The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 152 Angry Xin Gehao, Get the Evidence

Chapter 152 Angry Xin Gehao, Get the Evidence
When the news came out that Baihu Society had successfully obtained the shares of Yuetian Department Store from the bank, Xin Gehao of Yuetian Group was completely dumbfounded. He originally thought that the other party might want to take over the Yuetian Department Store. Seriously, they want to take the department store away from the Yuetian Group!

Angry, he immediately thought of Xu Zaitian, the president of the department store, thinking that the other party's management was not effective, so why not use the company's funds for stock repurchases?The opportunity was seized by this White Tiger Club.And he subconsciously and selectively forgot that when Xu Zaitian reported the situation to him before, he was the one who said swearingly that the other party was just playing tricks and couldn't make any big waves. He didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly!

"How much money is left on the company's books?" Xinghao called a few confidants to ask about the situation. The first thing that was asked was the group's fund balance, but the answers he got made him even more depressed.

"President, our group currently has 2600 billion funds left, which can barely support the operation of the group for another three months." The Minister of Finance recalled the data collected before, and replied truthfully.

"Damn it!" Xin Gehao slammed down his desk angrily. If the Blue House hadn't forced them to repay the original loan, they were suddenly emptied of the group's reserves, and their Yuetian Group's funds would never be so tight , Now I can't do enough to buy the shares of the subsidiary with money, it's really hateful!
"These domestic companies don't have much money now. Where did the Baihu Club get so much money to buy Lotte Department Store?" Xin Gehao was a little puzzled, even if it was Daying Group, Shunyang Group or even Daewoo Group. The financial situation of these large chaebols is not optimistic, but this Baihu Society, a mere society, actually has such financial resources? !

"President, according to our investigation, this Baihu Club has a cooperative relationship with the largest lending company in Myeongdong, and they do control a large amount of funds." Director Lin of the Intelligence Office on the side reminded, "This company The operator of the loan company is Baek Fuzi of the Myeongdong Baek family, and... Miracle Group is also one of the shareholders.”

"...Axiba! I knew that the White Tiger Society would have the guts to covet a subsidiary of our Yuetian Group. It turns out that there are people backing it!" Xin Gehao quickly realized, Baihu Community District A society is nothing more than a group of local hooligans who fight and kill. How can they have the courage and strength to compete with their Yuetian Group? It seems that most of them have the secret support of Miracle Group!

"President, what should we do next? Shall we say hello to Miracle Group and ask them to stop providing loans to White Tiger Club?" The subordinate on the side suggested.

Xinghao was silent for a while and said to his subordinates, "Contact Miracle Group and tell them that if they don't terminate the loan from Baihu Club, otherwise if our Yuetian Group fights back, don't complain if it is affected!"

"Yes, President!" The subordinate said respectfully.


------Dividing line------

A detective agency.

"Mr. Jin, this is the evidence that our firm was entrusted to collect. Please take a look at it." A middle-aged man handed over the envelope bag in front of him.The other party took the envelope, took out the materials inside and looked at it carefully.


After a while, the man called Mr. Jin nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "This is exactly the material we want, and it's a pretty good job!"

"Haha, if that's the case, look at the rest of the reward..." the other party said with some restraint. After all, Mr. Jin had promised to pay a large sum of money when the matter was accomplished. Otherwise, they would not have the courage to investigate such a big shot. !

"Here, this is 5 million Korean won in cash. You can count it." Mr. Jin immediately put the two suitcases he brought on the table when he heard that. !

The person in charge of the detective agency, Park Zhengxun, looked a little excited. He held back the excitement in his heart and picked up a stack of Korean coins to check. They were all 50000 Korean coins. There was no problem. Then he smiled and said, "Mr. Jin's character I can trust it, after all, I am a big shot from the Miracle Group, how could I be short of such a small amount of money!"

Mr. Jin smiled and said, "Now that the money and goods are settled, I will leave first. Just to remind you, these things are hot potatoes. If you spread the word, you know what will happen. After all, the person from the Blue House His methods are notoriously ruthless!" Jin Xian shook the envelope bag in his hand and said with deep meaning.

Hearing the other party's threatening reminder, Park Zhengxun's face instantly stiffened, and the huge amount of Korean coins in front of him suddenly didn't feel good.When he originally collected the evidence, he thought it was top-secret information. In addition to selling one copy to this Mr. Jin, he secretly prepared a copy and planned to sell this information at a high price.It's just that he was blinded by profit and forgot that these evidences were aimed at Jin Xianzhe, the son of the big man in the Blue House!

Park Zhengxun, who came back to his senses, broke out in a cold sweat. As an ordinary person, he dared to hold these tricky things in his hands and sell them for a second time after eating bear's heart and leopard?Once the matter is exposed, he will definitely disappear in a short time!

After leaving the detective agency, Mr. Jin quickly dialed the phone, "President, I have obtained evidence from the detective agency, what should I do next?"

"Good job! Next, take these materials back to the headquarters, make many copies, and send them to the major media and prosecutors' offices tomorrow." The figure of Wu Shixian, the president of Miracle Group, came from the mobile phone. This time, they were following Chen Daojun's instructions. Kim Hyun-cheol, who was previously ordered to investigate President Yong-sam, planned to give the president a fatal blow!
"Ah? Is there any problem with this? If the incident comes to light..." Section Chief Jin panicked a little. He didn't expect Wu Shixian's plan to be so ruthless. He would make multiple copies of these evidences and send them to many media and prosecutors. Hall, he could no longer imagine what a huge impact it would have tomorrow!
"Section Chief Jin, don't worry too much. Once the prosecutor's office and the media intervene, what needs to be worried about is the president and his son, not us. Let's do it!" Sensing that his subordinates were worried, Wu Shixian hurriedly comforted him, and everything went smoothly. For this sake, can you give up halfway?Moreover, once these evidences are exposed, Yong San, who has long lost the support of the people, will only be abused and slandered by the angry people and dignitaries. It is only a matter of time before he is impeached and resigns early to end his term!And who would come to trouble the Miracle Group for a former president who has stepped down?
(End of this chapter)

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