Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 952 Negotiation

"Thank you for your hard work over the years!" Jiang Fengwu's voice was full of fatigue, but her eyes were full of excitement, because she would soon have access to that mysterious formation!

Moreover, in the past few decades of cracking formations, her formation realm has been greatly improved. I dare not say that she can crack the seventh-level formations alone, but at least the sixth-level mountain-protecting formation on Wanxian Mountain is now In Jiang Fengwu's eyes, there were no less than ten flaws that could be improved.

The most important thing is that she can unite everyone to recreate this formation and become the Li family's new mountain-protecting formation to enhance the family's defense capabilities.

"It's not hard work!" Li Chengshuo and others responded loudly.

Although their cultivation level has not progressed, their realm has made a lot of progress. As long as they explore the ruins, they can practice in seclusion with peace of mind and improve their own strength.

Overall, these decades have not been wasted.

"Okay! I will give you one year to recover and ensure that you are in your prime. Then we will go to the sea to break the formation and explore the ruins together!"

Although Jiang Fengwu couldn't wait to explore the ruins, she knew in her heart that with everyone's current state, they didn't have much ability to resist any danger once they encountered any danger in the ruins.

Whether it is for your own safety, or for the sake of everyone and your family, now is not the best time.

Another point is that Jiang Fengwu also needs time to summon Daqing, Xiaoqing and other people from the Void Refining Clan. After all, everyone is busy practicing, and it cannot be done in a short time.

"Go back and adjust your breath quickly to recover. I will inform you when we set off."

Everyone did not doubt his presence, and after saluting, they flew away one after another.

After Jiang Fengwu sent out the communication talisman to all the Lianxu people, he closed the door of the quiet room without waiting for their reply.


At the same time, Li Zhirui was also rushing back to Wanxian Mountain day and night.

With the blessing of Dongtian, he didn't have to worry about consuming too much mana and being unable to resist when in danger, so Li Zhirui never stopped along the way.

It was tens of thousands of miles away, and it only took him more than half a year to cross it. The speed was simply astonishing.

After entering Shanyuan Prefecture, Li Zhirui's speed continued unabated, and it didn't take long before he returned to Wanxian Mountain after a long absence.

"Finally home!"

This is the first time he has been away from his family for such a long time since his ascension! It was inevitable that he would be worried about his family's situation, so Li Zhirui ran all the way.

And when he saw Wanxian Mountain, which was very different from what he had in mind, he couldn't help but frown. Did an accident really happen?

Fortunately, the next moment Li Zhirui saw the spiritual beast riding on the mountain patrol monk and the familiar clothes on his body, and he immediately felt relieved.

"Ruizu! You're back!" The two Yuan Ying realm patrolling tribesmen recognized Li Zhirui at the first sight and shouted in surprise.

A flash of surprise flashed through Li Zhirui's heart. Not to mention that he had not been in the family these years, even when he was in Wanxian Mountain, he spent most of his time practicing in seclusion, yet there was still a junior who recognized him immediately?

What he didn't know was that in order to weaken the factions within the family, the contemporary patriarch Li Hongshi made a big statement that Li Zhirui would almost single-handedly lead the family to the current powerful situation, making him an idol worshiped and respected by the young clan members.

Instead of being suppressed by those old people based on their status and age.

"Yes." Li Zhirui responded and asked, "Why has there been such a big change in Wanxian Mountain?"

"It's because the Dongyuan Sect led one side of Taixu Illusion a hundred years ago. In the process of integrating with Dongyuan State, due to its huge area, it was integrated into the nearby states. The family also benefited a lot from this. Not only did the mountain become taller , the level of the spiritual veins has been improved, and there are nine more sixth-level purifying spiritual springs."

The two tribesmen were excited by Li Zhirui's questions, but they still answered his doubts in a clear and logical manner.

"You have worked hard on patrolling the mountain, I won't delay you too much, just practice hard."

With that said, Li Zhirui used his magic power to hold two bottles of fourth-level treasure pills in front of them, while he himself ducked into the clan territory.

"Thank you Ruizu!"

The two of them did not expect that they could not only communicate with their idol, but also receive a reward from him. Their faces flushed with excitement, and they fell into extreme excitement.

On the other side, Li Zhirui, who entered the Ten Thousand Immortals Mountain, keenly discovered that the spiritual energy in the clan's land had become richer. Most importantly, there was also a hint of lotus fragrance, which made people feel relaxed and happy when they breathed.

"I didn't expect that the fusion of Taixu and Illusion would bring such great benefits to the family."

If you think more deeply, this may not have anything to do with him. After all, Li Zhirui's destiny is integrated with the Li family, and he has made the greatest contribution in the process of merging the Taixu Illusion Realm. Yuanling Tiandao cannot be without a little bit. reward.

If Li Zhirui's guess is correct, apart from the Dongyuan Sect, it is probably the Li family that has benefited the most.

"It would be great if the family could encounter Taixu Illusion once, even if it is just a small world." Li Zhirui imagined how much changes would occur after Wanxian Mountain merged with Taixu Illusion.

Unfortunately, this can only be thought about.

Apart from this, the Li family is not even qualified to enter the void, let alone discover a small world that is falling into ruins from the vast chaos, and they have to take action to drag it into the Yuanling Realm.

The only ones who can do this are those who are powerful in the fairyland!
Therefore, instead of dreaming about illusions, it is better to hope that the Dongyuan Sect will once again lead the Taixu illusion, and the Li family can get some benefits and consolidate their own heritage.

Another big change in the clan is that the number of clan members has increased! The strength is also stronger!
On the huge Wanxian Mountain, various caves that were originally sparsely distributed are now somewhat compact, and the auras flying in the mountain are more colorful.

You must know that the Li family only allows clansmen above the Golden Core level to fly in the clan's territory. All clansmen below the Golden Core realm can only use wind travel or speed travel, which are spells that speed up their running speed.

Thinking that his family was getting stronger, a smile appeared on Li Zhirui's face involuntarily.

Even though the family didn't help him much in his cultivation, it actually gave him a great help. For example, many low-level spiritual objects needed for alchemy were provided by the family.

And like when he goes out to practice, his spiritual realm is also guarded. He doesn't have to live in the cities or fairy cities of other forces like other loose cultivators. Many of them are not protected.

The news of Li Zhirui's return to Wanxian Mountain, although he did not deliberately publicize it, spread throughout the entire family within an hour. Almost all the clan members who were not in a state of cultivation knew that the highest-ranking ancestor of the family was outside. After a hundred years of experience, he finally returned.

However, he did have a very important matter that he had to hold a meeting to discuss with the clan leader, a group of elders, as well as Jiang Fengwu, Daqing and other Lianxu clan members.

It just took some time to gather everyone, so Li Zhirui returned to the spiritual realm to rest.

"Brother Ninth! You are finally back!" Daqing and others were extremely excited after receiving the message. The moment they finished practicing, they flew towards the purification spiritual realm.

When they saw Li Zhirui for the first time, they couldn't help but be stunned and said in disbelief: "Brother Ninth, why has your cultivation level dropped?"

"It's a long story. Let's explain it all at the conference."

Li Zhirui didn't want to waste any more words, after all, the matter was a bit complicated, but seeing everyone's worried faces, he smiled and reassured: "Don't worry, not only am I fine, but it is also a huge opportunity for the family."

"Why is it another huge opportunity? Sister-in-law Jiu also said the same thing some time ago." Xiaoqing curled her lips, very dissatisfied with his way of remaining mysterious.


Li Zhirui raised his eyebrows slightly and asked curiously: "Feng Wu is back? What opportunity did she encounter?"

"If you don't tell me, I won't tell you either. You can ask Sister-in-law yourself after she comes out of confinement." Xiao Qing said angrily.

Daqing and the others on the side also tacitly kept their mouths shut.

"Two huge opportunities have come one after another. It seems that the family is about to rise." Li Zhirui didn't care much and instead joked with a smile.

Then he asked about some important events that the family had encountered in the past hundred years, as well as the difficulties that Daqing and the others encountered in cultivation.

When Li Zhirui heard about Li Hongshi's various measures to divide and suppress various factions without showing mercy, he couldn't help but nodded and commented: "An extremely excellent patriarch!"

Speaking of which, the successive patriarchs of the Li family were all very good. Even Li Darong, the patriarch who had no choice but to take the position, had his own abilities and insights in handling family affairs and family development during his tenure.

This is also an important factor for the Li family to maintain rapid development.

Then he explained to Daqing and others the problems they encountered in cultivation, and then left again.

After waiting for almost a month, Jiang Fengwu and Li Chengshuo were almost out of seclusion.

After the last two Void Refining cultivators came out of seclusion, the conference convened by Li Zhirui could finally begin.

After everyone arrived, Li Zhirui activated the formation that came with the family hall, and at the same time set up restrictions to prevent any detection methods and ensure that no one would eavesdrop on the contents.

Of course, it is definitely impossible to guard against those Mahayana, Tribulation and other monks, but no high-level monks will pay attention to a Lianxu family.

"I have been out here for a hundred years and gained a lot..."

Li Zhirui briefly explained what he did in the Taixu Illusion Realm, focusing on his subsequent experience of modifying the exercises. He only modified his experience of being trapped in the formation and having to hide in space to modify the exercises. .

"The "All Souls Sutra" passed down by the family can only be cultivated to the Mahayana realm. Subsequent realms need to be deduced and perfected by the family itself."

"And I obtained the "Earth Spirit Dao Record" in the Taixu Illusion Realm. Although no one has cultivated to the fairyland, there may be some flaws, but it has a complete method."

Then Li Zhirui elaborated on the advantages and disadvantages of the latter.

The advantage is obvious, that is, with the blessing of Blessed Land or Cave Heaven, your strength will exceed your own cultivation level, and you will have a very complete inheritance, from the Qi Training Realm to the Tribulation Overcoming Realm!
The disadvantages are also obvious. Without his opportunity, the blessed land and cave heaven can only be fixed in one place, and the cultivation speed is relatively slow. Later, because the cave heaven will be sublimated into a small world, a lot of time will be spent to fill in the rules, which will slow down the time to become an immortal. .

Li Zhirui gave everyone some time to digest the information, and after a moment, he continued: "So, do you think we should use "Earth Spirit Dao Record" to replace "All Spirits Scripture" as the family's future inheritance technique, or there are other Ideas can also be brought forward.”

Everyone frowned and pondered. It seemed that "Earth Spirit Taoist Records" had a bright future. There was no need to worry about there being no way forward. They had to carve out their own path.

But the slow speed of cultivation makes many people worried.

The biggest advantage of "The Book of All Spirits" is that after contracting a spirit beast, you can slightly improve your qualifications and speed up your practice. Also, the improvement of the contracted spirit beast's cultivation level will feed back a burst of mana, saving a lot of practice time.

"Ruizu, what do you think of this?"

Li Hongshi stood up and said: "List both techniques as the fundamental inheritance of the family, state the advantages and disadvantages of both, and let the clan members choose for themselves."

"After all, many clan members have poor qualifications, and they are more likely to break through to a higher level by practicing the "All Spirits Sutra". Moreover, the family has gained a lot of experience in practicing the "All Spirits Sutra" over the years, and has certain experience in cultivating spiritual beasts. Scored."

"Those tribesmen who want to go further can practice "Earth Spirit Dao Lu". Besides, Ruizu, didn't you also say that you can practice "Earth Spirit Dao Lu" perfectly? If you find a way to solve the shortcomings in the future, Just transfer directly."

Hearing this, Li Zhirui nodded secretly in his heart. Li Hongshi's method had taken all aspects into consideration and was very much in line with his wishes.

In fact, during his years of cultivation, he had already had some thoughts on solving the shortcomings of having the blessed land and the cave in the same place.

According to Li Zhirui's idea, he only needs to find a spiritual seed that has its own space in the body, or can open up a space, and can be carried around, and then refine it using secret methods.

Or look for some special spiritual seeds, such as spiritual seeds that can take root in the sea of ​​consciousness, Dantian, and flesh and blood.

But these are just some ideas, and it is not easy to express them, lest they fail to succeed in the end and disappoint everyone, causing some tribesmen to have difficulties in cultivation.

Next, let's see if others can offer advice or have a better way.

There were a lot of opinions, but for most of them, Li Hongshi could come up with solutions, but there was no better way.

After a few hours, no one spoke again.

"If you have no opinion, let's vote by a show of hands."

After saying that, Li Zhirui raised his hand first.

Da Qing, Xiao Qing and all the high-level spirit beasts raised their hands, because they can also practice "Earth Spirit Dao Record"!
Compared with the techniques inherited from their own blood, the "Earth Spirit Dao Lu" is obviously of a higher grade.

And according to what Li Zhirui said, the part of the soul that they signed the contract to fuse can be transferred to the spiritual seed!

In other words, if they or the monk accidentally fell, the other party would not die as a result. At most, the spiritual seed would be severely damaged.

But you must know that the vitality of plants is extremely strong. Dead trees can sprout new sprouts when spring comes. After a serious injury, as long as they are taken care of properly, there is a high probability that they can be restored! (End of chapter)

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