Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 951 Surprise

And this is indeed the case.

Jiang Fengwu originally thought that after he broke through the Void Refining, his formation realm had improved a lot. Even if he could crack this formation in a short time, at least it would not be a problem to discover its existence.

But reality gave her a heavy blow!
For a full fifty years, Jiang Fengwu stayed in this sea area for fifty years. During this period, he encountered high-level sea tribes countless times and fell into dangerous situations many times.

But he couldn't even sense the existence of the formation, so he could only rely on the impression he had at the beginning and groping hard on the bottom of the sea.

And Jiang Fengwu emerged from the bottom of the sea this time, not because she found the formation, but because she had just experienced a battle and was severely exhausted, so she needed to return to land to recover.


Just when she was about to leave, a huge roar suddenly erupted from the bottom of the sea, the seawater shook violently, and the originally calm sea surface also stirred up waves.

"Undersea earthquake!"

Jiang Fengwu's eyes suddenly lit up, he immediately changed his preparations, turned around and escaped into the seabed.

But in this process, she needs to fight against the power of heaven and earth. Even though Jiang Fengwu is a Void Refining monk, he still seems insignificant in front of this tsunami.

But this is the only way for her to find out the formation as soon as possible. If she misses this tsunami, then without advancing further in her formation realm, she will have no way to enter the ruins in the formation and get this chance. Jiang Fengwu felt a great opportunity.

So no matter how great the difficulty is, Jiang Fengwu must rush out!
"The power of heaven and earth cannot be resisted, so just follow the trend!"

As a formation master, what Jiang Fengwu is best at is following the trend, because the formation relies on the power of heaven and earth to exert far beyond ordinary power.

Her soul was empty, feeling the fluctuations of the tsunami, as if she suddenly became a piece of sea water, blending into it, and drifting with the current.

When he got close to the formation, Jiang Fengwu turned into a small fish again, and with a slight jump, he left the huge waves raging on the bottom of the sea.

And the formation she had been exploring for fifty years without discovering it finally showed its flaws in the face of the disaster of heaven and earth!

And unlike what she had seen before, where there was only a slight fluctuation because it was the end of the tsunami, the entire formation was displayed before her eyes!
After Jiang Fengwu saw the formation, she didn't think about taking the opportunity to directly crack it, because she saw that it was a seventh-level formation!
Even though some damage has occurred due to various natural disasters that have erupted in the ocean as time has passed, and its power has been weakened a lot, it is definitely not something she can eliminate in a short time.

Therefore, Jiang Fengwu unleashed all his spiritual consciousness, trying to remember every detail of the formation. At the same time, he also activated all the image stones in his hands to record the formation as comprehensively as possible, so that he could understand it repeatedly in the future.

About half an hour later, the tsunami completely subsided, and the formation quickly disappeared and disappeared.

If it weren't for her extremely painful soul and the records in the image stone, it would seem that those complicated formations just now were nothing more than an illusion.

"It's time to go back!"

With the clear formation patterns in hand, Jiang Fengwu doesn't have to worry about delaying the training time of other tribesmen. He can summon some close and trustworthy tribesmen to jointly decipher the formations and enter the ruins as soon as possible.

Although the ruins have existed in this sea area for many years and have not been cracked until now, if a monk or a sea tribe has discovered the clues before her and takes the lead, wouldn't this opportunity be lost?

Therefore, Jiang Fengwu must race against time and seize the time.

After having an idea in his mind, he left the disaster-stricken seabed and flew towards the Ten Thousand Immortals Mountain as fast as possible.


However, it was said that after Li Chengsheng broke through the void refining, when he realized the sun gem for the first time, he found that he seemed to be able to refine the true sun fire!

If he successfully refines it, he will have a smooth journey in the Void Refining Realm and reach the Fusion Realm smoothly.

With the true fire of the sun, are we still worried about the problem of the soul's yangization? Li Chengsheng only needs to control the power of the true sun fire, and he will have enough time to absorb the yang energy, instead of being like other monks who can only absorb the primordial yang energy.

Therefore, he originally planned to leave seclusion, and after speaking to Li Chengshuo and others using the transmission talisman, he went into seclusion again to cultivate, hoping to refine the true fire of the sun as soon as possible.

Although Li Chengsheng didn't react much to Li Chengshuo surpassing him and breaking through Lianxu first, in fact he was still a little depressed.

After all, his cultivation has been higher since childhood, and he has always accepted the concept of protecting Li Chengshuo.

So now that there is a shortcut to surpass Li Chengshuo, how could Li Chengsheng give up?

Of course, before retreating, he had entrusted his family to help collect sixth-level solar spiritual objects and help three spiritual beasts advance to bloodline levels.

A few years later, Jiang Fengwu returned to Wanxian Mountain safely.

The first time she came back, she summoned Li Chengshuo and some of the formation masters she had taught.

This was the first time Jiang Fengwu did such a thing after entering the Li family, which surprised everyone who knew her well.

"Mom, what's wrong? Did something big happen?" Li Chengshuo was the first to arrive, asking with worry on his face.

Jiang Fengwu shook his head and said, "It's a good thing. Let's announce it together after everyone is here."

Not long after, all the formation masters who could come had arrived.

Seeing this, Jiang Fengwu set up a soundproof formation. Seeing how solemn she was, everyone's expressions became more serious, and the atmosphere was serious, waiting for her to speak.

"Don't be so nervous, this is a good thing! It can help everyone improve their formation realm."

After appeasing everyone, Jiang Fengwu revealed the reason why she summoned everyone, "I was practicing outside before and accidentally discovered a mysterious seventh-level formation. At that time, on a whim, I sensed that there was a huge opportunity in the formation. But at that time, I was suffering from insufficient cultivation and couldn't even see all the formations, so I could only leave in frustration. "

Everyone looked startled, and couldn't help but feel excited. It made Jiang Fengwu feel that the opportunity was grand, and for them, it was very likely to change their destiny!

Forcibly suppressing the excitement in his heart, he continued to listen to Jiang Fengwu's story about what happened next.

"When I broke through the Void Refining, I left my family immediately in order to crack the great formation. But the formation was more profound than I thought. I couldn't find even a clue in fifty years. If it weren't for a coincidence, I encountered a huge tsunami, which shook the formation. I’m afraid I’m still groping at the bottom of the sea.”

After saying that, Jiang Fengwu smiled and said: "I used the photo stone to completely record the formation, and you are all the people with the highest level of formation in the family. I need your help to break the formation together!"

"I hereby promise that as long as the formation is cracked, everyone can choose three spiritual objects from the ruins. If the number of spiritual objects is not enough, I will compensate you with the same number of spiritual objects of the same grade!" "If anyone is unwilling. Participate, you can voluntarily withdraw now, but you must swear not to leak any information!"

Faced with such a precious opportunity, naturally no one was willing to quit. Everyone looked at Jiang Fengwu with excitement, hoping that she would immediately take out the image stone for them to understand.

Li Chengshuo still maintained his last trace of calmness and asked: "Mom, now that the secret realm is closed, do you think it contains opportunities, but it may also contain dangers. Can we deal with it with our strength?"

"What you said makes sense." Jiang Fengwu was indeed dazzled by the opportunity and did not expect to be so comprehensive.

One of the tribesmen said: "You can call Rui Ancestor and all the spiritual ancestors. With so many Void Refining monks here, even if you encounter a merged creature, you may not have no chance of winning. After all, he doesn't know how many times he has been sealed by the formation." Years later, it is impossible to maintain the strength of the heyday.”

As for why not talk about higher realms? Because the formation is a seventh-level formation that can seal high-level creatures for a while, it is absolutely impossible to trap an opponent for hundreds or even thousands of years just by relying on the formation.

"Of course, in this way, some spiritual objects will have to be distributed to the ancestors, but compared with their lives, this effort is worth it."

As soon as this was said, most people agreed.

After all, even if there are a large number of spiritual objects, if there is no life flower, what is the use?
After everyone discussed it, in order to crack the formation better and faster, they found a secluded place in Wanxian Mountain, set up the formation to prevent anyone from disturbing them for no reason, and began to concentrate on understanding.

Facing the complex and complex seventh-level formations with mysterious patterns, Jiang Fengwu and Li Chengshuo were all slow to comprehend it, let alone other tribesmen whose realms were not as good as the two of them.

But even so, no one gave up. Instead, they worked harder, trying to penetrate the formation pattern as soon as possible and crack the formation step by step.

Fortunately, their efforts were not in vain. With everyone's constant deductions and attempts, they were able to figure out the formation pattern bit by bit, and as time went by, they cracked the formation pattern faster and faster.

In the beginning, it took several years for more than a dozen people to work together to create a formation pattern, but now, it only takes half a year at the slowest time, and a few months at the most fast time. Moreover, the number of people has been reduced, and more groups can be divided into groups.

By adopting the form of group work, Jiang Fengwu takes care of these tribesmen who are not sufficiently cultivated, hoping that they can work together to understand the formation pattern more easily.

And a strange phenomenon occurred, that is, their formation realm exceeded their cultivation realm!

In other words, theoretically, a god-forming monk can arrange a sixth-order formation!

Of course, this is just a theory, because the god-transforming monks do not have such huge magic power and powerful spiritual consciousness, and cannot support complex sixth-level formations.

But this was already a huge surprise to them.

Thinking again about the opportunity to be protected by the formation, everyone burst out with even greater enthusiasm!
According to the current progress, they will understand all the formation patterns in another twenty years. It will take them another few decades to crack the formation, and then they can go to the East China Sea and explore the opportunities in the formation.

So far, it has only taken them more than twenty years.

This speed has far exceeded Jiang Fengwu's initial estimate.


"How should I open up a cave in the space, and finally integrate the entire space into it, so that it can be sublimated into a small world in the future?" Li Zhirui, sitting cross-legged under the fairy root, frowned and thought about his future direction.

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of any good solution. In desperation, he could only cross the river by feeling the stones, practicing while thinking of a solution.

Li Zhirui arranged a daily practice schedule for himself, in which two-thirds of the time was spent practicing and the remaining time was spent refining treasure pills.

He was able to spend so much time on cultivation because he was recovering his cultivation. After years of tempering, his meridians were strong enough that other people would not be able to withstand them.

If he practices strictly according to the plan, Li Zhirui feels that he will be able to return to the realm of virtual refining in sixty or seventy years.

There is no need to return to the middle stage of Void Refining. With the blessing of the Cave Heaven, his strength is comparable to that of the late stage of Void Refining. Coupled with sufficient mana, he may not be able to break out of the trap!

In order to return to Wanxian Mountain as soon as possible, Li Zhirui didn't waste any more time. After calming down, he took a treasure pill and started to run his skills. Huge spiritual energy rolled in, and the treasure pill in his mouth turned into streams of pure liquid. The spiritual liquid flows into the Dantian along the meridians.

In the Ten Thousand Immortals Mountain, Jiang Fengwu and others worked day and night to crack the formation; outside the Ten Thousand Immortals Mountain, Li Zhirui practiced hard in order to recover his cultivation as soon as possible.

They work so hard just to go further and smoother on the road!

There are no Jiazi in the mountains, and it is so cold that I don’t know the year.

Time flies and it is more than sixty years later.

On this day, a terrifying pressure suddenly erupted in the calm space. The laws of space began to converge, and a small cave sky swallowed up all the blessed land.

This process lasted for three months!
The cave genius can be regarded as a complete body.

The area of ​​this new cave was very large, far exceeding Li Zhirui's expectations.

Therefore, it also brought him a huge surprise, that is, with the blessing of the larger cave sky, his strength has been further improved, comparable to the perfection of refining the void!

"It's time to go back!"

Li Zhirui looked at the tree not far away with lush branches and leaves, a canopy-like crown, a purple-red trunk, and spiritual roots emitting five colors of auspicious light, and once again lamented his destiny.

If it weren't for this immortal spiritual root, the area of ​​the Blessed Land would not have grown so rapidly, the cave would not be as big as it is now, and there would not be blessings beyond expectations.

It's just that Li Zhirui left the space with great satisfaction. The scene he imagined of using his own strength to forcefully break the formation and dissipate away did not appear.

Because the formation that forced him to hide in the space and immediately modify the technique has long since disappeared!

"That's right, who would wait here for nearly a hundred years for an uncertain guess?" Li Zhirui shook his head, with a hint of disappointment in his words.

He really wanted to practice this formation and test his strength.

"Well, let's go back quickly. After so many years of experience outside, I don't know what happened to the family." Li Zhirui sighed and put it behind him.

Just as Li Zhirui was on his way, he passed dozens of formation masters such as Jiang Fengwu and Li Chengshuo. After spending nearly a hundred years, he finally successfully cracked this seventh-level formation! (End of chapter)

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