Chapter 160 The undisclosed plan!
In addition, Chen Daojun has another important thing that he has not disclosed to the two of them.That is, the electronic product MP3, which will become popular all over the world, will be released next year.The company that developed the first MP3 product was Saehan, a subsidiary of Shunyang Group!

When Chen Daojun asked Miracle Group and Shunyang Group to discuss the acquisition of shares, he specifically told Wu Shixian to acquire more shares of Saehan Company.Chen Yongji, the vice chairman of Shunyang Group who was in charge of the negotiations at the time, didn't care that Miracle Group wanted to acquire a large amount of shares in a marginalized subsidiary like Saehan, and readily agreed.

After the advent of MP3, companies that hold a large number of song copyrights will get on this train, and their revenue will skyrocket, becoming an unexpected dark horse.Also in the next year, large-scale song copyright disputes began to occur, and the sales of traditional record companies were impacted, showing a significant decline.

Chen Daojun plans to deploy in advance this time. He not only wants to win a large number of song copyrights from the Kingdom of the Sun, but also needs to win all the song copyrights from Hong Kong, Europe and the United States. Only in this way can he make full use of the huge dividends that the advent of MP3 can bring. Swallowing everything possible, even if other people want to get a share of it in the later stage, his interests will not be lost too much!


"Then... I also want to stay in the Sun Country for a while. It is rare to come to the Sun Country. If you don't take a good look around, it will be a waste of opportunity!" Rachel thought of the many beautiful scenery and delicacies in the Sun Country that she had heard before, and couldn't help but Looking forward to it, this time is a business trip at public expense, staying here with Chen Daojun is to enjoy the vacation, and going back with "teacher" Wu Shixian, either work or work, do you have to ask how to choose?
"..." When Wu Shixian heard what Rachel said, the smile on his face suddenly froze. Since the two of them still have to enjoy themselves in the Kingdom of the Sun, he, the vice-president, wants to go back and continue working hard?It’s a bit too much to not take him with you to enjoy it!

"Ahem - I think everyone else can handle Miracle Group's daily affairs normally. It shouldn't be a problem if I go back a day or two late." Wu Shixian hesitated for a while, and finally decided to get some "benefits" for himself. , such as bathing in hot springs and killing horses and chickens in the Kingdom of the Sun, he has not experienced it yet. It would be a shame not to experience it!
Hearing Wu Shixian's words, how could Chen Daojun not understand what the other party was thinking, and then smiled and said, "Then let's stay here together for two more days! With you, the vice president of Miracle Group, I think Sun Kingdom The entertainment company and record company are very happy to meet us if given the opportunity!"

"Boss, you are really good at calculating! If I stay here, I still have to work for you!" Wu Shixian didn't expect that he wanted to stay here, and Chen Daojun also arranged a job for himself. He is really an outstanding representative of capitalists!
"Isn't President Wu a fan of Shizuka Kudo? We will visit Shizuka Kudo's agency then. President Wu should also be able to meet Shizuka Kudo herself!" Chen Daojun thought of Wu Shixian's "obsession" with Shizuka Kudo. Soon an offer came to him that he couldn't refuse.

"...Ahem, boss, I think it would be a good experience to stay here in Dongjing and visit these entertainment companies with you. Please be sure to take me with you!" Hearing that he could be with his favorite star Kudo Shizuka When we met, Wu Shixian quickly became interested and changed his previous attitude.

Rachel on the side saw Wu Shixian, who was completely different, and couldn't help laughing, "Teacher, you are so fickle!"

"You girl, you really can't speak! I'm like 'He who knows the current affairs is a wise man'!" Wu Shixian didn't take Rachel's teasing at all. As long as a man can bend and stretch, and can achieve his goals, does other people's opinions matter?Not important at all!


Since there are many countries and regions involved in collecting song copyrights in advance, Chen Daojun quickly thought of the country of Yanxia next door.After so many years of development, the former Miracle Trading Company has grown into a large group with more than ten subsidiaries (for ease of distinction, hereafter referred to as Yanxia Miracle).

Chen Daojun then contacted Li Taiyong, the person in charge of Yanxia Miracle Group, this "big border official" who hadn't seen each other for more than a year, but often contacted on the phone.

"President Li, I have something that I need you to deal with this time. I need your help to contact Yan Xiaguo, including Xiangjiang's entertainment company and record company. I need to buy all the song copyrights from them." Chen Daojun cut straight to the point speak out their demands.

But in Li Taiyong's view, it is not a small difficulty. He thought for a while and said, "Boss, there are no problems with other entertainment companies and record companies. But in Xiangjiang, the influence of our company is very small there. .The entertainment companies and record companies over there may not necessarily be willing to cooperate with us."

After hearing this, Chen Daojun thought for a while and then replied, "Then I will go to Xiangjiang in person next week. I will take care of the entertainment company and record company there, and I will leave the rest to you!"

"Okay, no problem!" Li Taiyong heard that Chen Daojun took the initiative to pick out the difficult "Xiangjiang" to handle it himself. Naturally, Li Taiyong would not object. With the current influence of Yanxia Miracle Group, domestic entertainment companies, record companies The company is naturally eager to cooperate with them.If the other party is satisfied, maybe they can get an investment, endorsement, commercial performance, etc. from Yanxia Miracle Group, which can make them a "full meal" for small companies like these!


After the business was finished, the two chatted for a while. Li Taiyong gave a brief report to Chen Daojun on the recent development of Yanxia Miracle Group. The business of most of the subsidiaries was relatively smooth, but not long ago, Chen Daojun proposed to do business in the bustling city. There have been some problems with opening large-scale Internet cafes and establishing Internet companies in cities.

Since the view of Internet cafes in Yanxia is still based on the impression of video game arcades, it is not easy to apply for and obtain a license. As for the field of the Internet, there are no top talents in this industry in Yanxia, ​​and it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. ah!
"If it's difficult to obtain a license, then change the name, for example, to an Internet coffee shop, which sells coffee and provides computer Internet access services..." Chen Daojun thought for a while, and quickly came up with an idea, "As for Talents in the Internet field, why don’t you go to Pengcheng or Xiangjiang in Guangdong Province to look for them? They have contacted foreign countries for consultation earlier, and there should be many talents in related industries! If it is not possible, I will Then I will draw some from the Bangzi Kingdom to support you!"

(End of this chapter)

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