The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 131 Don’t just focus on your figure, use your brain more!

Chapter 131 Don’t just focus on your figure, use your brain more!
"Of course I want to see you! Vice President Chen Yongji is here this time to give us benefits!" Wu Shixian showed a smile on his face, and his expression became somewhat meaningful.This made Rachel even more confused. Did Wu Shixian really mean the same thing to her?Why can't you understand the other party at all?
Looking at his apprentice who still didn't understand the meaning, Wu Shixian couldn't help but complain, "I want you to use your brain more often. Don't just focus on managing your figure. Is it useful to have a good figure? IQ is the key!"

Rachel said unconvinced, "Of course it works! If I don't have a good figure, can my boss like me?"

"..." Wu Shixian was stumped for an instant, and didn't know how to answer for a moment!It took a while to recover, "Ahem..., do you remember what the boss thought at the time? He wanted to control all the chaebols in Bangzi Kingdom for his use. Now is the perfect opportunity!"

After some advice from Wu Shixian, Rachel finally came to her senses, and asked Wu Shixian a little excitedly, "The recent financial situation of Shunyang Group is not very good. Is this vice president Chen Yongji here to ask for help?"

Wu Shixian nodded in agreement, "Yes, this Vice Chairman Chen Yongji is here to seek help. If nothing else happens, he may propose that our Miracle Group acquire some of the shares of Shunyang Group's subsidiaries!"

"Teacher, how did you guess it?" Rachel looked at the confident Wu Shixian in front of her, and vaguely remembered Chen Daojun's confident appearance.Out of curiosity, she couldn't help but ask.

"Hehe, this is a secret!" Naturally, Wu Shixian would not reveal that it was Chen Daojun who told him yesterday, so to keep a sense of mystery, to tease this assistant and apprentice who was a little slow to react, would help establish his prestige as a master!
Seeing Wu Shixian put it here to show off, Rachel was so angry that her chest rose and fell sharply for a while, but Wu Shixian still didn't open her mouth to explain.


"Miracle Group meeting room.

"President Wu, I haven't seen you for a long time, so I'm taking the liberty to disturb you this time!" Chen Yongji greeted Wu Shixian politely.

"Chairman Chen, you're welcome. Our Miracle Group and Shunyang Group have cooperated a lot over the years, and they can be regarded as old friends." Wu Shixian said with a smile, "I just don't know why President Chen is here this time. "

"...I'll be honest with you, Chairman Wu. The situation of our Shunyang Group is not very good recently... I want to sell part of the company's stocks to use as company turnover funds." Chen Yongji hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind to speak. , after all, except for Miracle Group, no company in the entire Bangzi Country dares to say that it is not short of money. It is a common phenomenon that it needs capital turnover.

"...Chairman Chen, the performance of Shunyang Group has always been very good. It stands to reason that Shunyang's stocks are very popular. Why did you find us Miracle Group?" Wu Shixian was overjoyed, but his face was still calm, and asked the other party Why didn't you sell the stock to someone else?

"..." For a moment, Chen Yongji didn't know how to answer. Could it be possible to tell the other party that the shares of Shunyang Group cannot be sold?Come to him to take over? ... If this kind of big truth is told truthfully, it is estimated that the talk will collapse immediately!

"Ahem, President Wu must be well aware of the current domestic situation. Our Shunyang Group needs a lot of funds, and those banks and credit institutions have no money... I remember that Miracle Group sold its stocks and funds in advance. Thinking about it, only a big company like Miracle Group can buy my stocks."

After some thinking, Chen Yongji still gave a tenable reason, and the current situation is indeed as he said, before the sun country forced debts, they, the chaebols, just took part of the funds to repay the loan .But before he recovered, the exchange rate between the Korean won and the U.S. dollar collapsed, and the funds held by the chaebols shrank a lot overnight. The aid promised by the Blue House has not been seen yet. , I'm afraid whether it can last is a problem.

"President Chen, we are all businessmen, and we will not do anything without profit. Now not only Shunyang Group, but also other chaebols, the financial situation is not optimistic, but why should I buy the shares of Shunyang's companies? What about stocks? Other companies have performed well in the past, such as Daying Group!"

A sly look flashed in Wu Shixian's eyes. Although he planned to cooperate and buy Shunyang's shares from Chen Yongji, this did not prevent him from taking the opportunity to lower the price and ask for more benefits!

Seeing Wu Shixian sitting on the ground and raising prices, Chen Yongji felt a little angry in his heart, but now that he was under the roof, he had to lower his head and raise funds to survive the "cold winter". This was his most important thing at the moment. If the negotiation with Wu Shixian collapsed now .Where should he go to find institutions willing to acquire Shunyang shares?Wouldn't their requirements be more demanding?


In the next ten minutes or so, the two had a heated discussion about which subsidiaries' stocks, the number of stocks, and the price to sell. Originally, Chen Yongji wanted to use some important but not core company stocks to cash out as much as possible in exchange for Capital turnover, but Wu Shixian obviously came prepared.

Wu Shixian was not at all interested in the shares of companies such as Shunyang Automobile, Shunyang Life, and Shunyang Construction proposed by Chen Yongji, Wu Shixian even said slightly mockingly, "If President Chen wants to use these things to perfuse me, I'm afraid he made a mistake. Idea! The performance of these companies in the past few years has been mediocre. Even after the financial turmoil has passed, it is extremely difficult for them to return to their previous operating conditions. There is no investment value at all!"

"What we are interested in are Shunyang Electronics, Shunyang Semiconductor, Shunyang Properties and Shunyang Heavy Industries!" Wu Shixian didn't bother to make any more detours with the other party, and went straight to a showdown with the other party. Only these core subsidiaries can maximize their profits after bargain hunting. !

Chen Yongji obviously hesitated. He didn't expect the other party to "point at the vital point". You must know that he, the vice president, doesn't have many shares in these core subsidiaries!If he directly transfers the shares he holds, he will completely lose the right to speak in these important subsidiaries!

"How about President Chen go back and think about it first? It seems that we can't reach a conclusion today. Why don't we make an appointment later." Wu Shixian saw through Chen Yongji's thoughts and was not in a hurry to let the other party make a decision.Anyway, according to what Chen Daojun revealed before, the IMF's aid plan will not be so timely, especially the aid funds will be delayed for at least one or two months.

In the end, Chen Yongji still couldn't make up his mind. He planned to go back and discuss with Chen Yangji. After all, most of the stocks of these core subsidiaries were still in the hands of Chen Yangji, the head of the Shunyang Group. As long as he agreed to sell part of the stocks, the group's Financial difficulties can be easily solved!
 The two banned chapters have been restored, and you can subscribe and watch them normally~
  Brothers who are urging me to update, don’t worry, I am a part-time coder of tea eggs, I will stock up a little every day, and I will update more on weekends ~ Thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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