Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 950 Resolution

The Li family has developed rapidly in the past few decades, and its strength has greatly improved. In addition to Li Chengsheng, the virtual monks also have three spiritual beasts contracted by Jiang Fengwu. Xiaoqing's Taoist companion Fengpeng also successfully broke through a few years ago.

The remaining dragon carps and blue birds are also expected to break through to the seventh level within thirty years.

Feng Peng's cultivation speed is so fast, not only because she signed the contract earlier, but also because Xiao Qing will often practice dual cultivation with her, harmonizing yin and yang, and her magic power grows rapidly.

As for the Transformation God and Nascent Soul cultivators, it seems that they have ushered in a year of explosion. In just a few decades, the Transformation Soul has doubled, and the Yuanying Soul has soared by 1.5 times.

As for low-level monks such as Jindan and Foundation Establishment, the growth rate is even more astonishing.

It seems that after arriving in the Yuanling Realm, many bottlenecks seem to no longer exist, and the power of the thunder tribulation has also been weakened.

So much so that some tribesmen are now proposing population control and selective training, otherwise sooner or later the family will have various problems due to overpopulation.

But as soon as the proposal was uttered, the person was secretly taken away and disappeared.

No tribesman with any brains would touch this matter again.

The person who did this was naturally the handiwork of the contemporary patriarch Li Hongshi!

This young man who looked like a weak scholar was very decisive and ruthless in his actions. When he took office, he attacked various factions and established his prestige. Later, he passed a series of reforms and developments. , completely controlled the power of the family, and there was no room for the various factions to speak.

The reason why he paid so much attention to what seemed to be just a private chat among a few tribesmen, and even went too far in the way he handled it, was because Li Hongshi discovered that the matter was not that simple. Behind it were several factions who were fanning the flames and wanted to reduce the number of secular tribesmen. The proportions of a monk!
Because most of the monks in the family today were born from secular clansmen! However, there are fewer and fewer new monks in each room.

In the final analysis, after coming to the Yuanling Realm, the progress of the clan members in cultivation has been rapid, so many monks are addicted to cultivation. Coupled with the various cultivation elixirs of the Li family, they have made breakthroughs unknowingly. Golden elixir, Nascent Soul.

As we all know, the higher the cultivation level, the lower the possibility of conceiving an heir!

Coupled with the rich high-quality spiritual energy everywhere in the Yuanling world, the probability of children born to mortals possessing spiritual roots is getting higher and higher.

As a result, the strength of each house has been greatly improved, but fewer and fewer children have been born.

Of course, it is not that there is no solution, that is to treat some tribesmen with poor qualifications as breeding animals and let them produce offspring crazily.

But not to mention that Li Jiayun doesn't allow this kind of thing, even the tribesmen who are treated as breeding beasts are not willing to do it! Maybe conflicts will break out within each room.

Everyone knows that it is easier to form elixirs if you have Yuan Yin or Yuan Yang, but if you become a breeding beast, you will not only lose Yuan Yin and Yuan Yang, but you will also squeeze your own potential, and in more severe cases, you will even damage your foundation.

Faced with such a huge price, who would be willing to give up hundreds or even thousands of years of life just to be forced to have a child?
As for why the houses didn’t bring back the original mortal descendants? Because there is no way to get it back!
This tells a story from a long time ago.

When Li Mingzi was still in Xuanyuan Realm as the family patriarch, she discovered that the family faction was somewhat powerful. In order to prevent some of them from strengthening themselves, she issued an order.

All the heirs of monks, as long as their spiritual roots are not detected at the age of five, will not only leave the clan and be sent to the villages and towns of secular clansmen to be raised, but they will also be sent away by the family to conceal their identity, and they will have nothing to do with their biological parents!
If anyone dares to contact him privately, he will be severely punished.

As a result, monks do not know their own children, and mortals do not know their biological parents.

It seems too unkind, but this approach has greatly restricted the growth of each house's strength and the surge in the number of people, so that most of the monks in the family will not come from each house.

Looking back now, I feel that Li Mingzi's decision had a strong strategic vision and relieved a lot of troubles for those who came after him.

Facing the major hidden dangers in each house, they are also racking their brains to find a way out so that their house will not fail many years later.

"How about being cruel and forcing some juniors with poor qualifications to marry more wives and concubines. As for the cultivation problems they are worried about, the public treasury will compensate them and ensure that they can break through the golden elixir." An old man frowned. road.

"It's not appropriate. If the public treasury provides funding, other people will have objections." Another old man shook his head and said, "I think it is better to encourage the juniors to reproduce and then issue rewards. This at least maintains fairness."

"Do you think the public treasury is still very rich?" The old man sitting at the top said coldly: "What is the situation of the public treasury? Do you have no idea?"

The public treasury of each room apparently means that all the monks in the room will hand over certain resources, and they will be compensated when encountering situations such as sacrifice in the line of duty, or rewards for breaking through to the gods.

But in fact, there are a lot of tricks here, and they are basically divided up by several clan elders and used to cultivate outstanding descendants of their own.

How to solve the problem if public funds are needed? Just bring out some spiritual objects and show off.

Anyway, everyone already understands this matter tacitly.

Especially since they have not been able to control the family rights for many years, they have been marginalized and unable to extract benefits from the family. The reserves of spiritual objects in the public treasury have been declining again and again.

"It's all this damn Li Hongshi's fault! And Li Xiansong and Li Mingzi! If they hadn't been so nosy, our lives wouldn't have been so miserable!" A certain clan elder suddenly said angrily.

Several clan elders spoke out and criticized their various actions, as if they had never done anything beneficial to the family during their tenure.

When people are incompetent, they always have the habit of blaming all the reasons on others.

This sentence is well reflected in them.

"I think the culprit is still the ancestor. If he hadn't sided with the clan leader, how could we have ended up like this? Why should we be treated differently! Aren't we from the Li family?"

As soon as these words came out, the scene fell into a dead silence.

But when he said these words, no one interrupted him, which was enough to show a lot of things. For example, everyone present more or less agreed with these words.

"Okay, now we are discussing how to solve the most important problem at hand!" After a while, the leader of the clan spoke up to break the weird atmosphere in the hall.

But what effective solution can a group of old men and women who only think about exploitation, selfishness and self-interest come up with?
And their conversation was not unexpectedly known to Li Hongshi.

"Ha! A bunch of old people who only know how to blame others! How could your family ever treat you poorly and yet you still feel dissatisfied? Demeaning Ruizu!" Li Hongshi's face was as cold as frost, and a dangerous glint flashed in his eyes.

If anyone familiar with him saw this scene, they would know that he must be thinking of some dangerous idea again.

"Have it!"

A flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in Li Hongshi's mind, and he immediately summoned all the elders and clan elders to the main hall. Half an hour later, everyone who could come was present.

"A powerful and well-established force not only has a present and a future, but it must also be based on and rooted in the past!"

Li Hongshi said impassionedly: "Everyone must know that because of some unspeakable event, the family's past has been completely destroyed, but this is absolutely not possible! The family cannot appear out of thin air."

"In order to solve this hidden danger, a large number of wise and experienced old people are needed to solve this matter!"

As soon as these words came out, the clan elders present felt bad in their hearts.

As expected, Li Hongshi immediately said: "I think all the clan elders are the most suitable and qualified to take on this important task! Therefore, this glorious and arduous task will be handed over to all the clan elders present!"

"Clan Chief, this matter is too important. I am too old and weak to take on this important responsibility. Please ask the Clan Chief to take back his life." A clan elder who looked like his hair and beard were all white stood up tremblingly and bowed. pleaded.

"Don't worry, clan elders. You don't need to write this yourself. You just need to provide your ideas. It's not hard work. A garden will be built specifically for you. The environment is beautiful and more suitable for you to recuperate." Li Hongshi said softly with relief.

He wouldn't worry if they really let them do it themselves. Li Hongshi's purpose of doing this was to find something to trip them up, and it had to be something important, cumbersome, time-consuming, and reducing contact with the outside world.

And fabricating the past history of the family best meets these conditions!
As for the garden Li Hongshi mentioned? In fact, it is a small hill outside Wanxian Mountain that was originally intended to be used to build a medicinal garden. It is full of wild charm.

"Do you have any doubts? Or are you unwilling to contribute to the family?" Li Hongshi frowned and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

When it comes to this, how can those clan elders dare to refuse? I can only nod in agreement.

"Without further delay, you all should go back and pack your bags now. We will set off in half an hour." Li Hongshi did not give them any chance to delay and said, "At that time, I will invite them one by one."

"Everyone, get ready to go."

A group of old men left the family hall with ugly expressions.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

After the clan elders returned to their caves, no one was cursing, but they didn't forget anything they needed to prepare.

Half an hour passed quickly, and everyone arrived as promised, except for a few people who couldn't carry it.

Li Hongshi also followed his words and went directly to the door to invite them out.

The hill was very close, and the spirit ship landed in less than half a quarter of an hour. Where there were originally only a few simple caves, there are now various pavilions.

"I'm going to trouble you all next!"

Li Hongshi had nothing to talk about with them. After settling them, he set off back to Wanxian Mountain.

Without the control of these old people in the family, he immediately seized the opportunity to weaken the faction. The main method was to lure the younger generation and let them vent their dissatisfaction with the unreasonable hierarchical system and worship system within each house. mood.

In fact, the original intention of establishing each house was good. At that time, the Li family was not strong enough. In order to stay together and stay warm, everyone helped each other.

But as the family becomes stronger and stronger, many things change.

Especially the younger generation, they do not enjoy those benefits and benefits, but are greatly oppressed and do not have deep feelings for each house.

Li Hongshi did not go too far, because he knew that forming cliques was the nature of the human race and could not be suppressed. His current actions were mainly to maintain a fairer environment within the family.

Instead of dividing the direct line, collateral line, branch line, and so on like each house.

But even so, each house has become fragmented, and there is no strong cohesion as before. Only those who have been enjoying the benefits and benefits are still struggling to maintain it.

But he said that it was in a certain mountain forest in the distant Dongyuan Prefecture.

Li Zhirui still didn't know that there was no one outside, and he was still absorbing spiritual energy to improve his cultivation and speed up the growth of his spiritual roots.

Fortunately, there is enough spiritual energy in the space, otherwise with his terrifying absorption capacity, the family's current spiritual veins may not be able to support the cultivation of him and all the clan members at the same time.

"According to the current speed of cultivation, it will probably take more than a hundred years to resume cultivation." After some estimation, Li Zhirui couldn't help but frowned.

He doesn't need to consider the issue of longevity, because he can live for thousands of years, but he doesn't want to wait so long.

In order to speed up the progress, Li Zhirui decided to refine a large number of treasure pills to quickly increase his mana.

The reason why I didn’t take treasure pills before was because my cultivation speed was fast enough, but now I can’t. The growth of that immortal spiritual root requires too much spiritual energy. If I just absorb the spiritual energy, the growth rate is too slow!

In fact, the main reason for the current situation is that Li Zhirui was recovering his cultivation instead of practicing, and did not give his spiritual roots sufficient time to grow.

When he resumes his cultivation and doesn't have to be in such a hurry, this problem won't be as serious as it is now.

Just when Li Zhirui was immersed in practicing hard, a monk suddenly emerged from the thick sand and mud deep in a certain area of ​​the East China Sea.

And this person is none other than Jiang Fengwu, who left Wanxian Mountain in a hurry just after consolidating his realm!
She was so anxious to leave in the first place because of this underwater ruins!
While looking for an opportunity to refine the void, Jiang Fengwu accidentally discovered a very hidden formation here. If she hadn't been proficient in the formation and happened to encounter an earthquake on the bottom of the sea, the formation would have experienced an extremely slight fluctuation. There was no way she would find out.

At that time, Jiang Fengwu felt that he had encountered a huge opportunity, but he never thought that he could not even find the formation, let alone enter it and find the opportunity.

So at that time, she was just a god, so she could only leave in disappointment, thinking that she would try it again after she broke through the Void Refining.

The reason why Jiang Fengwu concealed the matter and didn't tell Li Zhirui was that he didn't want them to worry.

Second, she was not sure that she could break the formation. If she invited them to come, but ended up wasting decades, she would feel bad about it. (End of chapter)

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