Chapter 135

"President Li, ask the security personnel outside to guard the door, so that no one can escape!" Chen Daojun directed to several people, "Minister Cui, since you brought these people, they naturally have no defense against you." .Let’s go, you take the lead and lead us to have a look.”

Minister Cui has also lost his previous anger at this moment. Chen Daojun's reprimand and president Li Xiu's silence have fully explained the two people's views. His credit must be gone. He doesn't want to stop because of Those scammers from Yuetian Department Store made Li Xiu hide from the president that he was a waste who didn't do enough to do things, but did more than do things wrong!

Representative Jin and several colleagues, who were still waiting for the "good news" in the conference room, smiled obscenely and chatted about the hot female trainees they had seen at the StarMuseum company before, which one had a bigger bear and a bigger butt. What's more, the chat content is quite obscene and shameless...

It wasn't until they heard a knock on the door and saw Minister Cui who had left before coming back again that they ended their chat, but the few of them still seemed to have something to say.

"Minister Cui, have you guys discussed it? Our time is very precious, and we don't have time to waste it with you here." Representative Jin still had the same arrogant face, as if he was willing to stay here for a while. Glory to StarMuseum Corporation!

"Hehe! A mere representative of Yuetian Department Store dares to be so crazy with me? Chairman Xin Gehao of your Yuetian Group is not as good as you, right?" He hesitated and spoke directly!

"Who are you! Do you have the right to speak here? Is this how your StarMuseum company treats customers?!" Representative Jin didn't expect that halfway through pretending to be X, a stunned young man would come and slap him in the face, which made him How can I bear it, I just go crazy!
"Minister Cui, I don't feel the slightest sincerity from your StarMuseum company now! The cooperation is over, and I will tell Vice President Xin Dongbin how your StarMuseum company insulted our Yuetian Group! Waiting to be blocked..."

Before Representative Jin could finish speaking, Chen Daojun stepped forward and slapped the opponent's long face viciously!There was only a loud sound of "啪——!", and a bright red slap print appeared on the right cheek of Representative Jin who was still talking harshly, and a bloody tooth was directly knocked out by the other party. This happened suddenly. The critical attack directly stunned him!
"Before you come here, why don't you ask who owns the StarMuseum company?" Chen Daojun looked at his masterpiece and grinned, "Do you think that father and son Xing Hao and Xin Dongbin of the Yuetian Group will come to trouble me for a dog? ?Are you inflated or do you think I dare not take action? "

The expressions of the people behind Representative Jin suddenly turned ugly. They didn’t expect that they could use the Yuetian Group’s brand name and name to dominate and show off their power. However, they didn’t expect that this time they would overturn and meet Chen Daojun. Those who take Yuetian Group seriously are in trouble now!

How could Representative Jin, who had been slapped, be willing to give up and wanted to fight back and beat Chen Daojun.But it's a pity that the middle-aged representative Jin was not Chen Daojun's opponent, and soon he was slapped by Chen Daojun again. The half of his swollen face instantly became less obtrusive and became more symmetrical!
"You wait, I'm going to call the police, and I'm going to call someone to beat you up!" Representative Jin still refused to accept it at the moment. Although he couldn't beat him head-on, the people from Yuetian Department Store were not easy to mess with!He yelled to the colleagues beside him, "Call quickly! Tell them to send more people over! I must make this kid pay the price today!"

"Yes, representative! I'll make a call right away!" The companion on the side seemed to have grasped at straws, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and dialed the number with trembling hands.

The sharp-eyed Li Xiuman saw the other party's actions and wanted to go forward to snatch the other party's mobile phone, but was stopped by Chen Daojun, who said calmly, "President Li, don't worry, Ma Jiachang is bringing people over. I guess I will It will be here in a while. I want to see how many people he can call? And who are the big figures who dare to support this guy!"


On the other side, Ma Jiachang, who received a call from Chen Daojun, called dozens of first-class horsemen to fight, brought baseball bats, rode a motorcycle, and rushed towards the StarMuseum company in Jiangnan District a few minutes ago. And he himself let his confidant follow him in the car.Seeing this, many pedestrians and vehicles gave way one after another, for fear of offending these fierce guys.

After receiving a call from Representative Jin, Manager Park of Yuecheon Department Store directly gathered more than 20 employees of the company and rushed to the StarMuseum company in Gangnam District.This supervisor never imagined that such an outrageous thing would happen in Bangzi Country. Someone would dare to beat and detain the middle managers of their Yuetian Department Store. This was because they did not take their Yuetian Department Store and the Yuetian Group behind them seriously. Here!If they don't say anything, they will definitely be reduced to the laughing stock of others in the future!


The staff of Yuetian Department Store was the first to feel it. The other party took a large truck and quickly rushed to the StarMuseum company not far away.But the other party didn't expect that the security here would stop them from going in, which annoyed Director Park, so he directly asked these employees to come forward and rush in.It's just that although the security guards of the StarMuseum company are not many in number, they are well-equipped, relying on anti-riot shields and anti-explosion batons to abruptly stop more than 20 people.

"...President, the situation is a bit pessimistic! There are too many of them, and the security guards at the door may not be able to last long! Let's call the police first!" The head of the security department said with an ugly look.Originally, there were not many people in his department, but suddenly something happened today. If he can't stand the chaos, it will be troublesome!

"Hmph—! I advise you to be more sensible, kneel down and apologize to me now, otherwise you will be unable to eat and walk around when our people come in!" Representative Jin, who had received two big mouths, heard the The people who came to "rescue" were outside, and they became stiff again in an instant.

Li Xiuman was a little hesitant, looking at Chen Daojun and wanted to ask what he meant.Just as Chen Daojun was about to speak, the cell phone beside him suddenly rang.

"Hey, boss, we have arrived at the StarMuseum company, but there is a group of people outside who seem to be fighting with the company's security guards. Do we need to take action?" The caller was Chen Daojun's subordinate, Ma Jiachang, the boss of Baihu Club. .

 Tomorrow there will be 5 updates, 10000 words, and there will be a wave of explosions~~Looking forward to the benefits for the brothers who have tea and egg explosions~

(End of this chapter)

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