Chapter 118 Soros wants to cooperate
"Jia Chang, you should be in your 30s this year, right?" Chen Daojun said slowly, "Do you just want to be a member of the club for the rest of your life? Why don't you seize the opportunity to transform now and just follow my plan. When the time comes, Bai Hu The society will soon be able to set up a company, successfully transform from a society, and have a brighter future!”

Chen Daojun's words were like a bolt from the blue, directly waking up Ma Jiachang who was content with the status quo! "Yeah, I'm in my 30s now. How many more years can I stay in the club? Now that I have the opportunity to transform and step into a higher position, why not give it a try?!" What are the chaebols and big companies in Bangzi Country like? He knew the scenery well, but he had never had the opportunity to join before. Now that Chen Daojun was willing to help him, what reason did he have to refuse?
Ma Jiachang said excitedly, "Thank you boss for your support! I will convene a meeting with the brothers tomorrow to organize them!"

Chen Daojun didn't say much, but raised his glass and made a "cheers" gesture with the other party, and then drank the wine in one gulp.When Ma Jiachang saw this, he drank the wine glass in front of him happily.


"By the way, boss, you asked us to look for lawyers who are good at finance and business-related fields. We have a clue! Recently, the brothers from the lending company heard that there is a guy named Wu Luomin who happens to be an elite lawyer in this industry. It's just that the law firm he ran went bankrupt, so he came to the lending company to apply for a loan." Ma Jiachang recalled the news from his younger brother two days ago, and said to Chen Daojun.

"Wu Luomin? A bankrupt business lawyer?... This is interesting, let's invite him to my law firm tomorrow for a meeting! The follow-up club wants to transform, this guy may be of great use!" Chen Daojun Unexpectedly, there would be an unexpected surprise waiting for him.You must know that lawyers in Bangziguo are quite popular, and very few people can pass the judicial examination, and most of those who pass the examination will choose to join the prosecutor's office and become a prosecutor.Some elites who did not become prosecutors will choose to become lawyers, especially the top lawyers who specialize in the financial and corporate fields, and there are very few of them.

Although Miracle Group also has a professional team of lawyers, it has nothing to do with Chen Daojun.Moreover, the White Tiger Club is a corporate organization after all, and it is not a good thing to be involved with top chaebols.

"Yes, boss! I will ask the brothers to bring people over tomorrow... No, please come over." Chen Daojun said so, how could Ma Jiachang not understand what he meant?This is to make him pay attention to propriety, but don't scare people.


Pretty Country, Quantum Fund.

Soros looked troubled. He did not expect that Singapore, the sniper target this time, would be so difficult. He originally thought that the domestic situation in Singapore was not optimistic, and that securities, stock markets, and real estate were all on the verge of collapse, but the other party relied on The large amount of foreign exchange reserves withstood their impact, and the Singapore dollar still did not collapse completely like the Thai baht and Korean won.

This result made all speculators involved in this operation extremely uncomfortable.As the "leader brother", Soros is even more depressed. If the stalemate continues and he cannot break through the currency defense line of Singapore, then their sniper battle will end without a problem, and if they fail, then the "sniper team" It will be difficult to carry it next!

"BOSS, what should we do next? Those guys are too smart. Seeing that we can't attack for a long time, their intensity of continuing to short the Singapore dollar has obviously dropped. If this continues, I'm afraid they will all run away!" The subordinate said with some annoyance.

"Oh, shit! These guys work harder than anyone else when making money. At the critical moment, no one is reliable!" Soros said angrily. This time, the funds they used to attack the Singapore dollar have reached more than 300 billion. US dollars, but the exchange rate between the Singaporean dollar and the US dollar still did not fall sharply, and the two sides were in a stalemate for a while.


"... Help me contact James from Goldman Sachs Group and tell him that I want to cooperate with him to snipe the Singapore dollar." After a long silence, Soros finally made a decision. Now if he wants to completely defeat the Singapore dollar, he must do it again. It would take a strong reinforcement to completely break the deadlock.The well-funded Goldman Sachs Group is undoubtedly a good partner.

"Yes, BOSS!" The subordinate was stunned for a moment, then quickly realized and got up to make contact.


James of the Goldman Sachs Group contacted Chen Daojun who was far away in Bangzi Country immediately after learning that Quantum Fund had called and that Soros wanted to cooperate with them to attack the Singapore dollar.

In the middle of the night in Bangziguo, Chen Daojun, who was dreaming sweet dreams with his arms around Mou Xianmin, was soon awakened by a series of continuous phone calls.Originally, Chen Daojun didn't plan to pick it up, but Mou Xianmin in his arms was also upset about this, so he pinched Chen Daojun fiercely, and then said coquettishly, "This point must be that Pretty Country called you! Don't sleep, Go answer the phone!"

Chen Daojun stood up in pain and picked up the phone beside him. "Chen, I'm James. I have something important to communicate with you."

When Chen Daojun heard that it was James, an old guy, he couldn't help complaining, "It's still midnight here in Bangzi Country! If you don't have anything important to do, look at how I will repay you!" The old guy James didn't even look at Bangzi. The time difference between China and the beautiful country is half a day, so it would be crazy to call someone late at night to disturb people's dreams!
"Ahem, I'm sorry, Chen. I forgot that there is a time difference! That's right, we just received a call from the Quantum Fund. That guy Soros wants to cooperate with us to attack Xinjiapo together. What do you think? ?” James directly told Chen Daojun what happened today, and then asked about the other party’s decision.

"That old fox Soros wants to cooperate with us?" Chen Daojun was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Agreed, why don't you agree! This guy probably ran out of funds, if we don't agree, he might have to retreat No. This is not in our interest. We need to stabilize him first and let him continue to smash the Singapore dollar. As long as our funds keep up, Singapore will not last long. And once the Singapore dollar collapses, we will still be able to recover from the currency market. If you want to earn another 10-20 billion in the futures market, why not do it?"

"Once the short sale of Xinjiapo fails, will those speculators who are interested in money still have the courage to attack the richer Xiangjiang?" Hearing what Daojun said, James also had some calculations in his heart, and then the two discussed specific cooperation matters. After discussing it, it took a while to hang up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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