The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 104 Chen Runji and Chen Hengjun who love to watch TV

Chapter 104 Chen Runji and Chen Hengjun who love to watch TV
Chen Daojun's explanation made Wu Shixian a little helpless. He didn't expect that countries such as these are too dependent on foreign orders and funds to have such a big risk. On the contrary, the relatively closed Yanxia country has little influence. It sounds so heart-wrenching~
However, in recent years, many Asian countries have relied on various large orders from Europe and the United States. Behind the prosperity created by a large number of exports is the chaos of tight capital chains, high debts, and blind expansion. Not only have the officials not restrained and managed them, but They only care about false prosperity and have never considered that once a crisis occurs, how can the government's foreign exchange reserves of tens of billions of dollars alone turn the tide?

In the evening, Chen Daojun went to SBS TV station to pick up Mo Xianmin, who was still working overtime, and prepared to go to his father Chen Yunji's house.He had received a call from his mother Li Hairen before, asking him to bring his fiancée Mou Xianmin to his home for a dinner.

While driving, Chen Daojun said to Mou Xianmin who was in the passenger seat, "Sister Xianmin, you look very tired. I'm afraid your body won't be able to take it if you work overtime so often?"

"Hmph, you're still happy!... I didn't think being a leader was so troublesome before, but I just thought that my father and grandpa (Chen Yangji) are so majestic and enviable. Now after I have experienced it myself, I find that being a vice president is also a lot of trouble. Deal with it. The people below don’t dare to make decisions without authorization, and you can only decide. But every time I encounter this kind of multiple-choice question, it’s really hard for me to make a choice. I’m afraid that if I make a wrong choice, it will cause irreparable losses.”

When mentioning work matters, Mou Xianmin looked exhausted. She never thought that the president, vice president, or even the president and vice president of the company with great reputation would have to deal with so many difficult problems.Originally, she thought that the promotion would be a happy thing, but the work pressure had obviously increased a lot, which made her very tired.

Chen Daojun smiled and said, "If Sister Xianmin is tired, she can step down as the vice president. Anyway, I have a lot of assets under my name, so I can support you!"

"You have a good idea, I don't want to be a housewife!" Mou Xianmin quickly refused. Although the work is very difficult, she also enjoys the feeling of superiority, allowing her to return to the family to take care of her husband and children, just like a mother To be busy with trivial matters every day is not the life she wants.

"Haha, I knew you wouldn't agree, Sister Xianmin." For Mou Xianmin's decision, Chen Daojun already had the answer in his heart. If she wants to be strong, how can she be willing to be an ordinary housewife?

"Sister Xianmin, you can find an assistant for yourself and let her help you share part of the work. There is an old saying in Yanxia Country, 'The lower ones work hard, the middle ones use wisdom, and the upper ones work hard', which means that those at the bottom do manual labor. The middle-level staff do the mental work, and the upper-level staff only need to be responsible for managing the people below." Chen Daojun quickly gave her a new suggestion. After all, everyone's energy is limited and they do everything by themselves. How much work can they do every day?

"No wonder you have found so many professional managers. I am so free every day, and the company is still running as usual!" After Mou Xianmin prompted him, he quickly responded. No wonder he is so busy that he can't handle everything every day. complete.Chen Daojun obviously has so much property, but he is much more leisurely than her!
"You bastard, why didn't you remind me earlier? I've been busy for so long!" Mou Xianmin felt a little aggrieved, and pinched Chen Daojun's thigh fiercely.

"Hiss——! Sister Xianmin, don't do anything! I'm driving." Chen Daojun said with some grievances, obviously he was kind enough to remind him, but he got hit for no reason, innocently lying on the gun!

After arriving at his father Chen Runji's home, Chen Daojun soon saw his father Chen Runji and his brother Chen Hengjun who were watching TV in the living room.It's just that they have a disagreement on the TV programs they watch. Chen Runji prefers to watch current affairs news, while Chen Hengjun prefers to watch some variety shows and TV dramas broadcast by SBS TV.

"Brother Hengjun, when did you become obsessed with watching TV dramas?" Chen Daojun approached the two and teased. In his impression, Chen Hengjun should be more obsessed with music and dancing. After all, who is his idol?Oh, by the way, it’s MJ!

"He is still watching the TV series produced by our Runhai Film and Television Company." Before Chen Hengjun could speak, Chen Runji beside him said proudly, "But you guys, you can watch the replay tomorrow, let me watch the news!" No way~! I have to go to work for an internship tomorrow! How can I have time to watch the replay?" Chen Hengjun argued while holding the remote control.

Seeing the scene of the two snatching the remote control, Chen Daojun was speechless.Upon seeing this, Mou Xianmin avoided the strange father and son, turned around and walked towards the kitchen.Li Hairen, who was still cooking in the kitchen, didn't notice that his daughter-in-law had come behind him. "Mom, do you need my help?" Mou Xianmin's words made Li Hairen stunned for a moment, then turned around and looked behind him, and found that it was his daughter-in-law Mou Xianmin, with a smile on his face immediately, "No, no, I'm almost done."

"Mom, let me help. The two of you can go faster." Mou Xianmin said with a smile. This future mother-in-law simply treats her as her own daughter. Sometimes she feels that her mother Mou Xianmin may not have Li Hairen So nice to her.

"...Alright then." Li Hairen looked at his daughter-in-law who insisted on helping, and finally agreed.The two of them worked together and quickly finished most of the dinner.


In the living room, Chen Runji looked at his youngest son, whom he had not seen for more than half a month, and asked with some emotion, "How are you doing in the beautiful country during this time?"

"There are friends there to take care of me, and I have a good life. By the way, I heard some gossip in the beautiful country. Wall Street is likely to launch a financial war against Asian countries. Next, the film and television companies may have to Tighten your expenses." Chen Daojun thought of the upcoming financial turmoil, and planned to remind Chen Runji from the side, don't spend too much money in the next period of time, it will be embarrassing if there is no money in the film and television company's account.

"And don't just watch TV. You should also remind StarMuseum Company. Let that guy Li Xiuhao stop blindly expanding and spending a lot of money. I'm afraid everyone will be fine in the next period of time. It's better." Chen Daojun looked at Chen Hengjun who was still watching TV, couldn't help but snatched the remote control from his hand, and said to him seriously.

"Ah, ah, I got it!" Chen Hengjun said impatiently, "Give me the remote control."

Looking at Chen Hengjun's appearance, Chen Daojun was a little helpless. Looking at this posture, he was afraid that the instructions he just made were not fulfilled. Chen Hengjun was probably addicted to watching dramas and had forgotten everything else. Finally.

(End of this chapter)

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