The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 153 Bangzi Kingdom Vibration, Nintendo's Invitation

Chapter 153 Bangzi Kingdom Vibration, Nintendo's Invitation

"I understand, you wait for my good news!!" Hearing Wu Shixian's words, Section Chief Jin subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. The boss of the group is not afraid. What else do they have to be afraid of? The sky is falling There is also a tall person standing on top, since the leader has given the order, it's over!

The next morning, anonymous packets of documents were sent to major media outlets and the prosecutor's office.Many staff members thought this was a prank by some guy, but when they curiously opened the document bag and looked at the contents, an unexpected truth appeared in front of them.President Yong Sam's son Kim Hyun-chul took advantage of his father's authority to forcefully contract projects and accept bribes, and a series of inside information were clearly listed in it. The staff who saw the information felt as if they had been struck by lightning and were shocked.

Soon this material was regarded as today's headline news by these media, and it was directly broadcast on newspapers and current affairs news.Once the news came out, the entire Bangzi Kingdom was in an uproar!They never expected that they would have such a son who broke the law and committed crimes when they advertised that they were Yongsan of the Civilian Government during their administration!Could it be that there was no secret instruction from Yongsan?Many people secretly speculate in their hearts.Some competitors even think that Yongsan is simply "only state officials are allowed to set fires, and the common people are not allowed to light lamps"!
All of a sudden, there were endless news and speeches scolding Yongsan and impeaching Yongsan.Although during Yongsan's tenure, Bangziguo's per capita GDP exceeded the US$1 mark, making it one of the developed countries.However, during his term of office, a series of major accidents occurred one after another, with huge casualties and heavy losses, and the results of the handling did not satisfy all the people, which caused many people to be dissatisfied with the Blue House!

Coupled with the outbreak of the financial turmoil this year, the YS government forced companies to repay their loans, a large number of companies went bankrupt, and a large number of people lost their jobs. More and more people are dissatisfied with the president who has served for more than 3 years!


After receiving the anonymous file bag, the prosecutor's office originally wanted to suppress the matter.However, the top executives of the Prosecutor's Office never expected that the other party would do things so ruthlessly, not only handing over the materials to them, but also to a group of media.This made them fall into a passive state all of a sudden. If they don't express their position or take action, the image of the prosecutor's office will inevitably be damaged, but if an investigation is really launched, then the crimes committed by this guy Jin Xianzhe will definitely be confirmed. Nine times out of ten, he will be caught. After all, the things listed in this material are enough for this guy to go in and step on the sewing machine for several years!


Blue House.

Yongsan, who had not heard the news for a long time, felt cold at the moment. He never thought that after working hard for so long, his term of office was finally coming to an end. The arrival of the financial turmoil directly destroyed the prosperous economy of the entire Bangzi Kingdom. , and his son Jin Xianzhe, who he regarded as an excellent successor, had such a big scandal, and he, as a father, was kept in the dark!

"Mr. President, now we need to minimize the impact of this matter as soon as possible, otherwise we will be in a more passive position after public opinion ferments." Seeing Jin Yongsan's decadent appearance at the moment, the confidant adviser reminded him.

"... Hurry up and call that bastard over here!" Jin Yongsan gradually calmed down after hearing the reminder from his confidant. Ask things clearly, only in this way can we come up with the most appropriate way to solve the trouble.


In the next few days, the political circles of Bangziguo caused considerable turmoil. After the scandal of the president's son was revealed, the public opinion that criticized the YS government was increasing day by day.Kim Dae-jung, who had received the insider information from the Miracle Group, soon joined forces with a member of the House of Representatives and officials who did not deal with Yongsan to impeach Yongsan, believing that the Yongsan government had a series of major accidents during its term of office. They did not solve the problem well and brought irreparable losses to Bangziguo. They asked Yongsan to take the blame and resign.

The chaebols and companies that were forced by the YS government to repay their loans and fell into financial crisis have also expressed their support for the Prosecutor's Office to thoroughly investigate whether Kim Hyun-cheol's scandal is true.After all, they were oppressed by the powerful President Yongsan before. If he hadn't forced them to repay the loan as soon as possible, how could these big chaebols and big companies almost break their capital chain and be on the verge of bankruptcy?Moreover, what Cheong Wa Dae said before to organize peace talks with the IMF, and the aid funds they applied for have not been seen for a long time, which disappointed them greatly!
------Dividing line------

In the next few days, the preliminary contact between Nexon Game Entertainment, Miracle Group and Nintendo went very smoothly, and Nintendo even invited the executives of the two companies to the Sun Country for further cooperation negotiations.Since Chen Daojun didn't have any important matters to deal with for the time being, he simply followed Wu Shixian, Rachel and others to the Winter Capital of the Sun Country. Besides learning about the other party's specific cooperation requirements and bargaining chips to facilitate cooperation, he stopped by to have a look at the Sun Country. Whether there are projects worth investing in.

"Boss, you follow us to Sun Country, aren't you worried about any changes in the country?" Wu Shixian asked Chen Daojun beside him with a smile. In his impression, Chen Daojun had always been a cautious and careful young man with far Thinking beyond the peers, like a 40-50-year-old old man's city is extremely deep.

"President Wu, look at what you said, after fighting for so long, can't you let me enjoy it?" Chen Daojun replied with a smile, "Besides, I have already paved the way for them. Being able to get things done. If they can’t even do that well, it’s just a sign that they’re lacking.”

Thinking about it, Chen Daojun not only prepared 3000 billion Korean won for Ma Jiachang, the club boss, but also asked the lawyer team of the law firm to cooperate in the whole process. The 20% shares of Yuetian Department Store held by the bank have already been obtained. If this is still in the hands, and people from Yuetian Department Store and Yuetian Group overthrow it, then there is indeed something wrong with Ma Jiachang's ability.

Hearing what Chen Daojun said, Rachel on the side burst into laughter. She thought that although Chen Daojun was young, he had strong self-control, but she didn't expect that he would also want to be lazy and enjoy himself. This was very different from his usual personality. Big hey!

"You girl! Did I say something wrong? If you want to stay in the unit and work overtime, I will definitely meet your needs!" Chen Daojun joked directly when he saw Rachel smiling so happily. "Boss~! How could you do this!" Rachel couldn't hold back her laughter unexpectedly, Chen Daojun, the "black-hearted" boss, was going to exploit her again!It’s so bullying!
(End of this chapter)

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