Because he was not so anxious to achieve breakthroughs in his cultivation this time, Li Zhirui did not continue to rely on treasure pills, but steadily improved his cultivation by absorbing the essence of the sun and moon.

And he also made a lot of changes in his practice time, adjusting his practice time to a normal state. The extra time was spent on studying "Earth Spirit Taoist Records" and several high-level elixir prescriptions.

Although some treasure pills are not suitable for Li Zhirui to take, or the effects are relatively useless, the ultimate level is here, and he can also improve his realm of pills through enlightenment and study.

In the future, whether it is refining the sixth-level treasure elixir or deducing the elixir recipe by oneself, it will have a very good promoting effect.

He is just temporarily giving up practicing with the help of treasure pills. After all, taking treasure pills to speed up cultivation is a shortcut. As long as the amount is appropriate, it will not cause any problems.

Moreover, the elixirs refined by Li Zhirui are all top-quality elixirs that have been purified and have all impurities removed, so they will not cause trouble to themselves.

If he wanted to relax, he would look at the jade slips in the Taoist temple.

This is an accumulation of tens of thousands of years. It is huge in quantity and complicated in content. It cannot be read by Li Zhirui in a short time, not to mention that he spent most of his energy on preaching to his tribe some time ago.

For example, from the complicated jade slips, he learned about the four realms of fairyland, namely loose immortals, human immortals, earth immortals and heavenly immortals.

But Li Zhirui only knew about these four major realms. He still had no idea how to subdivide them. It might be simply divided into three smaller realms, front, middle and back, just like the mortal realm, or it might be something else.

As for whether there is still a higher realm than the immortal, he doesn't know.

But thinking about it, there should be some, otherwise Jiang Fengwu's teacher Liang Zhuoying would not say that the Yuanling world could no longer accommodate his existence.

Moreover, Li Zhirui also saw from a mutilated jade slip that the Yuanling Realm was dominated by loose immortals, the human immortals were suppressed, and the earthly immortals and heavenly immortals rarely appeared.

This further verified his guess, because if the immortals were the end of the road, there would be no need for those powerful immortals to practice.


Another reason why Li Zhirui no longer quickly recovers his cultivation is that in the past hundred years, he has somewhat weakened the Five Elements Immortal Root!
Maybe it doesn't seem to be a problem now, but the hidden dangers are buried, and if things go on like this, they will explode one day.

By then, it may be too late to solve the problem!

Although everyone in the Li family is depressed that Li Zhirui no longer preaches, the guidance in the past few months has still made a lot of progress for many people.

So not only him, but the entire family was immersed in cultivation. Wanxian Mountain suddenly became quiet, and the Li family also kept a low profile in the Qianzhong Mountains.

But this actually made other forces pay more attention to the Li family!
Mainly because the Li family has grown so fast. Within a few hundred years of arriving in Qianzhong Mountains, it has grown from a Shenhua family that fled here in embarrassment to a powerful Lianxu family with deep roots.

The forces that had previously joined forces to force the Li family to hand over the Danfang had already paid a visit, specifically expressed their apologies, and offered a generous compensation.

After all, the current strength of the Li family is not much worse than theirs, but the key point is that the development potential is too dazzling. If the Li family cannot be suppressed now, it is better to resolve the misunderstanding early.

In fact, there are indeed several forces who want to join forces and eliminate the Li family before they surpass them. However, people are divided. Each force wants to contribute less to avoid heavy losses.

In this case, how can we reach an agreement? In the end, several families broke up unhappy.

But if they reach an agreement at that time, the Li family will really be in crisis, because the most powerful Li Zhirui is not in the family.

Therefore, the silence of the Li family this time has made many forces suspicious, thinking that there may be major changes in the Li family.

As for whether it became stronger or if something unexpected happened, they didn't know.

Because of the confidentiality work, the Li family has always done a good job.

Regardless of whether the Li family is said to be closed or careful, they have maintained a tradition that has lasted for many years in the Xuanyuan world, which is not to intermarry with other cultivating forces!

Even if a clan member develops a relationship with a monk from another force and plans to form a Taoist couple, the Li family will investigate secretly to ensure that the other party is not an undercover agent and will not leak important family information.

And even if the other party does not have any purpose, the Li family will not let them know too much, and the inheritance of Kung Fu will not be possible for them, unless they can make a huge contribution to the development of the family like Jiang Fengwu!

The eye of the East China Sea.

In the vast sea area, as long as the sea tribes of the sixth level and above are all gathered here, at a glance, you can't see the edge at all. The terrifying demonic energy changes the color of the surrounding sea water.

And in the center, there are dozens of fairyland sea tribesmen from the East China Sea! Mainly loose immortals, there are only eight human immortals, but each of them has a very solemn expression.

Because they have received clear news that the major forces in the Immortal Way are mobilizing their disciples and summoning loose cultivators. The entire East Continent is preparing for a war!

As for who is the target? There is no need to think too much about this, who else can it be besides the Donghai Sea Clan.

Since the fall of Yingzhou Wandao, Dongzhou Immortal Dao has never given up the idea of ​​rebuilding, because this is a symbol of the powerful strength of Immortal Dao!
Moreover, after the territory is expanded, not only will there be more abundant and abundant cultivation resources, but most importantly, the luck of the Immortal Dao will be greatly improved!

Good luck!

This is the main reason for the conflict between the two camps!
All the sea people know this very well.

In the past, it was just an idea for the Immortal Dao to rebuild Yingzhou Ten Thousand Islands, but now it is different. The Dongyuan Sect, one of the most powerful forces in the Immortal Dao, has merged into a Zhongqian World, and its strength has been greatly improved!
In this short period of a hundred years, the Dongyuan Sect has gained two new Sanxian Immortals! A new immortal! Not to mention how much is hidden in secret.

From this point, we can see why all the major forces hope to integrate into the Taixu Illusion Realm. It is really a great improvement to their own strength.

But this is not good news for the Hai Clan!

Before, the strength of the two sides was almost the same, but now they have lost their balance. Dongzhou Xiandao has great hope of occupying a sea area, and they will never let go of this great opportunity.

"Dongzhou has begun to deploy troops and generals to prepare for the next war. We must also take action, otherwise it will be too late." A certain Sanxian said solemnly.

Another Sanxian said fancifully: "Maybe the target of the immortal path is not us?"

"Who else could it be besides us?" The Dongyuan Sect has greatly increased in strength this time, and it must be them who will promote the war! Maybe he paid a lot of money to invite the major immortal forces to help.

Moreover, their mountain gate is on the coast of the East China Sea. The Dongyuan Sect does not want to expand to the East China Sea. Is it possible that they will help other forces? You don’t need to think about it to know that it’s impossible.

"Stop having such childish fantasies! Let's continue discussing the war in the near future." An old-looking immortal said.

"Our dragon clan can dispatch twelve immortals!" Ao Peng, the head of the dragon clan's fairyland present and in the late stage of human immortality, was the first to speak out.

What determines the direction of this war will only be Fairyland. No matter how great the advantage is, unless the opponent is killed by only 20 to 30%, it will be temporary and will not even affect the final outcome.

After the Dragon Clan spoke, other major ethnic groups also spoke one after another, but in terms of number of fairyland, they were far less than the Dragon Clan.

But this is normal. After all, the dragon clan is the most powerful and is also the king of the sea clan. Since they usually enjoy many benefits, they naturally have to shoulder corresponding responsibilities.

In total, the East China Sea Sea Clan plans to dispatch ninety-eight immortals in order to cope with the upcoming war!
As for the low-level sea clans such as Mahayana and Hetai, their numbers are even larger, with nearly one million in number.

In order to defend the sea area that was finally snatched back from the immortals tens of thousands of years ago, the Sea Clan can be said to have tried their best.

However, the answer to this matter was not discussed in a short period of time, because although they all belong to the Sea Clan, everyone pays more attention to the interests of their own clan. In order to dispatch less of their own clansmen, reduce casualties, and prevent their own strength from falling too much after the war, they almost did not Fight.

"If the war is not going well, should we invite all the ancestors to come out?" A very abrupt and depressing sentence came from the mouth of a certain casual cultivator.

Ao Peng frowned slightly, feeling a little dissatisfied with him in his heart. He didn't even know the strength of Immortal Dao, so he just said such depressing words to hurt his own morale. If it hadn't been for the gathering of many sea tribes, he would have wanted to give him a lesson.

But now he can only say in a cold voice: "Is it possible that there are no people in the Immortal Way who are at the same level as the ancestor? If you really want to ask the Ancestor to take action, are you planning to fight the Immortal Way to the death?"

In fact, all the factions in the Yuanling Realm started a war, and the realm of the participating creatures was tacitly restricted to the late human immortal stage, and they would not let the earth immortals or even the ancestors of the heavenly immortals end up.

First, their actions are too powerful and cause serious damage to the world. They will contaminate themselves with a lot of cause and effect and karma, and they are unwilling to participate in the war.

If a large number of earthly immortals and heavenly immortals end up, although it will not destroy the Yuanling world, it will cause the spiritual energy of a certain area to decline. At that time, huge cause and effect and karma will be imposed on them. Let alone continuing to practice, it will be able to maintain the current situation. The cultivation level is pretty good.

Second, every Earth Immortal and Heavenly Immortal is extremely important to our own camp, and there are not that many of them. Once they fall, it means that our own strength will suffer a huge setback!

The Loose Immortal didn't dare to refute at all, but a trace of resentment flashed in his lowered eyes. The territory of his tribe was in the offshore area. If the battle was lost and the offshore was occupied by monks, wouldn't they become homeless wanderers?
"Let's discuss this if we have nothing else to do. Let's go back and make preparations for the war!" Ao Peng looked at the other immortals and saw that no one spoke, so he said goodbye to everyone and left with the dragon clan.

The other immortals also left with their juniors, leaving only the scolded Sanxian and its tribe.

"Ancestor, our yellow-scaled sea snake clan has suffered too much!" A Tribulation Sea Serpent expressed his inner dissatisfaction.

The battlefield is on their territory. Whether they win or lose, they will cause huge damage. It's fine if they win, but if they lose, they will have to abandon the clan territory they have managed for many years!

The East China Sea has a vast territory, but the Hai tribe is as numerous as stars. You can imagine how difficult it is to find such a large piece of territory that is suitable for the tribe to survive and has enough room for development.

"Who makes us so weak that we won't even be taken seriously by the Dragon Clan?" The Yellow Scale Loose Immortal looked calm, but the resentment and resentment in his tone were obvious.

Before it, the yellow-scaled sea snakes were not born in the fairyland, but that was a long time ago, and the yellow-scaled sea snakes had long been reduced to a small clan.

"Can we just accept our fate?"

"We may not lose." But we should indeed find a way out for the ethnic group. Huang Linsanxian added silently in his heart.


And within the Dongyuan Sect, a group of immortals are also discussing this major matter regarding whether the sect can go further!

"The Taixu Illusion Realm has been completely integrated, and the sect's fortune has greatly increased. With this blessing, five new loose immortals were born, and two more breakthrough human immortals. Under them, a large number of disciples who broke through the realm appeared, but It’s reached its limit.”

Even with the blessing of luck, everything has a speed, and it is impossible to maintain such an exaggerated speed all the time.

"So, it's time to take action against the Sea Clan!" A human immortal said with murderous intent.

This matter has already reached a consensus within the Dongyuan Sect, but the specific time has not yet been determined. Now that they heard what he said, everyone was immediately ready to take action.

Because as long as the sect's territory is successfully expanded, the sect's luck will increase again, and they can continue to enjoy a faster cultivation speed.

And this time, unlike the previous heavenly rewards, which were non-renewable consumables, they expanded the upper limit of the sect’s luck!

From now on, as long as the territory is not lost and nothing else happens, such as the death of a large number of disciples, it will be maintained.

"How are the preparations of other fairyland forces? When will they send people over?" Another human fairy was calmer and asked several loose immortals responsible for contacting the major forces.

"Except for the few major forces in the west that need to resist the evil ways and take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble, they only sent a small number of monks to help. The other forces plan to do their best to help."

After a pause, the Sanxian continued: "Several major fairyland forces in the Northern and Southern Territories heard the news and took the initiative to contact the sect and wanted to send people to help."


These words made several immortals a little surprised.

Although everyone belongs to the Immortal Way, Dongzhou Immortal Way claims to be the orthodox Immortal Way, and regards the Immortal Way in the Northern and Southern Regions as side sects, and has always looked down upon them.

Therefore, the relationship between them is not so good that they come to help.

"On the surface, they want to help, but actually they want to take the opportunity to expand to the South China Sea and the North Sea." A certain immortal thought for a while and saw through their plan.

Their territory is indeed very far away from the Dongyuan Sect, but if they are interested in the sea near the junction of the two continents, it is right at their doorstep! (End of chapter)

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