Chapter 149 Eric's Report
After returning to the residence, Mou Xianmin wanted to fight back against Chen Daojun's provocation, but was quickly suppressed by Chen Daojun.But in terms of physical fitness and strength, Chen Daojun, who exercises regularly, obviously has the advantage. How can Mou Xianmin, who is a woman, be his opponent?It was just in the car before, Chen Daojun and her were playing around, but he didn't take it seriously.


The next morning, villas in Jiangnan District.

"BOSS, this is Eric. I have important news to tell you." Chen Daojun was enjoying the breakfast made by Mou Xianmin. A quick ringtone rang, and Chen Daojun answered the phone.

"The Amazon stock you asked us to buy before has now risen to" 149.5 US dollars per share, which is more than eight times higher than the price we bought at the beginning!The revenue is already close to 30 billion US dollars! "Eric reported to Chen Daojun with some excitement.

"Good job! We will continue to hold it for a while, and we can sell it by the end of this year." Chen Daojun nodded. According to the plot of the original drama, from the end of 1997 to the beginning of 1998, Amazon's stock price would be higher than that of the listed company. The time has increased by more than 9 times!And he, the major shareholder holding 12% of Amazon's shares, will be directly worth tens of billions of dollars through this!

"It's just that the exchange rate of the Hong Kong dollar did not plummet as we expected. Hong Kong's banks have raised interest rates on loans, especially for huge loans. If this continues, it may be difficult for us to crack this hard nut." Eric mentioned Hong Kong The situation over there made him feel a little depressed. He didn't expect that the countries he attacked before would go smoothly, but he didn't expect to be stalemate on Xiangjiang's side.

"This is just the beginning. That old fox of Soros is probably probing, and hasn't really made a move yet! We must hold our breath." Chen Daojun comforted. After all, Xiangjiang's prosperity is not like other countries and regions relying on a large amount of debt accumulation It is normal to be able to withstand tentative financial shocks with false prosperity and strong economic strength.


"I heard the conversation just now! You guys have made a lot of money!" Seeing Chen Daojun hanging up the phone, Mou Xianmin stepped forward and stared at Chen Daojun with "bad intentions", as if he was planning some kind of plan.

"Then you also heard that this money cannot be moved for the time being! I plan to continue to hold Amazon's shares until the end of this year." Chen Daojun replied with a smile, which made Mou Xianmin a little angry when the plan failed, and he "hurtly" at Chen Daojun "Hardly" hammered twice.


------Dividing line------

After Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian met in the morning, they set off to the Clothes Merchant Department Store to attend Song Zhaihuan's funeral.After the two arrived, Chen Daojun noticed that many people had come to express their condolences.There was only one middle-aged woman sitting at the family table. She must be Song Zhaihuan's wife.


After the condolences were over, Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian withdrew from the hall.Wu Shixian said with some emotion, "I didn't expect this Song Jae-hwan to go like this. And my daughter is not with me, alas!"

Hearing this, Chen Daojun couldn't help being stunned for a moment, he hadn't heard that Song Jae-hwan had a daughter before!Seeing this, Wu Shixian immediately explained to Chen Daojun, "I also asked that Mrs. Song just now, and indeed she has a daughter named Song Caiying, who is currently studying in a beautiful country, and seems to be specializing in business management. Yesterday, Mrs. Song had called to inform her Well, I guess this girl will arrive this afternoon.

"Do you major in business management?" Hearing Wu Shixian's answer, Chen Daojun suddenly had a new idea in his heart, and told Wu Shixian, "Leave a contact information and let her pass it to Song Caiying. If this girl is capable , with the help of her, we can control the Shirt Merchant Department Store for us, and the previous plan can also be achieved!"

"This... is this really okay?" Chen Daojun's thoughts made Wu Shixian feel outrageous. Although the other party is Song Jae-hwan's daughter, the other party is still a student. Even if he is an adult, can he manage a large department store well?And it's a company on the verge of bankruptcy!
"Let's try it. If this girl is not up to the task, we can also arrange some assistants to help her run the department store, can't we?" Chen Daojun's answer made Wu Shixian a little speechless, feeling that his boss was doing it to take care of an old friend. Under the pretense, it is justifiable to install cronies in this shirt merchant department store, the calculation is really good!


On Monday, after the stock market opened in Bangziguo, it was still green, and only a few stocks managed to rise and turn red.With the passage of time, the stock price of Yuetian Department Store actually climbed from -3.10% all the way up to +1.16%. This scene made people in the stock market a little bit astonished, and there was no major benefit for Yuetian Department Store. News, why did it start to skyrocket for no reason?

Naturally, Yuetian Department Store also noticed this unusual place. President Xu Zaitian called the securities company to find out the situation before dispatching his confidantes. After a while, a shocking news came. Now some institutions are aggressively buying the shares of Yuetian Department Store in the market. , which has acquired a cumulative total of more than 8%, and the shares of Yuetian Department Store on the market have been wiped out by 1/3, which has caused their stock prices to fluctuate significantly!
Xu Zaitian panicked when he heard the news. It was obvious that someone wanted to target Yuetian Department Store. Otherwise, why would he buy the stock of the department store with such fanfare?Why don't they buy the stocks of other department stores?
Xu Zaitian hesitated for a moment, and finally picked up the phone and dialed a familiar number.After a while, the other party answered the phone, "President, I'm Xu Zaitian. We have received news that someone is sweeping up the stock of Yuetian Department Store. Please also ask the president to mobilize funds to help us defend the department store!"

Xu Zaitian contacted Xin Gehao, the president of Yuetian Group, but Xu Zaitian was disappointed by the other party's answer. "Although the group has withdrawn part of the funds before, shouldn't the department store still have tens of billions of reserve funds? You can handle it yourself. And part of the department store's stock is pledged in the bank. You don't have to go too far Worried." Xin Gehao didn't pay too much attention to what Xu Zaitian reported, after all, with the reputation and strength of their Yuetian Group, could the other party still turn the world upside down?As for supporting Yuetian Department Store, how can their group headquarters have extra funds?More than half of the funds transferred from the subsidiary company last time have already been spent. Apart from verbal support and appeasement, there is nothing Xin Gehao can do!
Such obvious excuses made Xu Zaitian very dissatisfied. If it weren't for Xin Dongbin's dog legs causing so many things before, they would have been ripped off by the group of Baihu club and drained the rest Funds, how could they be so distressed by Yuetian Department Store? !

(End of this chapter)

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