains to experience must pay 30% of the tax. !

Even the vassal forces of the Dongyuan Sect still need to pay 10% tax.

But so far, there are still a large number of casual cultivators lingering here, knowing that even if they pay 30% of the tax, they can get enough cultivation resources.

Apart from other things, if you find an open space in Dongyuan State, the spiritual energy will be as rich as Wanxian Mountain, the current home of the Li family.

It’s just that people’s hearts are hard to fill. Everyone wants to practice faster, and then break through the realm and become stronger. By then, whether they leave the Dongyuan Sect, establish a force in other places, or continue to stay, they will have stronger confidence. .

But there is no way to ask for cultivation resources from heaven and earth, so we can only attack the monks.

As a result, the current situation where robbery cultivators were rampant in Dongyuan State was created.

Of course the Dongyuan Sect knew about this situation, but they didn't take it seriously and never thought of solving it.

Therefore, the journey to Liubo Immortal City was not peaceful. Li Zhirui encountered several robbery cultivators.

Once, only two or three Void Refining cultivators dared to ambush and attack in secret. Along the way, Li Zhirui also accumulated a belly of anger. Now he encountered a group of calamity cultivators who could deal with it. He did not run away again, but Plan to have a fight with them.

Li Zhirui did not spread the spiritual vines like before, but directly used his magical power to create spiritual seeds. In an instant, giant trees rose from the ground, and a dense forest suddenly grew on a plain wilderness.

There was heavy fog in the forest, all kinds of ancient vines intertwined, and the light became dim. But what frightened them the most was that suddenly there was no one around them!
The mist with the effect of shielding the souls also blocked the connection between the three of them, and they could only face the dark and terrifying dense forest alone.

The rustling sound came from nowhere, and the three of them were like frightened birds. They didn't see what it was clearly, so they used defensive magic weapons to protect themselves.

But in the end, it was just the sound of a gentle breeze blowing through the leaves.

Li Zhirui, who looked indifferent, stood behind one of them. With a thought, the vines and ancient trees around him all started moving. The vines were like giant pythons, opening their bloody mouths to swallow him whole; the ancient trees were like giants, waving their branches. , there were slight fluctuations in the space.

Fortunately, with the defensive magic weapon that he had propped up before, the man was not directly seriously injured, but the huge force smashed his entire body into the ground, and the vines and roots combined to completely entangle him and continue to shrink.

Click click click——

No matter how hard the monk tried, trying to cut off the vines and roots, or rush out directly from the ground, they all failed. The vines seemed to be endless, and in the end he could only watch the defensive aura being crushed bit by bit, and he He also lost his breath.

But such a big movement only spread three feet away. Any further away, it was strangely erased, and was not heard by the other two people at all.

But even if they heard it, there was nothing they could do!
Because they are also experiencing similar things, the same desperate struggle, but the same uselessness, they can only wait for death painfully and unwillingly.

Li Zhirui collected all the spiritual objects of the three people, then controlled the roots to crush them and drag them deep into the earth, which was considered as giving back to the world.

After he left, the original dense forest quickly withered and withered, but disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if it had never existed.

"Three paupers."

On the way, Li Zhirui used his spiritual consciousness to explore their stored magic weapons, and a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes. Although there were a few sixth-level spiritual objects, they were all ordinary, and there were even fewer spiritual stones and treasure pills.

But think about it, if they weren't too poor, how could the three of them fall into the state of calamity cultivation with their cultivation level?
After going through some twists and turns, Li Zhirui finally came to Liubo Immortal City!

A fairy city that looked very different, bejeweled and resplendent. This was his first reaction when he saw the fairy city.

The city wall was made of some kind of golden spiritual object, and the spiritual wood used to build the city gate seemed to be of great value. The door plaque was even more grand, carved from a piece of seventh-order jade, with several gemstones inlaid on it.

That door plaque alone is worth no less than tens of millions of spiritual stones!
“It is worthy of being a place where merchants gather and transactions flourish!”

Li Zhirui lined up to enter the fairy city. After all, he was just a small Void Refining monk and had no special privileges.

Fortunately, he entered the city very quickly, and within a quarter of an hour, it was his turn.

"Does this senior come to the city to buy or sell?" asked a god-transforming monk guarding the city gate.


Li Zhirui still has some good things in his hands, especially the high-level spiritual objects brought from the Xuanyuan Realm, which can be sold here.

As a giant trading city, there is no need to worry about being found when selling spiritual objects here, because millions of monks come and go every day, and the transaction volume is huge. Want to find a monk? It's like finding a needle in a haystack!

Of course, none of them are spiritual species!

Li Zhirui was not willing to sell the spiritual seeds he had monopolized so easily. At the very least, he had to be like the old woman who made alchemy and exchange them for spiritual seeds of higher value.

"Senior, then wear this jade medal."

As the man spoke, he took out a purple jade token and said, "The jade token will record the transaction records of the seniors. When they leave the fairy city, they will use this as a basis to collect taxes."

The Dongyuan Sect regards taxation as so important, naturally because it contains very large profits.

It’s just that without their strength, it’s best not to learn! There is no way to implement it at all, and it will be embarrassing when the time comes.

"Got it." Li Zhirui responded, tied the jade token around his waist, and walked into the fairy city.

It is indeed a city of commerce. As soon as he walked in, he could hear the sounds of various sales, and there were a large number of spiritual objects that Li Zhirui had never seen or even heard of.

At the second glance, Li Zhirui saw a notice board announcing the dates of the next auctions by several auctioneers, as well as various auction items.

It seems that they have already agreed that the auction should not be held on the same day to avoid diversion, which would lead to losses for both parties.

But what disappointed Li Zhirui was that he did not see the name "The Book of All Souls" among the thousands of auction items. Then he walked into one of the largest exercise shops.

"I wonder what exercises your guest needs?" the guy asked enthusiastically.

"Do you have the complete version of "All Spirits Sutra"?"


The guy gave an answer that excited Li Zhirui, "It's just that the price is relatively expensive. I'll ask the shopkeeper to talk to you. Please come over here."

Li Zhirui was brought into a private room, where there were two beautiful female cultivators, one playing the piano and the other making tea, which quickly made people calm down.

"Your Majesty, would you like the complete version of the Book of All Spirits?"

Li Zhirui nodded and said, "I wonder how much it costs to use it as an inheritance technique?"

"One billion spiritual stones."

Hearing the price, Li Zhirui's breath froze and he didn't know how to answer.

In fact, the price of one billion for a Mahayana realm skill is not that expensive, but the problem is, let alone Li Zhirui, the entire Li family has emptied their wealth, and I am afraid they can only barely come up with one-tenth of the spiritual stones. .

He also heard the guy say that there was the "All Spirits Sutra", and suddenly he was so excited that he forgot about the price.

"Sorry, I don't have that many spirit stones." With that, Li Zhirui planned to get up and leave.

The man smiled and said, "Don't leave in a hurry, please. Our Wanfa Pavilion can provide you with loan services. Why don't you sit down and listen?"

Li Zhirui's mouth twitched. He had never thought that the store would provide loans if he couldn't afford the exercises.

However, most of these things were pitfalls, so he firmly refused and left directly.

Since the old man who is proficient in divination said that the "All Spirits Sutra" is not a precious skill, it will not be too difficult to obtain it, and there is no need to waste time here.

Also because of the sky-high price of one billion, Li Zhirui has given up the idea of ​​going to other stores to inquire. There is no need. Even if it is cheap, it is not much cheaper.

So he directly found an open space in Ditan Alley and started selling spiritual items.

What Li Zhirui sells are elixirs, spiritual fruits or elixirs. For the first two, monks came to inquire about them and bought them, but for elixirs, few people inquired.

This is not surprising!
Because monks are very vigilant, it is impossible to buy a treasure pill refined by a strange monk. If something happens, no one will be found.

In the mountains, Li Zhirui's reputation has spread, and he is naturally recognized by everyone, and he is even robbed. But in Dongyuan Prefecture, who is he? No one has ever heard of it!

But even if he sells spiritual objects, he still makes a lot of spiritual stones.

'The path of purchasing exercises seems to be dead-end. The only option is to accept the Dongyuan Sect's tasks, earn contribution points, and then exchange them for subsequent exercises. ' Li Zhirui made a calculation in his mind.

Because the number of one billion spiritual stones is really too big, and the Li family simply cannot collect it in a short period of time, it is better to see how the contribution points are redeemed.

Every fairy city has a mission hall built by the Dongyuan Sect. Li Zhirui felt that it was almost sold out, so he got up and walked towards the central hall.

The hall is divided into two parts. One part is the task area, where you can receive and deliver tasks, and the other part is for exchanging spiritual items.

Li Zhirui did not approach the task area, but just took a look from a distance to understand how much contribution value he could get after completing various tasks. He murmured in his heart, "It's quite generous." '

However, when he saw the exchange prices of various spiritual items, Li Zhirui immediately took back his sigh.

Judging from all the previous signs, the Dongyuan Sect is not a sect that values ​​casual cultivators. He actually lamented the generosity of the Dongyuan Sect just now, which is really funny.

"Excuse me, how many contribution points are needed to exchange for the full version of the "All Souls Sutra" that can be practiced to the Mahayana realm?" Li Zhirui asked a deacon casually.

"One hundred million contribution value. Most of the Mahayana realm techniques are almost this amount." The man replied casually.

Li Zhirui smiled slightly and began to calculate in his mind. The Void Refining monk could get a contribution value ranging from one thousand to two thousand for completing ordinary tasks.

Even if it's one thousand and fifty, it would take more than 60,000 tasks to be completed to get 100 million contribution points!
If you complete a task in one day, it will take about two hundred years!
But this is impossible to do. Under normal circumstances, it would take almost a thousand years!

'no! It's too long! Li Zhirui frowned and rejected the plan in his heart.

After a thousand years, he will definitely break through to the Fusion Realm, and for a long time, he will be stuck in a predicament without any skills.

There are two solutions. One is to look for tasks with high contribution value, and the other is to ask other members of the family to come and help.

For tasks with high contribution value, there are more people and less meat. He can't grab it every time, so it is more reliable to call other tribesmen to come and accumulate contribution points together.

In fact, there is another way, a way that Li Zhirui may not have to pay much, and that is to admit that he is the founder of the lotus cultivation method!
With the share of karma owed to him by the Dongyuan Sect, he might be able to get the full version of the technique for free. After all, there are thousands of spiritual veins underground in Dongyuan State, and the demonic cultivators only pollute the most peripheral spiritual veins, but Black The dirt has spread to all spiritual veins!
Therefore, the Dongyuan Sect and other immortal forces in Dongzhou all owed Li Zhirui Karma.

It's a pity that Li Zhirui didn't know such a thing.

"Is it true that I can only bring my entire family and work diligently for the Dongyuan Sect for hundreds of years in exchange for the skills?"

After all, Li Zhirui was unwilling to do so because it would delay his family's and his own cultivation speed.

But the follow-up exercises in the "All Spirits Sutra" are also very important!

Just when he was hesitating and tangled, a sudden rush of bells sounded in the fairy city.

"A Taixu illusion appears in the East China Sea. It requires a large number of monks to enter and lead the illusion to fall into the East Continent! Those who are interested can go to the mission hall to sign up!"

"Above the East China Sea..."

These words rang out in the Immortal City, or more accurately, they rang three times in the sky over the entire Dongyuan State, alarming all the monks.

While Li Zhirui was still confused, all the monks in the mission hall went crazy and rushed to the stage to sign up.

Although he didn't quite understand the meaning of the words Taixu Illusion and Traction, he could easily tell from their reactions that this was a great thing, so he signed up with the crowd. (End of chapter)

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