The youngest son of the chaebol family, Hu Mou Xianmin

Chapter 164 The White Tiger Club was attacked

Chapter 164 The White Tiger Club was attacked
"Axiba! Who on earth has the guts to attack the boss of the White Tiger Society! And what about Ma Jiachang's subordinates? What about Huang Mao?" Chen Daojun was shocked by this news. She is the underground king in the Seoul area. This f*ck can be stolen, and the boss of the family is almost killed. What kind of plane are they doing!

Wu Luomin seemed to have anticipated Chen Daojun's fury, and then explained that Huang Mao and the others had also been seriously injured. They were attacked in the clubhouse when they were about to go home after finishing their talks.There were more than 30 people on the other side, and they were caught off guard and almost succeeded by the other party.Fortunately, Huang Mao and the others blocked ten with one and dragged them abruptly until the nearby community members came to rescue them. "

"...Go to the hospital to see them first." Chen Daojun felt very aggrieved. Mader formed the club in the first place to prevent such things from happening. Unexpectedly, the first person to be attacked by someone was actually the boss of his club. , he has a saying that MMP can't spit it out!
"Okay, boss!" Seeing Chen Daojun speak, Wu Luomin didn't waste any time and led Chen Daojun away directly. Seeing Chen Daojun leave in a hurry, Rachel looked a little solemn, and then asked worriedly, "The boss's face is so ugly, can something happen?"

"Don't worry, even if you really run into trouble, the boss can handle it easily with his ability. But you, you bought so many things, if you don't ask others to help, can you carry them?" Wu Shixian comforted, but later As soon as the half sentence was uttered, Rachel's mood was not calm in an instant, and she kept complaining in her heart, "Why did she buy so many things? It's only two suitcases! This is slander, definitely slander!"


After arriving at the hospital, under the leadership of Wu Luomin, Chen Daojun met Ma Jiachang and several of his confidantes who were lying on the hospital bed.These guys are all bandaged, wearing hospital gowns, and their faces are a little pale.Seeing Chen Daojun's arrival, Ma Jiachang struggled to get up, but bursts of severe pain came from his bandaged abdomen, which made him gasp in pain.

"Okay, don't move if everyone is injured. Have you seen the doctor? Are there any serious problems?" Chen Daojun asked with concern.

"...There is nothing wrong with us, except Huzi and Cheetah are seriously injured." Ma Jiachang said sadly, four of his confidant thugs were slightly injured and two were seriously injured. If it weren't for these brothers They are desperately protecting each other, he still has a little skill, I'm afraid he will really fall down!

"Where are those attacking guys? Have you caught them all? Where did they come from? How dare they attack the boss of the White Tiger Club?" Chen Daojun's tone was a bit dignified.Don't make the other party die, write his name Chen Daojun upside down!

"I caught more than a dozen, and some ran away when they saw something bad." Wu Luomin explained from the side, "Those guys have been severely taught by other members of the White Tiger Club, and they have been asked about their details. It belongs to the Seven Star Club and New World. It is said that the boss of their club has received a high reward and wants to attack the boss of our White Tiger Club!" A younger brother stood by and explained to everyone.

"...Damn it, the bastards from the Seven Star Club and the New World have eaten the guts of leopards, and dare to attack our boss. Are they drifting or crazy?" Spray, the other party's sneak attack was too accurate, just when they left the clubhouse and went to the parking lot outside.In just a few tens of seconds, a swarm of bees rushed over.Caught off guard, the gold-medal thugs of the White Tiger Club lost their lottery for a while. If it wasn't for the timely support from the members around them, I'm afraid they, including the boss Ma Jiachang, would really be wiped out by others!

"Don't worry! Now that things have happened, you should figure out what to do next?" Chen Daojun was acting extremely calm at the moment. Now that he knows where these sneak attack guys come from, it will be easy to deal with it, but this happened He was very curious about the matter. What was the attitude of the local public security bureau?

"Have people from the Seoul Public Security Bureau come?" Chen Daojun asked the person next to Chaozhen.

"Come here, they made a record, and they wanted to take away the bastards we caught. At that time, the boss and the others were seriously injured. We didn't dare to make decisions on our own, and detained them all! People from the Public Security Bureau saw us He refused to let people go, but asked us not to kill anyone, so he left!" said the leader of the club on the side.

"... These guys are really..." Chen Daojun was a little speechless. The slogan of the Public Security Bureau two years ago was so loud that it cracked down on crime. What happened?If something really happened, Shan Shan came and didn't say anything, and didn't say a word about serious things, just came and left, just kidding?
"Since they have said so, as long as no one is killed. Then we will call everyone together today and bring the Seven Star Club and the New World together!" A stern look flashed across Chen Daojun's handsome face, Originally, the well water did not interfere with the river water between the several associations, but this time, the two associations actually engaged in a sneak attack, and they almost succeeded!If he doesn't fight back and fight back, force him to find out the mastermind behind the scenes, and seek justice for these brothers under him, then it will be difficult for him, the boss behind the scenes, to lead the team in the future

Wu Luomin on the side asked a little bit, "Boss,...would this make the matter too big? The White Tiger Society now has more than 2000 people. If they all come out, the Public Security Bureau will probably intervene, right? "

Looking at the nervous Wu Luomin, Chen Daojun patted him on the shoulder and said, "Lawyer Wu, the rules of the association are different from the legal system you are familiar with. They believe in strength more. Whoever has the bigger fist will follow the rules! What if? This time the White Tiger Society has swallowed its anger, and the society's hearts have been shattered! As for those cowards in the Public Security Bureau? They will just wait until the matter is over and come over to deal with the aftermath!"

When Wu Luomin heard what Chen Daojun said, he no longer stopped him. He just hoped that this counterattack wouldn't cause any big trouble~!


Following Chen Daojun's order, the remaining high-level personnel of the White Tiger Club quickly informed them. In less than an hour, all members of the White Tiger Club gathered from all directions, and soon a large number of people filled the open space of the private club where the White Tiger Club was located. Surrounded by water.

In order to ensure the smooth completion of this operation, Chen Daojun directly asked the elite bodyguards of the soon-to-be-established security department to participate in this operation.In order to train these elite bodyguards, Chen Daojun also spent a lot of money to purchase a large amount of professional equipment from the beautiful country, such as body armor, electric baton, baton and five customized air guns.

(End of this chapter)

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