The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 119 The sniper was successful, Blizzard’s “Diablo”

Chapter 119 The sniper was successful, Blizzard’s “Diablo”

James then gave a reply, agreeing to cooperate with Soros and Quantum Fund, and the two sides started negotiations on specific cooperation matters.

In the meeting room of the Goldman Sachs Group, James calmly put forward many requirements. First, after the cooperation between the two parties, they should attack Singapore as soon as possible and completely break down the exchange rate between the Singapore dollar and the US dollar; For this reason, Goldman Sachs needs to obtain the right of first repurchase; third, the two parties can continue to cooperate to attack Hong Kong's Hong Kong dollar in Yanxia Country.

Soros readily accepted Goldman Sachs' request.Now more than 8% of Quantum Fund's funds have been trapped in the money market.If the exchange rate of the Singapore dollar cannot be lowered and a large amount of profits can be obtained from the currency exchange, then once the interest has been paid on the borrowed funds, their losses will not be small!
As for sniping the Hong Kong dollar in Xiangjiang, he also has this intention. If Xinjiapo is not so difficult to deal with, I am afraid he is already planning an action to snipe Hong Kong.

Since both parties had the same goal and the benefits were distributed smoothly, cooperation was quickly reached.The Singapore dollar, which was originally in a stalemate, soon suffered a severe impact. A large number of Singapore dollars were sold crazily and converted into US dollars. The Singapore dollars on the market continued to flow out, and it was originally maintained at 1.25:1. The exchange rate finally fell and continued to fall. By the end of July, the exchange rate between the Singapore dollar and the US dollar dropped to 7:1.59. The Singaporean government ultimately failed to withstand the pressure, and the Singapore dollar declared the fixed exchange rate invalid.

According to some news media in Singapore, because President Wang Dingchang did not have enough authority to deal with the financial crisis, he clashed with Prime Minister Wu Zuotong, and the two sides had a very unpleasant dispute.Some media commented that maybe it was because of the disagreement among the top government officials in Singapore that they failed to withstand the sniping actions of international speculators, causing the domestic economy to suffer heavy losses!The people were quite dissatisfied with this and protested against the incompetence of the government!
Returning international speculators celebrated this success one after another. At first, they did not expect that Soros and Quantum Fund had run out of funds. Goldman Sachs Group seemed to have seized the opportunity and entered the market with a large amount of funds to directly "sneak attack" Singapore. , One hit success!Other speculators who were still on the sidelines seemed to smell the bloody shark, and quickly launched an attack, trying to get a piece of the pie in the process of searching for Xinjiapo!


------Dividing line------

Pretty Country, California.

At Blizzard's headquarters, which is many times larger than before, CEO Mike Molheim is talking with another founder, Alan Adhan, about a game they launched years ago, "Diablo."

"Alan, I really didn't expect that the sales of this "Diablo" were so good! We made a profit this time!" Mike Mollheim recalled the information about "Diablo" handed over by the office before. Diablo's data report analysis, the mood is quite good.

"Yeah, I didn't expect this Breivik to be so powerful! What a talent!" Alan Adham said with some emotion.

It turned out that in 1994, Breivik participated in the Chicago International Consumer Electronics Show with the original version of "Diablo" in order to obtain investment to develop games.But for the 90s, Roguelike RPG is already a backward product of the previous era (80s).Therefore, "Diablo", which cannot keep up with the times, naturally runs into walls everywhere.

Just when Breivik was disappointed, a nobleman appeared. This nobleman is Alan Adham, one of the founders of "Blizzard". The talent of the game.In the ensuing negotiation, Alan Adham took out "Warcraft" which was still in testing at that time, and after seeing it, Brevik expressed his willingness to help him test it for free, in exchange, as long as he could provide some feedback on "Darkcraft" at an appropriate time. "God of Destruction" can be funded.

Two years later, Brevik's Condor Company accepted Blizzard's "Zhao'an" and changed its name to "Northern Blizzard". With the support of Blizzard, it was inspired by classic old games such as "Net Hack" and "Moria". Developed the "Diablo" that became popular all over the world.

Although "Diablo" cannot be called the pioneer of ARPG, it is the creator of combining action RPG and rogue elements.In this era when turn-based RPGs are popular, this perfect fusion of old and new gameplay brings about random dungeons, explosive outfits and other settings, bringing players an unparalleled sense of freshness, and sales are also rising steadily. In less than a year Over the time, it has sold more than 60 copies, and it is even considered by the majority of players that "Diablo" is another hit game under Blizzard!

"Mike, you have to tell Chen this good news. That guy is really our lucky star! If it weren't for the massive financial support and connections he provided, we wouldn't have been able to go so smoothly!" Alan Adhan recalled Chen Daojun's heroic investment appearance before, the memory is still fresh.

"Haha! That's natural, after all, he is also our major shareholder of Blizzard!"


------Dividing line------

The activity of raising gold to save the country by the people of Bangzi Country lasted for more than half a month, and finally raised more than 200 tons of gold, worth more than 20 billion US dollars.It's just that the Minister of Finance who got the gold from the donation didn't smile.Because their current foreign debts are as high as tens of billions of dollars, and more than 20 billion dollars cannot help them get out of trouble.

When the Minister of Finance told President Kim Yong-sam the news, the president's mentality completely exploded!It was this trick minister who tricked himself into saying that he was calling on the people to donate gold to help the government get out of trouble.Then what?Just 20 billion US dollars is not enough to repay the interest!And now the public knows that the government is bankrupt and has no money.If they knew that they donated so much gold, it still wouldn't help, God knows how they would abuse their president? !
"...Mr. President, the only way to go now is to agree to the IMF's aid conditions!" The confidant on the side was silent for a long time, and finally put forward his own suggestions. At this moment when the country is about to be destroyed and the family is about to be destroyed, No matter how difficult the solution is, they have no choice but to bite the bullet!Otherwise, the decades-long foundation of Bangzi Country must not be ruined in the hands of people like them!

Hearing what the confidant adviser said, Jin Yongsan couldn't help but sighed, and the depression in his heart couldn't be vented. How could he, the president, be so unlucky and have such a nonsense thing happen to him!And that Soros, now he can't wait to send the top agents of the Bangzi Kingdom across the ocean to kill this bastard in the Beautiful Country!

(End of this chapter)

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