Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 949 Recovery

Therefore, every time Li Zhirui looks for a monk to trade, he uses a different image to ensure that it will not appear repeatedly and avoid falling into the trap of the intentional monk.

In addition, he has space to get close to him. Once the transaction is completed, he will use his escape technique to get out of the opponent's sight, and then directly enter the space.

But even though Li Zhirui was so careful, he was still trapped in the formation by the monks who were well prepared during a transaction.

"I don't know what you mean, friend?" Li Zhirui asked pretending not to know.

"Why do you need to pretend to be stupid with me? Although you are very careful and have incomprehensible hiding methods, you still exposed your identity in some small details."

The monk seemed to be convinced of Li Zhirui, and said with a smile: "My fellow disciples and I collected a lot of transaction information, and after corresponding with each other, we discovered that a group of dressing-changing monks widely circulated among the monks was actually one person pretending to be of."

"In addition, we also accidentally heard news that the monk who was rewarded by the Dongyuan Sect a few years ago had the same hiding method as Your Excellency!"

The previous words did not arouse much reaction from Li Zhirui, because he had been changing spiritual objects and spiritual seeds for so long, and he had almost reached the limit. He was about to prepare a golden basin to wash his hands and leave Dongyuan State.

If he hadn't heard that this man had several new spiritual objects in his hands, including seventh-level spiritual seeds, Li Zhirui would never have come to trade with him.

But he didn't expect that because of his momentary greed, he fell into a trap carefully prepared by others.

But those last words made Li Zhirui's expression change slightly.

Because he knows that once this news spreads, most of the Lianxu, Fusion, and Mahayana monks in Dongyuan State will take action!

This also made him determined to leave Dongyuan State immediately after escaping from the formation.

"Since fellow Taoist knows that my hiding methods are extremely unpredictable, how confident are you that you can catch me?" Li Zhirui asked calmly.

"How will you know if you don't try?" The monk seemed to have seen through Li Zhirui's secret, with his eyes shining and a confident smile on his face.

"is it?"

Li Zhirui just wanted to sneak into the space, but he felt uneasy for no reason in his heart. He decisively gave up the idea, and all his magic power exploded instantly. Countless spiritual vines and giant trees rose into the sky, and the powerful roots of the Cangqiu tore the earth apart. Forcefully open this formation.

"Your Excellency, you'd better just surrender. This is a seventh-level trap specially prepared for you. Not to mention you, even the Mahayana monks here will not be able to break through the formation in a short time!" The monk introduced with a smile! road.

Li Zhirui gritted his teeth and continued to use his magic power unbelievingly. The narrow formation space was filled with all kinds of ancient trees and giant vines, frantically extracting nearby spiritual energy, and then exploded violently.


At this moment, a huge mushroom cloud rose in the formation, and the ground was blasted dozens of feet deep. But even so, the formation was still solid, with only obvious shaking.

In the sky full of smoke and dust, Li Zhirui came out of the space. After seeing this scene, he immediately understood that this formation was indeed not something he could break now!
Before the smoke and dust dissipated, the opponent could not clearly see his presence, so he appeared at the edge of the formation and then hid in the space.


Several monks who had been hiding in the dark appeared one after another. Their existence was to prevent Li Zhirui from breaking through the formation and to stop him in time.

After all, facing a monk with mysterious and strange methods, no one can guarantee that this trapping formation can really trap him.

"Junior Brother Wu, are you sure that your judgment is correct?" A certain monk in the late stage of Void Refining still had a somewhat skeptical attitude.

"It's definitely true!"

Junior Brother Wu said confidently: "I have done some research. He seems to be missing, but in fact he just hid in another space. Once he leaves that space, he will appear in the place where he disappeared!"

"Even if your judgment is correct, he was able to hide for three years. Who knows if he can hide for decades, or even hundreds of years?"

The senior brother frowned and said, "Is it possible that we have to stay here all the time?"

This is obviously unrealistic. None of them are willing to waste such a long time here, but they are also worried that while they are away, Li Zhirui will suddenly appear, and then be caught by other brothers and divide the spiritual objects in his hands, while they themselves Nothing was found.

"How about we all take turns to replace each other? Anyway, this place is not far from the mountain gate."

Some people still had doubts and didn't trust their fellow apprentices very much, but they couldn't talk about such things directly, so the scene fell into an awkward silence.

In the end, several people compromised.

However, he made an oath not to conceal the news of Li Zhirui's appearance, nor to monopolize his spiritual objects.

After reaching an agreement, only three Void Refining monks were left to guard here, and the others would come to take over in five years.

"Damn it!"

Li Zhirui had been hiding in the space for several months. The moment he opened the space, he found that the formation was still activated, and he also saw three monks sitting cross-legged not far away.

Obviously, they were aware of the shortcomings of Li Zhirui's hiding method!
"Okay! Then let me see how long you can stay here!"

Li Zhirui made up his mind to fight them, but he didn't believe that these people could fight him!

Of course, he is not one to sit still and wait for death. Li Zhirui plans to revise "Earth Spirit Taoist Records" directly in space!
Anyway, there is no need to break through the realm or overcome the tribulation, just a safe and spiritually rich environment, and space is perfect for these two conditions.

As for the spiritual seed that needs to be refined in "Earth Spirit Dao Record", Li Zhirui has also chosen it, which is the mysterious spiritual seed that has not sprouted yet!

Hundreds of years have passed and it has not yet sprouted!
It's not because of the dissipation of vitality, lack of spiritual energy, etc., but simply lack of time. You can imagine how high his level is!
And Li Zhirui was born with a powerful soul, and now he has transferred to the Void Refining Realm. Naturally, the grade of the refined spirit seed will not be limited to the fourth or fifth level.

After making up his mind, Li Zhirui burned incense and took a bath. In the process, he constantly adjusted his condition to ensure that nothing went wrong, and then endured the pain of reversing the technique and dissipating the magic power.

This process of dispersing the gong lasted for three months!
Li Zhirui was suffering from intense pain all the time, feeling his own weakness.

After a ray of all-spirit mana was expelled from his body, he became a monk with no realm but no mana.

Li Zhirui did not dare to delay at all, and immediately started to run the "Earth Spirit Taoist Record". The rich spiritual energy in the space rolled in, forming a huge spiritual energy vortex in the blink of an eye.

Sitting cross-legged in the center, he was like a wild beast that was devouring everything crazily. A large amount of spiritual energy poured into his body, and after being tempered by another set of meridians, it turned into mana and entered his dantian.

Wisps of blue spiritual mist began to appear in the originally empty Dantian.

After half a month, it condensed into a thick spiritual liquid.

After more than a month, the spiritual liquid solidified and turned into a perfectly round golden elixir with intertwined green and blue colors. In just two months, Li Zhirui recovered his golden elixir cultivation, and his magic power was extremely pure.

At the same time, he also keenly felt that the magic power of "Earth Spirit Taoist Records" was more powerful and thicker, with a hint of oppression.

But it took Li Zhirui a full five years to break through Nascent Soul!
The reason for such a big change was that the mysterious spiritual seed had not yet sprouted. He could only accelerate its growth by absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy.

Fortunately, hard work paid off, and finally the spiritual seed came out of its shell.

Almost at the same time, Li Zhirui achieved Nascent Soul, and his spiritual seed left the sea of ​​consciousness. Under his control, it was planted on the highest mountain in space.

For this reason, he also deliberately transplanted other spiritual species to other places in advance.

Due to the particularity of the technique, Li Zhirui felt that the three miles around the spiritual species were under his control, and this three miles radius would be called a blessed land from now on.

Next, Li Zhirui spent twenty years to successfully restore his spiritual cultivation. As his cultivation improved, his spiritual seed quickly grew into a spiritual root that was ten feet tall!

The area of ​​the blessed land has increased dramatically, expanding from a radius of three miles to hundreds of times. Not only the entire mountain, but also the ten miles at the foot of the mountain have become a blessed land.

Obviously Li Zhirui now only has the cultivation of God Transformation, but he feels that his strength is not weaker than when he first broke through the Void Refining Realm!
Such a terrifying increase is naturally due to the specialness of the technique and the level of his spiritual seed fusion!
As the spiritual root grew, Li Zhirui discovered that this was no ordinary spiritual plant, but a spiritual root, and it was of a very high grade! It was so high that he couldn't believe it!
Because what he found inside the spiritual roots was all spiritual energy of extremely pure quality. In other words, it should not be called spiritual energy, but fairy energy!

This situation is completely telling Li Zhirui that this is an immortal spiritual root!
This is also the reason why the area of ​​Blessed Land will expand so rapidly.

Nearly thirty years have passed, and Li Zhirui has recovered his spiritual cultivation, and calmly attacks the Void Refining Realm.

But the group of monks squatting outside gradually lost their patience.

Thirty years!

Li Zhirui has never shown up, and they are not sure whether he is still inside. Moreover, maintaining a seventh-level formation costs a lot of money. Even if they share it equally, there is still a lot of pressure.

On this day, a fierce quarrel broke out between them again.

"Wait a minute! How long do I have to wait! Thirty years later, if I use the spirit stones I spent on maintaining the formation to improve my cultivation, I might be in the late stage of Void Refining now. You have to wait. You guys can wait. Bar!"

One of them yelled angrily, as if venting all the unwillingness and anger in his heart over the past few decades, and said: "I quit!"

After saying that, without waiting for the other two people to react, they turned into a spiritual light and disappeared.


One of them sighed and said: "Inform the other brothers and discuss what to do next."

A few days later, the remaining eight gathered together.

"Junior Brother Lu quits, what should we do now? Should we continue to wait?" Senior Brother Zhang, who had the highest level of cultivation, was the first to speak.

"It's better to just cancel it. There is no need to waste time and money."

"Stop your losses in time."

Most people did not want to continue and expressed their intention to quit.

As for this proposal, Junior Brother Wu, who had been convinced before, also began to doubt whether his idea was wrong, and at this time he bowed his head and remained silent.

“Since most people are planning to quit, let’s call it a day.”

After reaching an agreement, they immediately began to dismantle the formation. Within two hours, the place was restored to its original state.

But Li Zhirui, who was still practicing in the space at this time, did not know that the monks guarding him had withdrawn. It is also possible that he had forgotten about it and devoted himself wholeheartedly to revising the exercises.

He doesn't have any extra time to think about other things now, he just wants to resume his cultivation as soon as possible.

But it is foreseeable that this may not be possible in a short time.

It took Li Zhirui twenty years to break through from Yuanying to become a god, several times longer than before!
The next realm with a larger span will definitely take a lot of time, and when you break through the Void Refining, the Blessed Land will also be sublimated into a cave, which will also take a lot of time.

Therefore, Li Zhirui was ready to spend a hundred years to restore his original cultivation.


Just when Li Zhirui was still recovering in space, Wanxian Mountain once again ushered in a Void Refining Thunder Tribulation.

But it was Li Chengsheng who gained Li Chengshuo's breakthrough experience. After decades of understanding, he finally had a breakthrough.

And his accumulation over the years was clearly revealed when he overcame the tribulation. In the face of the powerful law of the sun, the fierce and terrifying tribulation thunder in the eyes of outsiders became vulnerable, and was easily burned clean by the sun's spiritual fire.

In just an hour, all the thunderstorms were over.

In the final calamity of inner demons, Li Chengsheng, who was facing the most powerful and powerful person, was burned to ashes.

"Big brother finally broke through the realm of refining the void!" Li Chengshuo was very excited and happy, but he also had a little regret, that is, his parents were not able to witness this moment.

After Li Chengsheng overcame the tribulation, he did not stay too long outside and immediately flew back to the cave. However, the main purpose of his retreat was not to consolidate his realm, but to take advantage of this special moment of breakthrough to seize the time to understand the way of heaven and improve as much as possible. own realm.

Li Chengsheng's tribulation also brought Daqing and Daqing, who had not met for a long time, to meet again.

"Brother Ninth has not come back this time after so many years?" Xiaoqing couldn't help but sigh.

Although they clearly knew that Li Zhirui was still alive, they couldn't help but feel worried.

"Maybe he is entangled in something important. With Brother Ninth's strength and the secret method of saving his life, nothing unexpected will happen." While Daqing comforted him, he was also comforting himself.

"Yes, we should hurry up and practice, lest we be overtaken by Amu and A Shen." Xiao Cang couldn't help but said.

Not only did Ashen successfully break through to the fifth level, but he was already at the mid-level of the fifth level. Amu's cultivation speed was even more astonishing. In just a few decades, he advanced by leaps and bounds from the mid-level of the fourth level to the current mid-level of the fifth level.

This terrifying speed of cultivation not only puts great pressure on Ashen, but even Daqing and the three people who have broken through the sixth level are also feeling the pressure. They have been practicing in seclusion all day long, and they dare not slack off at all. (End of chapter)

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