The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 162 The Invitation of Matsuura Katsuto

Chapter 162 The Invitation of Matsuura Katsuto

Chen Daojun's words are indeed heartbreaking, but is it not true?In the end, they agreed to Chen Daojun's proposal to buy the singer's copyright.

Then the two sides conducted a detailed analysis and pricing on the strength and quotation of each singer, and this scene lasted for a long time.

Chen Daojun learned in the later chats that since the Asian financial turmoil broke out this year, although Sun Country has not been attacked by international speculators, the domestic economic situation is not optimistic. The real estate industry has been cut in half and the stock market has plummeted. The middle class with money and savings went bankrupt overnight, and many middle class who couldn't bear the cruel reality chose to jump off the building to end the painful future.

Most of the people in the Sun Kingdom also choose to tighten their belts to live. For example, buying records to support their idols in the past is also considered a "luxury" behavior by many people.Since the beginning of this year, the sales of the three major record companies have continued to decline, and they have dropped by more than 30% compared to the same period last year. If this continues, these record companies will probably follow suit!
"I run an entertainment company in Bangzi State, and I have trained a lot of trainees. I am also very interested in your record company. I want to invest in a share. I don't know what you want?" The representative was very happy. Originally, the sales volume of the company's records was sluggish, and the daily operating expenses were high. He was worried about how to increase revenue and reduce expenditure?Here it is, Chen Daojun, a "big dog", came to his door and wanted to invest in shares. It's just in time!

The representative of the record company quickly reported the situation to his superiors, and the company's president rushed over soon after. The two parties had a heated discussion about the amount and shares of investment.


In the end, Chen Daojun won a 1.8% stake in EMI Records at a price of US$7.5 million and became a shareholder of the company.Afterwards, Chen Daojun used the same recipe and the same routine to get Being Record Company and Avex Record Company. Not only did he successfully become a shareholder, but he also obtained the copyrights of many songs under these companies! (2 million US dollars won 13.7% shares of Avex, 1.6 million US dollars won 9.6% shares of being record company)
Aibex, a private enterprise established only 20 years ago, is most attentive to Chen Daojun's investment and cooperation.In the evening, the president, Katsuto Matsuura, specially held a banquet in a clubhouse to greet Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian, and also specially called the young and beautiful female singer in the company to accompany the wine.

"President Wu, thank you very much this time! Otherwise the singers in our company would have a hard time!" President Matsuura Katsuto thanked Wu Shixian and Chen Daojun.

Domestic record sales are declining, and Avex's executives are planning to enter overseas markets. If they can cooperate with Miracle Group, and after Avex has received a large amount of financial support, they can expand again and enter the Chinese market, and even the European and American markets. The future is bright!

"President Matsuura, you're being polite!" Wu Shixian said with a smile, a sexy and charming beauty is sitting on the left and right of him, pouring wine for him graciously, making him a little ecstatic!
Chen Daojun looked at the two young beauties sitting next to him, feeling a little surprised. The one on the left was the future singer Ayumi Hamasaki, and the one on the right was the future wild singer Namie Amuro. "Even my lover called to accompany me to drink? This Matsuura Katsuto is really willing!" Chen Daojun thought with some emotion. According to the original timeline, the current Ayumi Hamasaki and Matsuura Katsuto have lived together and started to grow Years of underground love.

Chen Daojun looked at Ayumi Hamasaki and Namie Amuro who were smiling in front of him, and immediately adjusted his mentality. Since he was sent to the door on his own initiative, he is not Liu Xiahui, so why should he be serious here!He directly put his arms around the slender waists of the two beauties, and said with a smile, "President Matsuura, I didn't expect the singers in the company to be really good! Are these two newcomers that the company highly recommends?"

"President Chen has a good vision! These two female singers are really good. However, the competition within the company is too fierce, and they have not received support from the company. It is a pity that the sales of the albums released in the past two years have been mediocre." Matsuura Seeing his lover Ayumi Hamasaki nestled in Chen Daojun's arms, Katsuto felt a little uncomfortable, but he was still talking and laughing happily with the other party, as if Ayumi Hamasaki had no personal relationship with him!
When Ayumi Hamasaki met him, she even chose to confess her love to him and live together with him after his divorce. Didn't he want to use his relationship as the president of Aibex to help her rise rapidly and become a new star in the Sun National Anthem world?However, three years later, her record sales are still sluggish and her popularity has not improved much.The relationship between the two people, who were busy with their careers, gradually turned cold and was on the verge of breaking up. Due to work, Katsuto Matsuura often interacted with members of the opposite sex, which made Hamasaki very dissatisfied.The dual setbacks in career and emotions also gave Hamasaki the idea of ​​​​looking for a new sponsor.

After learning that Chen Daojun and others spent "heavy sums of money" to invest in Avex, and even spent a high price to buy the overseas copyrights of many of the record company's songs, Hamasaki took the initiative to approach Matsuura Katsuto, hoping that the other party would consider it beforehand. For the sake of love, help her get acquainted with Chen Daojun.Matsuura Katsuto, who recently had a new love, has no objection to Hamasaki Ayumi's idea. After all, in the Kingdom of the Sun, they are more open to relationships. If the relationship fades, they can just break up peacefully!

And young, wealthy and handsome young men like Chen Daojun are undoubtedly very popular love partners and even marriage partners.Ayumi Hamasaki and Namie Amuro don't mind having an ambiguous relationship with Chen Daojun that goes beyond friendship.Anyway, in Sun Country, unspoken rules are often seen.Dajin with good looks and strength like Chen Daojun is mainly able to win over them, then they will get great help whether they are developing in the company or going overseas in the future!

After three rounds of drinking, everyone was already a little intoxicated by the ambiguous atmosphere at the scene.Katsuto Matsuura saw that the fire was almost ready, and then he smiled and said to Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian, "To tell you the truth, our Abex record company has long wanted to expand to overseas markets, but the shareholders of the company always use Rushing into overseas markets is full of uncertainty. If they get off to a bad start, their losses will be too great, so they might as well continue to consolidate the domestic market."

When Chen Daojun heard the words, he didn't understand what the other party meant. The president, Katsuto Matsuura, was under full control in the company, and wanted to bring in helpers to increase his voice!Chen Daojun put his arms around Ayumi Hamasaki and Namie Amuro, and said with a smile, "A capable person like President Matsuura is leading Avex, so why should we worry about it! The overseas market is much bigger than Sun Country, if It would be a pity not to try it! President Wu, do you think so too?"

(End of this chapter)

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