The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 132 Yin Xuanyou came to the door

Chapter 132 Yin Xuanyou came to the door

Junhe Law Firm.

"Mr. Chen, there is a kid outside, holding a business card and saying he wants to see you!" A law firm assistant came to Chen Daojun's office to report, which made Chen Daojun a little confused.It took a while to realize, "It couldn't be that guy Yin Xuanyou, right?"

Chen Daojun remembered that a few nights ago, he and Mou Xianmin went to eat in a small restaurant in Itaewon, and happened to meet the male protagonist in the original drama. Shanyuan, I didn't expect that this little guy would really take the initiative to "deliver to your door" a few days later!
"Bring him here, I know that kid." Chen Daojun said to his assistant with a smile, he was a little curious, what happened to this guy later, he ran to find himself so soon!


Looking at Yin Xuanyou who looked a little depressed in front of him, Chen Daojun said calmly, "Xuanyou, right? Did you encounter any difficulties when you came to me so quickly?"

"...Can you give me a job?" Yin Xuanyou did not answer Chen Daojun's question, but asked Chen Daojun, "Mom is working in a restaurant and was injured. Dad..., I need a job !"

Looking at the young man with an immature face but unusually firm eyes, Chen Daojun smiled and said, "Of course. You are a filial child. Since you are willing to believe in me, then I will not let you down! You stay here Work here like them, and give you 300 million won every month!"

Chen Daojun's words made Yin Xuanyou, who was originally worried, breathe a sigh of relief. Chen Daojun was actually willing to take him in, which was great!In the past two days, he felt like he was going to die from worry. His mother, who was regarded as the breadwinner of the family, was still receiving treatment in the hospital. His unsatisfactory father had been doing nothing since he lost his job at home, and even became a "rice bug" at home. , my younger brother, who is still in elementary school, also uses money in many ways. If I don’t find a way, the family will be over!


In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Chen Daojun told Yin Xuanyou that from now on he would come to a law firm for social internship instead of working part-time, and Chen Daojun would not give him a salary but a subsidy! (Note: Bangzi Country does not allow young workers under the age of 18.)
After Yin Xuanyou agreed, Chen Daojun took Yin Xuanyou to introduce it to everyone.I heard Chen Daojun say that this little guy is the child of his friend, and he wants to exercise here and let them take care of him.Wu Luomin, who is well versed in human relations, quickly reacted, greeted Yin Xuanyou enthusiastically, took him to a vacant workstation, and patiently introduced him to some routine situations in the law firm.

Yin Xuanyou saw the enthusiastic Wu Luomin, and thought of Chen Daojun, who agreed to "take in" him to train here before, he was quite excited in his heart. At the beginning, he was desperate, but he just followed this business card and came here with the mentality of giving it a try. Unexpectedly, Chen Daojun agreed to his request without saying a word, and promised him a very high "subsidy"!He must work hard to repay Chen Daojun's kindness!
------Dividing line------

Zheng Xin Zhai.

After Chen Yongji came back, he quickly found his father, Chen Yangji, and reported to him about the discussion with Wu Shixian at the Miracle Group.Chen Yangji was also overjoyed when he heard that the other party was willing to buy the shares of Shunyang Group!However, Chen Yangji frowned again when he heard that the other party indicated that he was only willing to buy the shares of the core subsidiaries of Shunyang Group, such as Shunyang Electronics, Shunyang Semiconductor, and Shunyang Materials.

"... Yongji, do you think we should sell part of the shares of these subsidiaries to Miracle Group?" Chen Yangji did not make a decision, but asked his eldest son for his opinion.

"..." Chen Yongji never expected that this tricky choice was finally thrown to himself. At the beginning, it was Chen Yangji who wanted to buy Han Dao Steel, but he didn't agree to spend a lot of money to buy it, forcing himself to make a decision and let him I can figure it out, but if the acquisition fails and I have to lose my position as vice president, is there any choice? !He is a scapegoat!

Seeing that Chen Yongji didn't answer, Chen Yangji's face turned ugly again, "You told me this matter, but you can't make up your mind! Do you still expect me, an old man, to make a decision for you? How can you do that if you're like this? Well managed Shunyang Group!”

Hearing his father's familiar abuse, Chen Yongji still looked calm. After all, he has been scolded too much and his face has become thicker!Seeing that Chen Yangji insisted on letting him make a decision, Chen Yongji thought for a moment and finally made a decision, "The most important thing now is to keep Shunyang Group afloat! If Shunyang Group collapses, we will hold on to those stocks. What’s the use? It’s not just a pile of waste paper in the end?”

"Since Miracle Group is willing to buy the shares of our subsidiary in Shunyang, then sell some of them to them! The most urgent task is to keep Shunyang Group alive!" Although Chen Yongji often appears indecisive, at the moment of life and death of the group, he still A decision was made soon, and the stocks could be bought back after they were sold, but Shunyang Group collapsed, and it would be really difficult to rebuild if it wanted to rebuild it again!
Chen Yangji looked at the eldest son with a firm expression in front of him, and did not insult him, but said calmly, "You list the amount of company stocks that need to be sold and hand them over to Mr. Li."

"Yes, President!" Chen Yongji was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized that he really did not expect that Chen Yangji did not object to the decision he made this time, it seemed that he acquiesced.

In the following days, Chen Yongji and his confidants, Section Chief Jin and others, not only listed the list of subsidiaries that could be sold, but also made a detailed analysis of the amount and price of the stocks to be sold, and formed a report and handed it to Director Li. .After seeing it, Chen Yangji had no other opinions. He just asked him to conclude a deal with Miracle Group as soon as possible.

After receiving the news, Chen Dongji and Chen Huarong were a little unbelievable. The eldest brother Chen Yongji, who was supposed to be doing nothing, was able to go all out and sell subsidiary stocks to raise funds to continue the group's life.

Chen Dongji, who was eager to see Chen Yongji unlucky, couldn't sit still. He never expected that Chen Yongji would be so courageous, and Wu Shixian of Miracle Group would actually be willing to take over. Is it possible that the people of Miracle Group have too much money and no place to spend it?The second child, who was not reconciled to Chen Yongji's success, was still thinking about how to add obstacles to his elder brother and make his action fail!
Thanks to Chen Dongji's "tip-off", Zhu Yirong and others of Daying Group knew about the transfer of subsidiary stocks, which should not have been known to third parties.

(End of this chapter)

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