Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 947 Laughing

After thinking for a while, Li Zhirui came up with an idea, which was to let the Dongyuan Sect and the Hai Clan fight, without him participating!
He can even abandon this place and find a hidden place to use his methods. Anyway, he has the water bag and the lotus planting method in his hands, so he can go anywhere.

In this way, no matter how heavy the casualties on both sides were, it had nothing to do with Li Zhirui.

Li Zhirui pondered for a moment, corrected some of the shortcomings, then covered himself with clouds and mist, appeared in front of the monks, and said: "Do you want to know why I am favored by the heaven here?"

"Is it possible that your Excellency is willing to disclose the secret method?" The leader of the Dongyuan Sect, Mahayana, had a flash of surprise in his eyes, and some did not believe that he would take the initiative to hand over the secret method.

"Of course! And this method has been known to everyone for a long time. I just picked up people's wisdom and added a little luck."

As Li Zhirui spoke, he told the truth about how to use the lotus seeding method to purify the aura of ruin and destruction, so that he could get the attention of heaven and gain blessings, speeding up the movement of Taixu Illusion Realm towards Dongyuan State.

"So simple?"

Li Zhirui nodded and said with a smile: "It's that simple! If you don't believe it, you can try it immediately and you will know whether I am lying."

"Your Excellency is quite clever. Now that you have purified such a large area, you have received the most attention from Heaven. While you have offended the local demon cultivators, you have also been targeted by the Sea Clan. You have reaped all the benefits, but you don't want to get involved in any trouble."

Another Mahayana monk said: "If my guess is correct, you are planning to abandon this place of purification and find a hidden place to use your methods again, right?"

Li Zhirui smiled and said nothing, and did not answer the question. He only said: "I have told you about the Dharma, so I will go ahead and say goodbye!"

If you are weak in strength, you must have a clear understanding of yourself. He is now in the illusion of Taixu. With the blessing of heaven, his combat power is comparable to that of Mahayana. He can even defeat many enemies with one and win steadily!

But once he leaves this illusory realm of Taixu, which has been incorporated into himself by the Yuanling Realm and is being continuously refined by the Yuanling Heavenly Way, all the blessings will disappear in an instant, and Li Zhirui is just a monk in the middle stage of refining the void.

Even if his blessing can be maintained forever, it will only be as powerful as the Mahayana. Compared with the Sea Clan, which has dozens or even hundreds of immortals, he is still an ant that can be easily crushed to death.

Fortunately, Li Zhirui benefited a lot from this dream-like experience. Not only did his own realm rise to the late stage of Void Refining, but he also gained a certain understanding of the Fusion Realm and knew how to break through it.

The most important thing is that he got a unique and unique practice method that suits him very well!
With this skill, apart from other things, he is at least invincible among monks of the same level, because he carries his own cave with him, and with the blessing of the cave, even if he is not as good as the heaven in this world, his strength can at least be improved to a small level.

That's enough.

"What do you think?" After Li Zhirui left, ten Mahayana disciples from Dongyuan were discussing how to deal with the war that might break out at any time.

"Since that man told us the method and he left, why should we stay and fight with the Hai Clan? Why not learn from him, seize the time to purify the world, obtain the blessing of heaven, and draw the Taixu Illusion Realm towards Dongyuan State. "

This proposal was supported by most people.

Ever since, it clearly looked like a war was about to break out, but because of the monk's concession, it ended in an anticlimactic manner.

Not only that, the Dongyuan Sect monks completely withdrew from the battlefield, leaving a group of casual cultivators to fight against the Hai Clan, but they didn't know where to hide.

And they knew that the masters from the outside world had taken action to cover up Taixu Illusion, so that the Sea Clan immortals could not discover their location. As long as they found a hidden corner and set up the formation, they did not have to worry about being found by the Sea Clan.

The unusual behavior of the monks naturally aroused the vigilance of the Sea Clan. They felt that the monks must be plotting something secretly.

Especially since they searched the entire purification land but could not find the mysterious monk, it made them even more suspicious.

"Since the Dongyuan Sect does not want to fight, then we will allocate some of our manpower to continue fighting with the scattered cultivators, while the other clan members will try their best to destroy the world. We cannot let the Dongyuan Sect get a intact Zhongqian World!"

Since they didn't know what the monk had in mind, the Hai clan simply followed their own ideas to avoid falling into the monk's trap.

In this way, the Dongyuan Sect and the Hai Clan avoided a major war and focused all their energy on fighting for the Taixu Illusion Realm.

One seizes the time to gain the attention of the Heavenly Dao, accelerates the pulling, and integrates into his own mountain gate; the other knows that he may not be able to compete for the ownership of the Taixu Illusion Realm, and with the idea of ​​not giving too many benefits to the Immortal Dao, he goes crazy to destroy it.

Now it depends on whether the sea clan destroys faster or the Dongyuan sect leads faster.

But no matter what, the world has not returned to peace because of the truce between the two sides.

The local demonic cultivators are still making trouble, and the casual cultivators in the Yuanling world are fighting desperately against the sea tribe in order to obtain more contribution points. The local creatures are also falling into ruin because they see no hope of survival.

Earth dragons turn over, volcanic eruptions, violent storms, etc., all kinds of severe and extreme weather are taking place in every corner of the world.


In a corner of the earth spirit world.

"The method of planting lotus can indeed delay the destruction of the world, but the effect is not very significant, especially what the man said, the method of spreading lotus seeds directly along the pure water is not as simple as he said!" A certain fusion cultivator frowned and said with a dissatisfied look on his face.

They summoned a large number of fellow disciples and gathered together to perform the lotus planting method. They did get the attention of Heaven, but the efficiency was too slow!
It's nothing like the purification places I've seen before. Li Zhirui alone has purified the world with a radius of thousands of miles in just one year!

"There must be some kind of secret hidden in this!"

The leader Mahayana shook his head and said: "It's not his problem, it's our problem."

"How can this be!"

These words aroused the dissatisfaction of many Fusion and Void Refining monks, and they all said: "Uncle/Uncle Master, with so many of us gathered here, can we not be as good as that secretive person who is not as strong as us?"

After they received the blessing of heaven, they felt their own strength improved. With a little extrapolation, it was not difficult to guess Li Zhirui's true cultivation level.

"Didn't you find that the efficiency of our collection of purified water is too slow? The purified land cannot expand quickly, and the root knot lies here!" The Mahayana ignored the excited disciples and said calmly.

Without clean water, there is no way to quickly purify those dead places and desperate places!
Although white lotus can grow in very harsh environments, either there is a clean water source or sufficient aura, neither of which conditions are met in those dead and desperate places!
So when Li Zhirui told them about the method, he focused on water purification.

But at that time, they didn't take this sentence to heart.

"But how did he, a little cultivator of void refining, manage to condense so much pure water?"

Everyone was puzzled. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't guess that Li Zhirui held a magic weapon that had been refined and blessed by heaven. It could gather and absorb the water vapor between heaven and earth on its own, and then produce pure water.

If placed in a normal world, a magic weapon would not have much impact, but the earthly spirit world is a world that is being destroyed. The laws are incomplete and the five elements of heaven and earth are limited. Li Zhirui uses more water vapor, and naturally there are fewer others.

What's more, no matter how highly cultivated they are as external beings, how can they compare to the magic weapon of heaven?

"Uncle, let's go find him now and ask him why, or we can buy the method at a high price." Immediately, a fusion monk suggested.

The Mahayana shook his head and said: "I don't know where that man is hiding now, so don't waste time looking for him."

"And if he wanted to, or planned to use this as a threat in exchange for a spiritual object, how could he disappear so simply? Obviously the method he mastered cannot be spread to others."

"Just do your best."

Everyone couldn't resist, and what he said was indeed reasonable, so they had no choice but to continue to be patient, while gathering the pure water, stimulating the birth of white lotus, and doing their best to purify the world.

In the other corner, Li Zhirui was no longer as lax as before, and became very active. Relying on the huge magic power in his body, he sacrificed the water bag while constantly promoting the birth of white lotus.

With his unremitting efforts, in just three months, a purification land larger than before suddenly appeared between heaven and earth.

However, at this time, Earth Spirit Heavenly Dao did not give him more blessings. Instead, it was weakened, because Heavenly Dao, which was already seriously damaged, had also been affected by Yuanling Heavenly Dao in the year and a half since he entered the Yuanling Realm. Melt and become weaker!
And as time goes by, the Earth Spirit Heavenly Dao will become weaker and weaker, gradually falling into a deep sleep, and finally being completely melted.

"Alas!" Li Zhirui couldn't help but sigh when he thought of Earth Spirit Tiandao's fate.

During this period, he had very frequent contact with Tiandao. Even though it had no intelligence at all, Li Zhirui could feel its unwillingness and struggle for survival all the time.

Not to mention that the way of heaven has brought him such great benefits, it is normal for Li Zhirui to feel its kindness and feel it in his heart. It is normal to feel uncomfortable for it.

But that’s all!
Not to mention that Li Zhirui didn't have the ability to save a ruined Zhongqian World. Even if he had the ability, he wouldn't be able to do it.

If someone is not from my race, his heart must be different, not to mention that he is a creature from another world?

Now the Earth Spirit Heavenly Dao needs Li Zhirui, and once it saves the Earth Spirit World, it will probably attack him as soon as possible.

So he just sighed and continued to use his skills to expand the area of ​​the purification land.

With the unremitting efforts of Li Zhirui and a group of Dongyuan Sect monks, the movement speed of Taixu Illusion has accelerated again. If nothing happens, it will take another two or three months to land from the air to Dongyuan State.

And when Yuanling Heavenly Dao completely refines Earth Spirit Heavenly Dao, the entire Dongyuan State will usher in a huge wave of spiritual energy, Heavenly Dao's favor, and various strange phenomena.

Thinking of the benefits that the Dongyuan Sect would gain in the near future, the immortals among the clouds could no longer suppress the smiles on their faces.

You know, the Dongyuan Sect has existed for tens of thousands of years, and the number of times Shanmen has merged with the Taixu Illusion Realm can only be counted in one palm, and they are all Small Thousand Worlds!
This time it’s a middle-aged world!
It will definitely bring huge benefits to Dongyuan Sect.

On the other hand, the faces of those Sea Clan immortals were gloomy and terrifying. If this was not just a Zhongqian World and could not accommodate the Fairyland, they would have wished to die in person.

"Huh! The result hasn't settled yet, don't get too happy too soon!"

But now, they can only say a few sarcastic words, because their sea tribe is unable to continue to reinforce, and they can't find a way to solve it.

"Hahahahaha, I think the situation is very clear. You might as well arrange for the evacuation of the juniors as soon as possible."

A young immortal who seemed to be full of energy kindly reminded him: "Otherwise, if the Taixu Illusion Realm falls into Dongyuan State and the two realms collide, the creatures in this world will be shaken out. When they encounter unexpected events, wouldn't they be destroyed?" The friendship between your two families?"

How can there be any friendship between the Dongyuan Sect and the Hai Clan? If you insist on saying so, I'm afraid it's a sworn enemy who wants the other party to die suddenly and immediately.

He said this just to see if he could get those sea people to leave early and reduce the damage to Taixu Illusion.

"Hmph! Now I won't bother you to worry about it." Naturally, it was impossible for the immortals of the Sea Clan to show their timidity in this matter, and they responded without giving in.

But privately, some juniors were arranged to enter the Taixu Illusion Realm and asked them to notify everyone to leave as soon as possible.

Otherwise, as he said, the two worlds collided, resulting in a large number of sea tribes appearing in Dongyuan State, then you can imagine what their fate will be!

Seeing their secret actions, the smiles on the faces of the immortals from the Dongyuan Sect became even brighter.

Time passed quickly, as if it was just a trance, and two months passed.

The Hai Clan finally left the day before Taixu Illusion completely entered Dongyuan State, and then sank to the bottom of the sea without looking back.

Those Sea Clan immortals knew clearly that the Dongyuan Sect had received such great benefits this time, and after they digested the rich fruits, their strength would surely increase greatly.

And by then, it's time for them to head towards the East China Sea!
If it weren't for the fact that both sides inexplicably avoided the battle in Taixu Illusion, the situation might have changed. After all, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. No one can guarantee who the final winner will be until the final result occurs. .

But it's different now!
The Dongyuan Sect has obtained the Taixu Illusion Realm, and it is a definite fact that their strength will increase greatly. It is nothing more than how many years it will take them to digest this result.

So they must now think of a way to deal with the Dongyuan Sect which has grown in strength.


One day, the huge illusion of Taixu completely sank into Dongyuan Prefecture. However, due to its large area, part of it exceeded the scope of Dongyuan Prefecture. Therefore, nothing was done in several states adjacent to Dongyuan Prefecture. I got a huge surprise!


Accompanied by a huge roar, tens of thousands of monks from the Dongyuan Sect burst out laughing.

The laughter is wanton and endless. (End of chapter)

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