Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 948 Surprise

When the huge illusion of Taixu merged into Dongzhou, in the eyes of the mortals in Dongyuan State and its surrounding states, it was as if the sky had suddenly collapsed. They seemed very panicked, and some people even knelt on the ground and prayed to heaven.

If the various immortal forces had not promptly sent monks to appease all parties, some people would have been preparing to pack up their belongings and flee to other places.

Dongyuan State, which has been integrated into the main body of Taixu Illusion Realm, is only initially integrated, but some places have already revealed extraordinary features, such as the mountains rising and the spiritual energy skyrocketing.

Other places affected by Yuze also had more or less strange phenomena.

As for Wanxian Mountain, which is far away among the thousands of mountains, perhaps because of Li Zhirui, the mountain expanded outward by 30%, and its spiritual veins increased by one level, and the entire mountain began to be filled with a faint spiritual mist.

But these are not the biggest changes. The most surprising thing is that nine spiritual springs suddenly appeared around the purification spiritual realm. The spiritual water exuding a faint lotus fragrance gurgled out, forming a stream from top to bottom, like a jade belt. On top of the mountain.

The grade of these nine spiritual springs is as high as the sixth level, which is one head higher than the spiritual veins. The spiritual water produced is not only very pure, but also has a certain therapeutic effect on injuries, and can also purify toxins and other unclean things.

"What happened?"

Everyone in the Li family, who didn't know much about Taixu Illusion, didn't understand what was going on with the benefits that fell from the sky.

But when asked by outsiders, he tacitly hid these secrets, only talking about the enlargement of the mountain and the advancement of spiritual veins that could not be concealed.

At the same time, thousands of miles away in Dongyuan Prefecture, Li Zhirui's power exploded when he was merged into the two realms and rushed out of the earth and spirit world. All the blessings he had received also faded away at this moment.

The huge sense of disparity caused by it made Li Zhirui feel lost. It took him a while to wake up.

Then he saw a fused monk wearing a Taoist robe from the Dongyuan Sect, flying in front of him and saying: "As the biggest contributor to leading Taixu Illusion Realm, the sect allows you to choose three eighth-level spiritual objects, or the same Step method."

Although Li Zhirui did not take the initiative to disclose his identity, the favor of heaven is real. Other monks may not be able to see it, but they cannot hide it from those immortals.

They directly pointed out his identity, and then sent a disciple with a higher level of cultivation to come.

Because he didn't hide anything, as soon as Li Zhirui said these words, the eyes of countless monks gathered on Li Zhirui, and some people were even secretly using secret techniques to prepare to hunt him down.

Of course, this was not intentional by the Dongyuan Sect, because they did not need to target a small Void Refining monk, and the three eighth-level spiritual objects were not precious treasures to them.

It was entirely because of their overwhelming strength that they ignored some details that were insignificant to them.

Li Zhirui did not dare to show any dissatisfaction on his face, and maintained a respectful attitude, and said: "This junior wants the complete version of the "Wan Ling Sutra", an eighth-level cultivation treasure elixir recipe, and its main medicine. Spiritual seed.”

"You are quite ambitious."

The fused monk looked at him deeply, then took out a jade talisman, which turned into a stream of light and disappeared after a moment. Then he took out a jade token and said, "You can just take this jade token and go to Dongyuan Mountain to exchange it."

"Thank you, senior!"

Li Zhirui bowed before reaching out to accept the jade token and using his escape technique to leave.

The monks who had their eyes on him were only a moment slower than him, and each of them showed their magical powers and chased Li Zhirui.

The combined monk didn't care at all about what happened in front of him and turned around to report back.

"A little guy with a far-sighted vision, no wonder he came up with the method of planting lotus to gain the attention of the local heaven." A certain immortal commented with a smile and said: "And this method is not only applicable to the Earth Spirit Sect, if you encounter Tai Ling Sect again in the future, The illusionary realm may also have miraculous effects.”

"Then should we tell other forces?" the leader asked.

"Of course, after all, this is a method that is conducive to the growth of the Immortal Dao, but this time there is no need to use the four-party formation."

Although this formation is fast and convenient, it consumes too much and makes too much noise. It will be discovered immediately by the demons, sea clan, and monster clan, and then they all inquire for information.

But in the next period of time, the Dongyuan Sect needs a peaceful environment to digest its achievements and strengthen itself, so it is best not to do anything that attracts attention.


On the other side, Li Zhirui, who was flying towards Dongyuan Mountain, sensed hundreds of spiritual lights chasing behind him, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

Among these hundreds of monks, most of them have Mahayana or combined cultivation, and there are only very few Void Refining monks!
Not to mention Li Zhirui, even the Tribulation Tribulation cultivator would die in despair if he was besieged by hundreds of people.

Fortunately, he has a way to save his life!

Before he was overtaken, Li Zhirui escaped into the river nearby, using the river water to cover his figure, and instantly flashed into space.

"What about people?!"

"Why do people disappear?"

Within a few breaths, a group of monks caught up with them. Their spiritual consciousness exploded and they searched continuously. It was obvious that the aura was here, but Li Zhirui could not be found no matter what, as if such a huge person had disappeared out of thin air.

Faced with a Void Refining monk who held three eighth-level spiritual objects in his hands, everyone was naturally unwilling to give up. They desperately searched hundreds of miles around and even used secret deduction techniques.

But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't find Li Zhirui!

As time went by, more and more monks left unwillingly.

A year later, only a few dozen people were still hanging around the nameless river.

Two years later, only the last dozen or so remained.

In the third year, the nameless river returned to calm.

"Finally everyone left!"

When Li Zhirui opened the space for the unknown number of times, he found that there were no monks squatting outside to keep watch. He couldn't help but let out a long breath.

With the ability to move in and out of space at will, he doesn't have to worry about others catching him and can boldly explore the outside world.

During the three years of taking refuge in space, Li Zhirui did not waste his time in vain, but seriously studied the "Earth Spirit Taoist Record".

After all, this is the technique he will change to practice in the future, and he cannot be careless in the slightest. He would rather spend decades now to fully understand the technique than encounter problems in the future and spend more time solving them. .

In three years, Li Zhirui has understood everything from the Qi Refining Realm to the Void Refining Realm.

Such efficiency is all due to what the old Taoist passed down to him, which is the cultivation experience inherited, accumulated and refined by Diling Sect over tens of thousands of years.

With such a detailed and complete inheritance in hand, Li Zhirui's speed of enlightenment was considered slow. He planned to return to Wanxian Mountain immediately after getting the skills, elixirs and spiritual seeds from the Dongyuan Sect, and after thoroughly understanding the remaining skills that he had not yet understood, he would start to practice.

No one is chasing after him, but there are still monks ambushing him in front. Fortunately, Li Zhirui has changed his appearance again, otherwise if he is recognized, he may face another big chase!

This was not a joke, but Li Zhirui's bounty was blatantly posted in every city and fairy city he passed!
The reward was so generous that even Li Zhirui himself was a little tempted when he saw it.

If nothing else goes wrong, this bounty will exist for a long time until the Dongyuan Sect leaves without news of the reward.

This also made Li Zhirui more cautious, not daring to come into contact with any monks for fear of exposing his identity, so that he later deliberately avoided Fangshi and Xiancheng, and went directly to the space to rest when he was tired.

After stopping and stopping along the way, it took more than half a year to arrive at the mountain gate of Dongyuan Sect.

Although he didn't go in, just from outside, he could see the majestic tower and the gushing springs; the craggy and strange rocks, as tall as pine trees; the clouds and mist on the top of the peak, the gurgling streams; and the fragrance of flowers filled the road. , Thousands of trees are densely clustered, it’s like a scene of a fairyland.

The moment Li Zhirui offered the jade token, the Dongyuan Sect, which had been waiting for a long time, immediately sent a fusion monk to appear in front of him through the cloud path with the skills, elixirs and spiritual seeds he needed.

"These are the three magic methods and spiritual objects you want. If there are no problems, you can leave." The fusion monk said to him extremely calmly without any impatience or condescension.

But this attitude made Li Zhirui even more dissatisfied, because it completely looked down on him and didn't take him seriously at all!

However, people are bound to be stronger. How could he, a small Void Refining cultivator, dare to be so presumptuous in front of other people's Immortal Realm Sect? He couldn't even reveal his true inner emotions. After a quick and respectful inspection, he bowed and left.

Almost as soon as Li Zhirui left, many monks received the news, and countless people heard the news, waiting for the direction of his departure.

Unfortunately, their wait is doomed to be in vain! No matter how long you wait, you can't wait until Li Zhirui appears.

Because he had already changed directions and detoured thousands of miles before returning north to Shanyuan Prefecture.

The most important thing is that Li Zhirui wants to go to Liubo Immortal City again to find the mysterious old woman who makes alchemy and exchange it for a seventh-level cultivation elixir recipe.

Firstly, he didn't want to travel thousands of miles anymore, and secondly, he had to revise his exercises for a long time and couldn't go out, so he just happened to solve this matter on his way back.

Fortunately, the old woman is still there.

"Is it your kid again?"

This time, the old woman took the initiative to say hello and asked: "What kind of pill are you planning to change?"

"Junior wants a recipe for the seventh-level cultivation elixir, as well as spiritual seeds." Li Zhirui expressed his needs respectfully.

Hearing this, the old woman looked at him carefully and said, "Your boy has gained a lot from Taixu Illusion Realm, but what will you give in exchange?"

Before coming, Li Zhirui had already thought about taking out his most popular elixir recipe - Yuan Qi Bao Dan!
The old woman took the jade slip, looked at it for a moment, and said: "The idea is good, but the technique is rough. What I didn't expect the most is that such a strange spiritual creature can be born in the small world."

What the old woman was talking about was the core ingredient of Yuanqi Baodan, Fusion Grass!
"But it's not enough!"

Li Zhirui had known that this would be the result, so he immediately took out the several pill prescriptions he had collected in Xuanyuan Realm.

"Just give it a try."

After reading it, the old woman threw a small storage bag to Li Zhirui and said: "It seems that you don't have any valuable elixirs in your hands anymore. Why don't you use the spiritual seeds from the Little Thousand Worlds you were in before to exchange them with me?" Some spiritual seeds?”

"Senior is joking, how can this junior have so many spiritual seeds in his hands?" Li Zhirui keenly sensed something was wrong and directly denied this statement.

"Don't dare to disturb the senior's rest. The junior will say goodbye first!"

After that, he bowed and left.

"A clever, secretive brat."

The old woman curled her lips, her eyes flashed, but in the end she fell silent again, sighed softly, and said: "Why bother to put so much thought into this when your body is broken? Otherwise, you will lose your short lifespan."

It has to be said that Li Zhirui's spiritual sense is still very powerful.

And it took him a long time to figure out where he was exposed!

The problem lies in those spiritual seeds that are round and flawless.

Although he put the spiritual seed from space into the storage magic weapon in advance, it is impossible for the spiritual seed to lose part of its spiritual light in such a short period of time, unlike the state of being stored in a jade box for a long time.

After leaving Liubo Fairy City, Li Zhirui embarked on the road home again.

Along the way, he keenly discovered that Dong Yuanzhou's spiritual energy had not only become richer, but also much purer.

In addition, he accidentally encountered spiritual creatures he had never seen before several times! The highest-grade one among them was a sixth-grade spiritual grass!
As an alchemist, understanding various spiritual objects is the most basic quality. Li Zhirui can guarantee that these spiritual objects are the ones that have never been seen before in the Yuanling world.

Obviously, this is a new type of spiritual creature that grew out of the fusion of Taixu Illusion Realm.

There are roughly two sources of it. One is the spiritual objects that grow naturally after the fusion of the two worlds; the other is that during the fusion process, due to some special reasons, the spiritual objects of the Earth Spirit Sect appear in the Yuanling Realm.

This situation also spawned a large number of treasure-hunting monks. Most of them were handed over to the Dongyuan Sect in exchange for rewards, and only a few stayed on their own.

After all, researching the applications of a new spiritual object is a very labor-intensive, material, and financial matter that cannot be afforded by casual cultivators or ordinary forces.

Besides, the rewards given by the Dongyuan Sect are not low, so there is no need to spend so much effort.

Li Zhirui is obviously the latter. He wants to deduce a new elixir formula, but lacks a large number of spiritual objects.

And this time the fusion of the two worlds just brought him an opportunity!
As a result, Li Zhirui temporarily put aside his return to Wanxian Mountain and took this opportunity to collect more spiritual objects to enrich his collection.

This is also the first time in all these years that he has regretted not taking Daqing and Xiaoqing with him.

Because he alone cannot collect too many new spiritual objects.

As for exchanging it from other monks? Li Zhirui can't offer a better price than Dongyuan Sect!

But later, I still came up with a way for him, and that was to barter!
Use the extra spiritual objects or spiritual seeds in your hands to exchange for different spiritual objects or spiritual seeds with other monks.

This method can indeed help Li Zhirui quickly collect a large number of spiritual objects and spiritual seeds, but it also has a huge disadvantage, that is, it is easy to encounter monks with evil intentions! (End of chapter)

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