Chapter 148 Unexpected News

It's just that these two aunts who are good at infighting have forgotten that the reason why Li Biyu is not enthusiastic about Jin Xiuzhu is because the current Daewoo Group is in decline, and its collapse is a foregone conclusion. It is only a matter of time. How can Li Biyu be treated specially by the rich daughter of the chaebol?
And the SBS TV station where Mo Xianmin works is backed by the rich man Miracle Group, who has money and background.During this financial crisis, their SBS TV station was hardly affected at all.Moreover, Mou Xianmin's abilities are very outstanding, and she has become the vice president of SBS TV station at a young age. Such a woman will naturally get the attention of the old lady Li Biyu.


In the living room on the first floor, Chen Yongji called Chen Runji and Chen Daojun and his son over, and then said with a smile, "Daojun, I have already told Yuetian Group about your StarMuseum company, and I want them to severely punish the troublemakers. And apologize to you. Later, Yuetian Group replied that they are willing to send a representative to personally apologize to you, and at the same time, they are willing to offer two properties as compensation. What do you think?"

Chen Runji asked worriedly, "Brother, is this really okay? It won't cause any trouble to Shunyang Group, right?" Chen Yongji smiled and patted Chen Runji's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Runji, don't worry! We will We are all a family, and if I, the uncle, see my nephew being bullied, if I just sit back and ignore it, wouldn’t it make people laugh at our Shunyang Chen family?”

"Thank you uncle!" Chen Daojun on the side thanked Chen Yongji with a smile, as if he was very satisfied with the result.Seeing Chen Daojun speak, Chen Runji no longer struggled, and said to Chen Yongji, "Thank you, brother!"

When Chen Yongji saw that Chen Daojun didn't make any other requests, a big stone fell in his heart.Although he was negotiating with the Yuetian Group and asked the other party to give an explanation according to the request of the old man Chen Yangji, fortunately the other party was quite knowledgeable and willing to give some compensation and apology.If Chen Daojun is dissatisfied with the compensation, then the negotiations between Shunyang Group and Yuetian Group may continue for a while, and it is not known whether the two sides may forge a dispute because of this.


While the Chen family and others were enjoying the rare weekend gathering, Chen Daojun, who had nothing to do, was bored watching TV news.Suddenly a news broadcast on TV surprised him.

"According to reports from MBC TV station, Mr. Song Jae-hwan, the general manager (president) of Shang Shang Department Store, jumped to his death from the top floor of Shang Shang Department Store this morning. The security team has rushed to the scene to investigate, and the results of the investigation will be announced later... …”

"This Song Jae-hwan, did he just jump off the building so suddenly?" Chen Daojun was also a little confused. Wu Shixian mentioned to him before that the current situation of this shirt merchant's department store is a bit bad, and asked him if he could help or buy it?
In the end, before he could make a decision, something like this happened to the other party, which made Chen Daojun feel a little bad.Chen Dongji, who was at the side, saw the news reported on TV, and joked, "The president of Shirt Merchant Department Store jumped off the building? What a surprise! Huarong, is there any problem with your Shunyang Department Store's operating conditions?"

Seeing his second brother's malicious question, Chen Huarong said disdainfully, "You don't need to worry about it! Our Shunyang Department Store's revenue has been better than before since we cooperated with Miracle Group. Don't compare me with this Song Jae-hwan!" From Chen Huarong's point of view, didn't Miracle Group think that the potential of their shirt merchant department store was limited, so they turned around and offered a cooperation invitation to Shunyang Department Store?Now that the two have joined forces, Shunyang Department Store will soon catch up with Chaoyuetian Department Store and become the number one in the industry!
Seeing Chen Huarong's tough attitude, Chen Dongji, who was self-consciously asking for trouble, smiled and did not continue on this topic.


"Boss, have you seen the news? Song Jae-hwan of Shirt Merchant Department Store committed suicide." After lunch, Chen Daojun, who was having lunch with Mou Xianmin in the garden, suddenly rang, and he answered the phone with some helplessness. Wu Shixian.

Chen Daojun glanced at Mou Xianmin, then got up and walked towards the distance, "I saw the news, this guy's psychological endurance is too bad, right? He originally wanted to invest in shirt merchants and department stores, but now something like this happened Son. If you want to control the shirt merchant department store again, it will be difficult."

"Yes, God knows what stimulated this guy! But after his death, the Jang Sanfu of the Jang family in Myeongdong will probably be sad. The old man lent 1000 billion won to Song Jae-hwan, and the money has long been used He has almost spent it, and it will be very difficult to get the money back!" Wu Shixian said with some regret, and felt funny when he thought that this "comrade" did not forget to cheat his previous creditors when he was dying. .

"Forget it, this guy's luck is really bad. Let's go to express our condolences tomorrow. After all, it is considered an acquaintance." Chen Daojun said with some emotion. If this guy can persist for a few more days, maybe he will wait until the Miracle Group. Bian's aid turned the corner.

"Okay." Wu Shixian did not object to Chen Daojun's proposal. If Chen Daojun had always acted rationally and indifferently, it would make him feel that the boss was a bit hard-hearted and unkind.


As night fell, after Zheng Xinzhai's dinner, Chen Daojun and Mou Xianmin said hello to his parents and prepared to drive away.As the passenger sat in the passenger seat, Mou Xianmin asked with some concern, "Daojun, you don't seem to be in a good mood. Did something happen?"

"It's okay, it's just that someone I knew died suddenly, and I was a little sad for a while." Chen Daojun took Mou Xianmin's hand and explained with a smile.

"...Are you talking about Song Zhaihuan, the president of the T-shirt department store?" Mou Xianmin was stunned for a moment, then remembered today's news and asked Chen Daojun.

"...Sister Xianmin, it's not a good thing for a woman to be too smart!" Chen Daojun said a little unnaturally, and reached out to rub Mou Xianmin's beautiful hair, which quickly messed up her hair.Chen Daojun thought to himself, "Is it because I was too obvious? She guessed it right, this girl is getting smarter and smarter!"

"Axi, why are you messing with my hair?" Mou Xianmin looked at her messy hair. She was a little proud at first, but her mood suddenly became bad. This dog man is angry with her, right?It took her more than 20 minutes to get her hair done in the morning, and she just got slammed!
Angry, Mou Xianmin launched a brazen attack on Chen Daojun, pinching Chen Daojun's thighs and arms several times.In pain, he quickly changed the subject, "Sister Xianmin, please pause for a moment. Let's drive back first. Otherwise, other people will see you later, and the impact will not be good."

(End of this chapter)

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