Chapter 159 Chen Yangji’s Choice
"Yes, the Nexon game entertainment company invested by Daojun is about to become the number one game company in our country. The sales of the games they produced in the past two years are quite good, and they are almost catching up with those old game companies in the beautiful country. Yes! This is why Nintendo will pay attention to Nexon Game Entertainment Company." Mr. Li said with a smile, originally he didn't think a game company could have much power, but seeing the information collected by the secretary's office, it all showed that The research and development capabilities and profitability of Nexon Game Entertainment are quite impressive!

Chen Yangji was also very happy to hear that his little grandson's game company was doing so well. After all, he originally thought that his little grandson, Chen Daojun, had become a lawyer and was not good at company management.I didn't expect to invest in this, this kid's vision is still as good as ever!
Chen Yangji was happy for a while, and thought of his eldest grandson Chen Xingjun. Chen Yangji also had an inexplicable affection for this younger generation who had been with him for several years and taught him. He asked subconsciously, "How is Xingjun these two days? Is he busy?" What?"

"...Xingjun's kid, there's nothing special these days. Apart from going to work, he just goes to parties with friends." Director Li hesitated for a while and continued, "It's just that his relationship with his wife Jin Xiuzhu seems not too good."

"..." Chen Yangji couldn't help being silent when he heard the words. At the beginning, he would choose to marry the Daewoo Group. In addition to joining forces to deal with the Daying Group, he also found a powerful Yue family for his eldest grandson Chen Xingjun to help him secure the Shunyang Group in the future. .It's just that the sky didn't go as planned, the sudden arrival of the financial turmoil, the Daewoo Group has already been hit by thunder, and it's only a matter of time before it collapses and goes bankrupt.The originally powerful Yue family was about to become a dilapidated household in the blink of an eye. If it were him, he probably wouldn't be able to accept this reality!

"I've wronged this child!" Chen Yangji said with some sighs, "Tell Yongji, let Xingjun go to the planning and construction department of Shunyang Property to train. Now that he is married, it's time to practice and prepare for succession later. Already!" Chen Yangji said with some emotion, the third generation of their Chen family, the two grandsons Chen Xingjun and Chen Daojun are more outstanding, as for Chen Hengjun, who was raised and abandoned since childhood, as for the second son Dongji's daughter Chen Ruijun Although the ability is not bad, but after all, she is a woman, and she still has to marry in the future. It is impossible to hold an important position in the Shunyang Group.

"Okay, I will inform Vice President Yongji." Chen Yangji's meaning is already obvious. In his eyes, the eldest grandson's lineage is the most likely to inherit the "main force" of Shunyang Group, perhaps because of guilt , he planned to give Chen Xingjun some compensation, and by the way, began to train and test the eldest grandson in advance.

------Dividing line------

Sun Country Palace Hotel.

After Chen Daojun and the others returned from the Nintendo headquarters, they had a hearty lunch happily.Although the cooking method of Japanese food in the Sun Country is much simpler than that in the Yanxia Country, the chefs in the hotel still make delicious dishes with fresh ingredients, which is full of praise.

Back in the suite, the three sat comfortably on the sofa after drinking and eating, talking freely about some of their views and thoughts on the morning negotiations with Nintendo.

"Boss, I feel that Nintendo attaches great importance to the Bangziguo market and the European and American markets. It stands to reason that even if they are at a disadvantage in competing with handheld game manufacturers such as Sony and Sega, they shouldn't be so nervous, right?" Rachel crossed her legs and leaned On the sofa, he asked a little puzzled.

"I think it's mainly due to the problem of Nintendo's R&D capabilities. The traditional game consoles have been impacted by the PC side, and the market for handheld games has become smaller. However, Nintendo, which is used to making handheld games, has almost no As a layman, even if some game developers are recruited with high salaries, they may not be able to produce popular PC games." Chen Daojun expressed his opinion from the side, "Nintendo called the representatives of Nexon Game Entertainment Company to come over to discuss, and most of them are For that reason."

"After two days of talking between Nintendo and the representative of Nexon Game Entertainment, boss, you can contact Nexon to inquire about the situation, and we can roughly guess Nintendo's specific plan!" Wu Shixian said with a smile from the side.

Nintendo cleverly contacted two Bangziguo companies as their foreign aid, hoping to get different benefits from them, but they didn’t know that the same boss was behind the two companies, and the other party wanted to use them to gain new markets and even develop PC games. , And why don't they want to use the cooperation with Nintendo to obtain greater benefits!
"President Wu is right. Anyway, Nintendo will be negotiating with Nexon in the next two days. We will just ask at that time. It's just that this time, Nintendo took the initiative to deliver it to the door. It's such a waste of such a great opportunity to get some benefits!" Chen Daojun said with a smile, at the beginning he thought about buying shares in these Sun Country companies.But after contacting them, I realized that these guys are quite xenophobic. If it wasn't for their own business problems, they would rarely consider getting assistance from other overseas countries, and the beautiful country is an exception...


"By the way, when the negotiation is over, President Wu should return home first. I plan to stay in Sun Country for a few more days to enjoy the scenery here, and by the way, visit the entertainment company of Sun Country. Buy a copy of the copyrights of popular songs in the country, take them back and adapt them into Korean songs, which can be given to the artists of StarMuseum to cover them!" Chen Daojun remembered a new idea that sprouted last night, and planned to put it into action to realize it .

"Buy the copyright of the song?" Wu Shixian was stunned for a moment, Chen Daojun's plan was somewhat unexpected.At the auction venue before, Chen Daojun was not interested in the songs sung by singers like Shizuka Kudo, why did he suddenly change his gender?Could it be that he suddenly became enlightened?

"Is this really okay? If you sing cover songs, won't people complain about your lack of creative ability?" Rachel usually listens to some popular Korean songs, but in Bangzi Country, a country with a very strong self-esteem, original songs are obviously more popular than cover songs. It is easy to be popular among the audience, even if the quality of the original songs is not that good!
"It also depends on what song is the cover song!" Chen Daojun tapped Rachel's forehead lightly, and then said, "It's like Miyuki Nakajima from the Sun Country, that is a world-class singer. China and even many other countries have a large number of fans, and are regarded as a national treasure by the people of the Sun Country! The new singers in Xiangjiang can get a lot of fans and fans by covering her songs. Do you still think it is not good to cover her songs? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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