Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 945 Blessing

"what is going on?"

Not only the immortals of the Sea Clan, but also the immortal monks of the Dongyuan Sect were also curious about this abnormal situation.

Over the years, there has never been a situation where local creatures began to move within a year of entering Taixu Illusion Realm.

So they all gave up observing their juniors, and instead used secret techniques to explore the surroundings, wanting to know the reason.

But what surprised them was that after spending several months searching almost every place where the spiritual energy still existed, they could not find out the reason.

This result makes the Sea Clan immortals very troubled, because they can't find the reason, so they can't send their juniors to deal with it. At this rate, it won't take a few years for Taixu Illusion to merge with Dongyuan State.

At that time, even if they take action in person, they will not be able to separate the two, and they can only watch helplessly as the Zhongqian World is captured by the Dongyuan Sect.

The stronger the Dongyuan Sect becomes, the greater the pressure on the Sea Tribe’s defense in the northwest of the East China Sea. This is a situation they don’t want to see.

So several Sea Clan immortals looked at each other and immediately changed their minds. They no longer aimed at drawing Taixu Illusion Realm into the East China Sea, but instead wanted to speed up the destruction of the world!

Immediately give orders to the juniors who are still entering other worlds, asking them to abide by the new orders and also inform the previous sea clan.

In this way, even if the Dongyuan Sect finally merges with it, the benefits it will receive will be much less!

Several immortals from the Dongyuan Sect discovered their little moves, but they could only change accordingly and change the mission of the monks, mainly to kill the sea tribe and prevent them from destroying other worlds.

At the same time, let the monks find who is pulling Taixu Illusion, and they must protect him and not let him suffer the poisonous hands of the Sea Clan.

After the order was issued, the immortals in the clouds did not have any leisure, but became even busier.

Because before, they only had to watch the juniors fight and fight, but now they have to participate in it and find out the secret that allows Taixu Illusion to move quickly.


At this time, in the earth spirit world, Li Zhirui, who was purifying the aura of destruction and destruction, once again felt the importance of heaven to him, giving him the feeling that in the purification area, his strength was comparable to that of the Fusion Realm.

Especially as the purifying water flows through an increasingly wider area, the purifying white lotus also spreads along with the water, and a large number of dead and desperate places begin to regain life.

Tiandao, who was originally low on energy, seemed to have recovered a lot. While favoring Li Zhirui, he also constantly urged him not to rest and speed up the purification.

But sometimes, it’s not that Li Zhirui doesn’t want to concentrate on doing things, external interference is also a very important factor!
As the purification area became larger and larger, the restored vitality of the land attracted many creatures, which naturally brought local monks here.

Li Zhirui, who is hidden in the mountains, seems to have become the god and master of this land with the blessing of heaven. Any move he makes will be seen by him.

So he knew about it as soon as the local creatures came in.

After thinking about it, he still did not take action to expel them, but ignored their existence as long as they did not cause trouble, did not destroy, and did not hinder him from purifying the world.

Because in this process, Li Zhirui gained a lot! He didn't want to be distracted, let alone waste precious time.

With the blessing of heaven, the laws were almost opened to him, allowing him to comprehend and learn. Therefore, in just a few months, Li Zhirui's mastery of the laws of purification has reached an extremely high level, and his realm is improving rapidly. Give him another period Time can touch the late stage of refining the void.

In addition, it can also allow Li Zhirui to understand the combination in advance, and even the Mahayana realm.

His current strength is equivalent to that of the late-stage integration. Since it is blessed and instilled by heaven, it does not have a bad impact on his foundation. Instead, it allows him to become familiar with it in advance, which is of great help to his natural cultivation.

And this is why Li Zhirui knew that the larger the purification area, the more blessings from heaven and the stronger his strength, but he did not act crazily, but became more and more undisciplined.

Because the current blessings are temporary, the heaven in this world can be withdrawn at any time, but if he can learn knowledge from it, it will stay with him throughout his life.

When he was in the Void Refining Realm at the beginning, Li Zhirui's comprehension speed was very fast, so the purification speed was not slow. However, the Fusion Realm was more mysterious and complicated. As a Void Refining monk without inheritance, his understanding speed naturally became slow.

And now, he is no longer in a hurry to integrate this world into the Yuanling world!
Because even if Li Zhirui is the biggest contributor, it is impossible for the Dongyuan Sect to give him such great benefits, allowing him to understand the Fusion Realm in advance, and the sea of ​​laws of heaven is completely open to him.

Even if the Dongyuan Sect wanted to, they wouldn't have this ability!


"Southwest! A glimmer of hope!"

An old Taoist with a withered body suddenly opened his eyes, looked to the southwest, stretched out his withered hand, touched the ancient tree with vigorous branches and looking lush and green beside him, and said: "Old man, I'm sorry Got it!"

There was a little glimmer of water in the turbid old eyes, but he still gritted his teeth and used the secret technique to drain all the little vitality of the ancient tree. However, the old Taoist's face became much rosier.

"I hope you can understand, old man, that everything I have done is for the inheritance of the Earth Spirit Sect! I will accompany you when the inheritance continues!"

Before he finished speaking, the old Taoist had already disappeared.

Because he was already exhausted, but now he relied solely on the secret method and the vitality of the ancient tree to hold on, and there could be no delay.


“Why did this place recover?”

The monks in this world were very curious, and they discovered the reason without too much probing.

After all, the stream exuding the aura of purification and the white lotus trees all over the water are so conspicuous that it is difficult for others to ignore them.

"There must be some treasure at the source of the stream! Otherwise, how can it be possible to restore a dead land?" This is the thought of many monks.

And when greed comes together, it can no longer be suppressed!
The earthly spirit world, which is already in destruction, has long lost the so-called moral etiquette. Even the monks now only want to survive! Survive at all costs!

Therefore, more and more monks are willing to degenerate into demon cultivators, so that demon cultivators can take advantage of the current environment to speed up their cultivation and have greater hope of escaping from this world.

When the monks realized that there might be a treasure, all the monks went upstream to find the source, hoping to monopolize the treasure.

Only those mortals and beasts were simply happy to have come to this purified place. Because they knew little, they thought they could survive after coming here.

Little does he know that for the world that is being destroyed and ruined, this small place of purification is nothing but a drop in the bucket. At most, it can only delay the arrival of the end of the world for a while.

Li Zhirui saw all the actions of a local monk, shook his head secretly and said: "The rituals and music are broken!"

But he didn't have time to do anything because he didn't want to waste time on it, so he just cast an illusion so that they couldn't find the existence of the valley. But this did not make the monks retreat. On the contrary, it confirmed their suspicion that there was a treasure at the source of the stream, which made them even more crazy.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

But it was said that after the Sea Clan in the Yuanling Realm received orders from several immortals, except for the Sea Clan who were still setting up the traction formation, the other Sea Clan began to wreak havoc on the world.

Anyway, this is not the native world. Even if there is karma, everything will be wiped out once it is integrated into the Yuanling World.

What the monks have to do is to stop the destruction of the Sea Clan!
In order to better achieve this goal, the monks began to kill the sea tribe without giving them a chance to destroy.

But this will inevitably intensify conflicts between the two sides and lead to more and more brutal wars.


At a certain waterside, several seventh- and sixth-level sea tribesmen were surrounded by more than a dozen fusion monks. Although they knew that they were no match, the sea tribesmen not only did not surrender, but instead launched an attack first.

"Are you in a hurry to die?" A certain fusion sneered disdainfully.

When they started to fight, they couldn't see how they looked down on the Sea Clan. Every monk was very serious and didn't give them a chance to survive at all.

Under the siege of more than a dozen fusion monks, these high-level sea clansmen did not last even a quarter of an hour before turning into corpses.

On the other side, the situation was reversed. The Sea Clan had an absolute advantage, and the monks were no match at all.

In a sense, the battle between the two sides can be regarded as a small-scale battle between the Immortal Dao and the Hai Clan!
It's just that the battlefield is not in the Yuanling Realm, but in the Taixu Illusion Realm.

If the Immortal Path wins, they can tear off a sea area in the northwest corner of the East China Sea and bring it under the control of the Dongyuan Sect.

And if the sea tribe wins, they can set off huge waves, erode the land, submerge the coast, and expand the area of ​​the East China Sea.

Because in the beginning, in order to compete for the ownership of the Taixu Illusion Realm, both the Sea Clan and the Dongyuan Sect mobilized millions of creatures. The losing side must have suffered heavy losses and could no longer resist the other side's attack.

But this game, in general, is even more unfavorable to the Hai Clan. After all, the Taixu Illusion Realm is moving towards Dongyuan State!
If they lose in the battle with the monks, the Sea Clan will not only suffer heavy losses, a large number of Sea Clan will die, but they will also lose a sea area, so the Sea Clan will be very desperate.

But unfortunately, the environment in the earth spirit world is not suitable for the Sea Clan.

Although high-level sea people can completely escape from the water, there will be a certain bonus in the power of spells cast in the water.

There are not many waters in the earth spirit world, and now most of them are polluted or even dried up.

Even the water vapor between heaven and earth has become very thin because of Li Zhirui, and it has become very difficult for the sea people to gather water vapor from heaven and earth.

On the other hand, monks do not have these troubles, because in addition to water spells, there are also a large number of monks who are proficient in other attribute spells.

Therefore, so far, both sides are at a disadvantage in the battle with the Sea Clan, and the monks have the upper hand.

Seeing this situation, the sea clan immortals in the Yuanling Realm were very angry. They could not find out the reason that affected the movement of Taixu Illusion Realm. Even the battle with the monks was at a disadvantage. Nothing really went as planned.

"How can there be life in a land of death?"

As the area of ​​the purification land expanded, it finally came into view of a certain immortal.

"Let me see what's going on!"

Just as it continued to cast spells and wanted to investigate carefully, a layer of thick fog suddenly appeared in its sight, blocking its sight.

But it was a certain immortal on the side who took action!

"Xing Gang! What do you mean, you want to do something?" the sea clan immortal asked angrily.

"Come on, you think I'm afraid of you?" Xing Gang didn't pay attention to the other party's anger at all, because in terms of true strength, the strength of the two sides was almost the same.

"Hmph! I already know the location, what's the use of covering it up now?"

He immediately recruited ten Mahayana sea tribesmen and gave them accurate coordinates. After entering Taixu Illusion, he killed the monk by any means or regardless of the consequences!

As for why it is the Mahayana realm, it is because the Tribulation Realm is called half-immortal, which is the reserve force of the Immortal Realm. Under normal circumstances, they will not be used.

Naturally, the Dongyuan Sect had to respond and sent ten Mahayana monks in to protect the casual cultivator.

The reason why Li Zhirui was identified as a rogue cultivator was because if he were a disciple of the Dongyuan Sect, even if he didn't report the secret immediately after discovering it, it would be impossible for him not to report it after so long!

Just when the Hai Clan and the Dongyuan Sect went out to the Mahayana Realm to kill or protect Li Zhirui, he was also furious because of one thing.

"Hmph! What a disgusting smell!"

Somehow, a group of demon cultivators suddenly came to the place of purification, and everyone's eyes showed disgust.

As demonic cultivators, especially demonic cultivators who use evil and destructive auras to practice, they are sincerely displeased with pure and clean purifying auras.

So they immediately started wreaking havoc, killing creatures, destroying white lotuses, and polluting water sources, causing the outermost purified place to almost turn into a dead place again.

What the demon cultivator did caused Li Zhirui, who was addicted to meditating on the law of purification, to wake up instantly and become furious.

"You who corrupt my Dao Fruit deserve the death penalty!"

This was the first time that Li Zhirui left the valley. Surrounded by golden light, against the backdrop of rolling clouds and mist, he seemed like a high-ranking god. Every word and deed was in line with the constitution, making people unable to resist.

That roar was like rolling thunder, making the group of demon cultivators dizzy. When they came to their senses, they found that they had been tied up by cloud ropes and dragged to the ground like a dead dog.


Such a humiliating move caused all the magic cultivators to explode immediately. They continued to use their magic power to break free from the shackles of the cloud rope, but unexpectedly it became tighter and tighter, and even embedded directly in the flesh and blood. Unspeakable pain swept through the whole body.

You must know that during this period, although Li Zhirui did not take the initiative, the steady stream of lotus seeds spread all over the place, which still brought him a lot of blessings from heaven.

Therefore, his current strength is comparable to that of a Mahayana monk! And ordinary Mahayana monks may not be his opponents!
Because his magic power is so huge, it's as if it's endless. Even if he can't win, the opponent can't defeat Li Zhirui. (End of chapter)

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