The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 142 Mou Xianmin's Concern

Chapter 142 Mou Xianmin's Concern
The chief of the Public Security Bureau personally came to the hall to meet Chen Daojun, and at the same time assured them that he would protect their rights and uphold justice for them!Now Chen Daojun not only has a bigger background, but also has a video to testify, while Jin Daomin and others can't produce any evidence to prove their claims except those involved. care about.

The Public Security Bureau quickly contacted Yuetian Department Store, told them about the crimes committed by Jin Daomin and others, and at the same time asked the senior management of Yuetian Department Store to come to Jiangnan District Public Security Bureau as soon as possible.Later, he also called Shunyang Group and informed them of what happened today.


Shunyang Group Headquarters, Vice Chairman's Office.

Listening to Mr. Li's narration of what happened to Chen Daojun and StarMuseum, the vice president Chen Yongji asked hesitantly, "Mr. Li, does the president have anything to say?"

"The president said when will it be the Chen family's turn to be bullied by others?! I hope you, vice president, will deal with it as soon as possible." Director Li truthfully relayed what Chen Yangji meant.

"Okay, I understand!" After hearing what Director Li said, Chen Yongji naturally understood what Chen Yangji meant.Previously, Chen Runji provided 1.3 million U.S. dollars to support the group, which indirectly helped him secure the position of vice president. This time his son encountered a problem, and he, the uncle, should step forward to stand up for him!If you can't stand up for Chen Daojun, your little nephew, who will be willing to work with Chen Yongji in the future? If people's hearts are broken, it will be difficult to lead the team!
Chen Yongji dialed the office number and quickly called his assistant. Chen Yongji ordered the other person in front of Director Li, "Contact Vice Chairman Xin Dongbin of Yuetian Group for me and ask him to be prepared. If he can't give me Give me an explanation. Then I, our Shunyang Group, will take action against the Yuetian Group and vent our anger on behalf of the Chen family!"

After the assistant recorded Chen Yongji's request, he quickly contacted him. Seeing that Chen Yongji had already started to act, Mr. Li nodded in satisfaction. After all, it was Chen Yangji's order. If Chen Yongji did not cooperate, then he would not Good job!

After the Public Security Bureau finished the transcripts, Chen Daojun and others were also told that they could leave with peace of mind. The Public Security Bureau will handle the rest of the matter. It will take a few days for the processing results. If they are not satisfied with the processing results, they can also sue the other party. .

After exiting the gate of the Public Security Bureau, Chen Daojun motioned for Li Xiuhao to leave first. The next thing had nothing to do with StarMuseum Company. "Jiachang, I'm counting on you for the next good show! I'll go to the hospital later and let those injured brothers have a good check-up. The hospital's injury certificate can't be sloppy! I'm still waiting to see the report from Yuetian Department Store tomorrow." It’s fun!”

"Hehe, don't worry, boss, I know it well!" Ma Jiachang replied with a smile. Chen Daojun's plan has been launched, and the early stage execution is very smooth. As long as he follows the plan and goes step by step, Yuetian Department Store will make progress this day. The big gold cake belongs to him.If anyone prevents him from taking over Yuetian Department Store, he will definitely let his Ma Zai give him a hard "education"!
"Then Lawyer Wu will work hard tomorrow, and go to Yuetian Department Store with President Ma to uphold justice for the injured brothers and ask for an explanation!" Chen Daojun patted Wu Luomin's arm and said with a smile.

"No problem! It's my honor to be able to help President Ma!" Wu Luomin replied somewhat restrainedly. Hearing what Chen Daojun meant, it was obvious that he wanted to take this opportunity to make a big fool of himself and give Yuetian Department Store some color. voila.Chen Daojun specially reserved this opportunity for himself, if he seized it, then he, a little lawyer, would soon become famous!

At this moment, Chen Daojun's cell phone suddenly rang, "Hello, I'm Chen Daojun, who are you?" Chen Daojun asked subconsciously.

"It's me, Mou Xianmin. I came over from get off work early. Are you okay? Where are you now? There are too many people here at the Public Security Bureau, and I couldn't find you." Mou Xianmin's voice came from the other end of the phone.Chen Daojun couldn't help but feel warm in his heart when he learned that his fiancée had put down her work and came to the Public Security Bureau to pick him up. This woman had really not loved her in vain in the past. She actually gave up her work and came to see him!

"Where are you? I'll come and find you." Chen Daojun said with a smile. Mou Xianmin told Chen Daojun about his location soon after hearing the words, and then both parties hung up the phone tacitly, and Mou Xianmin waited for Chen Daojun at the same place.

After Chen Daojun hung up the phone, he smiled at Ma Jiachang and the others, "I have some personal matters, so I won't accompany you to the hospital. If there is anything, please call me!"

Ma Jiachang on the side instantly understood, raised his eyebrows at Chen Daojun and said with a smile, "The beauty has an appointment, the boss should go quickly! Don't make people wait too long!" The younger brother, Wu Luomin and others beside him also smiled knowingly. .Chen Daojun was not at all moved by the teasing of these old drivers. After all, Chen Daojun's thick skin has been tempered after having skin-to-skin relationships with many beauties.This group of guys are willing to laugh, so just laugh, anyway, he won't be short of money!


Chen Daojun quickly looked for it according to the direction Mou Xianmin described before. Five minutes later, Chen Daojun successfully saw Mou Xianmin who was waiting at the side. Looking at the beautiful woman in front of him, Chen Daojun was a little moved, and hurried forward to hug Mou Xianmin from behind.

Mou Xianmin was taken aback by the sudden hug, turned around and saw that it was Chen Daojun who was relieved, and then said with some embarrassment, "You bastard, why are you still like a child and like to play pranks so much?"

For Mou Xianmin's complaints, Chen Daojun did not refute, just kept smiling, hugging the beautiful woman in his arms, smelling the fragrance from her, feeling very warm.Seeing that her little man suddenly became so "well-behaved", Mou Xianmin didn't say much.In the past, when Chen Daojun was in a bad mood, he would often hug her, saying that holding her would quickly calm down, and it was very warm.

Mou Xianmin said softly, "You are not allowed to do this next time. If something happens to you, what should I do?" Chen Daojun nodded and said with a smile, "I understand, Sister Xianmin. If they hadn't used their evil intentions. , want to grab my things, I don't bother to pay attention to them!"

"You are still so domineering!" She was too familiar with Chen Daojun's temper.He looks polite and humble, like a rich man, but if others want to take advantage of him or try to influence him, Chen Daojun will fight back crazily and retaliate.When I was studying in school, some classmates wanted to pursue Mou Xianmin. After Chen Daojun found out, he immediately blocked them after school, beat them up severely, and warned them not to pester Mou Xianmin again.

(End of this chapter)

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