Chapter 163

Chen Daojun interrupted Wu Shixian who was eating beauty tofu. When Wu Shixian came back to his senses, he coughed twice and said shamelessly, "President Chen is right, we must give strong support to young talents like President Matsuura! I think These beauties in the record company are very capable. It would be such a waste not to allow them to develop overseas and expand the market! Haha!"

I heard the two say that.Katsuto Matsuura was overjoyed. Since the two sides have the same views, there will be more room for them to cooperate in the future.And according to Chen Daojun's appearance of spending money like running water without changing his face, he is sure that the worth and wealth of this young man must be extremely astonishing!
Being able to have a "big boss" with strong financial resources and the same ideas to support him in expanding the territory of the record company will definitely be even more powerful, and his right to speak in the record company will also be more important!As for those shareholders who disagree with him, just find opportunities to kick them out one after another in the future!

Several people had their own thoughts and talked happily.By the end of the drink, Matsuura Katsuto and Wu Shixian were both drunk. Although Chen Daojun was still somewhat conscious, his drunkenness surged and he soon became confused again.

When Chen Daojun regained consciousness, he was already in a strange hotel room.Chen Daojun reached out to touch his aching forehead, and suddenly touched an extremely soft "object". Chen Daojun, who was still in a daze, came back to his senses and looked to his side. There was a delicate and beautiful woman lying beside him.This stopped his thinking for several seconds, and it took him a while to react. Chen Daojun turned and looked to the other side.The result made him very surprised!Good guys, Namie Amuro and Ayumi Hamasaki are both here!Isn't this a dream?Could it be possible for me to... knock down these two women while drunk?No way!

Chen Daojun leaned on the bed and looked at the scattered clothes nearby. Many of them seemed to have been torn apart by violence, which made him more sure of his guess just now.It's just that when he was thinking, a white arm wrapped his arms around him, and then a fiery delicate body arched into his arms

At noon the next day, in the hotel restaurant.

"You two are really beautiful! I have to thank President Matsuura, otherwise I wouldn't have had the chance to get to know you."

Chen Daojun's compliments greatly benefited Hamasaki Ayumi and Amuro Namie, but when they thought about the ridiculous things last night, the two women felt ashamed.At last night's cocktail party, Chen Daojun and three others drank too much one after another, and the female singers accompanying them were no better.After Hamasaki Ayumi and Amuro Namie helped Chen Daojun back to the room, they were very tired.When Ayumi Hamasaki was lying on the bedside to rest, the drunken Chen Daojun treated him like a large pillow and hugged him tightly and refused to let go.Namie Amuro on the side saw this and wanted to save her colleague, but ended up getting herself involved.

As a responsible "mature" man, Chen Daojun gave the two women his personal phone number, and at the same time expressed his position to the two women that he could give them a sum of compensation as an apology.If they want to, they can also try to socialize.Hearing Chen Daojun's statement, the two women quickly made a decision. After all, the matter has reached this point. If they leave after taking the compensation, their loss will be too great!And in the future, Baobuqi will become the company's previous scene of accompaniment with XX in order to attract other people, so why not follow Chen Daojun, a handsome young man with rich gold!With this shareholder as a backer, the development of the two of them in the record company will be much smoother!


While the three of them were dining in the restaurant, Wu Shixian and a beautiful woman who attended the banquet last night walked slowly, but seeing the unnatural expression on Wu Shixian's face, it seemed that last night was not very "happy"!

Chen Daojun beckoned to the two of them, signaling them to come here to share a table.Seeing Wu Shixian subconsciously supporting his old waist, Chen Daojun joked with a smile, "President Wu, you overworked a bit last night! Can this waist hold up?" Chen Daojun's words made everyone present The three ladies blushed, obviously thinking of something.

Hearing Chen Daojun's ridicule, Wu Shixian suddenly felt a little uncomfortable on his face, "Ahem, I stretched my waist in the morning and accidentally strained my muscle, it's not what you thought!" "Do you think I will believe it?" So lame How could Chen Daojun believe the reason?

"Whether you believe it or not, I believe it anyway! Don't forget that there are other things to deal with today. We didn't go back to the Imperial Palace Hotel last night, and Rachel might be suspicious!" Wu Shixian quickly changed the subject, not wanting to entangled in this issue.

Mentioning Rachel, Chen Daojun's original smile froze for two seconds, and then recovered quickly.At that time, the two of them used the excuse that machismo was prevalent in the Kingdom of the Sun and most of the cocktail parties were rough guys, so they didn't take her with them.But I didn't go back all night, so there was no guarantee that this girl wouldn't ask them what they had done.No, you have to check the caliber in advance to avoid revealing the truth!
After a few people finished their meal, Chen Daojun sent Ayumi Hamasaki and Amuro Namie back to Avex Records. Before parting, Chen Daojun said to the two women, "If you encounter any trouble or miss me in the future, please feel free to contact me !" Chen Daojun made a gesture of making a phone call towards the two of them while talking.This small gesture made the two girls feel good about each other, and they said goodbye to him with a smile.


After returning to the hotel, Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian did not see Rachel in the room.After making a phone call, I found out that this girl had gone shopping in Ginza, the most prosperous commercial street in Dongjing!This made Chen Daojun and Wu Shixian breathe a sigh of relief. After all, the two of them had a guilty conscience!


The happy time passed quickly. After staying in the Sun Country for 6 days, Chen Daojun and the others got on the flight back to the Bangzi Country.

This time their trip to the Sun Country was very fruitful. Not only did they reach a cooperation with Nintendo, Chen Daojun also successfully bought shares in the three major record companies of the Sun Country, obtained a large number of copyrights of the Sun Country’s hit songs, and also won two future songs. Ji's favor made Chen Daojun very proud!
As for Bandai Company and Tsuburaya Company, although the other party rejected Chen Daojun's acquisition proposal, they did not refuse to invest in shares.Chen Daojun successfully spent 1.2 million and 9 million US dollars to obtain 18% and 22% of the shares, becoming one of the major shareholders of the company.


The Miracle Group assistant and Wu Luomin from the law firm, who had received the news earlier, were waiting at the airport for their flight.But as soon as they met, Wu Luomin told Chen Daojun that there was something wrong with the White Tiger Club. The president Ma Jiachang was attacked by someone last night and was injured, and he is currently recovering in the hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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