The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 120 Cui Changji: Support me to become mayor? !

Chapter 120 Cui Changji: Support me to become mayor? !
Miracle Group meeting room.

Sitting aside, Chen Huarong and Cui Changji were curiously looking at Wu Shixian, the vice president of the Miracle Group. The two of them still haven't figured out why this guy called them over.

"I wonder what Mr. Cui thinks of this financial crisis?" Wu Shixian did not discuss the matter directly with the two of them, but suddenly asked Cui Chang Jimin, which made the always submissive "soft rice man" a little flustered.

"President Wu asked your opinion, you just tell the truth." Chen Huarong looked at her husband a little speechlessly. Although the point of "strict wife management" came from her training, but in a serious scene, you If you're timid, it's not okay to leave a bad impression!

"Ahem, I think it will be very difficult for the Yongsan government to get through the difficulties this time." Cui Changji lifted his glasses frame, and then said nervously, "I have done a survey, and the foreign debts owed by our country As high as more than 400 billion U.S. dollars, even if the people donated a lot of gold before, I am afraid it is a drop in the bucket!"

"Yes, Mr. Cui's point of view is very correct." Wu Shixian quite agreed with Cui Changji's point of view and applauded in affirmation. "According to the information we have received, the Yongsan government has begun to send representatives to continue negotiations with the IMF. If nothing unexpected happens, they will eventually accept the IMF's aid and will also amend the constitution to allow the IMF to propose A series of requirements.”

"Ah? is this possible?!" This time, not only Cui Changji was dumbfounded, but Chen Huarong who was beside him was also dumbfounded.How many years has it been since Bangzi Country declared its independence? Didn't they expect that when the financial turmoil came this time, they would be beaten back to their original shape and accept the financial control of the Beautiful Country?This is not a good thing!
Wu Shixian didn't seem to notice the change in the expressions of the two people, but continued to say calmly, "If nothing else happens, after Yong San accepts the aid fund from the IMF, the people's support will inevitably be lost! And according to the information we have now, this Yong San The son of the third president is not very clean. We have evidence that he accepted bribes and evaded taxes. Once these things are exposed, do you think this president can still stay at the Blue House without incident?"

"...Once it is revealed, Yongsan will definitely be impeached, or even step down early. Then there is a high probability that the next new president will be..." Cui Changji quickly understood the meaning of Wu Shixian's words, and by analogy, he was very He quickly guessed what Wu Shixian was going to say next.

"Hahaha! Mr. Choi is indeed a smart man, that's right! The next president to take office must be Kim Dae-jung! We have developed a lot of friendship with Mr. Kim over the years. After Mr. Kim successfully took office, we Miracle Group is willing to support Mr. Cui to run for mayor of Seoul!" Wu Shixian's words exploded in the minds of the two of them like a bolt from the blue.

"You Miracle Group is very optimistic about that Mr. Jin?... Mayor of Seoul?! President Wu, you just said that you are willing to support me to become the mayor of Seoul?!" Cui Changji suddenly stood up, looking excitedly at him. Wu Shixian reconfirmed towards the other party.

"That's right, Mr. Cui heard it right just now. We are willing to support you to become the new mayor of Seoul!" Wu Shixian said with a smile. Setting foot on the job requires a lot of financial support. Our Miracle Group has not lost any funds in this financial turmoil, and can fully support many companies in Seoul to resume production!"

Chen Huarong was completely paralyzed. At Zhengxinzhai, when Chen Yangji and his elder brothers were discussing the abnormal behavior of Miracle Group's sudden sale of stocks and assets a few months ago, they thought Miracle Group was crazy, leaving profitable projects and stocks unused. In vain cheap others.Looking at it now, it is clear that Miracle Group has grasped the inside information in advance, and is selling assets, withdrawing funds, and avoiding risks!

In the end, Cui Changji still failed to resist the temptation of Wu Shixian to run for the mayor of Seoul. After all, he has already enjoyed the wonderful feeling of being in power and being respected when he embarked on an official career. give up easily?Chen Huarong is also very supportive of this. In her opinion, if her husband can become a big boss in the official career, it will definitely provide a lot of help for her to form a group in the future.

Of course, the Miracle Group's help is not so easy to get. In exchange for equivalent value, after Cui Changji becomes the mayor of Seoul, the Miracle Group needs to be given priority in related important engineering projects such as the construction and renovation of Seoul.Cui Changji naturally has no objection to this. As a veteran in the workplace, he naturally knows the trade-offs. If you give up these benefits, you can get the mayor's throne, and you will definitely earn it!

------Dividing line-------

In the country of Bangzi, Chen Daojun met Wu Luomin, a lawyer who was praised by Ma Jiachang as an elite, in his law firm. He was in his 30s, with a three to seven point back hair, and looked like a middle-aged handsome guy. Maybe it was because of the economy. Due to financial constraints, he was wearing a washed-out shirt and looked a little nervous.

"Sit down, don't be nervous. Did they tell you why I called you here?" Chen Daojun smiled and asked the other party to take a seat. It was quite upright, which surprised Chen Daojun a little.

"The big brother who brought me here just said that Boss Ma's big brother wanted to see me. He didn't say anything else." Wu Luomin saw that Chen Daojun was not as powerful as the big brothers he had seen before, and he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. The mood is relaxed a lot.

"Then let me just say it straight, we want to invite you to be the legal advisor of the White Tiger Association." Chen Daojun directly threw an olive branch at the other party.

However, Wu Luomin's expression turned ugly for a moment. Although his law firm was not well managed and owed a lot of debts, lawyers are a tall and respectable profession in Bangziguo. These associations are mixed together, and he is afraid that he will become the laughing stock of the lawyer industry!
"...Brother, you also work in a law firm. If the lawyer and the members of the club get too close, word will spread..." Wu Luomin said tactfully, trying to refuse the other party's invitation.

Chen Daojun didn't take this seriously, and just continued, "What if the White Tiger Society will undergo reform and transformation next? They will set up a company later, and the members of the society will undergo professional training to become bodyguards, transport truck drivers, security personnel... …”

(End of this chapter)

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