Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 946 Inheritance

Those demon cultivators died in extremely painful ways under Li Zhirui's torture, which made everyone else's hair tremble.

And this time he took action, it also shocked those monks with evil intentions, letting them know that there was an extremely powerful being protecting this place.

But for those mortals, the stronger Li Zhirui is, the more at ease they feel! Because it means he can withstand stronger risks.

"How can it be!"

The old Taoist who had just followed the guidance from the underworld and arrived at the place of purification happened to see this scene, with a look of shock on his face, because he was very familiar with this kind of blessing from heaven and earth.

Their Earth Spirit Sect has been inherited for tens of thousands of years, and has always been the most powerful force in the Earth Spirit World. This is all due to the special nature of the technique.

But similarly, when the earthly spirit world encounters an unexpected event and the world is destroyed, they, who are closely related to it, are also the force that declines the fastest, and unlike other high-level monks from other forces, they can leave easily and wander in the void, looking for a glimmer of hope. .

Even the higher the cultivation level, the greater the impact and the faster the fall. If it were not for the special nature of his Tao body and contracted spiritual objects, he would have turned into a handful of loess along with his fellow disciples.

"Could it be said that the inheritance of the sect should be in this Void Refining monk?"

Although the old Taoist could not see Li Zhirui's true cultivation level due to the thick clouds and fog, he was familiar with the blessings of heaven and earth and could roughly guess that the other party's state should be between the late stage of virtual refining and the middle stage of integration.

In his opinion, this cultivation level is a bit low!

Before the Earth Spirit Sect was destroyed, he was a Mahayana monk, so naturally he didn't really believe that Li Zhirui could pass on the skills.

However, his body was already at the end of its strength, and he had managed to survive until now solely by relying on secret techniques. He had no choice but to look for other candidates.

So without too much hesitation, the old Taoist shouted: "Your Excellency, please stay!"

Li Zhirui took action to restore the realm destroyed by the demonic cultivators, and was about to turn around and leave, but was stopped by an old voice. When he heard the voice, he turned out to be a Mahayana cultivator whose whole body exuded the aura of decay and whose life span was short.

"I wonder why you stopped me?"

Li Zhirui, who has the blessing of heaven, is not afraid of this old Taoist at all. If he dares to take action, he will be sent to reincarnation in advance.

"I know that your strength depends entirely on the blessings of heaven and earth! And the fundamental skills passed down by our Diling Sect are derived from this!"

The old Taoist's message was very hasty and did not give Li Zhirui a chance to respond. He continued: "Although you are a living being in the upper world, everything you are doing now is just to integrate the earth spirit world with the upper world, but since you can participate in Understanding the method of blessing from heaven and earth is enough to prove your destiny with our Earth Spirit Sect!"

"With the order of the 385th generation head of the Earth Spirit Sect, I, Mucangzi, pass on the fundamental technique "Three Thousand Universe Earth Spirit Dao Records" to the person in front of me!"

"I hope that as the last descendant of the Earth Spirit Sect, you can carry forward the skills!"

The old Taoist could see that Li Zhirui had his own inheritance, so he did not expect the other party to rebuild the Diling Sect, but only hoped that the inheritance could continue.

I saw dozens of streams of light flying towards Li Zhirui, each stream of light represented a jade slip. It can be seen that when the old Taoist left the mountain gate, there was no other way out!

"Every time comes, heaven and earth are all working together, and heroes are not free if they are destined! I hope you can remember this sentence!"

After saying that, Lao Dao's body collapsed into ashes and disappeared between heaven and earth as a breeze blew by.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, Li Zhirui was completely confused and felt caught off guard.

After the old Taoist fell into ashes, he came back to his senses, and then flew back to the valley instantly. He wanted to see how profound and mysterious this inheritance was, and how it could imitate the effect of the blessings of heaven and earth.

Li Zhirui put aside his insights and cultivation experiences from past generations for the time being, and focused on comprehending "Three Thousand Worlds of Earthly Spirits".

For ten days, he was immersed in it, ignoring the disturbances in the outside world, not to mention that the battlefield between the Sea Tribe and the monks was moving towards the place of purification.

"The person who created this technique is definitely a genius! It's a pity that he was born at the wrong time and was not born in the world. Otherwise, he would definitely be the Taoist ancestor who opened another path in the immortal way!"

Judging from Li Zhirui's not too shallow vision, "Three Thousand Worlds of Earthly Spirits" is fully worthy of this evaluation.

And he was surprised to find that this technique seemed to be tailor-made for him and was very suitable for Li Zhirui's practice.

The most important thing is that it can solve the spiritual problems caused by practicing the "All Spirits Sutra"!
"The Record of Earth Spirit Dao" is very similar to the Earth Immortal Dao that Li Zhirui heard in his previous life. In the early stage of cultivation, through secret methods, a spirit seed was refined and planted into the sea of ​​consciousness, making the spirit seed become a part of oneself.

Just like the contracted spirit beast in "The Book of All Spirits", it needs to be integrated into the soul.

The reason why Li Zhirui said that he could solve the problems caused by the "All Spirits Sutra" was because he could integrate that part of the soul into the spiritual seed.

Although the higher the level of the spiritual seed, the better, but it cannot exceed the limit of the sea of ​​consciousness, otherwise it will oppress the sea of ​​consciousness and be detrimental to cultivation.

Generally speaking, fourth-grade spiritual seeds that match one's own attributes are the best. If one has a naturally broad sea of ​​consciousness, he can also refine higher-level spiritual seeds.

When breaking through the golden elixir, the spiritual seeds are used as yellow buds and are the foundation of the golden elixir to further cultivate the spiritual seeds. This is called the accumulation of seeds state in "Earth Spirit Taoist Records".

When the elixir transforms into a baby, the spiritual seed can leave the physical body and choose a spiritual land to plant. From then on, you become the master of this small spiritual land. No changes can escape your perception, so it is also affected by it. It's called a blessed land.

As the spiritual seeds grow, the area of ​​the blessed land under their control becomes larger and larger. When they break through to the Void Refining Realm, they can sublimate the blessed land into the Cave Heaven, which will be called the Cave Heaven Realm from then on.

As long as you are in the Blessed Land or the Cave Heaven, your own strength will be blessed to a certain extent. That's why the old Taoist was so shocked and excited when he saw Li Zhirui.

Before breaking through to the Immortal Realm, one needs to continuously accumulate the foundation of the Cave Heaven and increase the laws of the Cave Heaven, so as to prepare for the promotion of the Cave Heaven into the Small Thousand Worlds and integrating it into one's own Dantian when ascending to immortality.

Logically speaking, the strength of an immortal who practices "Earth Spirit Dao Lu" is definitely among the best at the same level, and can even be called an invincible existence at the same level. Because of the blessing of a small thousand worlds, there is no need to worry about mana consumption.

But this seemingly excellent technique has several fatal flaws!
The first is the accumulation and increase of Dongtian's foundation and laws, which is very difficult and will greatly hinder the monk's own realm.

However, this flaw has been repaired in the tens of thousands of years of the Earth Spirit Sect, and it has become the same as the "All Spirits Sutra". The improvement of the cave heaven will feed back and drive the monks to make breakthroughs.

But there is a drawback that has not been solved yet!

The Earth Spirit Sect doesn't know how to sublimate the cave sky into a small thousand worlds!
And this also resulted in the Earth Spirit Sect not having a fairyland born for tens of thousands of years!
That's why the old Taoist was worried about the inheritance being cut off. At the last moment of his life, without any test, he directly handed over the entire inheritance to Li Zhirui.

But in Li Zhirui's view, the Earth Spirit Sect has never been able to find the key to solving the problem because they are in the Middle Thousand World!
Once the realm breaks through the fairyland, they have to transcend the tribulation and fly away. However, at this time, the monk is still in the tribulation realm and has no way to sublimate the cave sky. Then, he is dragged down by the cave sky and his success is in vain. This has resulted in the Earth Spirit Sect still being unable to find a solution.

Perhaps later on, someone in the Earth Spirit Sect realized this problem, but they could not ascend by practicing "Earth Spirit Dao Record".

And if you arrange for people to practice other techniques and ascend to the upper world first, there will be no contact between the two worlds. Even if a solution is found, it cannot be passed back to the sect.

But Li Zhirui is different. The Yuanling Realm he is currently in is the vast world. Even if he breaks through the Immortal Realm, he can still stay in this realm and find ways to sublimate the cave heaven.

And he has a huge advantage!

That is, Li Zhirui already has a special portable space, which is between the cave sky and the small world!
If he practices "Earth Spirit Taoist Records", he will be several steps ahead of others!
"Perhaps I should give up the "All Spirits Sutra" and practice the "Earth Spirit Taoist Records" instead.

After all, the complete version of the former only reaches the Mahayana realm, while the latter goes directly to the fairyland! Although The Last Wonderland has not yet been proven to be feasible.

But the front is suitable for Li Zhirui's practice, and it also supports his own strength! Because he can carry the blessed land and cave heaven with him.

As for how to finally break through the fairyland and how to sublimate the small world, that is a problem for the future, and it is not what Li Zhirui should consider now.

Faced with two very different skills, Li Zhirui decided to switch to "Earth Spirit Taoist Records" without much hesitation!
Of course, not now, the time is not right.

Not only because there are so many dangers in Taixu Illusion, if Li Zhirui changes cultivation now, he will not be able to exert his strong strength for a long time, but also because he wants to get the generous rewards from the Dongyuan Sect.

After all, after changing cultivation, the demand for various high-level spiritual objects will be greater.

And the complete version of "All Spirits Sutra" cannot be discarded. It is also a good thing for the family to have more high-level skills passed down.

In order to speed up the integration of Taixu Illusion Realm and Dongyuan State, Li Zhirui did not intend to continue to be lazy, and began to actively activate the raw water bag, taking the lotus seeds to spread around and promote birth.

"Is this here?"

On this day, a group of uninvited guests came to the Purification Land.

It is not difficult to tell from the auras emanating from their bodies that this group of more than a dozen people are all demonic cultivators!
"That secretive little turtle, get out of here!"

The leader, a Mahayana demon cultivator, carried huge magic power, and his voice spread throughout dozens of miles.

Li Zhirui, who was purifying the border area, suddenly frowned and said to himself: "These demon cultivators are really not afraid of death, and they dare to come!"

Unless the Demonic Cultivator of the Tribulation Realm takes action himself, with his current strength, he will not be afraid at all even if there are more than a dozen Mahayana Demonic Cultivators.

However, the Demonic Cultivator of Transcending Tribulation is busy improving his realm so that he can ascend and escape from this world, instead of escaping and becoming a bereft dog with no time to care about other things.

"Since you are looking for death, then I will help you!"

With a thought in his mind, Li Zhirui turned into a cloud and mist, piercing the sky and flying quickly towards the group of demon cultivators.

While he was on his way, the dozen or so demon cultivators were wreaking havoc on the place of purification, turning it into a smoky mess. The creatures were fleeing, and the monks had no power to resist.

Thousands of miles away, Li Zhirui only spent half a quarter of an hour resisting, but those demon cultivators who were killing creatures and causing wanton destruction had no idea that the disaster was coming.

"You deserve to die!"

Li Zhirui looked at the land that had been destroyed in large areas, his heart was filled with overwhelming anger, and his vast magic power exploded. He was now like a terrifying demon god, and his terrifying aura directly suppressed the demon cultivators with lower cultivation levels. On the ground, unable to move.

"How is it possible! This is definitely not a strength that the Mahayana realm can have!" The Mahayana demon cultivator headed by him was also fighting between two groups. He seemed to have seen his own death, and his face was ashen.

Li Zhirui didn't pay attention to the embarrassed appearance of the demon cultivators. The anger in his heart needed to be vented, so he stabbed the low-level demon cultivators to death without hesitation.

As for the resistance of those Mahayana and combined demon cultivators, it was not worth mentioning in his eyes, but they just didn't take action for the time being.

"I'll fight you!"

A certain combined demonic cultivator couldn't stand the suffocation, his mentality collapsed, and he even attacked Li Zhirui out of the blue.

But in his opinion, it was just a slightly larger ant, and he killed it with a casual blow.

When the other demon cultivators saw this scene, they had no desire to continue fighting and immediately fled in all directions.

"Want to escape? Have you asked me?"

Li Zhirui sneered, and cloud ropes appeared behind them, tying them up directly, and then sprouted barbs and pierced their Dantian.


Accompanied by several screams, the demon cultivators who were still aloof a moment ago have now turned back into mortals, aging rapidly, and then died.

Li Zhirui casually raised a few wooden stakes and erected the corpses of these demonic cultivators as a warning to those creatures who did not know how to live or die and wanted to destroy the purification place.

He doesn't want to waste time in Taixuan Realm now, so Li Zhirui will directly eradicate all the things that delay him from speeding up the fusion!
But sometimes, trouble can't be avoided just because he wants to!
Ten eighth-level sea clansmen who were sent by several sea clan immortals and ordered to kill Li Zhirui brought hundreds of seventh- and sixth-level sea clansmen to the place of purification.

The monks who were also ordered to come here, but to protect Li Zhirui, followed closely behind.

And behind these two waves of monks and sea people, there is a battlefield that is constantly moving this way!
"Damn it! Can't you let me lead the Taixu Illusion Realm?"

The moment so many high-level creatures stepped into the purification land, Li Zhirui knew it and said with an irritated look.

Although with the blessing of heaven, Li Zhirui was sure to keep all these people in the purified land, the Sea Clan was not someone to be trifled with.

He is now happily killing all these sea people. Once his true identity is found out, not only will he suffer, but the entire family will be implicated.

Especially the Qianzhong Mountains where the Li family is located is not far from the East China Sea, just over a thousand miles. (End of chapter)

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