The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 143 Xu Zaitian can't sit still anymore

Chapter 143 Xu Zaitian can't sit still anymore

Chen Daojun said proudly, "Hey, if I wasn't overbearing, Sister Xianmin would have been kidnapped long ago!" As soon as he finished speaking, Mou Xianmin pinched Chen Daojun's waist hard and suddenly "attacked" "Let Chen Daojun break his defense in an instant, "Hey! Sister Xianmin, let go quickly, I was wrong!" Chen Daojun quickly begged for mercy, and couldn't help complaining in his heart: This woman turned against her so fast!She was fine before, but suddenly she changed her face and bullied him!
"Next time you say that and tease me again, let's see how I deal with you!" Mou Xianmin let go of Chen Daojun, raised his fist in front of Chen Daojun as if in demonstration, and threatened Chen Daojun.

Chen Daojun rubbed the area that had just been attacked, and said somewhat depressedly, "Sister Xianmin, don't keep pinching me here. If you really pinch me, you won't be the one affected..."

Mou Xianmin never expected that Chen Daojun would actually talk about this kind of thing in public. She was a little shy and quickly covered Chen Daojun's mouth, with a fierce look in her eyes and said, "Don't talk nonsense!"


Since Mou Xianmin drove here, Chen Daojun asked her to sit behind the passenger seat. Seeing that the sky was getting dark outside, he asked the other party, "Sister Xianmin, I heard from my colleagues at the law firm that the store is on Sejong-daero in Jung-gu. A Chinese restaurant has opened over there, and it seems to serve Cantonese cuisine, shall we go there and have a look?"

When he heard about Chinese restaurants, Mou Xianmin quickly became interested. Ever since he tasted various delicacies in Qiongzhou in the hot summer, Mou Xianmin fell in love with the delicacies in hot summer.After returning to China, she no longer had much interest in kimchi, the traditional food of Bangzi Country.

"...Is the Cantonese food you are talking about more delicious than the Wenchang chicken and Dongshan goat in Qiongzhou?" Mou Xianmin asked curiously. "It is necessary to know the eight major cuisines of Yanxia Kingdom. Cantonese cuisine is one of them. Although the food in Qiongzhou is pretty good, it is not the best!" Chen Daojun replied with a smile. After all, he was a native of Yanxia in his previous life. When it comes to food, Yan Xia ranks second, but who dares to say it ranks first? !
"Then let's go there quickly." After getting an affirmative answer, Mou Xianmin urged Chen Daojun to leave as soon as possible, for fear that he would be late and the food in the restaurant would be sold out.

"Okay, but before we set off, we have to..." Chen Daojun suddenly leaned over and attacked Mou Xianmin.Looking at Chen Daojun who was getting closer and closer to him, Mou Xianmin asked nervously and expectantly, "You...what do you want to do?"

Chen Daojun reached out and pulled the seat belt from the side. After putting it on for her, he joked, "I have to fasten the seat belt for you before setting off! Why is sister Xianmin blushing? Could it be that she is thinking wrong?"

"You're getting worse and worse!" Mou Xianmin said coquettishly, and hit Chen Daojun "hardly" on the chest!

------Dividing line------

Early the next morning, Ma Jiachang, the boss of Baihu Club, summoned four to five hundred men, took the brothers who were injured in yesterday's fight, and set off towards the headquarters of Yuetian Department Store.The remaining [-] or so mazai asked them to go to the hypermarket of Yuetian Department Store to contain them. If the other party could not come up with compensation and explanation today, Yuetian Department Store would not even think about opening its business!
After receiving the news, reporters from various media rushed to Yuetian Department Store immediately.People who originally planned to go to the Yuetian Department Store were surprised when they saw this situation. There were hundreds of people carrying baseball bats outside the hypermarket, not only stopping them from entering the store, but also urging everyone to return. .

When a few tough guys wanted to question why they were not allowed in, the other party just replied coldly, "The White Tiger Club is working, and everyone else needs to stay away, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences!"

When these unconvinced passers-by heard that it was the White Tiger Club, they were instantly ready to argue.Many people are discussing what exactly the Yuetian Department Store did to offend these vicious people from the Baihu Society?

President Xu Zaitian, who was working normally in a department store, heard reports from his subordinates. Hundreds of strong men gathered in front of the company, demanding compensation and explanations.This made Xu Zaitian quite angry, thinking that the other party was deliberately looking for trouble. When did Yuetian Department Store have a relationship with someone? Is this the case?However, when his subordinates mentioned that the other party was from the White Tiger Club and their boss Ma Jiachang also came, the president couldn't sit still at all.

Although he had no prior knowledge of what happened at StarMuseum yesterday, and the person who caused the trouble, Jin Daomin, was not one of his, the dozens of employees who went to save people were indeed from their Yuetian Department Store!How could he, the chairman and the top leader of the company, leave all these things behind?

"President, what should we do next? If we don't go down and meet with each other, I'm afraid those people from Baihu Club will always be stuck in the company. And those media reporters don't know how they will slander us!" Subordinates He couldn't help but analyze it. Although he also saw the news broadcast by SBS TV station yesterday, his focus was on StarMuseum Company and Jin Daomin, and he subconsciously ignored other people.

"...Call the group headquarters first and ask what Chairman Xinghao means. It's not us who brought this about. It was all the fault of that bastard Jin Daomin!" Xu Zaitian said angrily.Yesterday they received a call from the Public Security Bureau, asking them to go to the Public Security Bureau to collect someone.After Xu Zaitian thought about it some more, he gave up the idea of ​​going to get someone. After all, this Jin Daomin was not his person. This guy wanted to flatter Vice Chairman Xin Dongbin, but he made such a big mistake and wanted him to carry it on his back. There is no way to deal with the aftermath!

"Yes, President!" Hearing what Xu Zaitian said, his subordinates quickly guessed their boss's intentions and turned around and left the office.After Xu got up from the sofa seat, he came to the window sill and looked down. Good guy, even from a distance of more than 30 meters, he could still see a large number of people gathering below, and there were also a large number of media with video recorders and microphones. Reporters continued to gather below.This made Xu Zaitian, who was already in a bad mood, feel even more congested!

Yuetian Group Headquarters.

"Vice president, what should we do now? Shunyang Group has called us for consultation. The boss behind StarMuseum is the grandson of Chairman Chen Yangji of Shunyang Group. Their vice president Chen Yongji asked us to Provide compensation and apology within two days, otherwise they will regard the previous incident as a provocation to Shunyang Group, and they will take action against Yuetian Group and make us pay the price!" A close subordinate was making a report to Xin Dongbin.

(End of this chapter)

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