After Li Zhirui successfully registered, he had time to understand the meaning of words such as Taixu Illusion and Traction.

He randomly grabbed a god-transformation monk next to him and used a bottle of top-grade treasure pills as reward. Only then did he know their meaning and why all the monks were so excited.

There are many monks stationed in the void outside the world's membrane. One is to defend against dangers from the void, such as those chaotic creatures. They feed on the world, so once they discover the existence of the world, they will swarm up.

Especially the Great Thousand World like Yuanling Realm, which covers a huge area and is very easy to be discovered by void creatures. Unlike the Small Thousand World, which is just a grain of dust in the void, it is small and difficult to detect, and it is also protected by the great road.

In addition, there is a very rare possibility of world invasion.

The second is to facilitate monks to experience in the void. This point does not need to be elaborated. After all, the spiritual objects bred in the void are of higher value. A large number of high-level monks coming in and out need a place to rest.

The last point is to discover those worlds that have fallen into ruins, and then take action to integrate them with the Yuanling World. To be more precise, they should be swallowed by the Yuanling World.

After all, in a world that is sinking, the way of heaven is about to become silent, and there is no way to resist in the face of a prosperous world.

But where this different world will end up will require a battle!

Even two major forces belonging to the Immortal Dao will fight over an illusionary realm.

After all, every time you absorb a world, regardless of its level, it will have considerable benefits for the development of this world, such as increased spiritual energy, rich laws, area expansion, and the possibility of birth of new spiritual objects. Most importantly, you will enjoy the favor of heaven. !
These benefits will promote your own power and make great progress.

Especially since the sunken world discovered this time is a middle-thousand world, and in addition to the Dongyuan Sect, the discoverers also have a group of East China Sea Sea Tribes, and their battle will be even more intense.

Although in order to prevent the world from being attracted away by Guixu, the two sides temporarily reached a consensus in the void and took the first step to integrate the world into the Yuanling Realm.

As for the final destination, it depends on the abilities of the juniors sent by both sides when the different worlds merge into the Yuanling Realm and become what the world calls Taixu Illusionary Realm.

The reason why the Dongyuan Sect recruits monks aggressively and refuses to refuse anyone who comes is simply to ensure that the Taixu Illusion Realm can fall into the Dongyuan State and not be snatched away by the Hai Clan.

The Sea Clan will also do the same, summoning a large number of Sea Clan water monsters to enter.

Anyway, this is a medium-thousand world, not to mention hundreds of thousands of creatures, it can be dozens of times more, no problem!
As for what should be done to lead the other world, the first is to arrange the formation. This is the simplest and most effective method, but generally speaking, this is the task of the Dongyuan Sect monks, and it is not the turn of outsiders like Li Zhirui.

The second is to master the laws of the world and use yourself as a rope to pull different worlds. The disadvantage is that it takes too long, but the advantage is that you can get very generous rewards from the Dongyuan Sect.

The last way is to get the favor of Heaven and thus influence Heaven!
This plan is the most difficult, because the world is sinking and the law of heaven is sleeping. It is extremely difficult to get the favor of the law of heaven, but the effect is also the best, and it can almost influence the situation.

In addition to the three major tasks, outsiders like Li Zhirui can also obtain contribution points by killing the Sea Clan, slowing down the progress of the Sea Clan, and other things that are beneficial to the Dongyuan Sect.

Although there are many crises in the different world, the contribution points are obtained faster and more quickly. Therefore, once it was announced, countless monks were excited and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to make a lot of money.

And Taixu Illusion itself is a middle-thousand world! Even though it may be dilapidated and lost to its original glory, it is still well worth exploring.

Those special spiritual objects and methods that have been passed down for thousands of years are all valuable treasures!

After all, the destruction of the world does not happen overnight and collapse in a short period of time, but is a relatively slow process. At first, capable creatures begin to flee, and the world gradually loses order and becomes chaotic, with various doomsday scenes appearing, and finally falling into Return to the ruins.

After the registration was completed, a Mahayana monk flew out of the fairy city and took everyone to fly somewhere in the East China Sea.

Li Zhirui glanced at the crowd and came up with a rough number: 120,000 to 30,000 monks! Moreover, the lowest level of every monk's cultivation is the transformation of gods, and there is no monk with a lower level.

Because in the Yuanling world, monks below the level of God Transformation are regarded as low-level monks, and they are rarely used except as cannon fodder.

'Just one fairy city has summoned hundreds of thousands of monks, and the entire Dongyuan State may have to mobilize millions! '

Thinking about the realm of these monks again, Li Zhirui's heart trembled. What a terrifying and terrifying power this was! It can easily sweep across the entire Shanwon State.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg of the Dongyuan Sect.

As a major immortal sect that suppresses the northeastern part of Dongzhou and resists the invasion of the sea clan, the strength of the Dongyuan Sect is far more terrifying than you can see.

While Li Zhirui was thinking in his mind, the group of monks had arrived in front of the Taixu Illusion Realm, which looked no different from the Secret Realm.

"I wish you all good luck!"

The Mahayana monk who led the team didn't say anything. He just blessed everyone and motioned for everyone to enter the Taixu Illusion Realm.

As for waiting for the Sea Clan to enter together? People don’t know how many creatures have entered.

The two races were mortal enemies, and now they were the only competitors. Why did they want to talk about fairness? It would be too naive.

Li Zhirui followed everyone into the Taixu Illusion Realm. He felt dizzy, his head was dizzy, and he almost vomited.

Fortunately, this feeling only lasted for a moment, and he soon felt that he was stepping on the ground.

At the same time that countless creatures entered the Taixu Illusion Realm, in the Earth Spirit Realm, meteors suddenly flashed across the gray sky, attracting the attention of countless native creatures.

"Monk from the Upper Realm!"

A certain old Taoist sitting on the still beautiful Lingshan Mountain seemed to know a lot. He looked up at the meteors that were still streaking across the sky, as if they were raining heavily, and murmured in his heart: "The slightest chance of life for our Diling Sect will be gone." It should be among them, but in whom? '

"Beings from the upper world!"

"I originally thought we could only wait to die, but we never thought we would have such an opportunity!"

The more the world falls, the stronger the demonic path becomes, and many demonic cultivators will take advantage of the opportunity of the world's destruction to crazily harvest cultivation resources, and then fly away before falling back to ruins, or forcefully leave the world.

And those monks and sea tribesmen who had just landed had no idea that they were being targeted!

Some unlucky creatures were killed by the oncoming attacks before they had time to figure out the situation around them, and even their consciousness was confused due to the teleportation.

Fortunately, Li Zhirui's luck was not that bad, but it was not much better either.

He fell into a dead wasteland, and within the range that his spiritual consciousness could detect, he saw no sign of life!
But Li Zhirui showed joy on his face, and even used the flying escape technique to circle around for hundreds of miles, but he didn't find any living beings!
wrong! There are still a few creatures! Those were the monks and sea tribesmen who came from the Yuanling world like him and came to lead this world.

The monks saw him fleeing away, and then discovered that the surrounding area was desolate and had become a dead place. It was impossible for any spiritual beings or inheritance to exist, so they all left one after another.

And those sea tribes hated the dry environment and didn't want to stay any longer.

One of the early sixth-level sea tribesmen was on the way out when they spotted Li Zhirui who was exploring the surroundings. He laughed strangely and said, "I didn't expect to meet a monk so soon. I'll take your head!"

As soon as he opened his mouth and spit out, a cold wave spread quickly, and everything he passed instantly turned into an ice sculpture.

"Who gave you the courage to speak like this?" Li Zhirui frowned, and the magic weapon Qianling flew out, turning into a huge tree that reached the sky and directly suppressed the Hai clan and crushed it into the earth.

He didn't hold back at all with this attack, because Li Zhirui didn't want to entangle with his opponent too much and waste his time. The Hai Clan didn't expect his reaction to be so big. They wanted to use defense, but because they were too hasty, they couldn't do it at all. Unable to withstand this attack.

"Water whale?"

Li Zhirui looked at the tattered corpse with a trace of pity on his face. If he had known its heel, he should have acted more gently.

"Fortunately, the stomach sac has not been damaged by swallowing water."

After groping for a while in the pile of flesh and blood, his spiritual consciousness took out a huge stomach pouch, casually inserted a few restrictions, and successfully refined it into a fourth-level magic weapon.

Li Zhirui's weapon refining skills were extremely poor, otherwise he wouldn't be a good sixth-level spiritual material, but in his hands he became a fourth-level magic weapon.

But after he experimented with the function, he nodded with satisfaction and said, "I'll tell you to make a water bag."

This crudely made magic weapon has only one function, which is to absorb the water vapor between heaven and earth on its own, and purify it to generate clean mortal water.

He had just explored the surroundings and found that the further to the southwest, the worse the condition of the land became, and even faintly emitted an unpleasant stench.

Li Zhirui did not go too deep into it, but found a valley surrounded by mountains on the edge and stopped there.

He took out a large number of purifying spiritual objects from the space, and after crushing them, a strong purifying aura instantly filled the air. Under Li Zhirui's control, it transformed into purifying white lotuses, taking root in the earth and purifying those The smell of decay and decay.

Then Li Zhirui offered a water bag and placed it in the long-dried river, and a gurgling trickle slowly spread out.

With a thought, he put the lotus seeds that had condensed into substance into the stream, and then used his magical power to induce birth, and white lotuses grew up in an instant.

Within a few hours, the valley that had been reduced to a dead end was once again filled with life!

And just this small move attracted the attention of the Heavenly Dao in the Earth Spirit Realm!
Because it sees hope for the continuation of the world!
It turned this hope into substantial support.

The originally crudely made fourth-level magic weapon, the water-generating bag, is now integrated with the law of generating water. The grade has jumped up and directly became a seventh-level magic weapon. It can directly produce pure water without absorbing the water vapor between heaven and earth.

As for Li Zhirui himself, he felt as if his magic power had been increased dozens of times, and he felt like he could never use it up.


It's a pity that Li Zhirui is not a person in this field. His purpose of doing this is just to have more power in pulling the world in the future, so as to obtain the complete "All Spirits Sutra", not to save this dying world.

What's more, how could Li Zhirui save the world from destruction?
However, he did not reject Tiandao's kindness, because it was more conducive to his next actions, not to mention that he couldn't refuse it.

Li Zhirui, who originally planned to rest for a while, immediately gave up the idea after receiving the blessing of heaven. He only used a little mana to activate the water bag, while he himself used all his strength to stimulate the white lotus.

Anyway, he has tens of thousands of lotus seeds in his hand. If they are not enough, he can spawn dozens of them in space.

You can also use the withering and destructive energy from the outside world to generate lotus seeds using the secret method of planting lotus, so you don't have to worry about running out of lotus seeds at all.

A big reason why Li Zhirui chose this valley is that the dry river flows in the southwest direction.

In other words, he can use the river to spread the white lotus without going deep into it, thereby purifying more places of death and Jedi.

Li Zhirui believed that as long as he was given ten years, or even that long, he could directly tilt the balance of victory to the monks! Bring this world into Dongyuanzhou!
Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Other places in the earth spirit world are not so peaceful. The three major contradictions between the monks and the sea people, the monks and the native creatures, and the sea people and the native creatures make wars endless. War breaks out every moment, and all creatures die.

The rich death energy, blood energy, evil energy, etc. generated by a large number of battles further accelerated the destruction of the world.

Among them, some people were laughing very happily.

That is the local demon cultivator!
They had more cultivation resources, and their cultivation speed was further accelerated. In just a few months, a large number of demon cultivators broke through the realm.

Such a remarkable effect further stimulated the aspirations of the demon cultivators, causing them to abandon everything and only think about obtaining more cultivation resources.

No matter what method is used!
Outside the Taixu illusion, several Dongyuan Sect immortals and several Sea Clan immortals sat cross-legged among the clouds, looking down at the situation below.

Although they can't enter it due to their realm, they can still see what's going on inside.

When they saw the demonic cultivators stirring up trouble and causing chaos in the world, their faces became very ugly, because the more dilapidated the world was, the less they would get after integrating into the Yuanling World.

And now both sides regard this Zhongqian World as their own, so naturally they will not like the crazy destroyer of the Demon Cultivator.


"How can this be!"

The former's murmurings full of surprise came from those immortal monks, while the latter's exclamations filled with disbelief came from those immortals from the Sea Clan.

The reason that caused such a big reaction on their part was that the Taixu illusion below began to move! And it moves very fast!

The direction of movement is naturally Dongyuanzhou. (End of chapter)

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