Rebuild the Xiuxian Family

Chapter 953 Inheritance

In addition, Jiang Fengwu, Li Chengsheng and other people from the Lianxu and Huashen tribes all raised their hands in agreement.

As Li Zhirui said, after practicing the "All Spirits Sutra" to the Mahayana realm, there is no way forward, you must either revise it or carve your own way forward.

But it is not easy to perfect the original technique, and it is even more difficult than creating your own technique to some extent. Not to mention that you will not see results in a short period of time, you may not be able to succeed in your lifetime.

Since there is now a method that is more perfect and can fully accommodate the "All Spirits Sutra", it is certainly impossible for them to refuse it. Is it possible that they will cling to it and refuse to change it, and eventually die at the end of their lifespan?

As for the disadvantages, no method is perfect. If it has advantages, it will also have disadvantages.

However, some elders are worried that after switching to the "Earth Spirit Dao Record", the binding force of the contract will not be as strong as before, and whether the spirit beasts will defect.

It can only be said that they think too much.

Not to mention the friendship they have gotten along with for many years, even if there really is that kind of white-eyed wolf spiritual beast, after revamping the cultivation method, the spiritual seed will be planted on the Ten Thousand Immortals Mountain. If their cultivation is basically here, where can they escape to?
The solution that Li Zhirui thought of to solve the problem of not being able to carry blessed lands and caves is still just an idea. Whether there is such a spiritual seed and whether it can achieve the effect he expected is still unknown. There is no need to think so far away now.

In short, Li Hongshi's proposal was successfully passed, and the "All Spirits Sutra" and "Earth Spirit Dao Lu" were listed as family inheritance exercises at the same time, allowing the clansmen to choose their own path.

After taking care of the family's inheritance of skills, Li Zhirui originally thought that he could practice safely, continue to recover his cultivation, and launch an attack towards the late stage of cultivation.

After all, when he was in the earth spirit world, because of the favor of heaven, he not only understood the integration and even the Mahayana realm in advance, but his own realm also broke through to the late stage of refining the void.

Moreover, Li Zhirui himself is also looking forward to whether, with the blessing of Dongtian, he can compete with the combined monks after he returns to the middle stage of Void Refining.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Fengwu brought him a huge surprise.

"Zhirui, weren't you curious before about why I was so anxious to go out and practice as soon as I consolidated my realm?"

Before purifying the spiritual realm, Li Chengsheng, Li Chengshuo, and their contracted spirit beasts all gathered here. Jiang Fengwu began to talk about her experiences back then, focusing on how when she discovered the formation, her spiritual senses beat wildly, reminding her that it contained huge powers. Opportunity.

"...Through the unremitting efforts of me, Shuo'er and all the formation masters in my family, we successfully cracked the formation a year ago and plan to go to the East China Sea to explore the ruins in the near future."

After saying that, she turned her attention to Li Zhirui and said, "Because I am worried that there may be danger in the ruins, I want to invite everyone to go together."

"If there are a lot of spiritual objects in the ruins, I can let you choose."

Depending on the level of the spiritual items, the number of selected spiritual items will naturally vary, but they have to be ranked behind her and the formation mages. After all, they have the greatest contribution.

After finishing speaking, Jiang Fengwu remained silent, waiting for Li Zhirui to speak.

"Seventh level formation?"

There was a hint of surprise in Li Zhirui's tone. Let's not mention whether there are ruins and many spiritual objects, but the fact that they can attack the high-level formation at a low-level level and crack it is already a big deal for them. A rare opportunity.

“If God doesn’t take what he wants, he will suffer the consequences!”

Li Zhirui didn't think about it for long before he said with a smile: "The formation has existed on the seabed for so many years without being discovered, and you just happened to pass by and felt something about it. It can be seen that this opportunity was specially prepared for you. , the family will naturally fully support you!"

After receiving Li Zhirui's affirmative reply, Jiang Fengwu finally felt relieved.

Although his current cultivation level is declining instead of increasing, he himself admitted that his strength has increased greatly, which is comparable to that of Lianxu Perfection, and is more powerful than the general Lianxu Perfection.

With Li Zhirui, Daqing and others, even if there is some kind of danger in the ruins, it can be solved relatively easily.

"When do you plan to leave?"

Jiang Fengwu thought for a while and said: "There is still more than a month before the originally agreed time, but I think everyone has almost recovered, why not leave in five days?"

"Okay, if there's nothing else, let's go back and get ready, and meet here in five days." Li Zhirui also knew Jiang Fengwu's anxious mood, and since he had nothing else to do now, it wouldn't hurt to follow him.

Time flew by and the day of departure arrived in a blink of an eye.

Because of this outing, almost all the high-level monks in the family were summoned. In order to prevent the news from leaking, everyone tried their best to reduce their noise and left Wanxian Mountain quietly.

Because only Jiang Fengwu knew the location of the ruins, she was not as relaxed as others and needed to control the spirit ship.

There was no words spoken all the way, and everyone stayed on the spirit boat for more than a month before arriving at the sea area where the ruins were located.

Along the way, they were quite lucky. They happened to encounter the Sea Tribe several times, but their strength was mediocre and they were easily killed without making much noise.

In fact, Li Zhirui and his party did not know that the reason why they did not encounter high-level sea tribesmen was not only because they were lucky, but also because the high-level sea tribesmen in the surrounding sea areas had all been summoned to discuss a major matter.

"We are going to enter the bottom of the sea next. Remember to cast spells to avoid water and restrain your breath." Jiang Fengwu reminded.

Everyone nodded, cast a spell and followed her, escaping into the deep seabed.

Not long after, Jiang Fengwu stopped and said to everyone: "Zhirui, could you please help protect the law and ensure that the news is not known to the Hai clan."

During the process of deciphering the formation, there will definitely be relatively obvious spiritual energy fluctuations, which will most likely attract the attention of the Sea Clan and come to find out.

Once the news leaks out and is known to the Sea Clan, the difficulty for them to obtain the opportunity in the formation will increase exponentially, and they may even run the risk of falling.

"Don't worry." Li Zhirui solemnly agreed and asked Daqing and others to spread out and completely cover the formation.

After all, they couldn't do much to crack the formation.

Jiang Fengwu closed his eyes to calm down his excitement, and then said to the array mages: "Do it!"

The people who had already stood in various positions, upon hearing the order, took action at the same time to force the formation to appear, and then began to break the formation.

And even if they have mastered the formation, if they really want to crack a seventh-order formation, they will not be able to succeed in a short time.

During the process of deciphering the formation, the spiritual energy fluctuations emitted did attract many sea clans. Because they were all fourth- or fifth-level sea clans, as long as they showed up, they would be attracted by Li Zhirui, Daqing and others. Killing ensured that the news would not be leaked.

Under the leadership of Jiang Fengwu and with the assistance of Li Chengshuo and others, dozens of formation masters spent more than half a month to finally crack the formation.

Because the formation was not broken by force, the formation base and formation flag were still intact and could be used on Wanxian Mountain with a little repair, so Jiang Fengwu arranged for everyone to put them away.

Even if they cannot be reused, the level of the spiritual items used to refine the formation base and formation flags is not low. If you take them back and refine them, you can get some precious spiritual items. It is impossible to stay in this sea area anyway.

After the formation dissipated, the situation inside was finally exposed to everyone.

From the outside, it looks like a very simple Taoist temple. The inside also looks like the layout of an ordinary Taoist temple, and the area is not large. It doesn't look like an immortal Taoist force that can arrange a seventh-level formation. Because the Taoist temple is small, with only two entrances, and there are only seven or eight houses in the front yard, and it doesn't look like there is any danger, so everyone quickly used puppets to find out the situation.

Judging from the current situation, these houses should be the residences of monks, with similar layouts. There are no spiritual objects left behind, and there is no inheritance.

This situation disappointed everyone, and they no longer had high expectations for the gains from this operation.

Fortunately, with Jiang Fengwu's previous promise, they could still get a generous spiritual item even if they returned empty-handed.

"Isn't there another way in? Maybe all the good stuff is at the back." Li Zhirui smiled and led everyone towards the backyard.

There are fewer houses in the backyard, only five, but they are larger and look unusual.

In order not to waste time, and as before, control five puppets to open the door at the same time and enter to explore.

"This is the ancestral hall and the Sutra Pavilion. One looks like a quiet room, and the other is empty."

The ancestral hall is not small, but it is empty inside. There are only more than twenty tablets for worship, but those tablets seem to be protected by some kind of power, and it is impossible to see clearly what is written on them through the puppets.

The Sutra Pavilion is the largest in area and has many bookshelves. Each bookshelf contains a large number of jade slips. It seems that the inheritance of this strange power will not be too short.

But Li Zhirui did not get the joy of receiving a large amount of inheritance. Instead, he looked at the room directly opposite with a frown.

"Brother Ninth, what's wrong?"

Daqing asked: "Is there anything wrong with this room?"

"Well, as soon as the puppet entered, he lost contact with me and has no idea what's going on inside."

Just when Li Zhirui was thinking about how to find out the situation, from the corner of his eye, he saw Jiang Fengwu looking a little dazed and taking two steps forward involuntarily.

"Feng Wu!"

Li Zhirui immediately shouted, stretched out his hand to hold her, and frowned: "What's wrong with you?"

"The great opportunity I sensed back then is right here!"

Jiang Fengwu turned around and said firmly: "I want to go in!"

Li Zhirui couldn't help but frowned and said, "I'll accompany you."

Jiang Fengwu did not refuse this. After all, with Li Zhirui following, security would be greatly improved.

But when the two of them were about to go in, they found that no matter how hard he tried, they could not break through the invisible barrier at the door. Instead, Jiang Fengwu walked in very easily.

"It seems that you can't accompany me anymore. In that case, let me find out for myself."

After saying that, Jiang Fengwu turned around resolutely and entered the depths of the house.

The door that was originally opened suddenly closed at this time.

"Dad, will mom be in danger?" Li Chengshuo, Li Chengsheng and Feng Peng asked with worried faces.

"I don't know, just wait patiently."

Li Zhirui had a vague guess in his mind. Could this mysterious room be some kind of place for inheritance testing?
But if that's the case, then why can't he get in? Is it because only one person can enter at a time, or is it for other reasons?

"You guys should go to the Sutra Pavilion and have a look. There's no need to wait here."

Li Zhirui seemed to suddenly remember something, and added: "According to Feng Wu's promise to you before, select the jade slips of the corresponding grade and quantity."

After all, there are no spiritual objects in this weird ruins, but he just controlled the puppet to look at a few jade slips, and they did record some kind of magical power or other methods, so he simply used this to compensate everyone.

Now, everyone was feeling a lot happier.

Because in this way, the method recorded in the jade slips belongs to you, and you can either hand it over to the family and get the contribution value, or keep it in your hands.

But Jiang Fengwu, who entered the mysterious room, came to a mysterious space in a trance.

Basic formation patterns suddenly appeared in the space, and at the same time a Hongmeng Dao sound sounded, asking her to decipher it.

These most basic formation patterns are naturally no problem for Jiang Fengwu, but as time goes by, the formation patterns become more and more complex and mysterious, and the speed of cracking becomes slower and slower.

Even in the end, a seventh-order formation pattern appeared!
Fortunately, he had previous experience and accumulation. Although it was extremely difficult and took a lot of time, Jiang Fengwu was able to crack it.

"Not bad! It's good to be able to crack the seventh-order formation pattern with the realm of refining the void."

Along with this voice of appreciation, the figure of an old man slowly emerged.

"I, Liang Zhuoying, are you willing to become my teacher? Accept my inheritance?"

Without any hesitation, Jiang Fengwu immediately knelt down, kowtowed, and said, "Disciple Jiang Fengwu pays homage to Master!"

"I left the Yuanling Realm ten thousand years ago. Now I am pursuing the great road. The Yuanling Realm can no longer accommodate me. I hope that one day, you can also take this step and meet your master." Liang Zhuoying said calmly. .

There was a storm in Jiang Fengwu's heart. The Yuanling Realm could accommodate the vast world of the Immortal Realm, but her master said she couldn't accommodate him? Then how high will his realm be!

"Hahahahahaha, disciple, your level is too low now. It's too early to understand these things. As a teacher, I will leave you a legacy, but as a teacher, I hope you can go your own way. After all, the one who transforms me is alive. Those who defeat me will advance, and those who resemble me will die! You must remember this sentence!"

Liang Zhuoying stretched out his hand, and a ray of light instantly penetrated Jiang Fengwu's eyebrows.

"Practice well and hope to meet my disciple one day."

After saying that, Liang Zhuoying disappeared.

The next moment, Jiang Fengwu also left that mysterious space and appeared in an empty room.

There was a jade platform in the center of the room similar to a formation base, and there was a jade slip in front of it. She stretched out her hand to take a picture of it. After reading the content recorded inside, she understood a lot of things in an instant.

The jade platform can be compared to the formation disk that controls the Taoist temple, and the Taoist temple itself is a super large composite formation with many functions. (End of chapter)

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