The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 103 Chapter Guo, Wu Shixian’s problem

Chapter 103 Returning to China, Wu Shixian's Problem

Chen Daojun's proposal is very tempting to Ambrosio now. After all, being able to cooperate with many big brands on catwalks or even become their spokesperson will definitely be a great help to her modeling career, even if it soars into the sky. , it is also very possible to directly become a supermodel in the industry!Now her lover Chen Daojun is willing to help her, so that the goal that she originally had to work hard for several years or even ten years to achieve in advance is now clearly in front of her eyes. She only needs to take two steps step by step to get it.Who can refuse such a good thing?

The excited Ambrosio directly kissed Chen Daojun on the cheek, and then said emotionally, "Chen, your arrangement is really great!"

Chen Daojun scratched her hair with a smile and said, "I have a small request, don't be so happy! I hope you can reduce the cooperation between underwear shows and male models, otherwise I will be jealous."

"Hahaha!" Hearing Chen Daojun's childish words, Ambrosio laughed happily. She didn't expect the man she liked to have such a naive side, like a very possessive child, no I like my favorite toys to be missed by others.

Seeing Ambrosio smiling so happily, Chen Daojun was not polite, he stretched out his hand to scratch her creaking pit and waist, "I won't laugh anymore, stop scratching...don't scratch..." Ambrosio Luo Xiu soon noticed Chen Daojun's mischief, and she was very ticklish and quickly surrendered, but Chen Daojun didn't stop, but asked Ambrosio further, "Then, will AA agree to my request?" ?”

"I promise, I promise, stop scratching...hahaha..." Ambrosio hurriedly begged for mercy.Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Chen Daojun didn't make any more troubles.Ambrosio, who had been bullied by Chen Daojun for a while, took a few breaths, and suddenly launched a counterattack against Chen Daojun. Caught off guard, Chen Daojun was quickly ridden under him, "Hmph, let you bully me just now, now It's my turn!"

It's just that within a few seconds of Ambrosio's complacency, Chen Daojun smiled and said, "AA, are you sure you won?" Then Chen Daojun wrapped his hands behind his back and directly hugged Ambrosio's waist, then stood up abruptly , Ambrosio, who originally had the upper hand, was quickly suppressed by Chen Daojun again...


In the next two days, Chen Daojun asked Eric to open another sub-account, inject $5000 million into it, invest and manage money together, and withdraw the proceeds every other year.At the same time, George was asked to help register an offshore company in the Cayman Islands and help recruit two female agents and professional makeup artists and stylists.

George was a little confused at first, but when he heard Chen Daojun revealed that it was prescribed for the model (Ambrosio), George was instantly convinced.No wonder Chen Daojun was able to get sexy models so quickly. Not only are they handsome, but they also have such a generous shot. It would be no wonder if those young beauties didn't fall into the trap!

Moreover, Chen Daojun's arrangement was outrageous. The 5000 million US dollars in the sub-account was used for investment and financial management, and the profit was used as the company's expenses.According to Chen Daojun's current investment profitability, he can earn at least 20%-25% a year, which means that the profit will be at least 1000 million US dollars, which is more than enough to support a medium-sized brokerage company.

------Dividing line------

Chen Daojun, who had finished handing over many matters, embarked on a flight back to Bangzi Country.After several hours of flight, Chen Daojun successfully arrived at Seoul Airport.However, in addition to Chen Daojun’s assistant and driver Jin Yongren, there was also Rachel from Miracle Group who came to pick him up.

Looking at Rachel in her OL uniform, Chen Daojun smiled and said, "Is it possible that our little secretary missed me? She knew I was coming back and took the initiative to pick her up at the airport?"

Facing Chen Daojun's ridicule, Rachel said solemnly, "Chairman Wu Shixian asked me to come here. He said he had something to discuss with the boss. Let me come and pick you up."

"It turns out that President Wu asked you to come~! I'm so disappointed." Chen Daojun pretended to be hurt and said. Regarding Chen Daojun's antics, Rachel couldn't help but almost laughed out loud, "Boss, if you do this again, I will I filed a complaint with Chairman Wu!"Jin Yongren on the side didn't expect that Chen Daojun would suddenly act weird. Fortunately, he held it back and didn't laugh.


Office of the President of Miracle Group.

Chen Daojun looked at Wu Shixian and several cadres who had been waiting here, and asked curiously, "Is President Wu looking for me?"

"Boss, we have withdrawn funds of 2.3 trillion won (about 20 billion U.S. dollars) and about 8000 billion won in stocks and assets are still being sold. It's just that the Ministry of Finance and Economics and the Financial Supervisory Commission have sent a letter of concern. I have already noticed our previous behavior of selling stocks aggressively, and we need to explain it. How do you answer it?" Wu Shixian went straight to the point and explained the problems he faced.

"Yo, these guys are really lenient. Since they want an answer, then you tell them that they have received a request from the headquarters in the beautiful country and need to mobilize funds. If they have any opinions, they can send a note to Goldman Sachs on Wall Street in the beautiful country " Chen Daojun curled his lips in disdain, these guys are just decorations, they don't have any sense of presence at all, and they come out occasionally to make a fuss, but they have no deterrent power at all!In Bangzi Country, where the rich and powerful are in power, even if insider trading is involved, what can these regulatory agencies do?Even the punishment is nothing more than painless.

"The Korean won you have raised is not enough! You can go to the bank to borrow more, the more the better. This time it is not just us, the beautiful national speculators headed by Soros have entered the market one after another. According to my estimation, not only Only Tai Country, Bangzi Country, Xinjiapo, Xiangjiang in Yanxia Country, and even Sun Country will be affected.” Now that the situation has gradually become clear, Chen Daojun does not intend to continue to hide it, so that Miracle Group can prepare in advance for the upcoming "Winter" is the right way.

"Okay, I understand." Wu Shixian nodded solemnly. Since the boss Chen Daojun said so, and there are a large number of speculators from the beautiful country coming out to make troubles, there is really no need for them to be timid.

"By the way, boss, do we need to adjust our layout in Yanxia Kingdom?" Wu Shixian thought of Miracle Trading Company and Miracle Real Estate Company, which were in full swing in Yanxia Kingdom. This time, Bangzi Kingdom will not be spared, and Yanxia Kingdom should be too. Are you affected?

"That's not necessary. Compared with other countries in Asia, Yanxia Country will be least affected by the financial crisis. Because their foreign trade and external demand are relatively small, the impact will be much smaller." Chen Daojun explained.

(End of this chapter)

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