The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 134 Chen Daojun: Do you do things without thinking?

Chapter 134 Chen Daojun: Do you do things without thinking?
It's just that Minister Cui doesn't know the other party's true intentions.And this representative Kim from Yue Tian Department Store seemed to have overestimated Cui Shengyou's ministerial authority.I didn't expect that in StarMuseum, famous artists would have such a high status and be directly managed by the president.

"President Jin, how about this. Just wait here for a moment, and I'll go find our president. As long as he agrees, our company's Fin.KL group can also participate in your company's activities!" Minister Cui was anxious. He was sweating. He didn't expect that the other party would be so difficult to deal with.

"That's pretty much it. That Lee Hyori of Fin.KL, our Vice President Shin Dongbin has heard of for a long time. As long as she can attend this party, there will be absolutely no problem with our cooperation in the future." I heard Minister Cui say this , Representative Kim quickly remembered the sexy and charming Lee Hyori from Fin.KL. If she could be found, the vice president would definitely be satisfied!


Chen Daojun came to Li Xiuhao's office and listened to the other party's description of the company's recent operations. "Director Chen, the current situation of the company is indeed not optimistic. Affected by the financial crisis, many companies that we have cooperated with before have gone bankrupt due to the break in the capital chain. The debut artists of our company and even those who have become famous , I haven’t received a decent notice for a while.”

Listening to Li Xiuhao's complaint, Chen Daojun was speechless for a while, and then looked at Chen Hengjun who was standing aside speechlessly, "Brother, I want you to be appointed as a director in the company. You will not participate in the daily business management of the company, but this kind of Shouldn't you tell me about this matter earlier?"

"Ahem, didn't I tell you before?" Chen Hengjun said with a guilty conscience. He didn't take this seriously at first, but he didn't expect that the impact of the financial crisis would become more and more serious. Until now, the company's artists We are almost out of notice.

"...Forget it, I shouldn't have counted on you!" Chen Daojun felt a little headache.After thinking for a while, he took out a business card from his suit pocket and handed it to Li Xiuman, "President Li, if something happens to the company in the future, you can directly call this number. If I don't answer the call, you can call this law firm landline number!"

"Okay, Director Chen!" Li Xiuman said happily. He has learned about Chen Daojun's influence over the years. In addition to their StarMuseum company, they also have several profitable companies such as Disney Amusement Park and Nexon Game Company under their name. , his fiancée, Ms. Mou, is also the vice president of SBS TV station, and behind it is a large enterprise like Shunyang Group. If Chen Daojun comes forward, it will not be easy to help them win more announcements and endorsements? !

While several people were chatting, Director Cui from the marketing department hurried over. Seeing that there was an outsider present, Li Xiuman immediately resumed his usual majestic appearance, "Minister Cui, what's the matter?"

"President, the representative of Yuetian Department Store under Yuetian Group is here. They are willing to arrange some announcements and endorsements for us, but they ask our company's Fin.KL group to participate in the party held by their group. As long as their vice president Xin Dongbin Satisfied, there is no problem with announcements and endorsements."

Listening to Minister Cui's narration, Li Xiuman's heart was soon a little moved. After all, there are very few people who can receive announcements and endorsements. Yuetian Group is willing to give them a chance, so they must grasp it well!

It's just that Li Xiu, who has always been cautious, remembered that Chen Daojun, the behind-the-scenes boss, was still in front of him, and then said to Chen Daojun, "What does Director Chen think about this matter?"

Seeing Li Xiuhao asking for his opinion, Chen Daojun smiled and said, "Minister Cui, I forgot to ask, what is the specific position of the representative of Yuetian Department Store you mentioned? Is he Xin Dongbin's direct confidant?"

"...This... I don't know, it should be Xin Dongbin's confidant." Minister Cui was also a little dumbfounded at the moment, he didn't expect Chen Daojun to ask these questions.That's Yuetian Department Store, a giant in Bangzi Country's retail industry. Is it possible that he can still lie to people?
Chen Daojun couldn't help but laugh when he heard what Minister Cui said. Others in the office were confused when they saw Chen Daojun laughing inexplicably.Chen Daojun immediately stood up and slapped Minister Cui hard, knocking him unconscious!

"You...why did you hit me!" Minister Cui asked innocently while covering his red and swollen left cheek in pain.

"Because you have no brain!" Chen Daojun looked at the "silly" minister in front of him who still didn't know where he was wrong, and said with an angry smile, "When you were looking for announcements and endorsements outside, you never thought about whether the other party was Are you lying?! He said that he is the representative of Yuetian Department Store, so he can make decisions for the entire company? He said that as long as Fin. letter?"

"As far as your IQ is concerned, I'm afraid you are still counting the money if you are sold!" The twists and turns inside the big company are so complicated that others don't know, so Chen Daojun can't figure it out?A representative was just talking nonsense over there, what the hell, whoever believes who is stupid!The president, vice president, and director of the company, which position is not as high as him, is it his turn to call the shots?As for saying that the other party is the confidant of Xin Dongbin, vice president of Yuetian Group, that would be even more interesting!When can a dog make decisions for its owner?
Hearing Chen Daojun's question, Minister Cui was also stunned. He was only focused on finding announcements and endorsements for the company. Hearing that the other party was willing to give him a chance, he was a little excited and forgot about other things.Now think about it carefully, isn't the other party just fooling him?The things promised by the other party are just verbal promises, and there is no written contract or agreement at all.

And just as Chen Daojun said, the other party is just a representative, so why can he be the owner of the company?Can you make a decision for Xin Dongbin?He said he wanted the Fin.KL group, did they really send people there?I'm afraid they are empty-handed white wolves here, fooling people, right? !
Li Xiumou had already realized at this moment that Minister Cui was probably out of good intentions and had found a few liars this time!If he had just been impulsive and agreed to the other party's request, wouldn't that be sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth? !You must know that the Fin.KL combination and the Hot combination are the two signature brands of their StarMuseum company. If something goes wrong, their losses will be huge!

Chen Daojun didn't say anything more, but picked up his mobile phone and dialed Ma Jiachang's number. He just said, "Bring a few more capable Ma boys to the StarMuseum Company in Apgujeong 2-dong, Gangnam District." , help me hold on!" Others in the office couldn't help but shudder!
(End of this chapter)

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