Thinking that the outside world and Li Zhirui and others did not know about her opportunity and would be worried because of her sudden disappearance, Jiang Fengwu only used his spiritual consciousness to briefly refine the jade platform, then turned around and walked out.

"Feng Wu, you..."

Li Zhirui, who had been staring at the door, wanted to ask her what happened the moment she appeared, but he didn't want to find that her temperament had changed a lot as soon as he focused his eyes on Jiang Fengwu.

But you have to know that it only took half a quarter of an hour from the time Jiang Fengwu entered to the time he came out now. How could a person's temperament change in such a short period of time?
This made Li Zhirui couldn't help but wonder if she had been taken away from her, or had her body taken away from her!

"I got a great opportunity, a fairly complete inheritance of formations!"

She just thought about it and hid the truth from everyone.

As for the real situation, Jiang Fengwu told Li Zhirui through voice transmission that after all, there were many people here with mixed opinions, and the inheritance she received was many times more precious than the "Earth Spirit Taoist Record", and it could not be passed on to others.

Although the tribesmen who followed this time are all trustworthy, in the face of huge temptation, it is difficult to guarantee that no one will have other ideas.

And a formation inheritance is only the most insignificant part compared to Jiang Fengwu's real gains.

From this perspective, she wasn't lying, she just didn't tell the whole story.

After hearing Jiang Fengwu's experience, Li Zhirui was shocked. He originally thought that his luck was already very prosperous, but after this comparison, he realized that it was nothing more than that.

This is the inheritance of a fairyland power that even the entire world cannot accommodate!
Not to mention other clan members, even he couldn't help but feel jealous when he heard it.

Fortunately, Li Zhirui is in a good mood, and he has space and the blessing of "Earth Spirit Taoist Record", so his future development may not be worse than Jiang Fengwu.

Besides, as Taoist couples, one of them has higher and better achievements and can also support the other.

'I don't know how high the level of this senior Liang Zhuoying is, but even after leaving the Yuanling world for so many years, the handwriting he left behind can still take effect. '

Unfortunately, the current realms of Li Zhirui and Jiang Fengwu are still too low. There is still a long way to go to even the gate of fairyland, not to mention that they will reach even higher realms in the future.

And according to what Jiang Fengwu just said, the person who set up this great formation that took most of the high-level formation masters of the Li family hundreds of years was not a seventh-level formation master, but this seemingly ordinary Taoist temple!

According to the information she knows, this Taoist temple is an extremely special composite formation. Not only can it be teleported randomly, it also has the ability to absorb surrounding spiritual objects and arrange its own formation!
In addition to these two most important functions, it can also be turned into attack, defense, trap, etc. Its formations are all-encompassing. As long as Jiang Fengwu’s formation realm is sufficient, most formations at level seven and below can be used. Everything can be arranged!

It seems that he is lucky, because every three thousand years, as long as the monks are not discovered, the Taoist temple will activate random teleportation on its own, because the formation is seriously worn out and needs to be rearranged.

And Jiang Fengwu discovered the formation just over 2,800 years ago, and in the last few decades before the Taoist temple transmitted it, he cracked the formation and passed it on!

The inheritance of a fairyland formation master!

Unfortunately, this inheritance cannot be used as a family technique, and can only be practiced by Jiang Fengwu alone.

Unlike the "Earth Spirit Taoist Record", the old Taoist just hopes that the skills can be passed down, and it is best to be carried forward, but this inheritance is not good, and the Liang Immortal has no such ideas.

Otherwise, when he was in the Yuanling world, whether he founded a family or a sect, he could easily continue the inheritance, instead of setting up numerous tests like now.

Of course, if this were not the case, Jiang Fengwu would not have been able to obtain this inheritance.

"You just said that this Taoist temple is a special array. Can you bring it back to Wanxian Mountain?" Li Zhirui suddenly thought of this and asked curiously.

Jiang Fengwu nodded and said: "Of course, and I plan to imitate the Taoist temple and refine the magic weapon of my life again."

The last sentence was also told to Li Zhirui through sound transmission.

And his expression instantly became solemn.

After all, refining the natal magic weapon is equivalent to smashing the existing natal magic weapon into pieces!
The natal magic weapon is closely related to oneself. If you really do this, it will definitely damage Jiang Fengwu's foundation, and it will definitely be more difficult to practice in the future!
"Is it necessary to be so decisive? And have you ever thought about how to make up for the foundation problem?" Li Zhirui asked with a serious face.

Jiang Fengwu comforted him and said, "Don't worry. The secret method for restoring the foundation is contained in the inheritance given to me by Master. Otherwise, I would not have had such an idea."

Although re-refining the natal magic weapon after the Taoist temple will definitely be more suitable for her future practice, the cost is too high, and she cannot ruin her great future just because of this benefit.

Obviously, the immortal has considered the problems of the descendants and provided solutions.

"If that's the case, then I have no objection. If you need help with anything, just ask." Li Zhirui's expression softened immediately when he saw that she was not acting impulsively, but already had a relatively complete idea.

"Well, there is indeed something I need you to do. Help me refine some healing elixirs." As husband and wife, Jiang Fengwu would naturally not be polite.

This is just a trivial matter for him. Although he cannot get the sixth-level healing elixir, he can have a sufficient supply of fifth-level elixirs.

Li Chengsheng and Li Chengshuo, who had been standing nearby, could sense that their parents were communicating through voice transmission, and it was obvious that they were hiding something from them.

"Father, mother, what are you discussing?" Li Chengshuo asked bluntly.

Unfortunately, the two of them had no intention of telling them, at least not yet.

Li Chengshuo looked depressed, but he didn't dare to eavesdrop on the discussion between the two, so he could only continue to stand aside and stare.

"What happened here is over, and it's time to go back. After all, this is the territory of the Hai Clan." Li Zhirui used his magic power to spread his voice to the ears of every clan member.

Speaking of which, it didn't take long for them to enter the Taoist temple, probably less than half an hour.

However, the tribesmen are quite satisfied with the gains from this trip.

Although he didn't get any spiritual objects, he did get the same level of skills, and some of them were more precious. They were more precious than the same level of spiritual items.

The Sutra Pavilion contains various aspects of inheritance, most of which are of low grade, but there are also some rare or even lost inheritances.

Those jade slips were not left by Immortal Liang, but were randomly transmitted to various places during the tens of thousands of years the Taoist temple had been in the Yuanling Realm, absorbed through a special formation, and kept in this room. Over time, they became It became a Buddhist scriptures pavilion.

However, only Li Zhirui and Jiang Fengwu knew about this matter. Others thought that the Taoist temple belonged to a certain force, but suddenly encountered a disaster and was hastily sealed in order to preserve the inheritance.

Especially the sea area where they are located, tens of thousands of years ago, most likely belonged to the Wandao Yingzhou cultivation world.

Regarding everyone's misunderstanding, the two did not come forward to explain. Instead, they took the people away directly to avoid staying too long and being discovered by the Sea Clan, which would cause even more trouble. Fortunately, just like when they came, they did not encounter high-level sea people on the way back. After a month, they returned to Wanxian Mountain quite smoothly.

After getting off the spirit ship, everyone left separately, trying to seize the time to digest the gains of this operation.

Especially those formation mages, their realm is already higher than their cultivation level. Now that the matter is over, they finally have enough time for them to practice quietly.

When they separated, Li Zhirui took out more than a dozen bottles of fifth-level top-quality healing elixirs, handed them to Jiang Fengwu, and asked, "Is it enough?"

He refined these treasure pills on his way back. It's not that Li Zhirui didn't want to refine more, it was mainly because he had used up all the usable spiritual objects in the space.

After all, before Li Zhirui came back, he took a lot of treasure pills in order to speed up his cultivation. There were very few high-level spiritual objects left in the space. In order to get these dozen bottles of treasure pills, he spent a lot of effort. Woolen cloth.


Jiang Fengwu made some mental calculations and said, "I won't be leaving seclusion for a long time. Feng Peng and the others will ask you to take more care of me."

To be honest, she still doesn't know if Fengpeng, Longli and Qingniao still have a connection with her after revising the technique. Maybe the two parties will no longer have such a close relationship by then, but they have been together for many years and have experienced life and death. The constant bond of breaking away from each other.

"Do not worry."

Li Zhirui understood Jiang Fengwu's thoughts and said, "You can just retreat in peace."

However, he himself doesn’t have much time, because he not only has to seize the time to restore his cultivation in the middle stage of Xuefeng Refining, but also launches an attack on the late stage of Xuefong Refining!
But they are still sixth-level spirit beasts, and with their strength here, they don't really need Li Zhirui's care.

For the next period of time, Li Zhirui paid attention to the number of people in his family who had switched to "Earth Spirit Taoist Records", and also looked through the contents of the jade slips in the Taoist temple to see if there were any methods that he could use.

Not to mention, Li Zhirui found two sixth-level elixir recipes and one seventh-level elixir recipe.

Among them, the sixth-level elixirs are Mingyu Dan and Sanyuan Dan. The former is a healing elixir, and the latter is used to strengthen the physical body. It should be prepared for relatively rare physical practitioners, but it is also effective for ordinary monks to take it. It won't be that obvious.

The seventh-level elixir recipe is a very special elixir called the Life-avoiding elixir. After taking it, you can avoid others and use divination to deduce, but the time is not long, only one month.

But no matter what kind of elixir it is, Li Zhirui cannot refine it now, because there are no spiritual objects!

In addition, I have gained a lot of knowledge and have a deeper understanding of the Yuanling world.

On this day, Li Hongshi suddenly came to visit.


Li Zhirui helped the clan leader up and asked curiously: "What do you want from me?"

"I would like to ask Ruizu to give guidance on the cultivation of the younger members of the family, or give a sermon to them when I have free time."

When Li Hongshi came to visit this time, he also heard that Li Zhirui had not been in retreat recently, but was enjoying the scenery of Wanxian Mountain very leisurely, so he came up with this idea.

"Okay, the first sermon will be scheduled for five days later. I would like to ask you to inform me." Anyway, he has no plans to practice in the short term, so he just took this opportunity to see with his own eyes the situation of the younger members of the family.

"No trouble! No trouble! I'll make arrangements right away!" After saluting, he hurried away happily.

When the news that Li Zhirui was going to preach in five days spread, it instantly detonated the clan. All clan members took action, and some clan members even began to take up positions.

You know, Li Zhirui has not preached publicly for many years! That is to say, when he is free, he will give individual guidance to some juniors he likes.

But even for the latter, after arriving in Yuanling Realm, the number of people became smaller and smaller.

That's why the tribesmen reacted so enthusiastically, and some even began to imagine that if they were valued by Li Zhirui, they would be able to get his individual guidance.

It was only five days, but the tribesmen felt extremely tormented and slow.

The moment Li Zhirui appeared, the crowd suddenly burst out into a loud movement, saying: "Meet Ruizu!"

"No need to be polite, just sit down and listen."

But seeing that everyone might not be able to calm down in a short time, Li Zhirui had to cast a spell to calm everyone down.

In his sermon this time, he did not talk about the "All Spirits Sutra" and "Earth Spirit Taoist Records", but simply talked about cultivation.

Maybe it was because almost all the clan members were present, so Li Zhirui spoke a lot more content. Everyone was fascinated by what he said. When he stopped, many people felt that it was not enough.

But Li Zhirui moved on to the next item and gave instructions immediately.

Of course, the so-called randomness is actually not random at all. While he was preaching, he was observing the reactions of all the tribesmen.

Therefore, those whom Li Zhirui pointed out were all tribesmen who had benefited a lot during the sermon and felt that they could go further.

"Ruizu, I am currently stuck in the Nascent Soul, and I have been unable to break through to the Divine Transformation. I would like to ask Ruizu for advice!" The first tribesman was very excited, and his voice even trembled when he spoke.

Hearing this, Li Zhirui looked at him carefully and said, "The foundation is not solid enough. I think you are still young. You might as well spend decades polishing the foundation. This will also be good for future cultivation."

"Thank you Ruizu for your advice!" The tribesman sat back with a respectful expression, but his eyes were struggling, and it was obviously difficult to make up his mind.

Then Li Zhirui named nine more tribesmen, answered their cultivation questions one by one, and then ended the sermon.

It took almost two or three months for Li Zhirui to finally return to normal state of mind that had been in a tense state for a long time.

The previous hundred years of non-stop cultivation had left no drawbacks in cultivation, but there was still a lot of pressure on both the state of mind and the body.

If you continue, it will be self-defeating and delay your own cultivation. It is better to take some time to solve the problem.

So he ended his schedule of giving sermons every five days, told Li Hongshi to tell the clan members, and then walked into the spiritual realm of purification and began to practice in seclusion. (End of chapter)

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