The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 156 Strange Auction Item (Chapter 1 to follow)

Chapter 156 The Strange Auction Item (one more chapter to follow)
What was placed in front of the auction table was an Ultraman figure!Many guests in the audience were a little dumbfounded. They were originally "works of art" such as records, calligraphy and paintings, but a toy model suddenly popped up, which caught them off guard.Who among the adults would be interested in this thing?They are not children!
And in Sunland, young people prefer Kamen Rider to Ultraman shot by Tsuburaya.Seeing that the guests in the audience didn't seem to buy it, the host on the stage bit the bullet and introduced this figure, "This Tiga Ultraman figure is a limited edition figure produced by Bandai this year. Do, a total of 100 were produced..."

Chen Daojun in the audience was completely dumbfounded by the host's introduction, and then he couldn't help laughing, "Good guy, you even made Ultraman figures?! This auction is really interesting!"

Seeing Chen Daojun laughing aside, Wu Shixian, who didn't know why, asked curiously, "Boss, did you think of something interesting?"

"It's nothing..., I just thought of one more thing." Chen Daojun forcibly held back his smile, and gradually calmed down, he soon discovered a hidden business opportunity from this figurine.Whether it is the Ultraman IP that later became popular all over the world, or Bandai, which specializes in making toys and hand-made models, they are all good investment targets!

Until now (1997), the Ultraman tokusatsu drama produced by Tsuburaya Company has not caused much sensation in the Kingdom of the Sun.Because in this country where tokusatsu dramas and anime are concentrated, the most important thing is competitors!Whether it's Kamen Rider or Super Sentai, they both surpass Ultraman in terms of broadcast volume and fan base!
Since 1971, Hobby, a subsidiary of Bandai, has released the "Kamen Rider Transformation Belt" and it has been a great success, which made Bandai decide to focus on character toys.Later, in order to cooperate with the development of character toys, it began to extend its tentacles to multiple industries such as publishing, logistics, and trade.However, in the late 90s, the prosperous economic bubble of Sun Country was burst, and Bandai, like other companies, fell into the freezing point. In 1996, Bandai, which had always made a lot of money, suffered a deficit for the first time."Tamagoko" developed by Bandai in the same year has sold astonishingly since its release. However, sales soon continued to plummet due to rampant piracy, overcapacity, unsaleable products, and even huge losses.


"If you have a chance, you can invest in Bandai and Tsuburaya. After all, these two companies have gained a large number of fans after opening the Yanxia market, and they can earn hundreds of millions of dollars in Yanxia every year! "Chen Daojun thought to himself, after all, such "potential stocks" that have not yet emerged are the best investment targets, and the future rate of return will be extremely impressive!
Following the host's two inquiries, there were still no guests bidding on this Ultraman figure.Just when the host was about to announce that this figure had failed to be auctioned, Chen Daojun slowly raised the number plate in his hand and shouted out the price of 80 yen, which attracted the attention of many people around him.

When they saw Chen Daojun's young appearance, they were relieved. It turned out that he was still a young man. No wonder he would buy such a thing!When the host on the stage saw someone willing to take over the deal, he quickly settled on the price, fearing that Chen Daojun would regret it.Wu Shixian on the side saw this and couldn't help complaining, "Boss, why would you buy such a toy? It looks useless!"

"Buy it if you like it, why are there so many?" Chen Daojun said indifferently to Wu Shixian's complaints, "And didn't you spend 1500 million yen on the record?"

"..." For a moment, Wu Shixian was speechless.

------Dividing line------

Early the next morning, after enjoying a sumptuous breakfast, the three of Chen Daojun discussed today's negotiations in the living room of their room.Wu Shixian took the lead and said, "According to my guess, Nintendo will suddenly change its mind and want to cooperate with us, probably because there is a problem in their handheld market. According to the information I collected before, Sony and Sega's share in the handheld market is gradually increasing. increase, Nintendo can’t bear it anymore.”

Wu Shixian handed a research and evaluation report on Nintendo handheld consoles produced by his subordinates to Chen Daojun. Chen Daojun took it, flipped through a few pages, looked at the contents, and said calmly, "It's normal. Nintendo is the leader in the handheld console market. Over the years, it is expected that several rising stars will emerge to seize its market share. However, Nintendo has been comfortable for so many years, and its game development capabilities have deteriorated a lot!"

"If it weren't for that, I'm afraid they wouldn't have thought of asking for help from overseas companies, would they?" Wu Shixian replied with a smile. They wanted to invest in Nintendo at the beginning, but they just ignored it.Unexpectedly, now Nintendo took the initiative to come up and want to cooperate, it really is a turn of events!
"Yeah, I'm afraid they wouldn't have thought that the boss behind Miracle Group and Nexon Game Entertainment Company is the same person!" Chen Daojun smiled proudly. At the beginning, he wanted to develop Miracle Investment Company in a low-key manner to strengthen his own power, and did not reveal that he This is the truth about the boss behind the scenes. As a result, he not only successfully defeated Hanjin Group and swallowed up Hanjin Shipping and Hanjin Land Transportation, but now he has also successfully acquired shares in the subsidiaries of Daying Group and Shunyang Group.Now I still have the opportunity to take advantage of the situation and cheat Nintendo, which is a huge profit!


Nintendo headquarters conference room.

The three of Wu Shixian and Nintendo's high-level executives are discussing the way of cooperation between the two parties.Hiroshi Yamauchi, the president of Nintendo, looked at Wu Shixian who was opposite, and said bluntly, "Chairman Wu, I am already familiar with the strength of Miracle Group. We hope to get the support of Miracle Group, and use your channel to enter Bangzi Country and Europe and the United States. Open up the handheld market in these places. What do you think?"

"Chairman Yamauchi only mentioned your demands, but he didn't mention it from beginning to end. What benefits can we, Miracle Group, gain from cooperating with you?" Wu Shixian did not answer Yamauchi's suggestion. Instead, he asked the other party .

"...After the matter is completed, we can give up [-]% of the profits from Bangzi Country and Europe and the United States as a reward!" Hiroshi Yamauchi hesitated for a while, then said.It's just that such an obviously unfair cooperation remuneration made Wu Shixian and the three quite displeased, and Chen Daojun couldn't help complaining in his heart, "Such an outrageous cooperation plan, how can it be cooperation? It is obvious that you are fooling me!"

"Chairman Yamauchi is joking, right? [-]% profit?" Wu Shixian suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a somewhat dissatisfied tone, "We want our Miracle Group to provide channels to open new overseas markets for Nintendo, but we don't want to You are willing to give up your future interests. With this kind of cooperation, I doubt your sincerity!"

 Chapter 153 is still under review, I will add another one for everyone!
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(End of this chapter)

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